PC 77-145RESOUJ7101! NU. PC77°i45 A KESOLUTIQ!~ OF T"tiE ANNiEll1 CITY PLANT71F1G COMHISSdi~tl RECOMHENDING TO TNE CITY LOUtICIL OF TNE CITY OF AtIF~.HEiM TlIAT PETITIOtI FOR RECLASSIFICA710t1 N0. 76-77-G5 6E APPROVFD WiiEREAS, the Anaheim City Pl~nning Lnmmission did re~ceive ~ veriffPd petition for Reclassification froro JOSEPN P, GLEASON, 3400 Nest ~3a01 Aoad, AnaheiR~, Cailfornia 9220., owner, and :lIR DEVEIOP[RS~ INL., 994z Cen[ral Avenue, Gard~~ GraNe, Lalifornia 926ii4, agent, of certain rcai properCy situated in Cne C+,ty of A~aheir~, County of Orange, State of Caltfornia, described as: That portion of the Northwest one quarter ~` the f~arChwest or.e quarter of Sec:ion 23, Township !i South, Ranye 11 Wesc, 5,i~,B.bP~. describeJ as beginning at a point in 'c'tie Narth line of saiC Section 23 wfiich bears Nortfi 89° 37' 25" Eas[ G63.17 feet from the Nortl~west curncr of said Section 23, said point ~cing the [ruc point of beginning; thence canti~uing along thr~ Flortl, Iine of said 5ection 23, laorili u9° 37' 25" East 23f3.10 feet; thence `,outh0° 11' 4~' East 8G3.57 fee[ to a point in ~he fJortheasterly line of the Pa~.ific Electric Railway Right of Way; [hence along said ~~oPtfieasterly line Norci~ 53° 21' 57" Nese ;L9;.47 feet; tf~ence I~or:h 0° 11' 45" Flest ~+:3.50 feet; thencc t~orth 89° 37' 2~" East ~78.10 feet to a point in a curve concave to [he Ilor[hr~est; a radial linc through said point bears South 73° C3~ pi" EasL; [hence 97ortiierly alon9 said curve having a radius of 2~„ 00 feet through a central any{e: of 17° O~i' 4i~", a length of 76.33 feet; thence I~orih D° 11' ~~5" 1~esc 12b,t;5 fee[ [o the 5eginning of a tangent curve concave to the Soutfrocst; ',:hence along said wrve havfny a radius of 15.00 fect throuyh a cc:.tral angle of q0° 10' 50" a length of 2j.61 feet; thence South 89~ 37' 2~' West 173.05 feet, the~ce 1~or[h 0~ 11' 45" West 53.00 fee[ to thc true point of beyinning; and 4111E:REAS, ttie City Planniny Commission did i~old a publ(c hearing at the City flali in the City of finafieim on July G, 1977, ac. 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing i~~~iny been duly 9iven as required by law and in accorda~ice with the provisions of the An~heim Itunicipsl Code, Lhapter 16,03, [o hear anJ conslder evidence for and ayainst said proposr.J reclassificatlon and to i m estigate and make fir,~ings anc+ recomme~dations in connection ther~writh; and 41HEP~AS, said Commission, after due inspcc[ion. investigation ~nd study made by i[self and fn its behaif~ and after duc considera[ion of all evidence and reports offered at saicJ liearin9, dues flnd and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner propo,es reclassification of subject prc~perty from the CL (C011N~~RCI~L, LINIT£D) ZUI~E to ~he RS-5000 (RESIUEIITIAL, 511lGLE-FAM~~Y) ZOt~E. 2, That tl~e Anaheim Generai Plan desi9nates subject proper[y for g~neral comrncrciai land uses. PC77-tk5 3, That the City Plannin~a Commission recomnx;nds to the C~i[y Council that Louncil Policy t~o, j~+2 "~~unJ kttenuation in ResiGential Projects" be waived as per.ains s,oecificaily Lo thc struc[ural setback fr~m a railroad track for the three (3) residential struc[ures on Lot Nos, 7, 5 and y located near the rallroad tracks to tkie s~~~~h E;.cause the petitioner indicated there is linited use of said tracks, consis[ing of a~:oroxir,iately four (4) trains pe: day ~r-.veting a[ a slow speed. 4. Tfaat thc prop~seo reclassification of subject proFerty is nece3sary and/or ~esirable for Xhe orderly and propcr development of the conmunity. 5. That the proposeu reclassification of subject property does properly relate [o the zones and their pcrmitted uses lo w lly es[a~lished in close (~roximity to subject property and Lo the zoncs and tlieir pcrmitted uscs generally ~stablislied tftiroughout thc community. 6. That the proposed reclassifica[ion of subje=t propcrty requires tfic dedication and improvenei~t of ahuttinq streets in accc~dance ~rith the CirculaLton Element of the General Plan, due to the an[icipated increase ir~ traffic which will be yenerated by the int~nsificatiun of land use. ]. That no one indicat~;d their presence at siid puhlic hearing ir, opr~osition; and tha[ no correspondence was received in opposition to subject peti[ian. E'IVIRONHEtITAL IMPACT fIt~UItJG: That thr, Anahe+m City Planning Cummission has reviewed the subject proposal to reclassify the zoning from cormercial, lfmited to residentcal, sinalc-family on approxima[cly 3,3 acres of land ha•aing a frontage of approximately 50 feet on the sou[t~ sidc of Rall Eioad, and being locatcd approxima[ely 53Z feet west of Che centerline of Qakhaven Drive, and does hereby recor~mend to [he CiLy Council of khe City uf Anaheim that a tley~tive Declaration fron the requiremen't to prepare an environm~n[al impact rcport be approveJ on che basis [ha[ therc would be no siynificant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of thi, t~egative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plnn designates [he subject propcrCy for general comreKrcial uses commensurate with the proposal and since the adjacent land uses consisting of residential uses, commercial uses, a hospital and elementary school ~re also cor;imr.nsurate: with che proposal; [liat the Initlal Study subinitted by the pe*_~tioner indicates no ~ignificant Individual or cumulative adverse environrnental impacts; and that tlie t~egative Ceclaration substantiating the foregoing ftndings (s on file in tfic uffice of the City of Anaheim Planning Department. NOW, THEftCFORC, BE IT RE~OLIIED [hat thc Anahein City Planning Comroission does hereby recommend to the Ci:y Council of the City of Anaheim that subject Petiiion for Reclassificatiori be approved and, by so doing, that Title 1$-2oning of thc Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to excludc the abovc-des~ribed propcrty from the CL (COMMERCIAL, LIMl7ED) ZONE and tu incorpora[c said described property into the RS-5000 (RLSIDEI~TIAL, SINGLL-FA-IILY) ZONE upon tt~c followiny conditions which are hcreby found to be a neces~ary prercquisitc to the proposed use of subjeet property in order to preserve ihe safety and general welfare af thc Citixens of the City of Anahcim: That subject property shall be served by undr.rground utilities. -2- PC%7-145 2. ihat drainage of subjcct property sfiall be disposed of in a manner satisfactury to the City Engineer. 3. That the owner(s) of subject property shaPl pay to the City of M afieim the appropriate park and recreation in-iicu fecs as deternined to bc appropriatc by the City Co~ncil, said fees to be paid a[ ihe time the buildiny permi[ is issued. 4. That a final tract map uf subject property shall be subnitted t~ and approved by the City Council and [hen be recorded in the Offuce of the Orange Coun[y Recorder, prlor to issuance of building permits. 5. That, in accordance with Counci) Policy No. 542, saund-attenuation measu,res shail 6e provdded on Lo[ s~os. J, 8 and 9 located near the railroad [rac.ks to the soue.h of subject property, unless othe rv+ise approved bN the City Louncii. 6. That Condition t~os. 4 and $, above mc:~tioned, shall bc complied with prior [o f~na! bu~~diny anJ zoning inspections. THE FpREG6{NG RESGLUTIOtI is siyned and approved Ly me this 6th day of July, 197'. ~ TEM ORARY CiiAI AN A1~RFlfIM Cli'Y Al~I~ING COMMISSI01~ ATTEST: SECRETARY, A~Il1HEIN ClTY Pl.NINING COMHISSION STATE OF C!',LIfORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s,. CIiY OF ANAHEIH ) I, F.di[t~ L. Narris, Secretary of thc Anaheim Cltv Plan~ing Commis5ton, do hereby certify that [he ~urc•yodny resolution wa, passeJ and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim C:cy Pianninr, Gommissiun held on July 6, 1977~ at 1:30 p.m., by the follow(ng vncc af the me~r~bery th~ercoT: AYES: LONt1~(SrSIAt~E?S: Sl~.V10, KI~~G, LIUtI, JOIfN501J NQES: COMINISSIOt~ER5: NpfiE P.JSENT: COMA165StONCRS: B.^~f~t:~5,, HLRBST, TOLAR I~~ ~F!'fiNESS wNEKEOF,, 1 h~ave hereunto set my F~and this 6th day of Ju9q, 1,y77, C R, 1 N I L NI~ItIG C01 ~ -3- ¢c17-~45