PC 77-140RESOLUi ION f~0. PC77-140 A RESOLU?IOt! OF THF. ANAHEIM CiTY PLANNItIG CU11M15510P! TNAT PETITIOt! FOR CONGI'~IO~~AL USE PERMIT NQ. 1714 BE UENI~O WHEREAS, the Anaheim City P~anning Commission did rer.eive a•oerified Petition for Conditional Use Permit from MICIfAEL J. AI~D JLRI J. GAkA!~~ 1775 East Lincoln Avenue, Suite 201, Anaheim, Lalifornia 92E~5,. oEaners ~f ce~[ain real property situated in the City of Anahei::, Goun[y or C?ra~,ge, Statc c+f Lalifornia, described as: Lot 30 ef Trac[ No. 2jy, "[ast Anaheim Sub~iivisi~on", ~~~ {zer maN recorded in book 14, pa~e 25, Miscellanea~us t4~p:s, :in thr. office of the County Recordcr of said !:ounty. EXC.."s=F'T.t~~ T~EREFR011 the Easter?y 20 feet; and WH[P,EAS, the City Planniny Gommission d~~i schedulc~ a public hearing at [he City I~all in the C,ity of Anaheim on June ~0, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by laa~ and in accordance wi[h the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapcer 1;:.03, to hear and consider ~vidence for anJ against said proposeci conditional use and to investigate and make findings and recornmendations in conn~~:•,-Lion thererrith; said public hearing having been continued to the Planning Commission meeting of July 6, 1~77; and WH[REAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by Itself ancf in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at saicl hearin~, Joes find and determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one fur ~•ihich a conditianal use permit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Section 13.03.~3o.otn [o permlt office and stor.~c facilitics with waivcr af the folltx~ing: a. SECTION - 19aximurn fence hei ht ~2 inches pe rniitt~; 6 fect existing) b. SECTI011 1II.32.020 - Pcrmittcd uses. (Outdoor storagc no[ permitted in the RN-2400 Zone) c, ic.32.o63.011 - Minimum landsca ed sctback. 15 and 20 fect required; none existiny) ~. That [he proposal is hereby denicd on the basis that the use was illegally established; that ttie petitioner showed no desire to conform to any of the applicable si[e development stanJards or [o visually buffer [he use from the adjacent residential uses; and that the use as it currently exists has had a r~~9ative impact an the nearby residentia) uses because of dust, vehicular traffic,parked vehicles and noise. 3. Tfiat tfie propcsed usc will adversely affect ttie adjoining land uses and the qrowth and development of the area in which it ls proposed to be located, PC77-140 4, Th~t the s+ze and shape of thc si[e proposed for the use is not adequatc to allow the full developmen[ of thc proposed use in a manner not detrimental [o tiie particular area nor to the ucace, health, safety and ~eneral wcifare of the citizens of the City of Anafiein. 5. Tliat tlie grantiny of t}ie Conditional Usc Permit will be detrime~tal to the peace, I~ealth, safety and general welfare of tl~e citizens of thr_ CiCy of Anaheim. G. That one person indicated her prc,ence at said publ3c hearing in opposition; and that no corresponder,ce o~as receive~ in opposition to the subject petition. EIlVIROtU1EtITAL IMPt1CT FIiIDItIG: That the Anaheim City Planriiny Commission has revieweJ the subject project consiscing of office and storage facilities on approximatcly &9G~ square feet located at thc northa~es[ corncr of Center Street and Coffnan Street, anJ does recommend to the Cicy Council of [he City of Anaheim thaC a IJeyative Ueclaration froc, thc requircrx nC to preparc an environmental impact repori bc approved for [he subject proper[y un [he basis that if [he property were developed in accordance with the minirnun RN,-2400 site developrnent sCandards and if adequate buffering werc provided to protect the nearby residential uses, there would be no siynificant inuividual or cunula[ive adverse environmental imp~c[ due to the approval of this Negative D~claration since the ~naheim Gener~l Plan desiqnates [he subject properCy for commercial-professional land uses conmensura[e with ttie proposal; that no sensitive environnental elemcnts are involved in the proposal, and tiic Initial Study submitted by [he applicant indica[es no siynificant individual or cumulative adverse environmental ir,~pacc; and that tne tleg~[ive Declaration substan[iating the foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Departmen[. t~011, TtiER[FqRE, 0[ IT RESOLVED that thc Anaheim City Planning Conxnission does fiereby dr_ny subject Pe[i~ion fur Conditional Use Pcrmit on tlie basis of the aforemen[ioned finJinys. THC FOREG9IP~G RCSOLUTi01t is siyned and appro ed by r.e this bth day of July, 1977. tt~ o C~i i t~r ANAHEI~1 CITY PLA I~ING COf1NISS1011 ATTE5T: `~~c ~ ~~.~.~ SECREi~RP, ANAHEIM CI~Y ~NIUG GUMMISSIOt~ STATE Of CALIFORtJIA ) COUI~TY OF ORAtIG[ } ss. CITY OF At~N1ElM ) _Z_ PC77-140 I, L~ith L. Harris, Secretary of the Araheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted a[ a meetiny of the Anahe~m City Planning Commission held on July G, 197J, at 1:;0 p.m., by the follow~ng v~'tc-. of the members thereof: AYES: COMKISSIOt~[?S: BARt1ES, DAVID, KItiG~ LIt~N~ JOH~ISOtI t~0E5: CONMISSIOP~E1tS: NONE ABSENT~ COMMISSIODlERS: fiERBST, TOLAR IN WITNE55 WNEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand tfiis 6th day of July, 1977. ~ ~~ SLCRE~ARY, ANANEI CITY PLAtIt~iIIG COMHISSION -3- PC77-140