PC 77-136RESOLUTIOtI N0. PC77-13G RESOLUTIOI~ OF THE Ar~AHElr1 CITY PLAN.~IUG COM~tIS5t01~, ADOPTIttG A"IU RLCOFlMEt1DING TO TNE CITY COUPlCIL OF TtIE GITY Of ANAHCIH ADOPTION OF Al1AHEIM GEiJERAI PLAii AMEUDHEil7 N0. 143 SNFETY ELEI1ENT AUU LAl1U USE AMCt7DMENT WfiEP.EAS, thc City Councii o` the Ci[y of Anahein did adopt the Anaheim General Plan by Resolution t~o. G9R-G44, sha.+ing thc general description and extent of land uses within the City and indicating the present belief of the Council as to possible future development and redcvelopment of land within the City; and WHLREAS, pursuant to reques[s from property owners for General Plan study, the Anaheim City Planninc~ Commission directed Lity staff to prepare a General Plan Amendment for prop~rty consistin~ of 5.3~ acres bounded by Lincoln AvFreewan ton north, vacant property and sinyle-family hor~es on the south, Orange (57) Y t.he west, and Rio Vista 5treet on the eas[. WIiERC•A5, the City Council adopted a Seis~~iic Safety Element to the General Plan on October 1, 197~~, f:esolution Ho. 71iR-482, which included a Safety Element; and WtIEREAS, the Plannin!~ Deparcmen[ deeincd it appropriate, pursuant to the provisions of the California Governmen[ Code Section Gy302 {i), [o adop[ a Safety Element separatc from tF~e Scismic: Safe[y Elemen[; and 41fiLREAS, tli~ Plannin9 Department deemed it appropriate, pursuant to the provisions of [he Calirornia Environmental Quality Act, to prepare Environmental Impact Report No. 'LO1 in connection wi[h the General Plan Amendment far the foregoing area unJer consideration; anJ WHERE/1S, the Anaheim City Planniny Convnission did hold a public hearing at Anaheirn City Ilall, Council Chamber, 204 East Lincoln Avenue, Anatieim, on June 20, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., ~otice of said public hearing ha~ing been duly qiven as required by law and in accordance a~i[h the provisions of the Mahei+~ Municipal Code, to hear and consioer evidence for and against said Amendmen[ to the An~heim General Plan and to investigate and ma~e findings anci reconmendations in connection therewi[h; and WHEREAS, said Commission, aftcr due inspection, inves[igation and study made by itself and in its beiialf and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at saic; public heariny, DUES HEf;Ek~Y FIND; Tha[ evidence was presented which substantiates the need for an amendnxnt to [he Anahei~~~ General Plan, and it is deemed appropriate that "[xhibit D" bc adopteJ. That evidence was presented whicti substantiates the need for adoption of the Safety Element evaluating hazards for protection from fire, flooding, geologic conditions, crinie and disasters. IiOW TtIEREFORE, k3E IT RESOLVEU that Envirornnental Impact Report I~o. 201~ having been considcred this date Ly thc: Anaheim City Planning Commission and evidence, both written and ora1, fiaving becn presented to supQlement said EIR t~o. 201, ttie Planning Commission betieves that said EIR tJo. 201 does conform to the City Pc77-136 and State Guidelines and the State of California Environmen[al Quality Act and, oased upon such inforrnation, does hereby recorrme~d to the City Council that they certify said EIR IJo. 201 is in compliance with said Environmental Quality Act. BE IT FUR7HER R[SOLVED that, pursuant [o the foregoing findi~gs, thc Anaheim City Planning Comnission Joes hereby adopt and recommend to the City Council of the City of Anahein adoption of Generat Plan Amendment hlo. 143, as follows: 1. That "Exhibi[ D" be adopted for the 5.3o acres bounded by Lincoln Avenue on ihe north, vacant property and sinale-family homes on the soutli, Oranye (57) Frceway on [he wcst, and Rio Vista Street on the eas t. 2. 7hat the Safety Elcment bc adopted evaluating hazards for protection from fire, flooding, gealogic conditions, crime and disasters encompassing Lhe folla~iing maps: a. Safety 1Jater Supply Requirements b. Flood hlazard c. Geologic Hazards d. Emergency Facilities and Evacuation Rouies. TIIE FOREGOIt1G RESOLUTIOt! is si9ned anJ approved by me [his 20th day of June, ~ 9'17 . CHAI Rf1Atl, , IE i C TY PLAt7tl I NG COMN I SS I OtJ ATTES7: ~l~ .~~(T~ ,~C /~/ ~LL u..~~ SECRETARY, ANAt1Elf1 CITY PLANI~ItIG COr~n1551Ot~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUI~TY OF OI2ANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIH ) I, Edith l. ilarris, Secretary of [he Anahcin City Pla~~ing Conunission, do taereby ccrtify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Co~mission held on June 20, 1~77, at 1:30 p.m., by the following votc of the rnembers thereof: AYES: COMMISSIOI~ERS: DARNES, 6AVID, HERE35T, KII~G, Ll;it~, TOLAR~ JOfiNSQIJ tJOES: COMI11551Qt~[RS: NOI~E ABSEtIT: CUMMISSIONERS: IlONE IN WITt1E55 Wt~EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 20th day of June, 1977. G d~-.c~ ~l ~~tiL~-=.. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM LITY PLA~INIt~G COMNISSION -2- PC77-t36