PC 77-117RC;OLUT10~1 t~0. PL77-117 A RESOLUTIO!i OF TfiE AIlAiiEl!~1 CITY PLANt~I11G COHMIS51011 RECONNEI;UING TO THE. CITY COU,ICIL OF TNc LITY OF A'~AHEI!1 TNA7 PETITI01~ FOP, RLLL.ISSIFILATION t10. 7fi-77-57 DE kPPf:OV[D WN[REAS, the Anahei~n City Planniny Lomrnission did reccive a verified Petition for ReclassificaLion frori LAl1A CORPORATIOil, 93~+ Ci~estnut 5[reet, Escondido, California 920Zj, owner, and LYUII E. TIIOttSLN, 710 North [uclid StreeC, ~7222, Anaheim, California ;2~~1, agent, of c~rtain rcal propcrty situa[ed in the Ci[y of An~fieim, County of Oran~~e, Sta[~ ~f Lalifornia, describcd as: Tha[ portion of Lo[ ~+J uf thc Mahcim Extension, as sho~•~n on a Map of a Survey by William Narnel in Uecember 13Go and filed in the Office of the County Recoroer of Los Anycies Coun[y, California, and [hat portion of [he t;oeffler Trac[, as shown an a Nap recorded in E3ook 30, paye 17 of Fliscullaneous Records of said Los Angeles County, described as thaC cer[ain 1.~~t acre parcel, as shuwn on a Map filed in Boo4: ;9, page 20 of Record of Surveys in the Office of the County Recorder of Or~nge County, California. [xcepting [herefrom thc Uor[herly Z0.00 fcet. Also excepting thurefrom that portion described in Parcel One in Deed to American t9ational Propertics, recordcd February 17, 1)J% in E3ook 12073, pagc ~4G of Official Records; anu UIIEREAS, the City Planning Cornnission did hold a public hearing at [he City Hall in the City of Anaheim on June G, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said puhlic hearing haviny been duly giv~n as reyuired by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anahcim Municipal Codc, Chapter 1E,03, te hear and c~nsidcr evidence for and against said proposed reclassi`ication and [o investi~ate and make findings and recomnunuaCions in conncction [h~rewitii; and WIiERE~S, said Commission, aftcr due inspection, investina[ion and study made oy itself and in its behalf, anJ after due consiJ~~ration of all evidence and reports offered at said huariny, does finu and determine tho following facts: 1. That the pe[itioner proposes rr:classification of the subject property from thc RN-1200 (RESIUENTI!'~L, 11ULTIPLE-FANILY) ZOt~E and CL iCOMMERCIAL, LIMITED) ZUI~E to che CL (L'Ot1~!ERCIAL, LIHITEU) ZONL. L. Tha[ thc Anaheirn General PEan designates subject proper[y for general commercial lancJ uses. 3. That [hc petitioner stipula[ed to devclopmen[ of subject property in substantial accordance with tfie plans submit[ed Co [he Planniny Department marked Exhibit Nos. 1 througli 3 and revicwed by the Planning Commission this date; and, further, that tfie petitioner stipulat~J to submitting new specific plans if any subs[antial chanyes are made to [he proposed project Co the Planning Commission for review anJ approval. 4. Tha[ the proposed reclassification of subJec[ property is necessary and/or Jesirable for [hc ordcrly and proper development of thc community. PG77-117 j. Thac the proposeu reclassificatian of sub~ect propcrty does properly rclate to tfie zoncs anJ their perr~it[c~ uses locally cs[ablisheJ in closc proximity [o subject propcrty anu [o tlic zones and thcir ~crnitted uses ~enerally established throughoui the coumunity. G. That the proposed reclassification of subject property requires the dedication and improvernent of abut[iny streets in accordance with [he Lirculation Element of [hc General Plan, due to the an2icipated increase in traffic which will be acncrated by thc intensification of la~d usc. %, That nu one indicated [heir presenc~ at saiJ public hearing in opposi[ion; and [hat no correspondence r~as received in opp~sition to subjee[ pctition. Et~ViRONMEIlTAL INPAC7 FItIDI~1G: That thc Anahciia Lity Planninci Lommission has reviewed the suLjec[ proposal cunsisiing uf a classification to the CL (Cor,unercial, Limited) Zonc lo construc[ a corr~r~crciai building vri[h waivcr of minimum structural setbaek on a 1.0 acre parcel located south anJ ~~~est of the sou[hhest corner of La Palma Avenue and Harbor uoulevard and does hereby recomrr~end to the City Council of the City of Anaheim tha[ a lle~ativc Ueclaration from che requiremcn( Co preparc an environmental impact repor[ bc approveJ for the subjec[ project on the basis that there would be no si9nificant adverse environr,ien[al inpacts since the subject proper[y is adjacent to comrt~ercially zoned property and wiil not cause harm to adjoininy property; tha[ there vroulJ bc no individual or w mulative adversc impacts on th•a environment Juc [o thc a~proval of this Nenativc Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan design~~tes subject prope~ty for general commercial land uses convncnsurate with thc proposal; ~nd [hat thc Ini[i.~l Stuuy subnittcJ hy Lhc petitioncr indicaics no siynificant auvcrsc imp~cCS. Thc Ncyativc Ucclar~[ion is on fil~ in [hc officc of [hc Plannin~ Ucpartr~:nt. I~p41, TiI~~LFORC, Iil IT F.CSJL`JEU tfiat thc Anahcira Gi[y Planning Commission does hcreby recoi~m~:nd to the City Louncil of thc City of Anaheim [hat subject Petition for ReclassiTiCd[ii7n bc opprovcd anc:, hy so doin~, [hzt Titlc 1~-Zoning of the Anahcici Municipal Code be arocn~c:J to chcluJc the abovc-described propcrty fron the RN-120U ;RESIUCNTIAL, MULTIPLL-FANILY) ZOtlE and CL (COMME°CIAL, LINITED) ZONE and to ineorporatc saicl described propcrty i~~to thc CL (COHMERCIAL, 1IM17f:D) ZOIIE upon thc followiny condiCinns wnich arc hcrcby found to be a neecssary prerequisite to Che proposcd use of subjecc propcrty in order to prescrve the safety and gencral welfare of [hc Citizcns of thc Gity of Anahci!:~: ~, That the ovrncr(s) of subjec.t property shall deed to thc City of Anahcim a strip of land ~3 feeC in wiJth from the centerlinc of thc strcet along La Palma Avenue and a strip of land 45 fe~t in widtl~ from [he centerlinc of the street along Harbor E3oulcvard for s[rect wiJc.niny purposes. 2, Tha[ all 4nginecriny requirements of the City of Anahcim along La Palma i~venuc, inclu~iny prepara[ion of improverncnt ~~lar~s nnd installation of all improvements such as curbs and gu[ters~ ~id•,walks, street grading and paving, drainagc facilities or o[hcr appurt~nant wor1:, snall bc complie;d with as required by Lhc City Enginecr anJ in accordance wich standard p,ans and specifi w tions on file in the Office of the City Enyineer; and/ or that a bond, certit`icate of deposic, letter of credit, or cash in an amoun[ and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with th~ City to guarantee the inseallation of the above-mentioned requirements. 3, That sidewa4ks shall bc +nstalled alonq t9ar5or E3oulevard as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plan~. and specifica[io:••~ on file in thc Officc af thc City Enr,inecr. -2_ PC77-117 4. Tha[ the owner(s) of subject property shali pay to the City of Nnaheim the sum of S'l.bU per frnnt foct alon9 La Palna P~venuc and Harbor Boulcvard for strcet ligh(ing purposes. j, That „•,c owncr(s) of subjcc[ propcrty sha~l pay to thc City of Anaheim thc sum of 60 ccnts pcr front Foot alony ;_a Palma Avenuc and Narbor BoulcvarJ fur tree planting purp~ses. G. Tha: subjcct propcr[y shall be serveo by undcrgr~und u[ilities. 7. ~:~at draina~~c of suhject propcrty stiall bc disposcd o~ in a manncr sa[isfactory .~ the City Enyineer. £i, Th~t subjec[ property shail 5e developed substan[ially in accordanee with plan5 and specifications on file with the City uf Anaheim mar~eJ Exhibit t~os. 1 through 3. 9. Prior to the introduc[iori of an c~rdinance rezo~ing subject proper[y, Coridition t~os. 1, "L, 4 and 5, abovc mc:ntiuneu, shall be cornnletcd. Thc provisians or rights 9fan[ed by this resolu[icro shall become null and voi~ by ac[ion of the CiCy Council unless saiJ conditiuns are cor,n~lied with w3thir one yeor from [he date hcrcof, or sueh fur[her [imi: as thc Gity Council may 9rant. 10. Thal ConJition Iloc. 3, ~, 7 ~~~~ v, ~bovr_ meii[ioned, shall be complicd ~~ith prior to final buil~iing and zoniny inspections. 1917. 7HE F~REGO I:;G itESOLUTIOU i s s i gned and ap{>roved by me th i s Gtti day of Junc, . C AIRI'JU~ P,• TE~1POf;l ~~~lAfIEIY C17Y PLA'L'lltif CONf11S5101~ ATTCST: (e ~~ SECfiCTAR , tJF.HE I M C I'Y LANN I NG LOItt11 SS I 01~ STATE OF CALIFORIIIA ) COU~ITY OF OFAI~GC ) ss. CITY OF AI~Af1EIN ) 1, Ed(th L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheir.i Ci[y Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adop[ed at a mcetin~ of the AnaFieim Gity Planning Commission held on June G, 1y77, a[ 1:30 P•m., by thc following votc of [hc members thcrer~f: AYES: COt1MI5510NER5: EfARi~ES, DAVIU, HER~ST, K14C, TOLAR IJOES: C01111 1 5 5 1 0NEIt5: I~QNE ADSENT: COHM15510NER5: JOHNSOR, LINfi IIJ WIit;E55 UNEREOF, I ha've: i~ei•eunto set ~~y har,d this Gth day of June, 197?. ~ ~ ~C~6~!vt.c.v SEGRE7~RY, AIIAtIEIM CI1Y PLANtJING COMMISSION -3- Pt77-tt7