PC 77-120RESOLUTIOt~ Nq. PC77-17.0
WHLREAS, the Anaheim City Plan~ing Coex~ission did receiee a verified
PeLition for Reclassificatio~ from PABLO +.'. AND LAURA l:tIOVLT~011 DOMItIGUEZ, 1253 Eas[
SanLa Ar.a Street, Anahuim, Califotnia 92u05, a•mers, and TNE P,OtsERT P, WARMIfJGTOP~
C0~1PNltY, 57II80 Sky Park ~ircle,5uite 205, Irvine, Cal3fornia 9271d+, ~gent, oF certain
real pr~pert~ situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Califor~nia,
described as:
Thc f1Dre.hwest qu~rter of the t~ortri;•rest yuarter of ihe tlarthwest
quar[er of Section 24, Townsfiip 1, Soutti, Rany~~ 1U Nest, in the
Kancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as shcn,m on a R~ap recorded in
book 51 page 10 of Hiscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange
County. FY,CEr^Tli~G THLRcFf',UM the t(orkh 2U3 feet of the ~lest 203
feet [hcreof; and
WH"tP,EAS', tlie City Planning Gomroission did hold a publ~ic hcaring a[ the City
Hall in the City or Anaheim on June 6, 19Jj, at 1:30 p,m., notice of said public
hearing having been duly <~iveii as required by Yaw and in accordance with the
provisions of the Nnaheim Municipa°~ Coc!c, Chap2er 16.03, ~[o hear and consider
evid~nce f~~~ and against said proposed rectassifiGation and to investigate and make
findings and rec;w~nendatioiis in connection t(iercwith; and
W'riLREAS, said Corttt,ission, afCcr due inspection, ~~rvestiya[ion a~d study made
by itself and in its behalf, and afrer duc considcra[io.~ of al'I evidence and reports
offered at said 'nearinn, does find and determine the fo(1cx~ing facts:
l. That the ,:+~titioner proposes rec3a,sification pf the subject property
from the i•IL (If~DJSTRlAI., LINITEu} ~0l~E to the C! (COIIt1EP,CI~1L, LIf117E0) ZC~t1E.
2. That the Anaheim Gencral Plan d~esignates subject property t~or geroeral
commercial land uses.
3. That thc petitioner ski~ulated to alignin~ the proposed d,riveway on
iiall Road with the exis[ing driveway [u the sh~pping cen~rr located on the north side
of Ball Road.
~. Th~t the petitioner stipulated [o providinry a six°foot ~lock wal! on
th¢ south property line anJ to increasing the bloc4; wall nei~ht [o six feet along the
east property line, provided that thc er.isting eleven ancil one-lialf foot carport walls
along portions of the east rroperty line are determined to satisfy the block wall
requirement at such specific loca[ions..
5. That Lhe petitioncr stiputated that landsca~iii~g is in~.:orporated on
Exhibit lio. 1, as required by Code.
6. That the peti:ioncr stiF..'.ated ta providing additio~al refuse storage
areas in accardance w;~h the specifications of the City of Anaheim Sanitation
7. ~hat the ~oposed recl~ssificatian oi e j~ct property is ~ecessary
and/o~' dcsi~a~le for the ~rd~rly and proper developnent oi the cor,ur~unity.
~t. That 'the proposed reclassification of subject nr~perZy does prpperly
rtilate ta [hc zones and thcir permitte~j uses ioc.ally established in close proximity
to subject properiy and to the zones and [heir permitted uses r~encrally establi5hed
throuyhouL Lnc c~mmunity.
9. 7faat the propose~ reclass+fica[ion of su~iec[ proy~erty requires the
dedication and inprovemeci[ of abut[ing sfreets ir~ accordance 4JtU1 the Circulation
Elern~nt ef the Gereral Plan, c~ue t~~ ~he an[icipatesf increase in traffic wnich will be
generated by the in[ensifica[ion nf land use.
10, 7hat nU ore indicatc~ tlieir presence a[ said public hearing in
oAPoS~Cion; ac.G that no correspordcr:ce was received in oppo~ition to subject
peti Citan.
El!'/lRONfSLilTkL 1MPACT FI;:UING: 'Tfiat thc l~naheim City ?lanning Commission has
revie~~ed the subject proposal to r~classify subject property to CL (Cr~rvnercial,
Limited) zoni~y on approxiiaately 7.3 acres located south and east of [hc southeest
cc~rner of dail Road and State ~olleye Uoul~varJ, and does hereby r2comrr.en~ to thc
Gi[y Councii ~r Che Gity of Anatseim ttiat a Negative Declaration from ihe requirsment
to pr~epare an envir4nmeniar' irnpact report be apNroved for said projecC on the basis
that thece woulcd be no sign+fi~:ant individual or cumula[ive adverse environmen[al
impscts sinc~e [he Anaheie,~ Gcnwrai Plan Je,ignates the subject property for general
com~ercial uses comr.~ensurate with Che propos~l, and the Initial StuJy submi[[ed by
the petitioner i~dicates nu significant adverse ir~~p3c[s. The llegative Declaration is
on file in the officc of the Planning Gepar[ment.
NObl, THEREFORE, [lE IT RESOLVEU Lhat thc Anatscim City Planning Lornmission
does hereby recomner~d to the City Council of the CiLy of Anahelm that subje~t
Petition for Reclassification be approve~l ana, by so Joing, tha[ Title li;-Z~ning of
the llnahcii.i Flunicipal Code be ame~ded to exclude the above-described proper~ty frorn
the h1L (II7DU57RIAL, LIMIT[J) ZOIIE and to incorpor~te saio described property into [he
LL (COMI1ERCIF~L, LINITEJ) ZONE upon the fol~owing co~di[ions which are hereby found [a
be a necessary ~rerequisite to the proposed use ~f subject property in order [o
preserve the safety and general welfare uf thc Gitoz~:ns of the City r~f Anaheim:
1. That all enginecriny reGuircrnents of the City of Asiah;eim along State
College Uoulevard and Gall RoaJ, includin9 prcpar•atian of improvement plans and
installa[ion of all im~rovernents such as curbs and r,utters, sidewalks, street grading
and paving, orainahc facilities or other appurtenant work, shall be complied with as
required by tfie City Enyiz~uer and in ~sccorda~cc wiih standard plans and
specifica[ions on file in Lhe Office of thc ~ity Engineer; that• stree[ iighiing
facilities alony State Colleyc Unwlevard and ~Gall Road shall be instal4ed as rcquired
by the Director ~f Public Utiliiies, and in accordance with standard specifications
on file in [he Of.iice of the Director of Pu51ic Utilities; and/or that a~ond,
certificate of deposi2, letter of credit, or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory
to the City of Anaheim shall be pos[ed ti~ith thc City to guarantee the .instaliation of
the abovc-men[ioneJ rzquirements_
2 That the. awner(s) of subject pro~crty shall pay to thc C~ity of Flnaheim
the sum of 60 cents per frr~n[ font along State College Doulevard and 6alS Roaci for
tree plantiny purposes.
3. That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged, as required a~d
determined t~ be necessary by the Chief of the Fir~e Department~ prior to commencement
of stru~tural framii;y.
1~, That subjec[ ~roperty shall be served by underground ~tilitics.
-z- Pc73-lco
s. That thc: •opos,ed Ulf1VCYla:~/ on 3.a1 ~ Ro ~ wi 11 bc al ir,ned wi th the
existing driveway to the ,nopping ccrs2er located on the north si~'e of [3all Road, as
recommended by Lhe CiLy Traffic Eregineer.
6. That a six-foot masonry wal1 stiall be co~structed alon9 the south
property iine; and that the bl•ock wall hei3ht shali be increased to six feet along
[he ~ast property line, providecl that ttie existing carport walls alonq porti~ns of
the east property line satisfy [he block ~•~al) requirement at such specific locatians.
7. That drairiaye of su6ject property shall bc disposed oF in a manner
satisfactory Co the City Engine:er.
is. Prior ta the introductien ~f an ordinance rezuniny sw6ject praperty,
Condition I~os. 1 and 2, a6ove-mentiar~ed, sha~l be cr,mple.ted. The provisions or
rights granted by tllis resalution shali betome nual anJ void by action of the City
Counr_il unless said conditions are compliecJ with within one year from the date
hereof, ue su~h fv;ther time as the City Council ~nay yranc:.
9. Thrit CondiZ~on Nos. ti, 5, 6 and 7, above mentioned, shall be complied
with prior to fitia) builc}ing and zoning inspecGions.
1Q. That IandsGape plans bc incorporated on Extzibit No. 1~ as siipulace~d t,o
k~y the pe[ition~r.
fl, Tha[ additional refuse storage areas be provided per recommendation of
the Gity of Anahe'im Saniiation Givision, as st+pulateJ [o by the ~etitioner.
THE FOP,EGOIIJG RESOLUTIDIJ is siyned and approved 6y rne this Gth day of Junc,
CI A I'r(Mfllu f~POR
~ /„ 1~, /6~~
COUNTY OF ORi1fdG[ ) ss.
1, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Ana~ieir.~ Ci2y Planniny Commission, do
hereby certify thac the fore9oiny resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of
ihe llnaheim City Plannin~ Commission held on Junc 6, 1977~ at 1:30 p.m.i by the
following vote of the r,Kmbers thereof:
AYES : C011M! 55I ONERS : BARt~ES , Ul1V 1 D, tIER65T, KI tIG, TOV.AR
Itl WITt1E55 ~INEREOF, I have I~creunro set my han~ this 6[h day of ,dun~e, 1977.
(O cY.~"~- ~ 1~~-~i~i1~G~r/
-3- ~C77~120