PC 76-255~ ~ RESOLUTIOfJ PIO. PC76-255 A RESOLUTI01~ OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUIlCIL OF TIIE CITY OF ANAHEIM TI~AT PETITIOPI POR RECLASSIFICATION ~10. 76-77-2 BE APPROVED WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verified Peti~tio~ for Reclassificatian from tne ESTATE UF ADOLPH J. SCtfUTTE, c/n Alan Talt, 615 South Flower, //806, Los Angeles, California ~0017 and ZETA VANCE EATQN AND EL12A4ET!1 JEAtJ CONLIPI, BE.P. 99~, PapeeCe, Tahiti (Owners); R06ERT F. WARMItlGTON COMPAt•IY, 'i7II80 Skypark.Circle, 1/205, Irvine, California 9z714 (Agent) of certain real property situated in the City of Anahcim, County of Oran9e, State of California, described as: That portion of Lot 10 of the I'letcher Tract, in the County of Arango, 3tato of Californiu, as per map rocorded in bool: 3, pags 32~ of Pliscsllaneouy Records, in tho offico of the County Raco~^dnr of I,os 1~r-gelna County, California, lying Westmrly of tha,following doncribod line: Bmginning at n point in the centor line ot Taf.t Avenue, 40.00 feet wide, distcxnt alon7 ~aid centar line, S. 89° 32' 37" F:.~ 17$.19 feat from tha intersection of sai3 cantar lino with the canter line o£ {4aasar Road, 40.00 font wido, ~a said center lines nre cloacribod in deed recorcled in baok 852, pago 82 of Ufficial P.ecords in tho affico of the Count•y Rncorder of said County and shown on map attached tliereto, aaid cantc~r line of Taft Avouue also being tha Southorly lino a~ said Lot 10, aaid point of beginning also being the So~.~th~+~~eterly cornor of tho lanei describe3 in Parcel 3A of Final Ordar of Condrm.hation~ in Superior Court of tkio State of Cslifornia, Casc~ No. 14565A, a cortified copy of wliich wae racorded March 23, 19G7 in book 820C>, ~Sage 607, Offir_i»1 Itecords; ttionco alony tlie j~eaterly boundary of said Parcal 3A, N. 17• 00' S8" E., 109.91 faet to a tang~nt curve con~ave i•7eaterly havinq a radiua of 550.00 foet; thenca IJortherl.y along saicl curve through an anglQ o£ 52° 49' S8", an arc distt~nce of 507.1G feet to the genoral weaterly . boundary line of eaid Rancho Santiago de Santa ]1.na. EXCEPTING TFIF;IiLFROb1 the following deecribed parcel of land: 13~ginnin~ ~t the intaraection of thQ aenter 3.ines of wasaer Itoad an3 Taft Avenue as eaid c~nter lines are describecl in deQd recorded in b~ok 852, page II2 of Of£~cial Recards in tlio ofPice of tkxo County P.ecorder of ~aid County; thence: ulong the Sauthorly linc of land clescriL~od in ciaed to Lawronc¢ W. ~aton and othors rscorded in bool: 81, pa4a 497 0£ eaid Official ltucorc'!s, tJ. 89° 32' 20" W., 20.80 fQet to tho S•7aoterly line of said k'ascnr Roud; thence along suid Weaterly line, N, 16° 23' 44" E., 20.50 fuet to a tangent curvc concavo Southorly having a radius of 44.00 feet; thonce al.ong e~ici last-mentioned ciirve ~aaterly through an an91e of 17]• 56' S6" ~n arc distance of 133.6:, faet to a81cZ a~-~t~:r iine of TnL'z F.v~i~uni tiionco along said centar lino of TaEt Avonue, ta. 89° 32' 37" W., 70.47 feot to the point of bec~inning. EXCEPT THERF.PROM thut purtion included in sald Wasser Rca3 and Taft Avonue. WIiEREAS, the City Planning Commission did schedule a public hea~tng at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on November 22, t976, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed reclassification and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; said public hearing having been continued to the Planning Commission meeting of December 6, 1976; and RESOLUTION t10. PC76-255 ~ . ~ WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection~ investigaCion and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes a reclassification of zoning on the above- described property from the RS-i;-43,000 (RESIDEtITIALJAGRIGULTURAL) ZONE to the RS- 5000 (RESiDENTIAL, SINGLE-fAMILY) ZONE. 2, That the Anaheim General Plan, as amended,.designates the subject property for low-medium density residential tanc~ uses. 3, That tf~e proposed reclassification of subJect property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderiy and proper develo~ment of the community. 1t. That the proposed reclassificarion of s~bject property does proper'Jy n~.late to the zones and their permitted uses locally established in close proximity to subJect property and to the zones and thcir permitted uses generally established L•hrou9hout the community. 5. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposit3on; and that no corrospondence was received in, opposition to subject petition. EilVIP,OMt1E17TAL 111PACT REf'ORT FIh~DING: That Environmental Im~act Report~No. 178, having been considered this date by the Anaheim City Planning C~mmission and evidence, botfi written and oral, h.eving been presented to supplement said draft EIR No. 178, the Planning Commission believes tliat said draft EIR No. 178 does conform to the City and State Guidelines and the State of California Environmc•ntal Quality Act and, based upon such information, does hereby recommend to the City Council that they certify saicl EIR No. 178 is in compliance with said Environmental Quality Act; provided, however, Chat the Planning Commission does further recortmend that sa(d EIR include some consideration.for recreational sNace in the proJect, i.e., access to the riding and hiking trails in the area or park spece, etc., sald recommendation beiny made on the Uasis that the subject property was previously indicated as an industrial area on the Ceneral Plan and, through the rezoning of this pro~erty, parks and recreational far.ilities are not necessari~y available in the vicinity for use by the, residents in the proposed single-family residential pro)ect. ~ ~~OW, TI~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEp that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to '.I~e City Council of the City of Anaheim that subject Petition for Reclassification be approved and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Plunicipal Code be amended to exclude the above-described property from the RS-A-43,Q00 (RESIDEP!'fIAL/AGRICULTURAL) ZONE and to incorporate said e~escribed property into the RS-5000 (RESIDEPlTIAL, SINGLE-FAMILY) ZONE upon the foliowing conditions ~rhich are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subJect property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That a final tract map of subJect property shall be submitted to and approved by 4he City Council and then be recorded in the Office of ttie Orange County Recorder. 2. That these . reclassification proceedings are granted subJect to completion of annexation of,subject property to the City of Anaheim. 3, That the property owner(s) shall grant a minimum 30-foot wide ingress and egress easement.to the southeast portion of the parcel at the southeast corner of Ball Road and Sunkist Street, and safd easement shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney and then be recorded in the Office ef the Orange County Recorder concurrently with final tract map recordation. 4. That development of subject property shall be in accordance with Council Policy No. 542 pertaining to sound attenuation for residential developments. 5, Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property, Condition Nos. 1 and 2, above-mentioned, shall be completed. The provisions or rights granted by this resolution shall become null and void by action of the City Council unless afd conditions are complied with within one year from the date hereof, or sucli further time as the City Counctl may grant. 6. That Cond:ition No. 4, above-mentioned, shall be complied wi~th prior to fina) building and zoning inspections. _Z_ RESOLUTION N0. PC76-255 . ., . ~ ~ THE FOFEGOING RESOLUTION is signed December, 1976. or~ ATTEST: ~Q. ~I~~ ~- ~ - ' r ' ~~i ~ ~ . J SECRETARY, ANAIIEIM CITY PLAI•lNIPIG COt1MISSi0t1 STATE OF CALIFORNI.4 ) COUIITY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY Of AtVAHEIM ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the~Anaheim City Planning'Commission, do hereby certify thet the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, held on December 6, 1976, at 1:30 F•m•, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYFS: COMtNiSSIOPIERS: BAR~IES, fARANO, KING, MORLEY, TOLAR, JOHIJSON NOES: COM;IISSIONERS: NONE ABSEPIT: COP'IMISSiOWERS: H[RDST 1976. IPJ 411TPIESS WHEREOF, I have hereunYO set my hand this 6th day of December, ~~~~G%a~a~ SECRETARYy ANAIiE111 CITY PLAIJIdItJG COMMISSION _3_ RESOLUTION ~~0. Pc76-255