PC 77-121~ RESOLUTiOti 1~0. PC77-1Z~ A RESOL'JTiG:~ OF Ti!E AiIAHEI"f ClTY PLA;JIlI!IG COMMIS510!1 THfl% r^!cTiTit?~I FOR VAP,Ia~ICr IiO. 2~~+2 BE fRk~ITED, It! PAR7 WH[REAS, the Anahcin, CiCy Plann,ir~g Cbr.mission did reccive a verified Peti[ion fo~ Variance from JULIUS C. MOLI't,1A~, 3;331 Atlantic Avenue, Lan9 fseach, CaliFornia 9~oi;7 and FRA~tLES E. UOLD, ;i+3~ CarlCOn'~lay., i'ii9., Los Angcles, C~lifornia 3032b, cwner~ of certain rcal property siU~atecl, in Chw Coty r~F Anaheim, Lounty of Orange, Statc of Laliforn~a, ~icscribed asr 7HAT POR740t1 OF I.OT y OF A P.EPLl~T OF THE OE:Ch1ARD FARY, 7RACT, .~~ SNOWI! ON A MAP R[LOftUEi.~ 111 300K 7 P~'CE f~ 6r t115CE:LLAt1ECU5 11APS, P.ECO~D~ OF ORAIfGE LOU1~7Y, CALIFOP,Yd4A, H~RE i'NRTICULAR'LY DESCP,IElEU A5 BEG 1 i~~l l:!v I~T F P01 tIT I N T,~,E SOU7t'tEf:'~Y L Il,ic OF 'iF I G LOT ;, 32~).!10 FEF.T WES7ERLY FRO~i TaiE 50UTHE,157LR~.Y COR~~ER '0~ 5l;10 L~JT „ Sr~1D FOINT j3tI~~G ~11 T'ti't GL1~T£R LIiiC OF b'EST UERMQIi7 STREET~ f~~.00 r',EET IH ~lI.iTH; THLNCE IdORTriEiti.Y t~0.0U fL~T P1tkALlEI 'dIT!i TfIE !~C~57f:FLY LYN~ OF SAiU I~QT ); TflEt:i,£ wESTcP,LY, 30.(:0 FEET YAR.ALtEL Wf7N TIIE 50U7ii~RLY L{'rJE OF SAIU LOT ~; 71fENi.E SUUTkiL~RLY, 1;i0.~10 F[ET PARALLEL TO TfIL EJ+STEF,LY LII~E ~f SAIU l0'f 9, TQ TIiE StitiTfi'ERLY L{NE GF SAIu ~OT 9 AtaG THE 'LEt:1Lk LlilC OF iJk57 VERl10~17 S~f,EET; TiIE~ICE E:STEfILY, F,0.00 FEE7 ALdI~G tifi;: S~~W7t1Ei;LY CIt~E OF S:.{G i.OT ~, 7C TF~L POlfll' 0'F f3CUINt~ISSG; and WtdEREAS, Liac City Plannir,y ~C~onu.~is5ie~n did hc~a.i a pub~ic heari~y ~L the City Nall in thc &3ty ~,~F Anaf:ci~i~ on June 6, t;;~;J, at 1:3i1 p,m., ~notice of said publie hcarino having bccr~ culy givcr~ ns rcqui~red by ?ar~ a~u in a~ccordance with the provisions c~f the Anaheir.i Mun'icirpal Lode, Chapier 10.0;, to ~n~ar and considr_r evidence for a!•ad agains~ •said Propa~seJ v~rRancc and Co investi;ate and make findin9s ~~~d recomn~enda t i ons i n connect i oo~ t'hcrew i th ; and l~1tERE1~5, said Co~unission., aftcr Jue i~spection, investigatic~n and study made by itseJf anc in its behalf, and aF'Ger duc con5idcra[ion of al) evide~[e and reports 4ffered st saicl hcariny, do~es fin~ anc~ acterrninc thc following facts: 1. 7hat Ch~c petilioner proposes waivers of the f~l1u.,~iny from the Anahe+m Municipal Coc1e [o F~crm82 ~n existin; illcyal triplex in the RS-7200 Zone: a. 5EGilUt~ 18.'15.020 - Permitted uses. (Sinole-famity detached dwellinc perriit[ed; triplex ciwcllin_y existing b. SECTION Iu.OG.060 - Minimum number of arkinc space:,.. 5 spacas rr_+~uired; Z spaces existing) 2, Tha2 Waiver la, ab~+~c nu:ntioncd, is hereby granted [o permet the existing tri~,lex on the basis that i[ was constructed by a previous property ~w~er and other multi-family unics exist along Ve rnant Aver~uc. 3. That Waivcr lb, ab~~ve n~entioned, is hereby denied o~ the ba5is tfiat Ghe petitioner diJ not aeraonstrate [hai a hardship would be crcated if saiJ waiver was not yranted since there is aciec~uaCe lot area for construction of [he minimum number of on-sitc parking spaces fo~ multio{c fami{y ur.its. PC77-12~ ta, Thai ~h-e:~c are exceptiona! ar extraafidin~r~ ci~curnstances or eonditions applic3ble to 'G~e property invoivererallo 't~~,thetproperty ~~~Gl~ss ofcuserincihe~same grantr~, th,at dc.~ n~t apP7Y 9 ~ ~~ ~+r~i cy an~! zon~. y, That thc rcyues't~d variance, as qranted, 9s necessary for th~c pr~es~rvation and enjoyment of a 1~bstant+%~i propcr'ty right q~ossessed by other prc~per[y in r.nc sarae vicini[y anc; zont, ~r~~ ~~~~~~d Co th~ property ~n questio;~. L., ~hat t+~e reauestc~ variancc, as ;rante.d, will no: be matcri~aily dc'Crimental Eo tiic Pub1i~ ~+elfare or iaijurious tcu [he propcrty or impravements ~n su~h v~cini'ty and -tonc in w~aich the ;~ropcrt'~' is located. 7. Tha[ one (1) person indicateJ his presence at said puhlic heariny in oppbsitnvn; and Cha[ orc~ (1) le[ter was received in onposition to 5ubject peti[ion• [;IUIRO:U4E:'IT.~L INPAC7 FI!~uIt1G: ThaC thc Fnahc:ir, City Planning Cannnbssicin ~ias revie~a~ed Ghe project consistiny o a tripiex constructed on prope:rty ~on~d for sing?e-'Fan~ity resiJenti~~l vses Incated at SZl West Vermont Avcnue and does hereby recommen~ to Che City Council of Che Lity ~f Anahein [hat a Ne9ative UetlaCe?lor. from the requir+:nent to prep~are an environme:n[al imnaet report be app~oved for the sub;ect project on the basis ti~at [here wouid be no siynifican[ adversc environmenial impacis sitoce Cttie sub}~ct [riplex i5 existing and there a•re other mul[i-fanily units in the ncighbarho~d; and tiiat thare would be no individual or cumula[ive adverse i.mpac[s un the enviror~r~ent due [o the apo'ro~al of Chis tlegative Declaration since the An~heim General Plan designates 'Ch•r., subject property for general commercial land us~s eomm~~~nsurate with Che proposal; ancl [he I~itial StuJy submitted by the pe[itioncr itidi :ates no sign'ificant adversc irn~~ac[s. The t~eyative Oeclara:ion is on filc in [he off „e of thc Planning Dep~rtmen2. Npil~ TNLREFOftL, BE IT RESOLVLU that thc Anahcin Li[y Planring Commission does hereby grant, in p~rt, subject Petition for Variance, uFon the followinq tondit+ons wtiich are hureby d~oun:i [o be a necessary prisequisite to the proposed use of thc subjecC property in order [o preservc th•: safcty and ye~~eral welfare of [hc Citizens of thc City of /~nancim: 1. Tha"t thc owncr(5) nf sub.jcct propcr[y st,~ll pay to thc City of Anaheim tfie sum of $z,0a per fron~ foot alang Vermont Avenue for street li9hting purposes. 1 7hat plans ~~ai'~ t~i sut;rnit[cd tn the Duilding ~)ivisioct. showiny cam~liance witM chc ~'nininium iton~arJs of thc City of Anahcim, includin~ the U~iforrn 4uildi«y, ~" umhiny, EIe,GYriz~'lm 1lousiny. M~~hanical and Fire Codes as ailupted by tiie City o'f Aaaheim. T?~c a~pruryr•iote pcrmi[5 shr311 bc ob[aincd for any ne~cc5sary tirork. }, 'lh~~t subject property shall be developed sub5tan[ially in accordance with i~lans ~nd spee'ilicateo~s on filc witli th~ City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2, pravide:u, however, thaL adequatc on-si[e parking sha~l be construeteci as required by Code €or inuftiple-'facnily rc5idential uses. 4. Tha[ Condi[ion IloS. 1, 2~nd ~, above n~entioned, sfwll be com~lied wi[h within a period of nine[y (90f days from ~ate hercof, ot such furtiier [imc as Lhe Planniny Corrcnission r~ay yrant. -2- PC77-121 TNE FOREGDI;~G RESOLUTI~N is s+ynad ~nd approvc~ by rne Chis ~6th day of June~ 1977 ~/ ~~~.- CfAIRru~Fa P~c~T~MPORE AIJAHEtM CITY 'PLANtlIt~G COMH15510t1 ATTEST: ~~f~ ~ ~ SECRETAR , ANANE I~ M GI'~Y PLAN~I ItiG COI1H1 SS lON STATE OF LALIFORNIA ) COUtITY ~f ORA~~GE ) ss. CITY OF .At~AfIEIH ) !, Edith L. Harris, Secreiary of [he Anahein City Planning Cc?mmis7ion, do hereby ccrtify that Chc foregoiny resolution was passed and adopted at d meeting of th~ Anahein City Planning Comnission hcld on June G, i)77, at 1:3~ P•M•~ by the follor+ing vo[e of thc: ncr:bcrs ti~ere~f: AYES: COMf115510NEF;5: 6AP,NES, UAWID, HCRISST, KItIG, LINt~, TOL11R NOES: COMI11551011CR5: IIOt;E ABSENT: COH11155101:ER5: JOtiI~SDtI It~ W17tIE55 WHLRL"Of, I havc heruuntu set my hand this Gth day of June.Y F977. ~~ SEGRETP.RY, tlAtiEiN GI Y PLANt11t4G L0f~111 1 5 5 1 01~ -3- P~77-Z21