PC 77-119RESOLUTt01~ N0. r^C77-119 A RESOLUTl01J OF THE A1~AifEili CITY PLAIl;IIt~G L0~1"115510N TfiAT PETITIOt~ FOZ CONUITIOI~AL USE PERIIIT N0. 1713 BE DEt~I[D Wi1EREA5, Lhe Anaheim Ciiy Planning Commission did receive a verified Peti tion for Condi tional Use Permi t frorn LI1NA CORPOP,l~TIOtI, g34 Cfies[nut 5[reet, Escondido, California 92025, ayner, and LYI~iJ E. Tt10liSFN, )10 ~~or[ii Euclid Street, /,'22?., Anaheim, California 92i301, agent, of certain real situated in the City of Anaiieim, County of Oranye, Statc of California, dcscribed as: That portion of Lot 40 of tfie Ana;ieim Extension, as shuwn on a Map of a Survey by Wiliiam Harncl in Deceinber, IEG~ and filed in the Office of the Coun[v Recorder of Los P.n,eles County, Califo rnia, bounded as fo1la,~s: Northerly by Che Southerly righ[ of way linc of La Palma Avenue, 103.00 feet wide; Southeriy by the Northerly line of the land described in Deed to Anaheim Scfiool District of Orange County, recorded ~anuary 24, 1930 in 3ook 19~7, pagc 518 of Official Records and Easterly and Westerly by the Nortf~erly prolongation of [hc Eas[erly and Westcrly lincs respec[ively of said land of Anahcin School District of Oran~e Lounty; and uHEREAS, the Cicy Planning Lommission did h Ha;l in the City of Anaheim r~n Junc b, 1977, a[ 1:30 hearing havin5 been duly yiven as requir~d by provisions of [he Anaheim Municipal ~odc, Chapter evidence for and against said proposed conditional findings and recommendations in connection thereo~ith; old a public hearing a[ the City p.n,., notice of said puFlic law an~ in accordance with the 18„Uj, to hear and consiJer usc anJ to investigatc anJ make a~d WHERE.?SE said Connission, afccr duc :nspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behal`, and ;,fter due consideration of all e~idence and reports offered at said heariny, does find and dct~ ntiine the following facts: 1. Tha~ the proposed use is properly one ror •Nhich a conditional ~se permit is authorized under au[harity of Code Seciion 1d.03.0;J.010 to persnit outdoor s[orage witla v:aivers of: a. SECTI01~ 1tt.04.043.101 - Naxirwm fence heiqht '1. inclies permitted; 6 fcei proposed) b. SECTION 18.t~~i.i16;.050 - Minimum landscapin . 0 se[ require ; none proposed) 2. That [he proposed usc is hereby denied on the basis that the petitioner did not demonstrate tha[ a h~rdship would hc crcat~d if sai~a use were denied; and, although the U,se ~~as proposed as a[emporary use, pe[itioner was unable t~ designa[e a time lir~itation. 3. That the proposed use will adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the ar:.,: in which it is proposed ;o be located, Pc77-tt9 4. That [he _ize and s~ape of [hc si-te rropased for the use is not adequate to ailovr the full development of the proposed ~~se in a maroner rtmt detrimental to the par[icular area nor to the peace, heattfi, sa`ety, anrJ ger~eral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anafiein. 5, That tlie grantiny of the Conditional Use Pernit wi1l be d~etrimenCaA Ro the peace, health, safety and general rrelfare of the Citizens of the Lity of Anahe~im. G. That no one indicated their presenc~ at said p~blic nearin~ in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition tc~ Xf~e subject petition. EIlVIROIiHENTAL IMPACT FI~JUING: Th~t the A~af,eim City Planninq CommissSon has reviewed the subject proposal to ~ermit CU'id'JOf storage with waivers of rnaximum fence t'°ight and nrinimum landscaping nr an irregularly-st7aped parcel consisting, of O.G acre lo~ated on the south side of ~a Palma levenuc, approxinately 365 feet ~+est of [he centerline ~f Harbor t3ou'tevard, and does hereby recomnend ta the Ci2y 'Louncil of the City c,F Anaiirim that a Neqative Declaration from the reyuircment to prepare an envirunmental impact report be denied for the subject pr•oject on ttie basis tha[ [here would be a signifi w nt adverc~ environr.ien[a' impac[ on tfie ncighborhoo•!. NOIJ, 7i1ER[FORE, D[ '.T RE~O!IyEU that the Anaheim City ~Pianning Cwmission does hereby deny suhject Pe[ition for Con~iitional Use Permit on the basis of the aforementioned findi;igs. ~~%7• TNE FOREGOIIIG R[SOLU71~t~ is siyned and approved by me thi, E[h day of ;une, (~ ~~^'~~_ Ct I RtiAtJ PRO TEMPOP,E AfIAHEIM CITY PLAIdIl1NG COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~ ~ ~~ SECR[TAP,Y, AF~AHEIM C17Y PLAUPJItIG !'~HM1551Qti STATL OF C{1LIFORNIA } COU~ITY OF OR/1~JGE ) ss. CITY OF AtU1H[IFt ) I, Editli l. Harris, Secre[ary of tl~e Analieim City Planning Cortmission, do hereby certify that tt:e foregoiny resolution was passcd and adop~ed at a meeting of thc Anaheim City Planning Commission held on June G, 1)77, at 1:3U ~.rn.~ by the fotlowing vote of the m~:mbers thereof: AYES: LOHI115510NER5: fIERl35T, t.ItIG, TOLAit Ii0E5: COHMISSIOI~ERS: [3AP,NES, UAVID A,~S[NT: COt1MISSIONEP,S: JO{itlSUla, Lltli! IN WITt~[5S ~.JIIEREOF, I have h~:rs°.~,to set my hand this 6th day of Ju~e, 1977. `~~ ~~ ° ~~~ SECRETARY, AIlAIIEIM CITY PLAFlNING COHHISSIOIJ -2- PC77-119