PC 76-98~ ~
RESOLUTIQt: Wf1, Pf,7~-n9
FOR CQ~lDITIOtJAL ~~SE PCR~11T tJO. 1(1~ (RCAD`,iFRTI5F.111 RF ~~1~ITFn, Itt ~4~T,
WHf:REAS, the Anaheim City Planninq Commissior. did rr.cr.iv~ a v~rifi~~
Fetiti~n for Con~iitional Use Permit from ROSC~[ lJ, RFf~~[5, 1'i1 S. Ratavia, ~r~nnP,
California ?2f.~~ (Owner) of certatn"Y::al property situate~ in t5e City of ,lmhei~n,
CounCy of ~range, State of Lalifornta descrihed as:
That portion of Vineyard Lnt "H-h'!~ as shown on a m~p recnrdr.~1 in P.oo!• !~, Pac~es
~29 and ~3Q of Deeds, records of Los Anpeles County, Califnrnia, dPSr.rihed as
De~innin~ at a point on the North linr_ nf 4!est Snuth Street ~.^ feet v~i~1r, as
conveyed to the City of Anaheim by Deed recnrdrd DecPmher ^, 1^12, in f~~~• °~!~,
Page 110 of Deeds, distant thereon 1~ feet ~~~P_SL `rom the EastPrlv linP ~f sairl
Lot "11-6", West ~k.75 fer.t; thence t•Jest~rly al~ng s~icf tl~rth 1 ine 11^ fr.Pt;
thence Morth 15° Z~~ 25" West ^h.7? feet; thence PJorth 7~•O 31i' 25" ~~est 11~ feet;
thence South 15° 21' 25" East ~<<.5~ feet to the noint of heginninq.
WN"cRF.AS, the City Planning Commission did hold ~ puh;ic hearinq at [hr, Citv
Hall in the City of Anaheim on Hav 1~, 1°7C., at 1:3~ ~.m., notice o` sai.i mihlic
hearing having been duly given as required hy la~•i and in accor~lancrz with the
provisions of the Anaheim Nunicipal Co~1e, Chapter 1'.~'i, to hr.ar ~n~i c~nsider
evi~lence for and against said pr~^osecl conditional use ~nd tn inv~stiq~te anc~ n~l•o
findir.~s an~i recommendations in connectt~n thereallth; sai~1 puhlic hearinq havin~ hern
continued to the Plannin~ Commission meetinn ~f Nay 24, 1^7~; and
WIIF3EA5, said Commissi~n, after due insnection, investi~ntinn ~nrl ar.nrlv r^n~ir
by itself and in its behalf, and after due consider:~tinn nf ~11 evidRnce an~1 rep~rts
nffcred at said hearing, does find and deterr~ine the follor~inn `acts:
1. That the pronosr.d use is prnperlv one for ~~!hich a cnnditinnil use
permit is authorize~f by Code Section 1^.~~1.~,~.1'f0, tn wit: ~err~it ~n officr in an
existvng residence, with waivers of:
a. SFf,TI01J 1f'•,n(.,~(,~ -'1in(mum numher nf o~rl~inq snae~s. ~" sn~cr.s
r~quireci; snacns rr~~osr.d
b. SECTI011 1",41,f?T.n - PerniYted 115P.5. (Apartmr.nts not nPr~ittncil
7.. Th~t blaiver 1-a, ~hove-mentinned, is lierehy denied nn the hasis that
said taaiver is no lon~er apnlicable since suhjer_t c~nditional use nermit ~+as harn
prantPd for commercial use ~nly of tlie Pxistina rPSid~nc~.
3. Th~t Waiver 1-i~, ~hnve-m~ntionPd, is herehy ~pnie~l ~n thc: hasis xhat
the proposal is approved fnr commercial-office usage only o` t!~e residential
structures on the subject property; and that ap~r~val of saiJ vsiver ~~mul~ srt an
undesirahle rrecedeRt for future similar renuests t~ithin the City.
1~. That tF~e proposed use, as qranted, witl not :~rlversely affect the
ad,joininc~ land uses and the gro~•~th and development nF the area in a~!iich it is
oroposecl to be l~cate~l.
S. That tlie size and shapr. ~f the site nr~n~sed f~r thP 415P~ ~s nr~ntrri,
is adequate to allo~r the full development of the pronosed use in ~ manner nnt
detrimental to the nartir,wlar area n~r to the neace, he~lth, safetv, ~nd nr.ner~l
o~elfare of the Citizens of t;~e City of f~nahein.
6, That the Conditional Use Permit, as grantPd, an~1 under thr. con~~itions
imposed, will not be detrimental to the ncace, health, safetv and peneral a~Plf~rP of
the Citizens of the City of Anahe~m. ~
7. That n~ one indicated their prFsence at said nuhlic hParin~ in
o~position; and no corresnondence aras received in opp~sitinn t~ SHf?~RCC rPtitinn.
RCSDI.t)TI'Ot1 td0, Pf.7f ^4
~ ~
That the Anaheim City Planning Commission cloes herPhy r~cnnmPnd to the City
Cnuncil that the subJect pro,ject be exempt from the reauirr.mr.nt t~ ~rP~are an
environmental inpact ren~rt, nursuant to thc provisions ~f tii~ f,aliforni~
Environmental Quality Act.
N~tI, THEREFn4E, DE IT R~S!iLVEf1 that the Anaheim City Planninn Commissi~n
does hereby grant, in part, subject Petition fnr Conditional Use Permit, un~n the
follrn•~in~ con~litions which are herehy found t~ he a necessary nrerr~uisitr tn thP
proposed usr_ of the subject.pr~nerty in or~ler to preserve the s~fety and ~r.neral
~velfare of the Citizens of the City of Anahetm:
1, That the owner(s) of suU~~ct prnnertv shall pay tn the City ~F lnahcim
the sum of ;7..f1~ per front foot along Harh~r l3oulevarcl ~n~l South Strer.t f~r str~et
li~htin9 purrnses.
2. That this Conditinnal ~Js~ Permit is nrantr.d suhiect to the r.mm~lrtinn
of ^eclassification ~lo. (S'~~-~~~ nota pendinct.
3. That sub_ject property shall he dr.vrlnoPd suhstanti:~ilv in ~ccnrciancP
i~~ith plans and specificati~ns nn file with the f,ity nf Anaheir~ marl•ed F.r.tii~•it ~~os. 1
(Revision Nq. 1) and 2; provided, Frowever, that pronose~ p~rl•,ing shall c~mply a~it~~
all commercial requiremPnts, and huilding permits shall he ohtainr.ci, a5 ~~CP.SSa~`/~
for the existinq an~1 prorose~l constructi~n.
4 Th~t Londition Nos. 1 and 2, ah~ve-mentione~i, sh~ll he cnm~licd +ritf+
prior to the commencement of the activity ~utlinrized under this res~lutinn, ~r nrinr
to the time that the building permit is issur.~+, or ~•!ithin a peri~~1 nf nn~ vear frnm
date herenf, whichever occurs first, ~r such furt!~er time ~s the Planninn Cor+^~issi~n
~nd/or City Council may grant.
5. That Condition Ilo, 3, ahove-mentinned, shall I~e conolied aiit~ orinr tn
final building an~i znnin~ inspecti~ns.
TNF. FORE~QIt;~ RF.SOLIITIGtI is sinne~l ancl appr~ved hy mr, this 2t~th ~1~v ~f
May, 1~76.
CHAIf;~1 .I, AHAIiEI CITY PLAH~lIti~ C~~~'~ISc~n~i
. ~
SECRETARY, AN.4NF. I' C I TY PLAt1;J I tIS CC'1'11 SS 1011
COUNTY OF ~RA!!~E )ss.
I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretarv ~f the City Planninq ~ommissi~n nf thr.
City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that thP foreg~ing resnlutinn saas nqSSP.~I and
adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commi>sion ~f the Citv oF An~lieim, helr! nn
May 7.~i, 1976, at 1:3n ~.m., by the follrn~~inn votP of the mr.mhers therenf:
AYES: ~OH~115SIOtlfRS: BAR'IF.S, HER95T, Kl~:f,, T~LAR, FARA~I~
r~~ES: f,n`1r11 SS I o1lER5: t7(1tlG
AP,SF.~IT: C~~R1lSSI0HER5: JOHtlSQtl, ttQ"LfY
I'~l WITIJESS ~lHF.REOF, I have hereunCo set my hand this 7.~~th dav of ~1ay, 1~7~.
SEC~i[TARY, AHAHE U1 C ITY PLA!~'l l"!~ C~~1't 155 ~"~
_~_ ktti~lLilTln'I Hn, Pf,7G-^;t