PC 76-9~ ~
RE50LUTIOr! PiO. P~7G-9
WHEREAS, the City Plannin9 Commission of the City uf ,lnaheim did rereive a
verified Petition for Variance from DOROTHY B. TRAVIS, 2114f 1'soeranza (toad, Maheim,
California 97.a07 and VIRGINI~WITTEtI[3ERG ACORPOP.ATIOd'~1,~G06 yS? THi~ll SStreet,SaLos
Ana, Californi~ 9?_703 (U4.nPrs);
Angeles, Cal~fornia 90014 and t1ADOLE A~IU ASSOCIATES, ItlC., 17~i~2 Sky Park Doulevard,
Irvine, Cali`ornia 9271h (Agents) of certain real property situated in the City ~f
Anaheim, Gounty of Oranqe, State of California, described as:
d!1 thnt ccrtain lend siCuated ia cha Stat• ot Califomia~ Cownt~ o!
Otsaa•. Cit7 of Aaahaisa. describe,d u iolloa~t
Taa~a!portivn- o! th~ Sacond Claaa Laada allottad to Wm. HcKee and
Ptudoucio Yorbr_ by AecxAa of Purtition nf tha Anncho Caaon de Santa Anr,,
in eaid County sI Or,s:aga, ne per cartifiEd copq recorded in book 28.
pag~ 158 oP Deed~, records of Loa Augelea Countq, CaliPoraia~ lyiag
6outheYly of a lina tunuiag dua East froa a poiaC in said Bancho, which
poiat ia Uaet 142.50 feet ead Soueh 1' 43' 00" &aaK 2640.00 feat itoa
StaCion 13 oF said Rancho, daocribad aa lolxw~:
Engi,nning at the Northai-et corner of aaid Soeond Claea Laad sllotted to
iim. HcKe~; thence South S' 30~ 00" East alor~ tha Ea~terly boundary of
aaid allotment 11,550 feet to the Souther]y baundary of esid Raacho;
thencs SouCh 63' 00' 00" Weet ~long aaid 9outharlq bouadnrp 1231.00
feat; thana4 Nocth 1' 45' 00" ileat 12.074.20 fe,et to the ivortherly
boundetq of eaid &encho; thenca South 88' 30' 00" Easc.sloag said ~torthnrly
bo~mdary 4U0.0f1 fnet to the point ot berinnia8.
Buepting tkarefxoa that portion thereo! lying :iorth o! the ~outh line
o! the laad coavgyad so tde Atchison, TapeY.a and Santa Pe Railvey Company~
by deed recordad April 2, 1909 in book 173. pa8a 296 oP Deedc.
Al~o caceptl.n8 fchsreirao tlut portion t2asseo! dascribed ms tollown i
Co~enciug at tha iaternection of tha Southorly liae of the laad convayed
to tha Atchieon~ Topeka r,.% 5ante Ps Bnilvay C~paa~r by dead recorded
in book 173. pag~ 296 of 'i~eud~, vith the Eaetezly bouadtrp of the Cnrr111o
Aaach property. ea said latareection ia ehovn on tl~e Map filad ia book
37~ paga 33 0! Racord oP Surreya ia the offic: oP the CounCy Aecordar of
iaid Ornaga Couaty. theaca South 71° 04~ 33" West, aloag anid Southnrly
liae 939.53 leot; thenea South 16° 31' 22" B+~st 484.47 feet; thenca
Horth ]1' 27' 17" kaat 71.30 teet to ~ha txua point of beginnin8; thencQ
North ?1' 27~ 17" Bait 124.19 fnet; thanc~ South 18° 32` 43" Enat 114.00
°i;ast; th~ce South 71' 27' 17" Waet 124.19 fnet; t6ence North 16' 32'
43" Wert 114.00 fsat to tha tzuo point ot bagiucinY.
Alao ~YCapting t;~aYalros Ltut postian ths::ct aes===-=d ao lollovat
Con~uciag ct the poiat ae tha Sou:,harS~ lina ef che 6cchiaon. Topnka
and 5anta Pe &~ailyay property~ diBeant South 71' 04' 33" l:eot 848.10
:oot from the intnreac[ion oi aaid Southerly lino. vith the L•'aeterl~
line o! th~ Carrill~ 338acho Property, as aho~ra on the map tilnd lu book
37~ paYa 33 ~f Facord o! Survnye. cecorda of aaid Oraaga Couuty; theace
Sout4 4' 47~ 57" East 5k.04 fmst to tha trua point ol beginuinII o! the
boundaty o! th~ land harein dascribedi thsec~ South 4' 47' S7" East
~ ~
SO.Oh Seat; thmca 5oueb 85• 12' 03" ~inst 30.00 lnots tbonee dorth 4'
4i'~ S7" Nmst ~U.OU faat; thsn~~ riosth 85" I:' 03" Ess[ 3U.0~ feat to tha
txw po1a~ ot ~esianing.
LLo exeeptini; thurrfram all thae portian o! said laud ]yinz Yaater3y ot
t@a Sta~cesly lics oe che land lesexibed in 4 da~d to ~~r495 of ~~
Inc., a carpor~tioa~ r~corded Hay 21. 1932 in book 884, pag
(t4ficinl g.icp:,1F. •
~lto ozecpting therntroa that portioa lries boutherly ot the :iortturly
13ae oE ti~n +aud coavw~mu to Covsstr o~ Osango by deed r~eorded Doaoabur
14~ 1972 lo book 10469, pago 876 oi oiflciel btaeords.
Aleo ozcapti~+g all ail an~l a~ne~:: :iSbtD Dalw n dept4 0! 500 feat as
se~ervod in deada of xecord fzam bu8nne llomar Yata and others, and recitad
in quicclainn dead racordad Jul~ 20, 1972 in book 1U233~ pag~ b37 aod
book 1Q309~ payia 212 and book 10334, paK~ 3U9 0! Ofticial Racord,~.
PAA:SI. 2.
T>,a: portioa o: the Secoad and Shisd Cla~sa Laad allntted to H. J. N.
DaShorb, according Co tha map attacl-ou zo nnd aads a pase of t~e ilecrae
of Pustition o~ tF.n Rauchu Cn.joo de 5aata ltiia~ rendared ia C&se :~o. 197d
o! tha l7th JuJicial Dietrict Cours o! Lfl~ L~nl4e ~ouaty, ~a1~Eotaia~ a
castitiad copy oi vhl.ch is raeosded'tn book 2tl~ pcge 153 of Daecis.
r~corda of Loe da8elu Connty, Calitosnir~ dwceibad asr foilovss
ao~aiag at tha NorthawC cornsr oP ehm Secaad Glmae Laad allocced co
iJa. HclCea~ as n~-ava oa aaid map being Stutioa ,ao. 1 of ~aid Hcw~:e land
and Srrtiou :ro. Y of aaid 5horb lmd Lareia doscribed; cnoace Sauth
175.00 chains to Statloo i~o. 3; theac~ t~orth o3' Basc Li.4U chsina co
6utiou :lo. 4; thencs :~osta 165.00 chaias ~o Statian ~ic• Ii th~ce Gnat
13.6~ ehaino so tho poiuc et baainainY.
gxeaptia~ tharwEsan th~C portioa lrin8 ttoxth o! tba &outh liae ot the
ywd conveyal to tba Atchi.~na, ='ePaka aad Santa 8e 8ail~ay c:omPaaY. bY
d~~d xecc~rdsd Julq 1tf, 191u in Dooic 193, ps~i~ 114 oi Dosdr.
ilio a:csptiag tharetron that portioa tbsrao! lqtag Hastor~y o! tho
Loilcving ducxibad liaes
IIeginniag at a po~t diecaat Llosth 87• 11' S7" 6+~st 2~69.50 f~~t from
tho 5-iach irou pir~ msric~la~ tha "Southv~it cornar oi 3actioa 1.6~ Towna-zip
3 Sauth. 8aa8o d Hwt~ S. 13. K."~ aot~d u a 4-inch iron pips oa a riap
liled in book 33, page 14 0l Aacord o! 9urve7s. in the olfic~ oE ~e
Cpuntr 8rcor~lnr o! aaid Oraag~ County; thanc~ South 6~ 40~ 31.3" cast to
ihs Southesn ]ine of aaid lidacho. This bouaduy ].ins la to bs prolouged
os ahortensd to tar~iaate on tho crua tiortacrly lias of said itancho•
ALo a'sc~pting thardron that poxtion l~ing Southerly o! tLe tioscherly
1Lns oi Cha lend conv~ye~i to c:ouacy oP aran„~ by de~d socordsd uocomb~r
14, 1972 in book 10469. paga J76 ot afficial Rscozdr.
Aleo excepting all oil and mineral righte balov a depth of SOQ feet as
reoorvad ia deeda oP record from iugeae lio~aer Pnte and othera, sud
rocitad in quitellum dead recorded July 20, 19~2 in baok 10233, page
837, book 16309. aag~ 212 aa1 book 10354~ page 309 of Ufficinl Recorda.
:aat portion o! the Seconl Clase Luadu ..:~:~~tdu ~o ina. eicb:ne and Prudeacio
Yorba by Uecree oi~ Yartition of the ltancho Canon da Senta :+na, ia aaid
Couoty of Oraage~ aa per cnrtifiad copy recordnd in 6nak 28~ page 15b of
Deada. recorde of Lge Angele• Couuty~ California~ ~eacribed aa follova:
Co~encing at thm point on the Southerlq lina of the Alchinon. Topeica
aad Santn Fu ktailway property~ diaCaat South 71' 04' 33" Weet 04ti.1'J
faet from t~e intar~ectloa of yald Southerly lina, v~ch the Easterly
lino oE the Carrillo $aacho Property, aa mhoxn oa tr-n iaap filed in book
3i~ page 33 of Record ~f SurvQys, records of eaid Oraage County; theuca
Soath 4' 47' S7" EaeC 54.04 le¢C to Cha C!u• point of b~olnning of Che
boundary of Cka laad her¢in described; tdenea Seuth 4' 47' S1" ~nst
50.00 feet; theuce SouCh ~s5' 1'l' 03" Ltast 30.OU Leat; theace . orth 4'
47~ 57" Hcet SU.~iU leet; thencu North d5° ]1' 03" Eeat 30.00 fuet to tua
tsua point o! beginniag.
-2- RESOLUTIOiI ~~U. PC7fi-4
~ ~
That poztica o! Lha Second Claas Lxada ellotted to ilm. HcKee by Uecree
of Yartitian oE the Raacho Caann de Santa Aas in said County
oi OraaEe~ as Per certified copy rneorded in book 28. pa8a
158 of DeeJs~ reco:da ot Los AnBalea County. Califoriaia. described ai folloas:
Co~nncing at Chs iatereection oi the Southv.rlq lina o! che laud c"z°e"~
to the Atcliloon, Topeka md Saata Fe R.a.1:~a7 CamP+aY. b7 daed r~coiued
3a Look 173, paga 29ti of lleedv~ vith thn ~:aaterlq 6ouadary of tha Caxrilla
gaach proper~y, ss eaid iuteraeetion i~ ahovn on the MaF filed in Look
37, paSa 33 of Recoxd of Surveye in the ofEics of ~~e County ltecordar o!
sFxd Orange Couaty; thenca South 71' ~4' 33" We~t alo~ eaid Southerly
11ae 939.53 fQet; thenca Soutt~ 16• 31' 22" .5ast 484.~7 fvec; t:~enca
biorth 71' 27~ 17" Eset 71.30 feat to thn trua point o: begina:~-nB: ~ha~c4
Hort6 71' 27' l7" Eaet 124.19 fcat; thanes Soueh 18' 32' 43" ~aat 114.00
feet; theaca South 71' 27' 17" West 1Z4.19 feet; theace +~orth lo' 32'
43" Weat 114.00 faat ta eh~ trua point of baginning.
Yse4ptiug all oil aad mineral zightt belov a depth oi S00 feet na ze~azved
ia daedr of rscord from Eugone homer ~ate and athara. +~ad reeited in
quitclnim daed recorded July 'L~. 1972 in book 10'133, pngs 831, book
10309~ pa~a 21Z aad boak 10354~ page 309 ot Offictal Hecords.
ldf1EREA5, tlie City Plannin9 Commissinn did schedule a nublic hearin~ at the
City liall in the City of Anafieim on December 22, 1975, at 1:3~ n.m., notice of said
public hearing having been duly 9iven as required by la~•~ and in accordance t~~ith the
orovisions of the Anaheim 11unicinal Code, Chapter 1S.03. to hear and consider
evidence for and ~~ainst said proposed variance and to investigate and make findinns
and recommendatio.is in connection therei~iith; said public hearin~ having been
continued to the Planning Commission meetin~ of January 19, 1976; and
41NEREAS, saici Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study
made by itse1f and in its behalf. and after due consideration of all evidence anJ
reports offered at s~id hearing, does find and determine the following facts:
1. That thc petitioner requests the followin~ waivers from the Anahein
!lunicipal Code, to establish a 113 lot, RS-500U(SC) single-family subdivision (116
lots originally proposed):
a. SECTION 1C.27.OG1.021 - hlinimum building site aiidth.
b. SECTIOt! 1°.27.OG5.Olb - ke uirement that sin7 le"famil s_y_ tructures
rear on arteria ~~iays. (One side-on
ot nropose
2. That waiver 1-a, above-mentioned, is a~ithdravm by the petitior,Pr on the
basis of the revised plans which indicate compliance with said Code requirement.
3. Tliat vraiver 1-b, above-nentioned, heraby granted on the basis of the
unusual topograpliy of the lancf and, further, that tlie Planninq Commissinn has ~rantecl
sir~ilar vraivers in the past.
4. Tliat there are exceptional or extraordinar,y circumstances or condit9ons
applicable to the property involvecl ur to the intended use of the prooerty that do
not apply generally to tlie pro~Qrr,~ or class of use in the same vicinity and zone.
5. Tliat tfie request~d variance i~ necessary for the preservation and
enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same
vicinity and zone, and denied to the oroperty in questioin.
6. Tliat the requESted variance ~aill not be i^~aterially detrimental to the
public welfare or in,~ur9ous to the property or imoroveme~nts in such vicinity and zone
in a~hich the property is located.
~ ~
7, That no one indicated their presence at said nublic hearir~ in
opposition; and no correspondence was received in opposition to subject netition.
That [nvironmental Impact Rep~rt No. 162, having bee~~ considered this date
by the Anaheim City Planning Cor4nission and evidence. both written and oral, Fiavir,~
beer~ presented to supplr~nent said draft EIR Ra. 162, the Planning Commission believes
that said draft EIR Wo. 162 does conform to the City and State Guidelines and the
State of California Environmental Quality Act and, based uoon such inf~rmation, does
EIReNo.r162~isnintcompliance rith~saidfEnvironmentalAQualitytAct, they certify said
I~n~J~rantERin~ttpart6E subjectSOPetitiont for AVariance,tyunonnnthe C`allosing
does hereby g
conditions ~ahich are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the nroposed use
of the subjPCt property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the
Citizens of the City of Anaheim:
1, That this variance is granted sub~ect to the completion of
Reclassification No. 70-71-25. noai pending.
Z, ?hat subject pronerty shall be developed substantially in accordance
with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit t~os. 1
through 8.
TIiE FOREGOING RESOLUTI01! is sinned and approved by me this 19th day of
January, 1976.
~ /, ~~~~~~/
{{ R~qA ,Lt+AIIEIM CI Y L t7NIN5 COi~1t1ISSI0i~
~~G~~~~ ~~~{C 1t4ISSI0;!
I, Patricia B. Scen~an~ Secretary of the Cit.y Planning Comr~ission of the
City of Anaheim, d~ hereby certify tliat t~he foregoing resolution was passed and
January 19. 1976etat9l 30tp mC,tbyPt~enFoliowingsvote of the rrembers thereaf; held on
I(~ 6lITIIFSS WfIERE9F, I have hereunto set my hand this 1°th daY of January,
~~ ~ ~ ~,6'~~~.~~.J
~JLV~\l~/~1\1, „r,,,it t ~ ru+ t~,Z ~ s r~
_n_ RESOLUTIOt; N0. PC76-9