PC 76-4~4 ~ ~ RESOLUTIOt~.NO. PG7G-4 A RESOLUTI0~1 Of THf CITY PLANNIP7G COt1'4ISSIO~J QF TNE CISY OF AiIAHE:H T{iAT PETI71q1~ FOR CONDITIOfiAt USE PERt1IT ~~0. 1591 CsE GRAq7Ea. l~lf1EREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Ana!„eim did receive a verifie9 Petition for Conditional Use Permit fror~ JACY, E. RILEY, 91? E. Pacifico Avznue, Anaheim, C~~'iifornia 92305 (Owner) of certain real property situated in the City of Anahe~^; County of Orange~ State of California, described as: All that ~ertain land situated in the StatP of California, County of Oranae, City of Anah~im, described as follows: Parcel l: 7he 4Jest half Af the Southwest quartEr of the P~ort"•:est quarter of the tJortheast quarter of Section 7wenty-six, Township Four South~ Ran9e Ten tJest~ in the Fancho San Juar~ Ca~nn de Santa ~na, as shovm on a man recorded in Qook 51, nage ln of 1~liscellaneous llaps, records of Orange County~ California. Exce~ting therefrom the North ?.64.Q0 fee~. Paree'i 2: The Morth 2G~, fect of the :~lest or.~-half of thP South~~~est quarter of the North~~~est quarter of the 'r~ortheast quarter of Secticn 25, in 7oa~nship 4 Sou:'~, Range 10 ';lest, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as sho~~m on a mari L'nereaf, recorded in 6ook sl, page 11~ ~tiscellaneous F?aps, records nf said Orange County. l4HEREAS, the City Fiannlr4g ~ommission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anahe~r~ on January 5,. 1976, st ]:30 ~.r~., noti.ce of said public hearing having been duly given as required hy law ~nd in accorda.nce s~+ith the provisions of the Anaheim t4unicipa1 Code, Chapter 13.03, to hear and consider evidence for and agazns~ said proposed conditional use a~nd ±o investiqate and make findings and recommendations in connection therer~ith; and ~1NEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itsClf and in its beh~lf, and after due consideration of all evidence and renorts offer~~ at said hearing, does find and de~ermine the follov+ing facts: i. That the ~:r~~,~ced wse is properly on~e for which a conditianal use nes~mit vehicle~storage in~theSl~ILt(T~IDUSTRIAL50LI~TTED) ZOtlE, ~aithrwaiverstof~r rECreational (a) SECTIOtI 1f3.61.020 - permmi~~ed uses {residentia,l trailers not (b) SECTIOiJ 1II.61.063.011 - t4lnimum front se4;back. (50 f~et required; eet ex st ng (c) SECTIOt~ ]8.61.063.~13 -'linimum landscanecf setback. (5 feet required; o eet exist ng 2. That the above-mentioned waivers are hereby nranted for a time 1ti.~itat9on of three years, subJect to review and consideration fnr an extensinn of xime upon written request from the petitione~`, said waivers being granted on the basis that the petitioner sti~ula.ted that the proposed use of the sub~eet oroperty is an interim use only, thaL the property is not ready for a nermanent use to be constructed, and that outdoor construetion equipment storane has er.isted on a portian of subject proFerty for a number of years. 3. That the proposed use wi11 not adversely affect the adioinin~l land uses and the c~rowth and development of the area in v+hich it is prapo~ed tu 6e lo•cated. 4. That tl~e size and shape of the site proposeA for the use is adequate tn allow the full development of the pro~nsed use in a nanner not detrimentat to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safeiy, and geiPral ~~relfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. RESOWTiOPJ N0. PC7G-4 ~, That t~ granting of the Ca~diti~~al U~ Perm9t under the cnnditions i~posed, if any, ~ill not be d~trimen2al to the neace, health, safety, and general welfare of th~ Citizens af the C#2y of ~nahe~i~. 6, Thati no one i~di~at?d t~eir oresence at sa~d nublic hearin9 in opposition; and no c~rrespondence w~s received in opposition to subject pe~ition. ENVIRO~~t4Ef1TAL IHPACT R~POR`( FTWDTttCv,: ~h~t the Anaheim Li~y ?'I~nnin9 Co~rrtnission does her~by re~,~nmmend to the City C~uncil of the City of Ananeim t,hat the sub,~ecE ~roject be ex~m~~ from the requirement to prepare an enviranmental impact renort~ pursuant t~ the nrovisions of the Catifornia ~nvirnnmental Qua]itv Act. WOW, TiIEREFORE, QE IT R[SOi.VED that 'th~ Ana1aeim City Alanning Cortanission d;es nereby grant s[;biect Petition fdr Cond9~tiunal UsQ Perr~it, unon the fn11o~~~inn conrii~ions which are hereby founcl to be a necesa`ary prerequ'isi~e to the nranosed use o"r the ~~~bject pronerty in order to nreserve the safety and genEral aiE7fare of tl~e '~itizens af the Ciiy of Anal~ein: 1. 7h~t the oti~+ner(s) of sub,~ect ~sroperty shall ~ieed to tl~e City of Mahein a strin of land ~15 f~~t j~t ali:tth from t~e centerlis~e ~f ' th~ street a]orin P:cificn Avenu~ inciucling i5-foot radius pro~erty line return for skreet widening purnoses. 2. That sidewalks sha]1 bE 9n4ia71ed aiong Pacifico Av~nue and Le~iis Stree~ as required by the City Engineer enEi in accordance with standard plans and snecificati~ns on file ~n the Gffice of th~ CSty En9ineer. 3. ThaL street 1Vghting facilities alonq ?aciflco Avenue and Lewis Street shai'1 be installed as r~quired by the Uirector of Pub11c Utilities and in accurdance with atandard pians and s~•~cificaiions on Fiie in the Office of the Direct~r of Public Uti'lit~ies and that a b~ i in an amaunL and form satisfa~tnry to the City of Anaheim shall ~~ nosted v~ith the City to guarantee the installaLion nf thc ahove- mentioned requ~remsnts. 4. Tftat trash stora~te areas shall be provideci 'fn ac~ardante ~•~ith aooroved plans on file a~ith tlie Office of the Director of Public l•Jor~ks. ,, That fire hydrants shall be i.nstalled and charaed as required ancl de~ermined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Denartment prio•r Lo co~anencemen~ of structural framing. G. Ihat sub~ec~ pro~arxy sha11 be s~rved by un~ergr.nund utilitiES. 7. 7hat drainage of xub3eGt proper'~y shall be dis~;osed of in a nanner satisfacbnry to the City Engfn.eer. 8. That appropriate waa~er assessme~~t fePS. as deternined by the Director o¢ Public Utilities sha11 be paid to the City o'f Anafneim nrior to the issuance of a building pe;m9t. " 9. That sub~ect property sha31 be develop~d substaritially in accordance vrSth plans a~nd specifications cn file witt~ ~he Ci~ty ~f Anaheim marE:ed Exhibit No. 1. lp. Tiiat Condition IJos. 1, 2. and 3, above-mentioned, sha11 be co!~plicd with prior to tlie corunencement of the activ~ty a~thorized under this resotution, or ~rior to the time tha~t the bui~ding p~rnit is issued, or w5th`in a period of one year ~`rom date hereof, ~•~hichever occu~rs first, or such further time as the Planning Commission and/or City Council may grant. 11. That this conditi~nal use shall be granted for a time limitation of ~hree (3) years, sub~ect to review and consideration for an exte~sion of tine by the Planning Commission and/or City Council, upon written request from the p~titioner. THE FOREGO?PIG R~SOLUTIOPI is signed and approved by me this 5th day of January, 197~. , r~~ / • Gl~et.il/' ~tT J. a~. ~il tl, ~ 5~17~~ AT'~EST: l~'l.i.z~/~ ~G/~~-.~~ SECRETA~Y, AtIfiHElt1 CITY PLAP!(1Tt~,r, C~r•1ISSI017 _Z_ RESOLUTION 1~0. PC7E-4 . ~ ' ~ ~ 5T~1TE OF CaL?QOI~NIA ) COUi~TY OF ORAt~GE )ss. CITY OF ANAHEIf1 ) I, Patricia 'B. Scan~=+n, Sscretary o; the City Planning Cortanission o` tPie City of Anahein~ do hereby certify tha't the foregoing r~solution was oassed and adopted at a meeting of ±he ~ity Planning Cortmission of the City of Anahein~ held nn January 5, 197G, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of tiie members thereof: AYES: COt1t1iS5I0q[RS: I1ARt7ES, HERBS~, JOfINSOIr, KIi~G, MORLEY, TOLAR, FAkAIlQ IJOES: COt1fSISSI01lERS: WONE AEiSEF~T: C0~1!1ISSIOtlLRS: iIOP~E iP~ IIITWESS l~ltlER[OF, I have hereunto set ry 'hand this 5:~h d:~y of January, 1"7G. ~ ' . . , , ,~ ~ td~ ~ ~Z~T?'i133T~' -3- RESOLUTIO~! tlO.PC7fi-4