PC 76-35~ ~ RESOlUTIOhI PlO. PC?6-35 A RESOLUTIQPI OF TH[ APIAHEIti CITY nLAhIPlIP~G COt7'1ISSIfih~ ADOPTItIG AND RECOh1~1[i7DIllG TO Tli[ CITY ~OUtICIL OF TIIE CITY OF Ai~ANEIPI ADOPTI(~f~ OF Ai~AHEI(1 GEP~ERAL PLAf~ At~9EP~D'1EtJT P~O. 1'9. IJIIEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim did adont the Anaheir! General Pl.an by P,esolut~on t•lo. 69R-G44, shoaiin~ the general descriation and extent of land uses v~ithin the City and indicating the aresent belief of the Council as to nossible future development and i~edevelonment of land a~ythin the City; and liH[REAS, in view of the anticipated redevelonment of the ':enter Citv !1rea, the City Council ar the City r~f Anaheim directed the Planning Den'.~rtment staff to prepare an amendnent to tli~ ~nahein General Plan ~vhicF a~ould allo~+ for cnnsnlidation of commercial uses, reso7~-e conf1icting land uses, and im~rove vehicular access/circulatior~ in the ~enter City Area, beinn a ~ortion of the R~~develooeient Prcject Area .'~lpha; and idHcREAS, further, ~he Anaheim City Planning Comr~is~~on directed the Plannina Jenartnent staff to prepare an anendment to the Anaheim ~eneral Plan aihich would consider land use alterRatives for the Patt Street Areu, as requestad by~ the pro~erty o~~mers and residents of said area; ~nd l•11IEREAS, further, the City Council of the City o` Anaheam did receive a verified Petition fo~~ Reclassification PJo. 75-76-5 and, follna~ing denial of said oetition, did direct the Planning Uenartment staff to nre~are an amendr~ent to the Anaheim General Plan to consider land ~se alternatives and the resultant traffic imoacts for all or a ~ortion of the property consisting of aporsxi;^~ately 7 acres located at the southeast corner of Lincoln Avenue and Gilbert Street; and ~JIIEP,EAS, further, the City Cour9cil of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition fior Reclassification Plo. 75-76-2 for nronerL!f consisting of approxinately 19 acres located at the northeast corner ofImperial}~i~h~vaY and La Palna Avenue and did direct the Planning Department starf to prepare an anendmeni to the Anaheim General Plan tn clarify land use nolicy in the vicinity of said nrooerty, said vicinity involvina aporoximately 420 ar,res of land extendinq fro~ the nronosed aiignment of 4Jeir Canyon Zoad to aanrox~,nately 600 feet a~esLerly of Im~eri~l Hi~hway and ~•:hich is generally bounded by ~~`angethorne Avenue/[s~eranza Road on the north and ~he Santa Ana River on the south, and beinq a aortion of the ado~ted Redevelooment Hroject Area Alpha; and 41HEREAS, the Flanning Denartment deemed it ap~rooriate, nursuant to the orovisions oF tlie Cal~fornia Environmental Quality Act, to nrenare Environmental Ir~~act F;eDOrt "lo. lfia in conrection aiith a Generai Plan Amendment for the foreqoing four areas under consideration; anci . l•1HEREAS, the llnahein City Planning Commission did hold a rnihlic hearinn in the Frenont Junior I~igh School Auditorium at G08 lJest Lincoln Avenue in the City of anaheim, on February 2h, 197f, at 7:3n p.m., notice of said public hearinq having been duly 9iven as required by lavi and in accordance with the orovisinns of the Anaheim ^tunicipal Code:, to hear and consider eviGence for and aqainst the foreqoinn four areas fur an amendrient to the Anaheim General Plan and E~vironmental Impact lte~ort iJo. 168 in ccmjunction therewith, and to make `indinns anrl r?conmendations tViereon; and l•1fIEREAS, said (:orimission, arter due insoection, investigation and study made by itself and in its belialf, and after due consideration n` all evidence and re~~orts offered at said hearing., DOES f1EREQY FIiID: 1. That evidence tvas nresented at saicl public ~iearinn ~~~hich substantiates the need for an amendment to the AnaheSm General Plan to reflect changes in the land use and circulation elements relating to the four areas hereinbefore clescribed. ' Z, That Exhibit "A" in connection ~•~ith Area I- Center City is apnropriate. said exhibit shoti~~inq a land use and circulation alternative that would accommodate the Redevelonment Conceot Plan. ;. That Exhibit "A" in connection ~~iith Ar2a II - Patt Street is appropriate since it desinnates mediun-density residential uses as RESOLUTIOt! I~O. PC76-35 ~ ~ requ~sted bu the majoritv of the residents and prooerty owners in said area and is consistent ~vith cxisting land uses. A. That Exhibit °A" in connection with Are~ 1'!I - Lincoln Avenue/Gilbert Street is appronriate And desi~nates the area for overall comnercial land uses, said a1~ternate renresenting the most cemaatible land cse to all of the surroundin~ ]and uses. 5. That Exhibit "fi" in connection with Area IV - La Pal~a Avenue/Imnerial High~~iay is apnronriate, as ino~iified to eliminate an~ s~r~nerty ~vesterl,y of Inperial Iliqh~•ia,y, since the sou~herl,y 11-acre nortion of the 1~-acre arGel covered under Reclassification Plo. 75-76-?. is considered appropriate for commercial develooment and the norther~y "-acre oortion is considered aporopriate for medium-density resident~i+l develonment; and, further, the remainin~ arreaqe irclu~ed in Area IU is beinn considered in this Anendment for the purnose of brinn~n~ the Anaheim General Plan up-to-date with existinq develo~ment on the oronerty. tJOt•!, 711EREFORE, PE TT RESOLVED that Environmental Imoact Report I~lo. lfi•°,, having been considered if~is date by the Anaheim City Flanning Cor,imission and evidence, both ~iritten and oral, havin2 been presented to sun~lement s~,id draft EIR No. 163, the Pl~nnin9 Cornission believes that said dr~rt EI~ t~o. 158 does confcrm to the City and State Guidelines and the State of California Environmental QualitY Act and, based upon such infornation, does hereby recommend to the Citv Council that t1i?y certify said EIR No. 16;3 is in compliance with said Environmental 4'~~ality Act. EE IT FUR?~IER RESOLVEJ that, oursuant to the foreqoin~ findinns, the An~heim City Planning Connission does adopt and recommend to the City Council of the Citv of Anaheim adootion of General Plan An°ndment No. 139 and, snec~fically, that Exhibit "A" be adopted for Area I- Center Cit~~, that Exhibit ".A" be adonted for Areh II - Patt Street, that Exhibit "A" be adonted for Area III - Lincoln Avenue/Gilbert Street, and that Exhibit "a", as modified to elinirate any ~ropertY westerlY o` Imperial Higharay, be adoot~d for Area IV - La Palma AvenueJimperial Hinht~ray, said Exhibits being on file ir the Offic:e o~ the Planninq Denartment. THE FOP,EGOIiI~ RESOLUTIOt! is signed and annroved by me this ?.~th day af February, 1976. l ." /G~L~R~n~J CH (!, N I;E P iIN tl~ ,~ ~ S.! ATTEST: ~~~~~./ ~ ~~~~~~cJ SE' 'CRE~ T'NfZY, A~~All~f1 CITY PL ilflIrlS CO'ViISSIUtI STATE OF CALIFOItflIA ) COUNTY OF OI;AIJGE )ss. CITY OF AP~AHEIt9 ) I, Patricia B. Scanlai~, Secretary o` the City Planninq Commission of the Cit.y of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoinq resolution t~~as oassed and adopted at a meetin9 of the City Planninn Conmission of the City or Anaheir~, held on February 2a, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., by the follo~~~in!1 vnte o` the members thereof: AYES: C014~tISSIOtlERS: DAR?IES, NERf3ST, I:IfIG, tAORL[Y, TOLAft NOES: COPiP1ISSI0flERS: r'ARAt10 AGSEi~T: CO'1t•1ISSIOhJERS: JOH'rJSO(I IN l•IIThJESS iJl!EREOF, I have hereunto set ny hand this 7nth day of Februarv, 1976. ~~.G«aJ ~Y~~=~~ S E;. , i'I NE (li! f.~ ~ ~ _2_ RESOLUTIOP! PIO. PC7h-35