PC 77-114RESOLUiI~~i N0. PC77-114 A RESOLUTION OF THE At;~HCIN CITY PLi~q~~I~~G COHMISSION RECUMMEIIDItlG TO TI1E CI7Y COUtlCIL Of THE CITY OF At7AliEIM THAT PETITION FOR REC~_ASSI~ICi~TION N0. 76-77-5~~ ~E APPRQ\+ED WIiEREAS, [he Anaheim City Planning Commission di~f receive a verified Petition for Reclassifir,ation from t:EITH E. CARD A"aU K.E.C. COt1PANY, 200 t~orth Sherman Avenue, Corona, Calif'ornia y1720, owner, and td. D, t10RRIS, 1249 East Katella Avenue, Orange, California 97Gu0, agerit of certain ~eal property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, Stats of California, described a~; A portion of Section i, in Township ~~ South, Range 9 4lest, 5an Bernardiono t3ase and Meridian, describad as beginning at the Hortheastcrly r.orner of lJell Lot Ido. "L, as shoo-m on a map of Survey recorded in book 13, page 40, Record of Surveys, in [he office of the Goun[y kecorder of sairi Oranye County; tl~ence South 7II° 26' ~ti0" East 16b.'L5 fee[ to an inL~:rsccCion with tiie P~ortfierly prolongation of [he Vlesterly line ~f the weil lot shown on a map of survey recorded in book 1~+, page ls, Record of Surveys, in [he offic~ of the County Recorder of said Oranyc County; thence South 11° 33' 20" 41est along said prolongation and Westerly line, 75.00 fect to the Southwesterly corner of sai~! Nell lot; thence South 78° 26' 40" East 2~.04 feet; thence South 11° 33' ~0" 1Jss[ 282.3~ feet; thence Nortti 78° 2G' ~t0" Nest 2G3.°1 feet; thence tlortii il° 33' 20" East 282.34 feet; thence Sautfi 7fi° 2G' 40" East 71.L2 fee[ co the Southeasterly corner of said well Lct do. 2; thence North 11° 3~' ~0" [ast 75.OG feet to the point of beyinning; and That portion of the land allott~d to Juan Yorba, as described in [he Final Uecrae of Partition of [IZe Rancho San[iago De Santa Ana, which was entered September 12, iL'G3 in book "G", pagc 410 of Judgments of the Dis[rict Court ~f [he 17th Judicial District in and for Los Anyeles County, California, describeJ as be9inning at a point on '.ne Northeasterly line of the 12.OU acre Parcel as sho~•+n or, a map filed in book 2G, page 2~] of Record nf Sur~~pys in the office oi` ~ne ~~unty Recorder of said County, said point beiny Jistant Ilortli 53° GU~ 00" West 157.30 `eet fron che Southeasterly terminus of a course shoo+n as "Plortn 53° 00' 00" West 2'i1~.~~ feet"; thence Soutfi 35° 13' S5" West 2%G,3J feet; thence tJorth 7d~ 2ti' 40" uest 195.71 feet; thence North il° 33' 2~" East 2b2.~;0 fcet [o the So~therly line of a well lot as shawn on a map filed in boo{. 11, page 39 of Record of Surveys in the office of the Coun[y Re~order of said County; ihr.nce South 78° 2G' 40" East "L>.9i, fee[ along the Southerly line of said well lot to the Southcast~rly corner thereof; ttience North 11° 33' 20" Eas[ 50.OU fect along the Easterly line of said ~rell lot to tiie Northeast corner tliereo`, tfience tlorth 78° 26' ~i0" West 50.00 feet .;long ttie I~ortherly 1 ine of said wel l lot to tlie Nortliwest corner tliercof; thence IJorth il° 33' ~0" East 25.00 feet to the I~ortherly line uf said 12.00 acre parcel; [hence South ?is° 2G` 40" East 107,00 feet alo~9 said I~or[herly line Lo the beginning of a curve concave Ilortl~easterly having a radius of IiSG.00 feet; thence Easterly 20.11 feet along saici curve [hrough a cen[ral an91e of b° 11' ~G"; thence PC77-114 non-tangent froin saio curve Sou[h 2Z~ 30' 00" East 101.03 fee[; !hence South 53° 00' OQ" East o5,00 feet to the point of beginning; and WHEREAS, tlie City Plan~ing Commission did hold a pubiic hearing at the City 11a11 in tfie Ci ty of Anaheim on I•1ay 23, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said publ ic hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim tiunicipai Code, Charter 10.03, to hear and consider evidence for and ayainst saiJ proposed reclassification and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facis: 1, That the petitioner proposes a reclassification of zoning on the above- described property from tlie RS-A-'~;,000(SC) (RESIDEtdT1AL/AGfICULTURAL-SCEtIIC CORRIDOR OVERLAY) ZOUE to the RS-J270(SC) (RESIUEI~TIAL, SIt~GLE-FAHILY-SGENIC CORP,IDOR OVERLAY) ZO~~ E . 2. That the Anaheim General Plan, as amended, designates the subject property as a transitional area betwecn es[ate-:.'ensity residential and low-density residen[ial land uses in the Scenic Corridor. 3, That [he proposed reclassification of subject property is necessary and/or desirable for tl~e orderly and proper development ~f the community. 4, That tlie propos~d reclassification of subject property does properly relate to the zones and tiieir permitted uses locally established in close proximity to subject property anJ to the zones and their permitted us~s generally established Chroughout the canmunity. 5, That the proposed reclassifica[ion of subject pro~erty requires the dedication and improvement of abuttiny s[reets in accordance with the Circula[ion Element of the General Plan, due [o Lhe anCicipated increase in traffic wtiich will be generated by the intensification of land use. 6. That four persons indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition and no corresponJence was received in opposition to the subject petition. ENVIfiOt~htEi1TAL IMPACT FItIDII1G: That the Rnaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the subjrct proposal to reclassiFy the property from the RS-A-1+3,000(SC) (P,esidential/P.gricultural-Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone to the RS-7200(SC) (Residential, Si~gle-Family-Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone, consistin9 of approximately 4.2 acres located at the southerly terrninus of Quiniana Drive, and does hereby recommend to tt~e City Council of the City of Anaheim that a t~egative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report be approved for the subject property on the basis that there are no ind?vidual or cumulat3ve adverse impacts on the environment due to the approval of this Negative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan designates the subject property as a transition~l area between c:state-density residentia~ and low-density residential land uses commensurate with the proposal, and the Initial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no significant adverse environmental impacts; and that the Hegative Declaration substan[ia[ins the foregoing findings is on file In the Offtce of Yhe Planning De~artment. -2- PC77-114 t~OW, TtiEREFOftE, 6E IT RESOLVEQ that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby recor.mend to the City Council of tfie Lity of Anaheim that subject Petition for Reclassification be approved and, by so doing, tfiat Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheirn Municipal Code be amended [o exclude the above-described property from the RS-A-43,000(SCj (RESIDEIITIAL/AGRICULTUkAL-SCE~~IG CORRIDOR OVERLAY) ZONE and to incorporate sald described property into the RS-720D(SC) (RESIDEt~TIAL, SINGLE-FAMILY- SCEIIIC CORRIDOR OVERLAY) ZOt~[ upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anahelm: 1. That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged, as required and determined to be necessary oy Lhe Chief uf the Fire Depar[ment, prior to comnencement of structural framiny. 2. That subject property shall be scrved by underground u[ilities. 3. That the aaner(s) of subject propcrty shall pay to the City of Anaheim the ~ppropriate park and recreation in-lieu fees as deter•mined to ue appropriate by the City Council, said fees to oe paid dt the time [he building permit is issued. 4. That a final tract map of subject praperty shail be submitted to and approved by *.he City Council and then be recorded in the Office of the Orange County Recorder. y, That the cwner(s) of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim an easement for eques[rian anJ hi~ing trails 5 fect in width along the westerly boundary of subjec[ property, said easement [o be recorded concurrently wit~ the final tract map. G. Prior to tlie introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property, Condition t7o. ~~, above mentioned, shall be completed. The provisions or rights granted by this resolution stiall become null and void by action of the City Council unless said conditions are complied witli wi[tiin one year from tlie date hereof, or such further time as :he City Council may grant. 7. That Gondi[ion tlo. 2, above men[ioned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zoniny inspections. 1977 TI~E FOREGOII~G RESOLUTIOt! is signcd and approved by me this 23rd day of May, v~ ~~ CI AIRMAt~ ~0 TLMPOR AIVAHEIH CITY PLA~~NING COPlMI5SI0N ATTEST: ~~ ~ ~~ S[CRETARY , AI~l1HE l 4 C I Tf PLANt! I t~G C011l115510t~ STATE OF CALIFORtdIA ) COUtyTY ~F ORAtiGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAfIEIM ) -3- PC77-tt4 ,~_ I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify tfiat the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the A~alieim City Planning Commission held on May 23, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the foliowing vote of the rr~mbers thereof: AYES: COF1111SSIONERS: BARNES, DAV~D, KING, LIIJId, TOLAR NO[5: COM111SSIOtlERS: HERDST ABSENT: COMt115510NERS: JOi~P~50P! IN WITNESS IJNEREOF, 1 have hereunto set nry hand this 23rd day of May, 1977. ~d.~.d ~° 7~~.;.~ 5 ECRETARY , At~AtiE I 11 C I TY PLAtJN I t~G COMPt I55 I OtJ -4- PC77-t~4