PC 76-99~ ~ RFSOLUTIfI!! NQ. PC7(i-^~ A RES~LUTIO~•! OF THE /1~~AHE1~1 CITY PLA~Jt11N~ C~MHISSInti THAT PETITI~P1 fQ^, C(1t1pITI0llAL IISF PFRNIT N~. 1~•?.1 RE DF~IIfD, llHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planninq Commission did recr.ive a verifin~l Petition for Conditional Use Permit from nnyqLn A. JAf.~RS~~I, iQ9~ Lan:+i Drivr., Costa Mesa, California 97.F27 (Owner); KI~Y f11L,LMAN, ^7.° 5. Sil~:w~or1 ~rive, AnatiPim, California Q2?nh (Agent) cf certain reil property situate~l in the f.ity nf Anaheim, Cnunty of Oran,Ge, State of California described ~s: Lot 2 in P.loc{: "1" of Tract Plo. 3~~i as per Map therPOf recnrdr.d in R~ol• 1~~ ~r. paqe 5~ of Niscellaneous Maps, recor~ls ~f said ~ranqe Countv. WIIFREAS, the City Planning Commissinn did schediile a puhlic hearinq at th~ City Ilall ln the City of Anahelm on 11ay S~i, 1Q7(+, at 1:3~ p.m., notice ~f s~id nuhlic hearinq having been duly ~iven as required hy 1~~•r an~i in acc~r~lancP r~ith the provisions of the Anaheim Municiral Corle, Chapter 1`~.03, to hear and c~nsi~iPr evidence for and against said pr~n~s~d conditional use ~nd to invr.stinate an~l m~He findinas and recommenAations in cnnnection therewtth; saici puhlic he~rinn havinn hern continued tn the Planning Commissinn meetlnp nf May 21i, 1~7~; ~n~1 1JIIEREAS, sald Commission, after duc insnectlon, ':~vr.stiqation ind sUi~iv niadr hy itself and ln its behalf, and after ~1ue cnnsideration nf ~.11 evidrncr. an~i r~norts offered at said hearing, ~loes flnd and determtne the followinry f~cts: 1. That the propnsed use is nronerly nne fnr ~~hicti a cnn~lltional us~ permit is authorized by Code Secti~n 1p.h5.n50.111~, tn wit: pr.rmit exn~nai~n of an existir~a `•ar. 2. That the Planning Comriission ~1oes herrhy cir.terMinr that i~~nuatP par!cing for the propose~ expansion is not availahle, pursuant to 2he tn.timnny presente~l, and that the attestecl nrohlPms prPVi~usly encounterP~1 in connection ~•~it'~ parklnq and customer relationshi~s in the neiqhborhood mia~~t ten~1 tn tncreasn i` thn proposal were granted at this time. 3. That th~ proposed use will adversely affr.ct the ~rii~inin~ land usr,s ind the grow*h .~nd development nf the ~re~ in which it is pl'nO~Sr~I tn hr. lncated. ~r. That tne s i ze ancl sl,ane ~f the s 1 te ~r~nose~l fnr the ~isP i a nnt adequate to allow the full devPlooment ~f the pmnoaed USE in a m:+nnor n~t detr~rtiental [~ the particular arr.~ nnr tn the neice, hralth, s~fety, ~n~i grner~l w~lfare of th~ Citizens nf the City ~` Anaheim. 5. That the gr~ntin~ nf the f.onditinnal Ilse PPrmit will Le dr.trimpntal tn the peace, health, safety and gr.~eral a~elfarr. of the CitizPns of the Citv nf An~hr.im. ~i. Tl~at two (2) ~ers~ns ippearr.d, renrrsenttnq anornxim~t~lv t~n (1^) pers~ns present :+t said ruhlic hearing in oppositinn; tl~at twn (2) IPtters wPrP received in favor of tlie prop~sal; ~nd that a pr_titinn sinnerl t+v an~rnxim~tPly thirty-five (35) oroperty owners, resl~fents, and husinPssnnn in ~~~~stt~~~ ~~as received. F.NVIRQ~lMF.t1TAL I!1PAC7 REP~RT FItIf11tJ~: That the Director nf the Planninq Denartment has rl~terminPd that the proposed activity falls ~aithin the definition of Sectinn 3.~1, Class 1, nf t`~n f.itv nf P.naheim ~utoelines to the Requiremrnts for an Envir~nmental imp~ct Re~~rt inri is, therefore, cateqorically exemrt frnm the rer~ulrement t~ fi1P an ~IR. P!(Ild, THEREfORE, CE IT RESOLVED that the Anah~fm Citv Pl~nninn f,~mniasi~n does liereby deny subject Petitinn for Gonditional Ils~ Permit on the hasis nf thr aforementioned findinqs. Rf.`~~IU~TI~H ~10, PC7~-^^ r y ~ ~ Tf1E F~REf01tJf, RES~LUTIQt! is signed and approve~f hy nc this 2~rth d~y nf May, 1~76. - d. CN111 Rt1Att, NAHE I~1 C TY PLANH I~Ir, Cn~1~1155 I ~~I ATTEST: ~~~ SECRETARY~ ANAH IM C TY PLANNII:~ CONt115Sl~tl STATF. ~F CAL I FORtI I A ) C~UHTY OF ORANfE )ss. LITY QF At1AHEIM ) I, PaCricia B. Scanl~n, Secret~ry of the City Pl~nning Commissinn of t!i~ City of Anahntm. do hereby certify that the foreqoinct res~lution was p~sse~f anrl aciop[ed at a meeting of the City Pl~nnin~ Commission ~f' the City of Anaheim, hPlr1 nn May 2~~, 1976, at 1:30 p.m.~ by the follo~oinq vote nf the r~emhers Chereof: AYES: COMMISSIOIIERS: (:ARflES, HER[iST, KI~IG, T~LAR, FARA~i~ NQLS: COMMISSIOI~ERS: I~OpG ADSEtJT: COM~IISS-f1NF.R5: J~IItISDtd, 110RLFY IN 6lITt~E55 1•IHEREOF, I have liereuntc+ se[ my hand this 21ith day of !~ay, 1^7~. ~~ t.~ SECRFT'~R~ Fl NE I'1 C L"It t r, L~`1~1155 n -7- RF~~L~'11~~q t~r1. PL7~-O`~