PC 77-116RESOLUTIOt~ N0. PC77-116 A RESOLUTIOt~ 0~ TIiE ANAHEIH CITY P~AFIP7IKG C011MISSION REC011ME17DI~~G TO TNE CITI' COUPICIL OF TIiE CITY OF AI~AIfEIN THAT PETiT10~i FOR RELLASSIFIGATI01~ N0. 7(~-77-5~ BE APPROUED WHEREAS, [he Anaheim City Planniny Lommission did receive a verified Petition for ReclassiEicacion from JAMES A. At+U CRACE L.Ii3ER10, 1%20 West La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, Calitornia 9~oUl, owr,ers, and DOU H. EIROWt~, 1720 West La Palma Avcnuc, Anaheim, California 92u01, ayent, of ccrtain real propcrty si[uated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, dcscribed as: That portion of the Eas[ lialf of the Soutfiwes[ quarter of Section 3, Tczwnship !+ South, Ranye 10 11est, in [hc Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as shown on a Map recorded in iiooi: ~1, page 10 of Miscellaneous tlaps, records of Oran~e Lounty, Calif::rnia, described as Parcel 1, as shown on a Map filed in Uook 2y, c?a^ye 20 of Parcel Haps in the office of the County RetorJer o` said t?rTnge County; and WH[R[A5, tiic Gi[y Planniny Com~~ission dicl huld a public hr.~ring at [he City Hall in Che City of Anaheirn on June 6, 1977, a[ 1:30 p.m., no[ice of said public heariny havin~ been duly yiven ~s required by la~•r and in accordance with the provisions of the Anahcim Municipal Code, Chaptcr 1i;,03, to hear and ccnsider evidence for and against said proposed reclassificatior, and to investiyate and make findings anJ recommendatians in connection [herewitt~; and W'rIEREAS, said Cocu~ission, after due insv « tion, invcstigation and study made by itself and in its br_ha1f, and aft~r due consicteration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, do^s find and determine [he following facts: 1. That the peti[ioner proposr_s reclassification of [he subject property from the CG (COh;MERCI~L, GEtI[R~1L} ZOI~E [o the ML (If;UUSTRIAL, LII~tIT[D) ~ONE. 'L. That the Anaheira Gencral Plan designates subject properCy for general industrial land use. 3. ThaC thc petitioner stipulated [o developricnt oF subject property in substantial accurdancc witF~ tlie sE~ecific plan submitted to [he Planning Department and markeJ Exhibit No. 1 and revicweJ by thc Planning C~mmission this date; and that the petitioner stipulated to submittin9 new specific plans if any substantial cfianges are made to the proposcJ projec[ to khc Planniny Commission for their review prior to cons[ruction. 4. That the proposed reclassification of subject property is necessary and/or desirabl~ for the ordcrly ancl proper developmen[ of ttic commu~ity. ~. That thc: proposed reclassification of subject property does properly reiate to ttic zo~ies and their permitteJ usrs locally established in close proximity to subject property and to the zon~s and their permi[[ed uses generally established througliout tfic communi[y. PC77-116 G. That the proposed reclassifica[ion of subject property requires [he dedica[ion and improvement of abuttiny streets and alleys in accordanca wi[h the Circulation Elen~nt of the Gen~ral Plan, d~e tu the anticipated increa5e in traffic whieh will bc yenera[ed by the in[ensification of land use. 7. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposiiion to subjec~ paCition. ENVIROtIHEtlTAL IMPACT FI,~DIt~G: That tne Anaheim Ci[y Plannina Commission has reviewed the s~~bject proposal consistin9 of classification [o the ML (Industrial, Limited) Zone on approxi~oately 1.3 acres located at [he northeast corner of F+naheim (3oulevard and Lemon S[reet and does hereby recommend to the City Council of [he City of Anaheim that a Negative Ueclara~ion from [he requiremen[ [o prepare an environrnental impact report be approved for the subject project on the basis that therc would be no siynificant adverse environmental impacts since the subject proper[y is adjacent to industrial and commercial developix nt and wi11 no[ cause harm to adjoininc; proper[y; tfiot thcrc woulJ bc no individual or curwlativc adverse impacts on [he environrnenC due to [hc ~pproval of this tleyatiwe Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan desiynates thc subject property for gencral industrial uses commensura[e with thc proposal; anJ that Che 1ni[ia1 Study submi[ted by the petitioner inoica[es no significan[ adverse impacts. 7he Negative lleclaration is on file in [he office ` th~ Plannin_y Ucnartinen[. NOLI, TIIERCFORE, EfE IT R[SOLVCU [hat thc Anahcim City Planning Crxnmission does hereby recomr,x nd ~o the ~ity Council of the City of Anaheim Chat s~dject Petition for Reclassification be approved and, by so doing, that Ti[le lo-Zoning of [he Anaheim Municipal Code be an~ndcd to exclude the above-described property from the CG (CONIIERCIAL, uL'NERAL) 20NE and [o incorporat~ said described property in[o the t1L (IfIDUSTRIAL, LII"•ITEU) ZOI![ upon tt~c followin, corditi~ns wfiicti are hcreby found to be a neccssary prerequisite to tlic proposed usc uf subject propcrty in order tu preserve thc safe[y and ycncral welfare cf thc Citiiens of [he City of Anaheim: t. That the owncr(s) of subjec[ property shall dced ta [he City of F~naheim a strip of land 45 fect in width from [he cc~[erline of the street alony Lenxm S[reet for street widening purposes. 2. Tha~ strect lightiny facili[ies alony Lert,on Strect and Anaheim tioulevard shall be installed as required by che Director of Public Utilities and in aecordance with s[andard specifications on file in [he Office of the Direetor of Public Utilities; and/or tha[ a bond, cer[ificate of deposit, letter of credit, or cash, in an amoun[ and form satisfactory [o the City of Anaheim, shall be pa5[ed with the City [o guarantce [he installation of the above-men[ir~ned rrquirements. 3. Thzt sidcwall:s shall b~ installed along Lenx~n Strect and Anaheim isoulevard as required by [he City En9ineer and in accordance with sCandard ~lans and speciFications on file in the Office of the Giey Engineer. 4. That fire hydrants sfiall be installcd and charged, as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Depar[ment, prior to commencement of structurai frar,~ing. 5, That sub;ect property shall be served by underground utili[ies. -2- PC77-116 6. That drainage o~ subject property shall be disp~sed of in a manner satisfactory [o the City Enyinecr. 7. That subject property sl~all be developed substantially in accordance wiCh plans and specifications on file with [he City of Anaheim marked Exhibit tto. 1. 8. Prior to Che introduction of an ordinance rezoning subjec[ property, Condition PJos. 1 and 2, above-rientioned, shail be completed. The provisions or rights gran[ed by [his resolution shall becorne null and void by action of the City Council unless said co~ditions are complied with wi[hin une year from [he da[e hereof, or such furthc:• tinu~ as *_he City Council may yrant. 9, That Condition t~os. 3, ~, 6 a~o 7, above rn~ntioned~ shall be complied witli prior to final buildiny and zoning inspections. 1977. THk FOREGOIItG R[SOLUTIOIJ is signed and approved by me this 6th day of Junc, ~ ~~~ Gi AIRHAN PP.O TEHPORE ANAHEIM CITY PLA~dN1NG COMMISSiON ATTEST: ~,~ ~.° ~~ ~[CRETARY, ANNiE I M L I TY PLA1ii~ I IJG COMMI SS I Otl STA7E OF CALIFORMI<~ ) COUI~TY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF At1AfiEIH ) I, [dith L. Harris, ~ecre[ary of [he Analicim City Plannirig Commission, do hereby cer[ify that the foreyoing resolution was passcd and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Conmission held on June 6, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the followiny vo[e of thc members thercof: AYES: COMI11551011ERS: t3ARt1E5, UAVID, NEP,BST, KII~G, TOLAR NOLS: CO-"NISSIOI~ERS: r~OilE AEiSEt~T: ~OMI115510NER5: JOHNSON, LIIJI! WITtIESS Wi1ERCOF, 1 have hcreun[o se[ my hand this 6th day of June, 1977. `~ y~ '~~~ of. SECRETARY, At~l~.1fEIM CITY PLAt~NING COMMISSIOtI -3- PC77-t16