PC 76-249~ ~ RESOLUTION N0, PC76-249 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEiM CtTY P~ANNIN~ COMMISSIb~I THAT PFTI?IUN FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMiT N0. 1667 BE DENIED. WHEREAS, the Anaheim ~ity Planning Commisslon did receive a verified Petition fnr Conditlonal Use Permit from CROCKER NA1'IONAL BANK, ih75 f.alifornia Street, San Francisco, Califor.~ta 94109 (Owner) o~ cer'tain real property sttuated in the City of Anaheim, County of Urange, State of Cajifornia d~scrihed as: LOT 10~ THE NEST 35 FEET OF L07 9 ANa TNE EAST 1(] FEET OF LOTS 11 AND 12, ALL IN BLOCY. "ES~~ OF LANf;ENHFRr,ER TRACT, IN Ti1E CITY OF ANAtiE1M, COUNTY OF ORANr,E~ STA7E OF CALIFORNIA~ AS PER MAP RECbRDED EN BOOK 1~ PAGES 55~ AND 551, MiSCELLANEOUS RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES CQUNTY~ CALIf'ORNIA. WHEREASy the City Plannino Comm(ssion did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the Citv of Anaheim on November 22, 1~76, at 1:30 p,m,, notice o'F said publir. hearing having been duly given as req~ired by law aiiJ in accordance wiCh the provisions of the Anaheian N,uniclpal Code, Chapt^_r 18,R3, to hear and consider eviaen~e for and against sald proposed conditlonal use and ta investigaxe and make findings and re_~mnendations in connectinn therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspectlon, investTgation and study made by itself aisd In lts behalf, and after due consideratlon of all evidence and reports affered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. 7hat tha praposed use ts properly one for which a condttla~iel use permit Is authorized bq Co~e Sectlon 19,45.050,130, to wit: permlt a church meet~~G hall in Che C~ (COMMERCIAi., GENERAL) ZONE, with walver of: SECTION i8.06,060.Q265 - Minimum number of arklnq s aces. 13 spaces requ red; 1 spaces proposed) 2. That the proposed use and waiver are hereby denied on the 5asis that, although the subJect property was prevlously occupied for ~ church facitity~ said use was on a temporary basis oniy; that, additionally, the previous church use of the property creaYcd criticai parkTng and trafflc problens and other de*.rimental conditlr~~s ln the nearby residential nelghborhood; and, therefiore~ furkher use of the property for church activitles )s deemed Ir,appropriate. 3. That the proposed use will adverseiy affect the adJolning land uses and the growth and deveiopm2nt of the area in which it is proposed to be located, 4. That ?he size and shape of the slte proposed for the use is r.ot adequate to allow the full developmcnt of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particutar area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Cltlzens of the Clty of Anaheim. 5. That the granting of the Conditlonal Use Permit will be detrimental to the peace~ healtn, safety and general we?S'are of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim, f,. That no one indicated theTr presence at sald publlc hearing 1r~ opposltton; liowever, one letter was received Tn opp~sltion to the suhJect petttion, ' ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REFORT FINDING: That the Director of the Piar~ning Department has determined that the proposed actlvity falls wiYhin the definiti~n of Section 3.01, Class 1~ of:the CTty of Anaheim Guidelines to the Requirements for an Environmental Impact Report and is, therefore~ categortcally exempt from the requirement to file an EIR. ' NQW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESQLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon docs hereby deny subJect Petition for Conditlonal Use Permlt on the basis of the aPorementloned findings, RESOLUTION N~. PC76-249 ~ ~ ~ ?NE FOREGUIRf, RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me Lhis 22nd day of November, /976, CH I MA PRO TEMPOR ~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMtSS10N AT7EST: ~ • SEC E AR , AN HE~ CITY L NNIMG OMMISSIQN STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) . COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY OF ANAHEIN ) I, Patricta B. Scanlan, Secretary of the Anaheim City Pla~ning Commission~ do hereby certlfy that the foregoing resolutTon was passed and adopted at a meeting '~f the Anahelm Lity Planning Commisslon, field on November 22, 197h~ at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ fARANO~ HERBST~ KING, HORLEY~ TOLAR NOES: COMMlSSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: . JOHNSON IN WITNESS WHEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand this 22nd day of Novemher 1976. . ~ ~ ,~ ~~~ 5E'RE AR , ANANEIM CI PLAi~NING COMMISStvN -2- . RES6~UTION N0. PC76-249