PC 77-137RESOLUI'10~1 N0. PC77-137 A RESOLU7101~ OF THE AhlfulElht CITY PLAt~t~ING COMMISSIOtI REL0~INENUItIG TO TfIE LiTY COUNLIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHE111 TtiAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATIOtI ~10. 7L-77-;9 BE APPROVED WH[P.[AS, the Anaheim City Planninc~ Corimission did receive a verified Petition for Reclassification fror~ ROl3ERT D. AtlU HARQLUENE V. 'dlEtiS, 753E Vista Del Sol, A~ahcim, California °25U7, a~~ners of certain real pr~perty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State uf California, described as: P~\RCEL 1: The North 270 feet of the East 222 feet of Lot 11a of Oranyetaood Trac[, as shown on a Map recorded in Dook 7, page ~i2 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange CounCy, California, the ~Jorth line of said Lot l~i bcinq the South line of Orangewood Avenuc, as shrn~n on saia 11ap, 40 feet wide; Excepting thercfrom the East i;~ fr.et of the t~orth 200 feet thcrcof; Also exceptiny therefroe~ Chat portion t`~ereof included in Parcel 2 hereinaftcr set out. PARCEL 2: An undivide~ 0.6/21 intcres[ in and to the wcll and pumpiny plant anu to that portion of Lot 1~+ of Ora~gc++ood Tract, as sfia~n on a Map recorded in Book J, page 42 of Miscellaneous tlaps, records of Oran~~c County, California, described as beginninq at a point in s~iJ lot; 1~i5 feet iJesterly and 237.5 fcet Southerly from Lhe Northeas[ corner of said lot; thec~ce ~ou[herly parallel to the [ast line of said lot, 60 feet; the~ce 4lesterly parallel to the North lcnc of said lo~, 25 fect; thence Northerly parallel to sai~ East line of said lot, G^. feei; thence Easterly parallel to the P~orth line of saiJ lot, 25 feet [o the poin[ cf beginning; and 11NEREAS, the City Plar.ning Coinmission did schedule a public hearing at the City Hall in tlie City of Anaheim on June 6, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said publie heaY~ing haviny been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the prov}.~ions of tfie Anaheim Municipal Code, Cliapter 13.03, to hear and consider evidert~e for and agains[ said proposed reclassificati~~~~ and to investigaie ana make findings'~and recommendations in connec[ion therewith.; said public he~ring having been continued to the Planning Comnissiun n~eeting of July 6, lyJ7; and ` Wf1EREAS, said Commission, aftcr du~~ inspection, investi9ation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said heariny, does find and determine thc folla+ring facts:~~~-k 1. That the petitioner proposes reclassification of subject property from the RS-A-A3,000 (RESIDEI~TIAL/AGRICULTURAL) ZON~ [o the RH-1200 (RE51DEti71AL, MULTIPLE-FAMILY) ZONE. 2, That the Anaheim General Plan Jesignates subjec[ property for low- medium density residential land use. PC77-;37 3. That the aforementioned reclassification be approved subject to the petitioner's s[ipulation ttiai the curb locateci adjacer.t ta the trasti enctosure area frontisig on Orangewood Avenue bc painteJ red to profiibit on-street parking which ~ay interfere wi[h trasn collection. 4~ That the proposed reclassifica[ion of subject property is necessary and/or desirablc for tlie orderly and proper deveiopmen[ of the community. 5. That tfie proposed r~classification of subject proper[y does properly relate to thc zones and their pcrmitted uses locaily r.stablished in closc proximity to subject property and to thc zones and thcir permitted uses gencrally establisfieJ throughout tfie community. 6. Thai the proposed reclassification of subject property requires the dedication and improveuk,nt of abu[[ing streets in accordance with the Circulation Element of the General Plan, due to thc anticipated increase in traffic which will be generated by [he intensification of land use. 7. That no one indicate~ their nresence at said public hearing in opposition; and tfiat no correspondence was receiveJ in upposi[ion to subject peii[ion. Et~VIRO!JMENT~L IHPACT FIIIDIIiG: That the Anahcim Lity Flannin~ Commission has reviewed the subject oropasal tu reclassify tlie zoning from RS-A-~~3,000 (Residen[ial%Agriculturalj to RM-12~0 (Residential, 11ultiple-Family) to cons[ruct a 20-unit apartment Co~~ple:c on approxima[ely 0.9 acre, located approximately 250 fee[ wes[ of the centcrline or Spinnakcr S[reet, with waiver of rnaximum building hcight, and does recommend to thc City Council of the Ci[y of Anaheim that a Negative DeclaraCion from thc reyuirenen[ [o prepare an environmental impact report be approved on [he basis thaC there. aould be no significan[ inJividuai or cumulativc advcrse enviror.mental impact duc to the approval of this tle~ative Ueclaration since lhe Anaheira General Plan Jesignates tiie subjcct property for low-medium density resldential land us~ cor.mensurate witt~ [hc proposal; that similar apar[ments have becn JevelopeJ on the nortli side of Orangewood Avenue; [hat no sensitive environrnental zlen~ents are involved in the proposal; that thc Initial 5[udy submi[ted by [he peti[ioncr ir~Jicates no siynificant individual or cumulative adverse environaiental impact; anJ tha[ the Negative Declaracie~ subs[antiating the foregoing findings is on filc in tlic officc of ttie City of Anafieim Planniny Department. I~OW, TNEREFOR[, SE IT R~SULVEU tl~at ihe Anaheim City Planning Commission does liercby recomrrknu to [he City Louncil of the City of Anaheim that subject Petition for Reclassification be :pproved and, by so doing, that 'fitle 18-Zoning of [he Ananeim Municipal Code be amended [o exclude thc above-described property from ttie RS-A-43,OOJ (P,ESIDEt~T1~1L/Af,RICJLTURAL) ~OIIC and to incorporate said described property into the R11-12D0 (RESIJE~ITI/~L, MULTIPLE-FAMILY) 20t~E: upon the followlny conJitions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in urJer to prescrvc the safety and general welfare of the Ci[izens of [he City of Anahcim: 1. That thc owncr(s) of subjcct property shall decd to thc Ci[y of Anaheim a strlp of land forty-five (k5) feet in wic:th fron th~ centerline of [he street along Orang~wood Avenuc for strect wideninu purposes. 2. That all enyineering requirements of the City of Anaheim aiong Uranyewood Avenuc, including preparation of improvement plans and installation of all -2- PC77-137 improvements, such as curbs ana ~~;tCers, sidew.lhs, street y~ading a~d paving, drainage faciiities or other appurtenc•n~: kork~ sh~a1! k:~ complied w(~~, as re~::ired by the CiCy Engineer and in~ accordz~::e ~ith standard speci'~ic~tiflns on file in the office of the Director of Public Utiiiti~,; andJ~or that a boad, certificate of deposit, letter of credit. or ca~h, in an ~~nc.er~t ar~d fcrm ~at'sf:.<tory to the City of Anaheim, shall be posted witte t4~c. Lity tc; yuarantee the i~g~alt~tiun o.` thc above- mentioned requiremcnts. 3, That the owner(s) o:` °_~ibjcc: property sha15 pav tu ~he Gity of Anaheim the sum of sixty (60) cen[s per frcnt foot along Oranyewvod Av~enu^. ~or tree planting purposes. 4, Tha[ trash scorage areas sha11 ~e providc~'. in accordance with approved plans on file with the office of the Directo~r of r'ublic Nor{s. 5, That the curb locateu adjacent [o ~.~r_~ i~~sli enclosure area fronting on Orangewood Avenuc shail be painted red to prahi~,il on-street parl:ing wnich may i~terfere with trash collecCion, subject to C1~~: revie~~r and approval of the Streets and Sanitation Uivision. 6. That firc hy~rarts shall be installed and charged, as required and deter~ained [o bc necessary Ly the Chicf of tho Fire Department, prior to commencement of structural framing. 7. That subjecc propcrty shall be served by underc;round utilitics. 8. That a six (6) foot masonry wall shali bc constructcd along Lhe cas[, south anJ wes[ proFerty lines. 9, That drainayc of subjcct prooerty sliall t~e disposcd of in a manner satisfaetory to thc Lity Enyincer. 10. 1'hat the awner(s) of subject property shall priy to the City of Anaheim the appropria[e park anJ recreacion in-licu fees, as detcrmined to be appropriatc by the City Council, said fecs to bc paid at thc tirne thc building permit is issued. 11. That appropriatc wiicr asscssment TcGS, as determir~ed by the Director of Public Utilities, shall he pai~f [o t~ie City of Cer,~~heim priWr to the issuance of a building pcrmit. 12, Prior to th~ iniroduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property, CundiCinn Nos. 1, 2 and 3, above rnenticmed, shall be comp?eted, The provisions or rlghts granted by this resolution siiall becone null and void by action of the City Gouncil unless said conditions are complieu arith within one year from date hereof, or such furtficr tirne as tlic City Council may grant. 13. That •:ondition Nos. 1{, S, 7, ~ and 9, abovc mentioned, shall be cvmplled wi~ti prior to final buildiny and zoniny inspections. THE FOP,EGOItlG RESULI'r'IO;I is siyncJ and approved by r,ie this G[h day of July, 1977. 7EMPORARY CNAlfjf`.AN ANAHEIM CITY ~LANIJING CCMMISSIOti -3- PC77-t37 A7TE5T: ~~ ~ ~~ SECRETARY, AIlAHE111 CITY PLAIIIIiNG CONNISSI01~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUtJTY OF ORl1~~GE ) ss. CITY OF AtIAHEIH ) I, Edi[h L. Ilarris, Secretary of thc Anaheirn City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that tlie forcgoing resolution ~ias passcd and adopted at a mecting of tfie M aheim City Plan~i~g Commission licld on July G~ 1~77, at 1:30 p.m., by the follawing vo[e of [he rnembers thcrcof: AYES: LOHMIS5101~[RS: UAVIU, Y.INC, LitlN, JOtItISUU NOES: COMt11SSI0t,Ef;S: 6ARNE5 A[iSENT: CQHMISSIONERS: 11ERB5T, TOLAR Itl uiTt~ESS 1JIIERE6F, i have hereunto se[ my hanJ this G[h day of July, 1977, 6~.~G .~ 7t~.~, S[CRETARY , AI~AHE I M C I7Y PLAt~N i t~G COMM I SS I ON -4- PC77-t37