PC 76-245;~ _ . ~ ~ I i RESOLUTION N0. PC76-245 A P,ESOLUTI~~! OF 7H[ ANAHEIM CITY RLANtlING COMMISSI~~7 THAT PETITI0~1 FOR RECLASSIFICAT~QN N0. 76-77-2F+ BE APPRqVED. IJHEREAS, the Anahr:im ~:~ty Planning Commisslon did initiate a verified Petition for Reclassirlcation on certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County af Orange, St~te of Californla described as: Thu Mnr.l•h ha1C of t.h~ Southeist quarter of. Section.7, C~ow~shi~ $ :;c;u1l~, k,,n<~c 10 Wcsl:, in t_hc Rancl~o i,os Coyotes,/asnsf5own ~n°a mapn~~' r~:cr,rciec7 i.n Iirx>k 51 ,~,ayc %, et sc~y. , Mi.secl.lanec~us Mans, records of: Or;inc~c t:r,unt y, ~~~~.'-f~~-~r~~1 t.hr.rrfrom L•he I;ast ha]£ of the Southea~l- quarter of the Nc~rlhe,isC cau~irtar ~~I' the 5outheast yuarL•er, and Lhe P:ast half of the NurLhc~a_;t: yu.irCer uC L•hc~ Nc~rrheasL- yuart:er oL the Southeast quarter ~~t `;rer.li~,n 7, 'lhwnship 9 5outh, Ranye 10 West. A].so ez<.eptiny the t•:ast 590 feet of the North 365.40 feet oF the N~~rth~~.~sC quartcr ot the Southeast quartcr of said SecL•ion 7, meas~iriny from cenCerlines of Crescent Avenue and Brookhur.st Avenue as s~hoam in Counl•.y Surveyor's Transit Book 114, page 28, on fil~ Or.tot~er, ].958 in the off.ice of the County 5urveyor oE said Grange Counl•y. Alsr~ r~icr~~,tin~~ thal: portion of. 7'ract Nq. ].633 recorded in Book 47, f~%~~1~: ~(l, ~4iscc.ll~.ineous Ma~,s, r.ecorcls ot said Oranye County, that 1~~~:: wit:hin t.lic NurLh ha]f of Lhr. SouLheasl• yuartcr. of Sect•ion 7, 'Pr~wn:;hip 4 :;uuth, kanc~c I.Q WesL•. WNEREAS, the City Planning Commfssion dld hold a public hearino at the City Half in the City of Anaheim on Novmeher 2?., 197F,, at 1:3n p,m., notice of said puhlic hearing having been duly 91ven as requlred by laor and in accordance with the provlsions of the Anahetm Municipai C~~de, Chapter 1P,.~3, to hear and consider evidence for and agatnst salrl prop~sed reclasslflcation and to investigate and make ffndings and recommendations lr, connection therewith; and . WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspectton, Investiqation and sturly made by Itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine L•he following facYs: 1. 7hat the Anahelm ~Ity Planning Commisslon proposes a reclassification o'F zoninc~ on thc above-described property from the RS-A-43,nnp (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL) ZOPlE to the PS', (PUBLIC RECREl1TION) ZONE, 7., Tha[ the Anaheim f,encral Plan designates the suF,.ject ptoperty for water ~onservation an<1 rarks ancl rt;creatfon uses. 3. That thr, proposes reclassifiaation of s~n~ect property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of the: communlty. 4. That the proposed reclassification of sub,ject i?roperty does properly relate to the zones and thr.ir permltted uses locally estahlished ln cl~se proximity to sub,ject property and to Lhe >.ones and thEir permitted uses gene~ally established throughout the community. 5. That ~o one indicated their presence at said public hearing ; opposltlon; and that no correspo~dence ares received in opposition to suhject petition. EtiVIRO~IMENTAL It1PACT REP~RT FIPIDINr; 7hat the Anaheim Clty Planning Commisslon ~loes hereby rec~mmend to.the City Councfl of the City cf Anaheim that a negatlve cfeclaration from the reyuirement to prepare a~n environmental tmpact report be approveri for the subJect pro)ect, pursuant to the provislons of the f,alifprnia Environmental Ouallty Act. 17qW, TIfF.REFORF., BF IT RFS~I.VFD ~nat the llnaheim Clty Planning Commission does herr.by recommend to the CfYy Gounc'1 ~f Che City of Anaheim th~t subiect Pe[itinn for Reclassificatl~n he approvr.rl and, by .~ doinq, that Tttle i~-7.oning of RESOLUTION M0. ?C76-245 ~ a! • the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above-described property from the RS-r1-43~000 (RESIDE~lTIAL/AGRICULTURAl.) ZONE and to incorporate said described property Into the PR (PUBLIC RECREATION) 20NE. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 22nd day of November~ 1976. ~.~~.P~ v ~~.~ CHA M N R~O~ ENPORE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: s €'~d ~"`~ ~ N M C L NIJ N~(~1M 0 STATE 0~ CALIFOR~IIA ) COUNTY QF ORANGE )ss. CITY Of ANAHEIM ) ' • f~ Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary ef the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon, do fiereby certtfy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim ~Pty Planning Commission, held on November 22, 1976, at 1:30 p.m,, by the following vote of the members thereo,": • AYES: COMM15510NERS: BARNES~ FARi;NO~ ~1ERBST~ i:lWG, MORLEY, 70LAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: CQMMISSIONERS: JOHNSON IF! WITNESS WHEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand thts 22nd day of November 1976. • SECRE ARY, ANAHEIM CIT LANNIMG COMMISSION -2- . RESOI.UTION N0, PC76-245