PC 76-67~ ~
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of thc City of Anaheim did initiate a
verified Petition for Reclassification on certain real prnoerty situated in the City
nf Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California descril~ed as:
That portion of Section ?., Township 4 South, Ranqe 1~ West, S.B,B.f,`1, in the
Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as per map recorded in book 51 Page 10
miscellaneous maps, recnrds of Orange County descrihed as follows:
Beginning at the sout:n•~est corner of the land drscribed in the deed recorded
Fr.bruary 1, 1966, in Dook 7327, page 34$, Official Records; thence South RoO 59'
51" IJest, 29°.24 feet to an intersection with the existinci City limit line of the
City of Anaheim as described in Resolution No, j7^0 estahltshing a common
boundary line of the City o` Anaheim and the City of Fullerton recorded February
27, 1957. in Book 3818, pages 257 trough 7.5°, Official Records, said point of
intersection being a point in a curve concave northwesterly and having a radius
of 532.50 feet; thence t7ortheasterly along a portion nF said An~heim City limit
line alo~g said curve through a central angle of 5.°.° LS' S~" an arc distance of
295 fect, more or less, to an intersectian with thc centerline of Rurton Street;
thence Easterly along the centerline of said Durton Street t~ an intersection
with the easterly line of the land described in :he deed recorded December 1!1,
1975, in Dook 160D, page 1a32, Official Records; thence South Q~ 49' 00" East,
125.74 feet along the easterly line of the land described in the last mentioned
deed to the southeast corner thereof, said southeast corner being a point in the
northerly line of the land described in the deed to thr_ State of California
recorded July 18, 195~~~ in Oook 358~, Page 313, Official Records; thence Westerly
along the northerly line of the land of said State of California, a distance of
3~5 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.
Excepting therefrom any porti~n thereof lying within Burton StrPet.
The north half of Lot 1~ of Golden State Tract hlo. 2, in the City of Anaheim,
County of Orange, State of California, as per map recorded in baok 4, page fiF3 of
miscellaneous maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. except
that portion described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the center line of the right of way known as
Acacia Street and the south line of satd north half of Lot lA, being the
southeast corner of said north half of Lot 19; thence along said south line north
pg° 59' 30" west 166.52 feet; thence parallel ~•11th the center line of Acacia
Street and the east line of aid lot north (1° 43' ~0" west 59.~Q; thence north
89° 11' 00" east 166.50 feet to the east line of said lot and the center line of
Acacia Street; thence 0° 49' 00" east 62.2q feet to the point of heginning.
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a puhlic hearing at the City
Hall in the City of Anaheim on April 12, 197~~, at 1:3~ P•~•~ notice of said public
hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the
provisions of the Anaheim 1lunicipal Code, Chapter 13.Q3, to hear and considPr
evidence for and a9ainst said proposed reclassification and to investi~ate and make
findings and recor.,mendations in co~nection tfierewtth; and
WHERFAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investiaation and study made
by itself and in its bet~alf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports
offered at satd hearing, docs find and deterntne the following facts:
1. That the Anaheim City Planning Commissinn proposes a rec~assification
of the above-described property from the RS-A-4;,~0~ (RES~DFNTIAL/AGRICULTIIRAL) 20~1E
2. That this reclassification is recommended fnr approval, tn part,
excludin9 that westerly portion of the property tn Parcel A which is comprised of an
~ ~
approximately .~ acre located on the south side of Burton Street and adJacent to the
Oran9e Gounty Flooci Control District Channel, and~ therefore, the legal descriptinn
of Lhe property for reclassification is as follows: '
That portion of Section 2, Township 4 South, Range 10 WeSt, S.B.B.F.M, in the
Rancho San Juan CaJon de Santa Ana. as per nap recnrded in hook 51 page 1~
niscellaneous maps, records of Oranqe County described as follows:
Beginning at the southwest corner of the land de~scribed in the deed recor~fed in
book 5091 page 517. February 9, 1~h0, Official Rec~rds of Qrange Gounty; thonce
northerly 140.00 feet ~ along the westeriy tine nf Lhe land descrihed in said Aeed
to an intersection with the center line of BurLOn Place; thence easterly along
the eenter line of said Burton Street a dist~nce cf 315.25 feet ± to an
intersection with the easteriy line of the land deccrihed in the dr.ed recorded
December 19, ~975, 1n bonk 1~Q0 page 1632 Official Recor~fs of said CauntY; thence
south 0° 49' 00" East 125.74 feet along the easterly line of the 1?^~1 described
in the last-mentioned deed to the southeast corner of siid land, said southeast
corner being a point in the northerly line of the land dr.scribed in the deed to
the State of California recorded July 18, 195~. in hook 35A~ p~9P 313. Official
Rec~rds of said Orange County; thence westerly :+long said northerly line a
distance of 3z0 feet ± to the point of beginning.
Excepting therefrom any porti~n thereof iying within Burton Street on the north.
The north half of Lot 19 of Golden State Trzct 11~. 2, in the City of Anaheim,
County of Orange~ State of California, as per map rrcordPd in book 4, page ~+P of
miscellaneous maps, in the Office of the County RecordPr of said County, except
that portion described as follo4~s:
Beginning at the intersection of *_he center line of the right ef way known as
Acacia Street and the sout!i line of said north hTlf of Lot lA. being the
southeast corner of said north half of Lot 19; thence along said south line north
69° 59' 30" west 166,52 feet; thence parallel with the center line of Acacia
Street and the east line ef said lot north f1° 4A' 0!1" west 5A.R9; thence north
89° 11' 00" east 166.50 feet to the east line of said lot and the center line of
Acacia Street; thence south 0° ~~9' 00" east f2.2A feet to the point of beginning.
3, That the Anaheim General P1an designates subjcct properties for low-
density residential uses.
4. That the proposed reclassification of subJect property, as granted, is
necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper develooment of the ccrnmunity.
5. That the proposed reclassification of subJect property, as granted,
does properly relate Co the zones and thetr permitted uses locally estahltshed ir
close ~roximity to subJect property and to the zones and their permitted uses
generally established throughout the communfty.
h. That the proposed reclassification of subJrct property requires the
dedication ancl improvement of abutt:ng streets in accordance with the Circulation
Element of the General Plan, cfue to the anticipated increase tn traffic which will be
generated by the intensification of land use.
7. That four (4) persons appeared at said public hearing, representirg
approximately six (G) persons present in opposition; that one (1) person ~Ppeared in
favor; and that one (1) letter was received tn opposition to subJect petition.
EtiV 1 R04!1ET~TAL 1 MPACT REPORT f 1 NU f I IG :
That the Dtrector of the Planninc~ Departnen! has determined that the
proposed activity falis withtn the definition of Section 3.~1, Class 1, of the City
of Anaheim Guldelines to the Requirements for an ~nvironmental ~mpact Report and is,
therefore, categorically exempt from the requirement to file an EIR.
IION, THEREFORE, BE IT RF_;i~LVED that the Anaheim Lity Plannina Commission
does hereby recommend to the City Councll of the City of Anaheim that subJect
_?_ R.ESOLUTiON N0. PC76-67
~ ~
Petition for Reclassification be approved in part ~n~1, hy co doing. that Title lA-
Zonina of the Einaheim Municipal Code he amended to Pxclu~fe the ab~ve-describ:ed
pro~erty from t:he RS-A-43,On(1 (RESIDEPJTIAL/AGRiCULTURAL) ZO"!C ~nd to incorporate said
descrihed prope:rty into the RM-7200 (RESID[tlTIAL, SItJ~LC-F~~1~LY) ZO~IE upon the
follrnoing conditions which are hereby found to be a necPSSary prerequislte to the
prapesr_d usc oi` SubJeet property in order to preserve the saf~ty and general welfare
oi Lhe Citizens~ of the Lity of Anaheim.
1. 1'hat the owner(s) o` subJect property shall IIP.Pd to the City of Anaheim
a strin of landl 30 feet in ~ai~ith from the centerline o` th^. street along Burton
Strect and 32 f'eet in widih frnm tfie centerline of th~ st~^At along Acacia Strr.pt for
strcet widening purposes.
2, i'hat all engineering requirements of the Gity of Anaheim, along Burton
~treet. including preparation of improvement plans and installation of all
ir;.rovements such as curbs and gutters. side~valks, street qrading and paving,
;ir~ina~c faciitties, or other appurter.ant work shall ha connlied with as required by
t~~~ City Engineer and in accordance with standard nlana :~nd specifications on file in
th^. Of`7cc of the City Engineer; and that a ho~id in an a~oimt and form satisfactory
;~ ;1~~ City of Anaheim shall be pasted with the City to guar~ntee the installation of
t;r ~bove-mentioned requirements.
3, That either:
(a) street liahtin~ facilities alona Burt~n Street shall he installed
a~ required by the Director of Public Utiiities, ~nd in ~ccordance with standard
pl•a-s and specifications ~n file in the Office of :he "irrcr.~r of Public Utilities,
or 'hat a bond in an amount and form satis`~ctory to the i.ity of Anaheim shall be
post~d trtth the City t~ 9uarantce thc installatinn ~f the ahove-mEntioned
re4uirements; or
(b) that t`~e nwner(s) nf suhJect ?ro~ert~~ ~.hall pay to the Ctty of
Anahr.in the sum of $2.Q~ per frnr.t Foot along Durt~n StrA~•.t for street lightin9
pur~nses; whichever is deternined Lo 6r. most apProoriate ~~y the Director of Public
4, That the ownr.r(s) of suhjcct property shall nav to thc City of A~aheim
thr sum of 6~ cents per front foot along Burtnn StrePt. Acacia Street, and Pinewood
Avrnuc for tree planting purpnses.
5. That appropriate watPr assessment fees as determined by the Director of
Puhlic U[ilities shall be paid to thr. City of Anaheim arior tn the issuance of a
building pcrmit.
6. That sidcwalks shall be tnstalled along Acacia StrPrt as required by
the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and soecific~*.i~ns on f(le in
the Office of the City Enaineer.
7. That either:
(a) street lighting facilities along Acacia Street and Ptnewo~d Avenue
shall be inst:alled as required by the Director of Public Utilities, and in accordance
with standard plans and specifications nn file in th~ clffice of the Director o4
Pul~lic Utilities, or that a bond in an ~^~ount ~nd form catisfactory to the City of
Anaheim shall be posted with the City to yuarantee the installatinn of the above-
mentioned requirements; or
(b) thit the owner(s) of subJect pr~perty sh~ll pay to the City nf
Anaheim thc sum of S2.00 per front foot along ~cacta Strret and Pine~aood Avenue for
street lighting p.,rposes; whichever i~ determinPd to hr. most anpropri~te by the
Director of Public Utilitics.
~i. That ordinances reclassifylnq the pr~pertv shall he adoptecf as each
pir^-~i is ready to comply witli conditlons pertaSnSng to sn:fi parcel; provlded,
I~c~•,ever, that ;he word "parcel" shall mean presently existing parc~ls of record and
any parcnl or parcels approved by the City Council for a lot split.
~1. Prior t~ tfie intraduction of an ordinance rezoning suhJect property,
Co~dition I~os. 1~ 2, 3~ 4, and 7, ahovP-mentioned, shall be c~npleted. The
prnvisi~ns or rights granted by this resolution sh~ll hecnme null and vold hy aetion
nf th~ City Council unless sald conditions ar~ complied with wtthin one year from the
date r~reof, or such further time as thr. City Council may grant.
_3_ RESOLUTIOI7 N0. PC7(+-F7
~, 10. Thae Cond~ition No. 6, above-mention~ad, sh~ be ca~plled Nlth prior to
final building and zoning Inspections.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION Is signed and approved by mc this 12th day of
Aprit, 1976.
~ ~'ti'"`d
I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of tha City Planning Commisslon of the
City of Anaheim~ do hereby certify that the foregaing resolution was passed and
adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Gommission of the City of P.naheim, held on
April 12, 1976, at 1:30 p.m., by the follov~ing vote of the members thereoF:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 12th day of April, 197h.
~~~~ ~~~~
_q- RESOLUTION N0. PC76-67