R~30LUTIO~ ~iOo 71R-127
.i-~ It8S0LU'l'IOiJ OF 'rHI~ CI1ry COUN"Cli:J OF THE
jll4ZNDM~NT NO. 123.
\'J"i'iBP3I~S 1 the ci ty of .t~naheiin i pursuant to the recoramendaw-
tions of tile Planning Co~ninsion of tbe City of Anaheim... adopted a
]eneral P Ian for the ci ty of ;\Ila:l.ei:l~, aJ.1d
~~~i~llliA8 i on :.c'ehruary 22.. 1971! ti1.e Ci ty Planning COITh."l1is ..
sian of tile Ci ty of Anahei~":1 diL hol~ a p~i~.)lic hearing to consider
a 0er:..cral P Ian ~:~.1~ilc1rL1e:nt :Eor -tl'le ar~a consisting of approxirnately
4200 acres located generally south of Santa Ana Canyon Road, east
of the Newport Freeway: and extending easterly beyond Mohler Drive
to :'leir ~anyon and l"lavinS a sou'ch~~rly :.Jo';.li1(lary approxiiJately alon9-
~..l~ 3ar~t..J. l~l1a :~:o~ntaiJ13 ri._~,;~l.i~~3 r ili ac.:=orda~1.ce wi th ~:~xhibi ts
_!;;r'~sen"~e.:: 0~)' ~~le ~ai.l(l. ~~veloi.JG~s ou file in -tIle Ci-ty Plannin';T uJ.VJ.
alan, 1DcreaS1nj ~ens1t1es, an~
~lid~R~jl3, following said .i1earing, tile Ci ty Planning Cornq
~.lission did duly adopt its Resolution PC 71'~34 containing a report
of its findings: a SUnffilary of the evidence presented at said hear..
iA.'19, and a recorrti.nendation tllat said alilenCLuent to the General Plan,
uesignateJ. as ~...l-:t811dl"aent :"~-o. 123, ~e adopted ~y the City Council
cilanging the present general descri~tion and extent of land uses
in the area consisting of ap?roxi~ately 4200 acres located generally
south of San.ta Ana Canyon Road, cast of .the dewport Freeway; and
extending easterly ~eyond Mohler ~rive to Weir Canyon and having
a southerly boundary approximately along the Santa Ana Mountains
ridgeline in accordance with ~xhibits presented by the land develop-
ers, on file in the City Planning Division, increasing the densi.-
ties: and
v~lBP~AS, upon receipt of said resolution, summary of
evidence f report of findin;-s an~~ r8corL1Llendations of the City Plan..
i:ling Conu~ission: the City Council diu fi~, the 6th day of April;-
1)71, as the "tirne and tile City Council Chamber in the City Hall
in the City of Anaheilu as the place for a public hearing upon said
proposed lllnendment ~~~o. 123 to t~le General Plan and did give notice
tacreof in the illanner anG as provided ~y law~ and
...i....i~~.f~~~~3, at the tii~le an~ place fixed for said public
~learing 1 the City Council did duly hold. and conduct SUCll public
liearing and did give all persons interested tllerein an opportunity
to be heard and did receive evidence and reports &ld did thereupon
consi;ier tile recoIluuandations of 'cae City Planning COlTh"TIission: and
N:':l~ll:i~~.x~S I the Ci ty Council does find and deterrnine that
~.~l1endlnent ~~o. 123 to t11e General Plan, changing the present general
uescription anj extent of land uses in the area consisting of
approxiiuately l12JO acres locate~ generally south of Santa Ana
~anyon Road I east of the ;.~etv~or l:. Free'",,'lay.. ancJ. extending easterly
~eyon~ Aohler ~rive to Weir Canyon and having a southerly boundary
approxi~ately along the 3anta Ana Aountains ridge line should be
approved in accordance \vith :,~Xllibi ts presented by the land develop....
ars: on file in the City Planning Division! increasing densities.-
ciS recorru:~e11de~ oy the Ci ty Planning- Coru:mission.
iJO'~''i r 'rI-!L}n~ElolU: :a~ I;11 :R.1~SO~VEj) by the City Council of
the City of l\na:1.eihl that ~\l"1endr~lant l:.JO. 123 to the General Plan
changing tne present general description and extent of land uses in
~.:,..................-..~w.;,.~....:,. ...~.................
the area consisting of approximately 420.0 .acres, 'located generally
south of Santa Ana Canyon Road, east of the Newp,ort 'Freeway, and
extending easterly beyond Mohler Drive to. Weir Canyon and h,aving
a southerly boundary approximate,ly along the. Santa Ana Mountains
ridgeline in accordance with Exhibits presented by the land develop-
ers, identified as:
Anaheim Hills:
a. General Plan liB" 6, dated August, 1970.,
b. Land use Plan 5, date'd August, 1970.,
c. Anaheim Hills General Plan Amendment" dated
February 1, 1971 (Brochure prepared by Chapman,
Phillips, Brandt & Associates)
on file in the City Planning Division, increasing the densities,
as recommended by the City Planning Commission, be and the same is
hereby approved.
BE IT FURTHER RE.SOLVED that the Planning Department be
and it is hereby instructed to amend the General' Plan Map to con-
form to General Plan Amendment No. 123 herein approved.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me
this 6th day of April, 1971.
WPH : ms
~1oI,:.. ,Ill:';,. ~... ~_...'-..._-~-'-"'-"'...J"'.~'~._.~'I.
I, DENE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim,
do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 71R-127 was
passed and adopted at a ------- regular meeting of the City
Council held on the 6th day of April , 19li..., by the following
vote of the members thereof:
l~OES :
COUNCI~\fEN : Roth, Stephenson, Pebley, Thom and
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that th,e Mayor of the City of Anaheim
approved and signed said resolution on the 6th day of April ,
19 7l .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the seal of the City of Anaheim this 6th day of April , 19li....
I, DENE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby
certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 7lR-l27 duly
passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on April 6, 1971.
" ~I
~ /;t. /~
City Clerk
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