PC 76-43. ~ ~
WI~EREAS, the City Planning Commission of the ~ity of Anaheim did receive a
verified Petit9on for Conditional Use Permi~t from CEtl~Tu1L PIPE & SUPPLY CO., IfdC.,
22Z E. Manville Street, Compton, California 90220 (~Jwner); PAUL D. IdILLIA~ISO(!, 194~;
W. 17th Street. Santa Ana, California 92706 (Agen+i) o~ cer~ain reai oroperty situated
in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Ca'l~ifornia described as:
That portion of Lot 3 of Orange Grove Acres, as shown on a map thereof recorded
in book 6, page 42, t4iscellaneous t•1aps, reco~rds of said Orange County, describecl
as follows:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 3, said ogint ~eing in the center
line of La Palma Avenue (40.00 feet wide); C:hence South 3 45' 29" East along
the Westerly line of said Lot 3 a diyta.~ce of 764.48 feet to a noint that is
Plorth 3° 45' 29" West 479.15 feet from the '.ieuthwest corner of said Lor 3, said
point also b2ing the Northwest corner of the land described in deed to Frederick
P. hlorley and others, recorded April 23, 1959R 8n book 46a7, page 372, Official
Records, in the office of the County Recoa•der of said Orange County; thence North
73° 49' 30" East along the Northerly line~c~f said land to Plorley, 203.56 feet to
a point in the Easterly line r,f the 4Jrsterly 2/3rds of said Lot 3, said ooint
being the PJortheast corner of said Morle~ ~and,; thence North 3° 45' 29" 41est
along said Easterly line of the tJesterly 2/3rds of Lot 3 a distance of 76n.fi1
feet to a point in said center line of La Palma Avenue, said center line bein9
the Plorth line of said Lot 3; thence South i3° 44' OQ" 4Jest 203.56 feet to the
point of beginning.
The lJest one-third of Lot 2 and the East one-third of Lot 3, both of Orange Grove
Acres, as shown on a Map recorded in book 6, page 42 of Miscellaneous t1a~s,
records of Oranae County, California.
Except that portion thereof lying Southerly of the Northerly line of the land
described in the deed to the State of California recorded hlay 4, 1964 in book
7029, page 419 of Official Records.
That portion of Lot 4 of Orange Grove Acres, as shown on a Map recorded in book
6, page 42 of Miscellan~ous hlaps, records of Orange Countv, California, lying
Easterly and Northeasterly of the follorring described line:
Beginnin9 at a point on the NortherlY line of said Lot 4, South 73~ 44' 00" 4lest
a5.29 feet from the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 4, said aoint being on the
centerline of La Palma Avenue (40.00 feet wide); thence South n3° 47' 15" East
G62.78 feet, parallel with the Easterly line of said Lot 4; thence South 4A° 47'
15" East 117.77 feet to a point on said Easterly line North 03° 47' 15" West
479.15 feet from the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 4, said ooint being the
Yorthwest corner of the land described in the deed to Frederick P. Morley and
others recorded April 28, 1959 in book 4687, page 372 o~f Official Records of said
Orange County.
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearinq at the City
Hall in the City of Anaheim on March 1, 1976, at 1:30 p.m., notice o` said oublic
hearing having been duly given as requ9red by 1aw and in accordance with the
pr~visions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider
evidence for and against said propnsed conditional use and to 9nvestigate and make
findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and
tJIiEREAS, said Corranission, after due inspection, investigation and study made
by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and renorts
offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts:
~ ~
1. 7~at the prooosed use is properly one for ~-rhich a conditional use
permit is authorized by Code Section, to wit: nermit outdoor
recreational vehicle storage in the ML (INDUSTRIAL, LIMITED) ZONE w9th uiatver df:
SECTION 18.61.020 - Permitted uses (trailer not oermit~:ed)
2~ That the above-mentioned viaiver is hereby granted on the basis that the
trailer ~iV'1 be used to house a security guard for the pro~osed outdoor recreational
vehicle storage park and such a guard is necessary for this type operation.
~. That the petitioner stipulated that the end aisles of the drive~vays
shall b~ a minimum of 27 feet wide and the other aisles shall be a minimum of 23 f~ee•t
~aide, and that the parking spaces shali be angled a minimum of 60 degrees.
4. That the petitioner ~tipulated that the overhead lic~htinq ad~acent to
the Riverside Freeway shall be do~~mlighted and directed in a manner vihich will not
interfere with traffic safety an the freeway.
5. That the proposed outdoor recreational vehicle storagz yard shall be
aranted for a pEriod of eight years, ~ubject to weview and consideration for an
extension of time, upon written request by the petitioner.
6. That the pronosed use, as granted, s~~ill not adversely affect the
adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the area in which it is
proposed to be located.
7.. That the size and shape of the site oronosed for the use, as granted,
is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not
detrimental xo the particular area nor to the oeace, health, safety, and general
welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim.
8.. That the Conditional Use Permit, as grar~ted and under the conditions
imposed, will not be detrimental to the pear.e, health~ safety, and neneral welfare oF
the Citizens of the City of Anaheim.
9. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearinq in
opposition; and no correspondence was received in oo~osition to subject nubiir_
That the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City
Counc`i1 that the sub~ect pro3ect be exempt from the requirement to oreoare an
enyironmental impact report, pursuant to the provisions of the California
Environmental Quality Act.
N04I, TI~EREfORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Cit,y Plannino Cor~mission
does hereby grant sub3ect Petition for Conditional Use Permit, uDOn the fo11o~~~inn
conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the oronosed use
of the subject property 9n order to preserve the safety and genera1 ~~ielfare of the
Citiaens gf the City of Anaheim:
1. That all engineering requirements of the City of Anahe9m, along
La Palma Ave~ue arid G~rave .Street, 9ncluding preoaration of 3mprovement nlans and
install.at'ion of all improvements such as curbs and gutters, side~•~alks, street gr3dinn
ana pav9ngy ~ra~inage facilities, or other appurtenant work, sha11 be comolied with as
rer;uirec! by the C~ty Engineer and in accordance with standard nlans and
sp.e~c9~ic3~~ons on 'F91e in tne Office of the City Engineer; that street lighting
facili~ties along La Falma Avenue and Grove Street shall be ins~alled as renuired by
the Dirzctor of Public Utilities and in accordance with standard ~lans and
specific4tions on file in the Office of the Director of PuElic Utiiities; and that a
bond in a~ amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shai~ be posted with
the City to guarantee the installation of the above-mentioned requirements.
2, That trash storage areas shall be orovided 9n accordance with aoproved
plans on file with the Office of the Director oF Public 4lorks.
3. That fire hydrants sha11 be installed and charged as requireci and
determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department or9or to conmencement
of structural framing.
_2_ RESOLUTION N0. PC76-43
~ ~
4. Thczt this Conditional Use Permit is granted subject to the completion
of Reclassification No. 61-62-69, now pending.
5. That the owner(s) of sub~ect property shall pay appro~riate draina~e
assessment fees to the City of Anaheim, as determined by the City Engineer , orior to
approval of a grading plan or issuance of a building permit.
6. In the event that sub3ect property is to be divided for the puroose of
sale, lease, or financing, a parcel mao, to record the approved division of subject
property sha11 be submitted to and annroved by the City of Anaheim and then be
recorded in the Office of the Orange County Recorder.
7. That subject property sha11 be developed subst~~nt~ally in accordance
with plans and specifications or~ file with the City nf Anaheim marked Exhibit No. 1;
provided, however, that the end aisles of the driveways sha11 be a;~:iinimum of 77 feet
wide and the other ais'tes shall be a minimum of 23 feet wide, an~ that the oarking
spaces shall be ar~gle~ a minimum of 60 degrees; and that the overhead lighting
adjacent to the R9ves•side Freeway shall be downlighted and directed in'a manner which
will not interfere v:9~h traffic safety on the freeway, as stipulated to by the
8. That Conditior~ Ptos. 1, 4, and 6, above-mentioned, shall be camplied
with prior to the commencem~nt of the activity authorized under this .resolution, or
prior to the tfmp thet the building pernit is issued, or aiithin a per9od of one year
from date hereof, whichever occur~s first, or such further time as the Planning
Commission and/or C~ty Gounc~l may grant.
9. That Cond3tion ilos. 2 and 7, above-mentioned, shall be complied v~ith
prior to final buitdin9 and zoning inspertions.
10. ThaL th9s ~onditi~onal use penr?t sha11 be granted tar a period of eight
~{8) years, subject ta review and consideration for an extension of time by the
Planninq Commission, upon written request by the petitioner.
'fHE FOREGOING RESOLl1T~Otv is signed and aooroved by me this ist day nf
Narch, 1976.
~ ~
~ ~
~~ftJ~l?E'i~ ~N N ~6f~~Fff~'f6F~f
I, Patricia B. Scanlan, S~;;retary of the City Planning Commission of the
City of Anaheim, do hereby certify tha~t the foreaoing resolution was n~ssed and
adopted at a meeting of the Cit~~ Pla~ming Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on
March 1, 1976~ at 1:30 p.m., by the :ollowing vote of ~he members thereof:
IIt I~JITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set rt~y hand this lst day o; t~arch,
. ~ ,
~~ ~
-3- RESOLUTION N0. PC76-43