PC 76-97~ ~ RESOLUTION N0, PC7F-47 A RES~iIIT I ON OF THE ANAI~E I M C i TY PIAN~J I ~~G COM'~ I SS I QN THAT PETI1'ION FOR COPIDITIONAL USF PER"!IT D10. 1F~h RE ~RAtITE~, WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission ~iid receive a verffied Petition for Conditional Use Permit from. RICF.MAPI 1MTERNATIQPIAL, IPIC,, 3on w. Y.atella flvenue, Anaheim, California q2R~2 (Owner); RAY W. SHIRK ~ ~A~11D F~!I LFE, 3~~ W. Katella Avenue, Anaheim, California 92f'~2 (Agents) of certain rr.al property situated in thr. City of ~naheim, County of OranGe, State of California descrihed as: PARCEL 3: TNAT POR7ION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER t1F SECTION 27~ TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH~ RANGE 10 WEST, RANCHO SAN JUAN CAJOV DE SANTA ANA~ CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE~ STATE OF CALIFORNIr.• AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 51 PAGE 10 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS~ IN TFIE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY~ DESCRIBED A5 FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT l'HE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NOitTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF BEING S(?UTH 1° 21~ 00" EAST 656.10 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER ~F S!,ID NORTl1EAST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 89° 49~ 28'~ EAST 460.01 FEET ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF TO THE TRUE POINT CF BEGINNING; TH[NCE NORTH 1° 21' 00" WEST 390.36 FEET PARALLEL WITH THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER TO A LINE PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER AND SOUTHERLY 265.00 FEET~ MEASURED AT RIGhT ANGLES FROM THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER; THEN~E NORTH 89° 54~ 30" EAST 967.75 FEET ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO JERALD A. PHILLIPS ET AL., RECORDED MAY 10~ 1960 IN BOOK 5237 PF~GE 24 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE NORTH 1° 20~ 15" WEST 265.06 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LAND TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION; THENCE NORTH 89° 54° 30i~ FAST 100.00 FEFT F;l.OPJG SAIt~ NORTH LINE TO ThiE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE LAND DESCRIBEC IN THE DEED TO LOUIS M. RUBIN, RECORDED MARCH 4~ 1960 IN BOOK 5130 PAGE 186 OF SAID OFFICIAL RECORDSJ THENCE SOUTH 1° 20' 15" EAST 265.06 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LAND~ THENCE NORTH 89° 54' 30" EAST 1114.70 FEET PARALLEL WITH AND SOUTHERLY 265.00 FEET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION~ THENCE SOUTH 1° 19~ 30" EAST 387.16 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF; THENCE SOUTH 89° 49~ 28" WEST 2182.22 FEET TO THE TRUE POINY OF BEGINNING. , 'PARCEL 4: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUART£R OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 27, TUWNSHIP 4 SOUTH~ RANGE 10 WEST, IN THE RANCHO SAN JUAN • CAJON DE SANTA ANA~ CITY OF ANAHEIM~ COUNTY OF ORANGE~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ RS PER i~1AP RECORDED IN BOOK 51 PAGE 10 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS~ IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY~ DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NURTH LINE 0~ SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER~ NORTH 84° 54T 30" EAST 1527.8b FECT FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAI~ N~RTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 1° 20~ 15~' EAST 265.06 FEET; TNENCE NORTH 89° 54~ 30" F.AST 200.05 FEET; 'THENCE NORTH 1° 20~ 15" WEST 205.06 F~ET TO SAID NORTH LINE; THENCE SOUTH 89° S4~ 30" WEST 20U.05 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LAND IS INCLUDED 4fITHIN THE AREA SHOWtv ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 43 PAGE 33 OF RECORD OF SURVEYS IN THE OFFICE OF SAID ~OUNTY RECORDER. PARCEL'S: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 27~ TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH~ RANGE lU HIEST~ IN THE RANCHO SAN JUAN CAJON DE SANTA ANA~ CITY OF ANAfiEIM~ COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 51 PAGE 10 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS~ IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID CQUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTIOtI ~IQ, PC7fi-~7 ~ ~ BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION, SOUTH 89° 54' 30" WEST 545.00 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER UF SAID SECTION; THENCE SOUTH 1° 19~ 30" EAST 265.06 FEE7 PARALLE:L wITH THE EAST LxNE OF SAID SECTION TO A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND SOUTHERLY 265.00 FEET FROM SAID NORTH LINE~ THENCE SOU7H 89° 54~ 30" WEST 369.62 FEET ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LAND DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO LOUIS M. RUBIN~ RECORDED MARCH 4~ 1960 IN BOOK 5130 PAGE 186 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS~ THENCE NORTH 1° 20' 15" WEST 265.06 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LAND OF RUBIN; THENCE NORTH 89° 54~ 30" ~A.ST 369.68 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT THE EAST 75.00 FEET THEREOF. SAID LAND IS INCLUDED WITHIN THE AREA SHOWN ON MAP FILED I~l B(i0K 43 PAGE 33 OF RECORD OF SURVEYS~ IN THE OFFICE OF THE COU~~TY RECOkDER. IJHEREAS, the City Planninn Commission dtd SCf1P,lIU~P, a puhlic hearinn at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on Harch 1, 1!175, at 1:'i~ n.n., n~tice of said puhlic hearing havinq heen duly given as requirrJ hv 1aw an~ in accor~iance ~•~iN• the provisi~ns of the Anaheim Munici~al Co~1e, Chnnter 1`?.~3, t~ hear an~1 cnnsi~ier evidence for and against said pr~posed c~nditional use and to invPStiqate and makr. findinqs an~1 recommr.ndatic+ns in connecti~n therei•~ith; said ~uhlic hParinn !~~vinn hr~n continued to the Planninq Commission meetinq ~f May ?.~+, 1^7~; and WIIEREAS, sairl Commissinn, after due insnection, invPstlqatinn and studv ma~ir. by i±self and in its hehalf, and after due consideration of ~11 evidPnce an~ rap~rts offered at said hearing, does find and determine ths f~lin~•~in~ facts: 1. That the propnsed use is prnperly one fnr ~•~hich a c~n~fitlonal use nermit is authorized by CociP Secti~n i".LR.~5~.15~, to ~•~it: oermit Pxna~sinn of a mo6(lehome parl: to include a rrcre~tional vehiclr, p~rk in the C-R (Commercial- Recreatlon) Z~ne. ?.. That Che netitlnner stioulatPd to cnnditional rle~iicatinn f~r strP?t widening purposes along Cl~mentlne Street (9~ f~et total a~idth) and al~n~ Haster Street (53 feet frnm the centerline), conditionPd u~on thr_ r~ed for saici strr.r.t aridening as determined by thr. Citv Engineer. 3, That tlie petitinner stinulated to honding f~r SLI'['..^_Y imprnvements al~ng Clementine Street and liaster Street, as reouired hy tlie City, ancl that the improvements ~vill be made whPn determined tn he necPssary bv the CitY ~nnin~er. 4. That the petitioner stipulated that the existing emerne~cy exit tn Haster StrPet from the mobilPhone park will he opened tPm~~orarilv to provi~lP ~CCP,SS to said park, during the constructinn perio~i for the recrear.i~nal v~hicle parl~ and the relocation of the existing entrance, said perind tn comrn~nce at thP ~fate ~f issuance of buitding permits and not to excee~i ninety ('1~) days. y, That the netitioner stipulaterl to closinq t~ie qates or other4risr. closing down the play area in the recreational vehicle pirk :+n~i rrnliihitina the use of the existinq sorimming pool in the mobileh~mr_ ~ark hy recreatinnal vehicle narl~ tenants at least one=hilf hnur bef~re sunset ctaily. ~. That the petitloner stinulated that the pr~nnsed cnmiPnience marLet 4~as prir~arily f~r the use of the recreati~nal vehicle nark. tenants ~,nd that nn nn-strer4 signinq was proposed to advertise sales tn the ge~eral puhlic. 7. That the propose~i use will not adv~rsely affr.ct the ~~i~inin~ l~n~ usPs and the growth and development of the are~ in tvhich it is or~o~sed to he lncated. 8, That the size and shape nf the site nroposed for th? use is a~Pau~te to allow the full developmPnt of the nroposed use in a manner n~t cletrimrntal tn the n~rticular area nor to the ne~ce, health, safetv, and qenPral a~elfare ~f the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. ~1, That the grantinn nf thr. Conclitinnal Iise Permit unclFr thP con~titi~ns ir~posed, lf any, will not he detrir~ental tn the pe~cc, health, safety ~n~t ~rner:+l welfare of tlie Citizens of thc: City o` A~aheir~. 1~. That one (1) ~erson appe~red at said puhlic hearing in ~nnositinn; ~n~1 nn correspondence Y/35 rPCeive~l in on~osition tn suh~ect petiti~n. _?_ RES~I.IITIO~! ~I(1, PC7~-Q7 ~ ~ ENV 1 RONMFNTAL I!tPACT Rf:P~RT F I t!D i PJ~ : That. the Anaheim City Planninq Cormission dor.s hr.rehy recnrt+mrn~i t~ th~ Citv Council that the sub.ject pro_ject be exempt frnm the rPquirPmr,nt tn nrP~:+rn. an environmental impact report, p~irsuant to t!~e provisi~ns of the f,aliforni:+ Envir~nr~ental Quality Act. IJOIJ, THEREFORG, GF IT RESOLVFD that the Anaheim City Planninq C.ommission does hereby clrant sub,ject Petitinn for Conditional I'se Perr~it, unnn th.r. Fnll~winn conditions which are herehy f~und to hP a necessary nrerequisite tn th~ or~nnserl use of the subiect propr.rty in ordPr t~ preserve the safety and neneral ~•~e1FarP of th~ Citizens ~f the City of Anaheim: 1. That the rnaner(s) o` suhJect nr~pPrtv shall conditionallY ~1e~~icate tn the City of Anahr,im a strip of land ,^•~ `eet in tot~l width (~~5 fPet each side of thP centerline) for Clementine Street on an ~lignment tn he estahlishrd hv the f,itv [n~ineer, anrl 53 feet in wi~tth from thr, centerllne ~f the strpet al~nq liastar StrPr.t, f~r Street wideninq ~urposes, c~nditioned unnn tliP neP~1 fnr Sii~1 ~Adic~tinn ~s determined hy thn City Engineer, as stipulate~i to hy the netitinnPr. 1.. That a bond in an am~unY and f~rm satlsf~ctorv tn thc f.ity ~f /lnaheim shall be posted with the City to guar~ntee the install~tion ~f all en~inc~rin~ renuirements of thr_ CiLY of Anaheim along Clemr.ntine Strret includina prenaratinn n` inprovement plans and installation of nll im~ravPmPnts such as uirhs anrl mittPrS, sidewalks, street gradinq ancl paving, dreinacle facilities or other aonurtenint wnrL:, said requirements tn be cmm~lied with is required by the Citv Fnpineer and in accordance with standar~i plans and snecific~tions on filr in the ~ffir,e nf t!~~ Citv Enainr.er; ~nd fnr street linhtinq facilities alnnn Clemr.ntine Street tn h~ insta11nr1 as required bY the Direct~r of Puhlic Utilitias, an~l in accnr~:+ncP o-~ith st~n~fard plans and specifications on filc in the Office of thr Dirr.~t~r ~f Puhlic ~~CT~ILIPS, a, stipulated to by the petitioner. 3, That the oamer~s) of suhject ~ mnerty shall nav tn t~r f,itv ~f ~naheim the sum of S2.0~ p?r front f~ot alnn~ I!astcr StrFet fnr street liqhtin~l ~urpnSes. 1! Tliat the owner(s) of sub.iect nrn~~rty shall pay to the f,ity ~f Maheim the sum of.G~ cents per front foot al~ncl I:atella Avenue and Clementine Street f~r tree plantin,q purposes. y, That trash stora9r_ areas shall he nr~vided 'sn accordance Hrith annr~vert plans on file with the Office ~f tfie Director nf Puhlic I~Inrl:s. 6, Tliat fire hydrnnts shall be installeci and charned as rPnuirP~i an~l deCermined to be necessary by the Chief nf the Fire Denartment ~rt~r t~ cmm~Pnr,rmr.nt nf structural Eraming. 7. T~hat subject pronerty sh~ll he served hy un~lergrrnmd utilities. R, That drainaae of sub~ect propertv shall he :1isn~sed o` in i nanner satisfactory t~ the City Enginer.r. ~. That this Conditinnal ~~se Permit is nrante~l suhlect to the c~nnleti~n of Reclassification No. 6(•-(+7-~1, now nending. 1~, That approprtate water assessment fee~, as detcrminF~ hv thr DirPCt~r of Public Utilities, shall be ~ald to the City of Anaheim prinr tn the issu~nce ~f a building permit. 11. In the event that suh,jPCt prnperty is t~ be divi~iP~1 fnr the oiirnosP ~` sale, leasF, or financing, a parcel map to recnrd the ~aproveri r~ivisinn ~f suhiPCt ~rorerty shall be submitted to and a~prnved by the City of Anahcim ~nd thPn he recorded in the office cif ~hP Oranae County Recordr,r. 17.. That subject property shall be develoned substantially in ~ccc+rrlanr.e with plans and Specifications on file with the City of Anaheim Mar{~ed Exhihit Ilos. 1 through 3(Reviston t4os. 2) an~! with the site develonr~~nt stand~rds of th~ C-p (Commerical-Recreation) Zone. 13, That Condition tlos. 1, 2, 3, 4, q, and 11, ahove-menti~ned, shall t~e c~mpliPd wlth prinr t~ the commencemr.nt of the activity ~uth~rized und~r this resolutinn, or prio~` to the time [hat thr. building permit is issucd, nr e~ithin ~ -3- p.ESQLUTIOh! t~~. PCIF-"7 ~ ~ period nf nne year from Aate hereof, ~ahichever ~ccurs first, nr such furth~r Yir~e as the Planning Commissinn and/or City Louncli mav ~r~nt. 11i, That Condition tJos. ~, 7, ° an.l 17., ~hnve-mPntione<1, Sfi~ll he cmm~li~cl ~~ith prior to final huildin~ and zoninq insoectinns. 15. That use nf tlie existinq mnhileh~ne ~ark nnernr,ncv r.xit :n tiaStPr Street shall he opened temp~rarily for BCCPSS durinc~ the perind ~` c~nstructi~n n` the ~ro~osed recreational vehicle ~ark an~ rr.l~cation nf Che existin~ entranc~, s~irl oerind to commence on the datP of issuance of huildin~ or~mits anrl nnt t~ excAe~ ninety (°~) days or such further time as the Planninn frnnmiseinn mav nrint, as stipulaterf to bv the petitioner. i(. Ttiat the use of the ~lay area in the recreational v~hicle oarl: an~l the proposed usr. of the existing swimming pool in the mnbilPhome nark hy the recrriti~n~l vehicle park tenants shall cease at ~P..iSC one-half hnur hef~rP sunsei ~~~ily, is stipulate~i to by the petitioner. 17. That the propose~l convenience narl:et shall he ~rimarily f~r thr. use nf the recreational veliicle parl~ tenants and nn sinninn sh~ll he erecr.e~i tn arivrrtisr.. sal~~s to the general public, as stipulated to hy the petitioner. THF. FORF.~OIN~ RESOLUTIOtI is siqned and a~prnved hy me this 2l~th ri~y n.' ~~~y, ~a~5, 0. CHAIR'~A ~~ AtdAHEI~ CITY PL~'I!!I'Jr, r;n~~~+1551~'! ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ t~P~t.J SFCRET~RY, APIAHEI~1 CITY PLAtItJltd, CQ'1~11551~1~ STATE OF CALIFORMIA ) COIIIITY OF ORAtJCE )ss. CITY f1F At1ANEl~1 ) I, Patricia B. Scinlan, Se~•retary of the CitY Planninn Commissinn nf Yhe City of Anaheim, ~1o hereby certify that the foreg~ing resnlution was n~ss~r! anr~ adopted at a mr.eting of the City Ptanning Commission of the City ~f Anahain, hn~~ nn '1ay 2~t, 1~7fi, at 1:3~ P•m., by the folloo-~ino vote of the memhers therPOf: AYFS: COHMISSIOWF.RS: [3ARtl[S, HERPST, KI'~G, T~LAR, FAr,p.rl~ IiOES: CnIU1IS51r~NF.~tS: NOtIF A(iSENT: C0~IMISSIQtJFRS: JnNNSOF!, `1~RLf•.Y ItJ 1d1T1lE55 IJtIEREOF, I have hercunto set r~y hand t!iis 2~~r.h ~1ay nf '~ay, 1^?~. ~~~~ ~ ~ SECRFTARY, AIdAN l'1 C TY PLAHFIIMr Ci~r'~41~51~~1 -1~- RESOLIiT I f1H N0, PC76-97