PC 76-253~ ~ RESOLUTI(1N N0, PC76-253 A RESOLUTI~PI OF THE ANANEIM CITY PLANNIN~ COMMISSIOPI THAT PETITION FOR VARIAtJCF. ~IO. 2572 BE ~RA~lTED. WHEREAS, the An~heim City Planning ":~nmission did receive a verifted Petition for Variance from LA VETA DOMItI~, c/o OIRA CHANDLER, hQ~ S. Ilarbor Boulevard, Anaheim, Callfornia g2305 '(Owners); W. EARL f.Af;R, JR., 16SQ 5. Harhor Boulevard, Anaheim, Californta 92802 (Agent) of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, ~tate of California described as: ~XHIBIT n~u • The North 70.00 f~et of that portion of Lot 20 of Anaheim rx- tension, in the 'City of Anali~im, County of Orange, State of California, 'as sho~an cn a nap of survey made by ~Villiam Ilamel and £iled in tiie Office of the County Recorder of Los ]ingnles County, California, a copy of tvhich is shown in Boolc 3, Page 163, et seq., entitled "Los Anqeles County Maps" in the Cffice of the County ltecorder of said Orange County, described as follor~s : IIegiiining at a point on the South line of said Lot, Soutli 85° 96' 30" W~:st 311.96 feet from tlie Southeast corner of said Lot, said point being the intersection of the North line of 60.00 foot road, known as Ball Road, and tl~e center line of Ilarbor IIoulevard, as said Bouievard was surveysd and improvea in 1930J tlience South 89° •46' 30" West 159.3G feet along tlie 5outh line cf said Lo~ to the Southeast corner of the land clescribed in the Deed to Juanita V. L. ~liiers, recorded December 1~, 1939 in. Book 1025, Page 114 of Official Records; thence Norfherly along the ~ast Iine of said la~d of ~hlers to tl~e North line, or its Westerly prolo~igation, of the most Southerl;~ 1,U0 acre parcel marked "f]omer C. Guttridge" on a map filed in IIoolc lU, l~ac~e 38 of Record of Surveys, in tlie office of the County Recorder of said Orange County; thence I~orth 89° 96' 30" ~ast along said North line and the ~astarly prolongation t}iereof to the center line of said Ilarbor IIoulevard; thence South 11° 07' 30" ~4est to the point of beginning; I'or tlie purpose of this descriptian, the Lot lines of Lot 26 are assumed to be the side lines c~f a A9.5U foot street, lcnowri as Palm Street,~and of a 60.00 fa~t road, known as IIall Road. P:{IIIIII'i' "II" '1'liat ~~ortion of Lot 2P, of "Anaheim ~xtens,ion," as shown on a ma~~ tt~ereuf made by (•nn. llamal and fil~c7 for rt~cord in tha rtecorder's OL•L•ice of Los AncJalrs County, Caliiornia, D°cemb~:s 11, 1tiG0, mora" particularly described as follows: II~ginning at a point in tlie Soutli line of said Lot 2fl, 392.5G .f.~°_t Soutli 89° 4G' 30" T•I~st trom thr South~~asY. corner of s~icl Lot ?.3; said point l~c:ing on tlic ldorth lin~> of a GU.00 foot ruacl l:nown ~s rall Itoad and 3(1.60 feet Sauth 39° hG' 3(l" ~9~st ~r~m tli•~ c~nt~~r lin~ of 1larUor l.:c~ulevarcl, ~s s~id 1loulevar4 was surv~yr•d au~ im~~s:ov~d in 193U, and running from said point oi beginuing South 89° 4•6' 30" t•]~:str along tlie Soutl~ line of said :,ot 7.3, .12II.76 f~el•; tl~Mnc~ IJorlh 16° 56' 30" Flest 2n3.1U i~~et to tlie true point of b~aginning; tlience continuing Idorth lti° 56' 30" T•7est 16U.23; the>nce Tlorth E19° 9G' 30" 13ast 352.91 fe°t to th~ centerlin~ of saicl llarbar 1loule~vard; tiieiice.along sai~] centerlinp, South 11° 07' 30" I•~r.s1: 156.51 f•~•~{:~ tiience Soutii ti9° 9G' 30° T9est 27G.02 £°et to tha tr~i~ point of- beqinning.' r~otf_: ror tlie puroos~ of tiiis description the lot lines of I~ot 2fi arc assum~d to be the. sicle lines of a 49.50 foot street l;no~on as Palm SY.r~et anci ~h~ side lines of a G0.00 foot road known as Dall Itoac3. RFSnLUTInN tr~. P~76-?r3 ~ ~ WHFREAS, the City Planning Commission did schedule a public hearinc~ at the City Hall in the City ef Anaheim r,n Plovemb~r 8, 1~7f~ at 1:3~ P.m „ notice of said public hearing having been duly glven as requlred by laia•and in accordance wizh the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear an~1 consider evidence for and against said prop~se~l variance and to tnvestigate anci make findings and recommendations ir connection thereo-~ith; said public hearing having been continued to the Planning Commission meeting of December 6, 197h~ and WHEREAS, said Commtssion, after due inspection, investi9atton and study made by itself and in its behaif, and after due consideratfon of all evidence and reports offered 'at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1, That the pettttoner proposes the following walvers from the Anaheim Munic(pal Code, to construct a 7n-unit motel: a. SECTION 18.0~E.045.~1Y~ ~ Mlnimum structural setbael:. ~35 feet required; ?.~ eet proposed b. SECTION 18.01~,045,011 - Minimum landscaping. (35 feet renulred; 29 eet proposed) c, SECTfON 1$,OL•.06Q.02ti3 ~M~nimum numher of arkirq spaces. ~(7 spaces required; ~3 spaces proposed) 2. That Welvers 1-a and 1-h, above-mentloned,, are hereby grante.d on the basis that a hardship would be created if said waivers were not granted, due to the size and shape of the subJect property. 3. That 1•laIver 1-c, ahove-mentioned, Is herehy granted on the basis that the Plannin,y Commisslon has granted slmilar ~aaivers in the past for motels in the Commercial-Recreation Area, reco,nizing that a certain percentage of the visitors to said area arrlve by a transportatlon mode other than prlvate automohile. ' 4, That revised plans suere submitted lndicating a reduction of units originelly proposed from CS units to 7(~ units, with no decrease fn proposed parkfnc~. 5, That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the fntended use of Che property that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity an~1 zone. 6. That the reques[ed varlance ls necessary for the preservatlon and enjoyment of a substantlal property right possessed by other praperty in the same vicinlty and zone, and denied to the praperty ln question. 7, That the requested varlance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or tnjurfous to the property or improvements in such vicinlty and zone in which the property is located. 8, That no one indicated thetr presence at said public hearing tn oppositlon; and that no corresponclence was received in oppositiun to suh)ect petition, ENVIRONMF.NTAL IFIPACT REP~RT FIt~DING: Th~t the Anaheim City Planntnq Commission does hereby recomme~d to the City Council of the City of Anahelm that a negatlve declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental Impact report be approved for the suhJect proJect, pursuant to the provlsions of the Callfornfa Environmental Quallty Act. PlOIJ, THEREtORE~ BE (T RESQLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subJect Petitlon for Variance, uron the following conditlons o+hich are hereby found to be a necessary ~rerequisite to the propased use of the suhJect property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare cf the f,(tizens hf the Clty of An~heim: 1, That sidewalks shall be Installed along Harhor Roulevarcl as required h,y the C(ty Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specificatlons on file in the Offlce of the City Enginee~. 2. That street lighting facilitles along Harhor Boulevard shall be ~nstalted as required by the Director of Public Utilfties, and in accordence o~ith standard speclfications on file in the Office of the Directer of Puhlic llr.ilitles; or that a bond, certificate of cfeposit, letter of credit, or cash, in ~n amount ~nd form .Z_ RESOLtITION N0, PC7f-253 ~ ~ satisfact~ry to the City of Anahelm shall be posted with the City to guaran:ee the installation of the above-mentioned re~uirements. 3. That the owner(s) c+f subJect property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of sixty cents (60C) per front foot along Harbor Boulevard for tree planting purposes. ' q, That trash storage areas.shall be provided in accorciance with approved plans on fite with the Offtce of the Director of Puhlic Works. 5, That fire hydrants shall be installed and char~ed as required and determined to bP necessary by the Chief af the Fire Department prior to commencement of structural framfng. • , 6. That subJect property shall be served by underground utiltties. 7, That dralnage of subJect property shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the Lity Engineer. ' i!. That appropriate water assessment fees as determined by the Director of Public Utiltties shall be paid to the f.ity of Anan..im pric.r to the issuance of a butlding permit. 9, That subJect property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Revision No. t of Exhibit No. 1, and Exhtbit Nos. 2 and 3; provided, hooiever, that kttchen efficiency units a~ith a maximum of 6-cuhic foot refrigerators, two-burner stoves, excluding oven and baking facilitles, and single compartment sinks may be installed, except that the manager's unit will he allowed to have Full kttchen facilities. 10. That Condition Nos. 2 and 3, above-mentloned, shalt be complted with prior to the commentement of the actlvity authoriied under this~resolutlon, or prinr to the time that the buildin9 permft is issued, or aiithin a period of one year from date hereof~ ~ahichever occurs first, or such further time as the "~snning Commission or City Council may yrant. 11. That Condttion Nos. 1, 4, 6, 7, and 9, ahove-mentioned~ shall be compll'ed with prior to ftnal butlding and zoniny inspectlons. December, ATTEST: 4~~i~.~cJ ~x5'Z'2n-~Ct'.c'~ SECRE A, AHANEIM CIT LANMING COMMISSiON STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COU~~TY OF ORANf,E )ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Patrici~a B. Scanlan, Secretary of the Anah!~im City Ptanning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutior. was passed a~d adopted at a meetincl of the Anaheim Cit~~ Planning Commission, held on December 6, 1.!~76, at 1:3~ p.m., by the following vote oi' the members thereof: AYF.S: C011MISSIQNERS: BARNES, FARAHO~ HERBST, KINf,, MORLEY, TOLAR, JOHNSON NOES: COHMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENTt C0~1F11SSIONERS: NONE 1976. TIIE FOREG~~MG RESOLUTIpN is signed and approved me this (~th day of 19i6. '~/~"~ f,HAIRMAPI ANANEIt i Y PLANMIMG C011HISSIQ~t ItJ WITNESS WtiEREUF, I heve hereunto set my hand thls 6th day of 'Jecemb~r, -~-~w;~~,e SECRETARY, AMAHEIM CITY PLANMIN~ COMMISSIO~~ -3- RESOLUTION N0, PC7'~-253