PC 77-110RESOLUTION t~0. PC77-110 A RESOLUTIOU OF TtiE AUAHEIM CITY PLANNI;IG COHNISSIOt~ 7HAT PET 171 UI! FOR VI,R I AtlCE td0. 293~~ i3[ D[Il I ED WHEREAS, the Anaheim :ity Planning Corn~ :.sion did receive a verified Petition for Variance from ROiiERT L. AtID EUITH Pi. TriYLOR, 3013 flolm Drive, Garland, Texas 75041, owners, and JAM[5 t1. TAYLOR, 924 South Ua::crest Place, Anaheim, California 92604, agent of ccrtain rcal propcrty situaied in the City o` Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as: Lot 17 of Tract Uo. 387.3, as shoorn on a map recorded in ~001: 2Uj, Pages 21 throuyh '~3, inclusive, Miscellani:ous Record, of said County; and WIIEREAS, the ~ity Planniny Con~ission did Nall in the City uf Anaheini on 11ay 'L3, 1y77, o[ 1:30 hearing having becn duly yiven as required by provisions of the Anaheim 1lunicipai Codr., Chap[er evidence far and agains[ saiu proposed variance and and recormenJations in connecCion therewi[h; and iold a publ ic hcaring at ttie City p.m., no[ice of said public la~.v and in accordance with the 10.03, to liear and consider to investiya[e anJ make findings WiiEREAS, saiJ Conmission, af[er due inspection, inves[i~ation and study made ~y itself and in its b~tial', and after Jue consiJeration of all evidence and reports offered at said heariny, does find anu Jeterinine lhe followiny facts: 1. That the petitio~~cr requcsts a waiver of thc following to permit an existiny illegal yarage conversion in the P.S-7200 (RESIDEI~TIAL, SItIGL[-FAMILY) ~Oh![: SECTIQt! iFt.26.06G.011 - 1~1ir?mum numbcr of enclosed arkin s aces. Two spaces required; none cxisting 2. Tha[ the above-roentioned ~•+aivcr is hercby denieJ on the ba~~is that the petitioner did not demonstra[c [hat a harJship exists if said waiver were not granted 6ecause there is sufficient roorn in the existin9 fron[ setback to construct a two-car garage in conformance ~•~iCh Zoniny Code re9ulations for the RS-72Q0 Zone. 3, That [liere ~re no excep[ional or extraordinary c.ircumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or [o the intenJPd use of ihe property ttiat do not apply generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 4. That the reques[ed variance is no[ necessary for the preservation and enjoymenC of a subst~ntial property riyf~t possessed by otficr property in the same vicinity and zone, and Jenie~ to thc prop~rCy in questior. 5, That the requesteJ variance will be materially detrimental to the public welfare ~r injurious to [he pruperty or improve~rknts in such vicini[y and zone in which the proper[y is located. G, That three persons indicated their presencc at said public hearing in opposition; and Chat no correspondence was received in opposition to the subject peti[ion. PC77-110 ENVIRONNEi1Ti~L IIIPACT F111DIIJG: That the Director of the Planning Department Has determineJ ttiat the proposed activity falls ti•~iChin the definition of Section 3.U1, Ctass i, of thc City of Anafiein Guidelines to thc Requirements for an Environmental impact Report and is, thereforc, ca[egorically exempt from the. req~ireinent to file an EIR. tlOW, TfIEREFORE, ki[ IT RESOLVE~ that thc Anaheim Ci[y Planning Commission does hereby deny subjec[ Peti[ion for Variance on the basis of the aforementloncd findings. 1977 711E FORLG011;G P,ESOLUTIO~! is siyned anJ approved by mc this 23rd day of May, ~~o~~~ ~~ C~I ~Iftt"J~t! PRO TEIIPORE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIi~G COfV115510id ATTEST: ~~. z° ~,!~,~.:, S[CRE7AP,Y, ANA!IEIM C17Y PLAtll:ltlG CUMHIS510'~ STATE OF CAL i FORtJ I A) COUtITY OF ORAi1GE ) ss. CI7Y OF AIU;fIE1M ) I, Edith L. tiarris, Secretary of [he Anaheim City Planning Cc<~mission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~aas passed and adopted at a meeting of [he Anahcim Lity Planning Commission hcld on May 2;, t977, ~C 1:30 p.m., by the fallowin9 vote of thc eKmbers thereof: AYES: COt!111SSIGi~ERS: ISi~R;~ES, Dl1V(U, tiERDST, I:It~G, LIIlt~, TOLAR P~O[S: COt1111S5101~ER5: ~~OI~E ABSEN7: CG11111 SS I OI~CRS: JOHI15011 IN WIT11[SS UHEREUF, I havc hereunto set my hand this 23rd day of Ma~~, ~977. ~ ~c.f~ ol • 7/e'~i SELRETARY, AIdANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- PC77-110