PC 77-151RESOLUTIGII IdO. PC77-151 A RESOLUTION OF TN[ AIJANtIM LITY PLANt~ING COMMISSION Tt1~T PETITIOt1 FOR VARIAIILE N0. 2~53 E3E DENIED WHEREAS, the Anahcim Lity Plannin9 Lormission did receive a verified Peti[ion for Variance fram GOE D. Ar1D BEVERLY THONP5011, 1341 Ashington Lane, Anaheim, California 92301~, owners of certain rcal propcrty si:uated in thc City of Anahcin, County of Oranye, State of California, described as: Lot 25 of Tract Ilo, j7;1, as sf~otirn on a map thereof recorded in book 2G1, pages 7 and 'd, Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County; anJ WHEREAS, the Ci[y Planniny Lom ission did holcl a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of ~lnaheim on July 16, 1977, at 1:3Q p.m., notice of said public hear(ng having been duly given as re~uired by law and in accorda~ce wi[h the provisions of [hc Anaheim Municipal Codc, Chapter 16.03, to ticar and considcr evidence for and ayainst saiJ proposeJ variance and to investi9a[e and rnake findings and recomrnendations in co~inection therewi th; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after duc inspection, invcstigat~"~ anr+ study made by itself =nd in iCS behalf, arid after duc consideration of all evi.:nce e.nd reports offered ~. said hearing, docs find and dctermine the followinr, facts: 1, That the pe[itioner pronoses the folla•~ing waivers from the Anahe Ln Municipal Codc, to permi[ an existing carpor[: (a) SECTtON to.27.OG3,010 - Minimun fron[ se[bac~;. 10 ce[ required; 0 feet existing} (b) S[CTION 1~.27.063.02~ - Minimum sidc setbac~c, 5 fcet required; 3~tee[ ex(sting} 2. That tfic abovc-mentioned waivers arc ficreby %icnicd on [he basis that the pctitioncr did not dcmonstrate that a hardsf~ip wouid bc c~•eated if said waivcrs were no[ granted; thai the carport was cons[ructed illegally and encroaches in[o thc public right-of-way six (6) fee[; and ttiat altcrratc methods of expanding thc existing yara~c c~uld have been used. 3. That there are no exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or condi[ions applicable to the proper[y involved or to the intended use of [he property that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zonc. 4. That the requested varianc~ is not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial proper[y rigl~t possessed by othcr property in the same vicinity and zonc, and denied to thc property in question. 5. That the rcquested variance will be matcrially detrimental to the pubtlc welfare or injurious to tfie property or improvem~nts in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located. PC77-151 6. That no one indicated their presena_ in opposition to this request at said public hearin~; and tiiat ~o correspondence rias received in opposiLion to the subject petition. ENVIROiahIFFITAL INPACT FIIJDII~G: That thc Director of ti~e Planning Department has determined [hat [he oroposed ac[ivity fails rriRhin the definition of Sectton 3.01, Class 3, of ttic City o.` Anahein Guidclines to the Requirenents for an Environmental Impac[ Repor[ and is, iliereforc, categorically exempt from the requirement to file an LIR. NOIJ, TtiEREFORE, E3E IT RESOLVED tf~at thc Anaheim City Planning Commission docs her~by deny subject Pe[ition for Variancc on tlie basis of thc aforenentioncd finding:>. ~977. THE FOREGOII~G RESOLU'fl0tl is si9ned and approved by me this 1£~th day of July, /~feC~.,~~f~ °.J~~ _ CiiAiPJtAN, ANAHEIH C17Y PLAt~IJI!IG COMMISSI011 ATTEST: ~~ ~ ~~ SECRETA~, ANANLI!1 CITY PLAt7NII~G L011NISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUlJTY OF ORAIlGE ) ss. CITY OF ANANE111 ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secr~tary of thc Rnaheim City Planning Lommission, do hereby certify that tfie foreyoing resolution was passed and adopted a[ a meeting of the Anahsim City Planning Cormission lield on July 1&', 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the followina votc of the mcrrbers thcrcdf: AYE5: COt1MISSI0NER5: DAVID, Y,ING, LINI~, JOtIt150!~ NOES: CONMISSIUNEItS: t3ARt1E5, TOLAR ABSEIIT: COM111SSIOt~ERS: H[R65T ItJ ~ITNE•55 WHEREOF, I have hereu~to set my hand this tEth da~ ~f July, 1977. ~~ ~ ~b~ SECR-TAR , NAH[ li~l~l ~~N tIG 011MISS IQI~ -2- PC77-151