PC 77-155RESOLUTIOIi N0. PC77-155 !: RESOLUTIOIi OF THE ANANE119 LITY PLANNIt~G COt1MISSI01d TIiAT PETITION FOR CONDIT1017AL USE PERhSl7 tl0. 172~ f3E GRAtlTED WHEREAS, the Anaheim Ci[y Planning Conmission did receive a verified Pc:Cition for CondiCional Use Permit froc, LHARLES u, uENTWOP,TH, 13'LO West Qroadway, Anaheim, California 92802, owner, and SHIRLEY LA bONTE, G03 East Sycamore Sr,rect, Anaheim, California 92202, agen[, of ccrtain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as: lots 2 and 3 in I31oc{: 3 of Olive Strect Trac[, as shaan on a map thereor recordeJ in booE: 5, page 3, Misceilaneous hlaps, records of Orange Coun[y, California; and WHEREP,S, [hc City Planning Commissio~ diJ hold a public hearing at thc City Hall in the City of Anaheim ~n July 13, 1977, at 1:3~ p.n., notice of said public heariny haviny been duly given as required by lav~ and in accordance wiCFi the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 10.03, to hear and c~nsider evidence for ai~,: against said proposed conditional use and to investt9ate and make findings and recoromendations in connec[ion tfierewith; and WHCREAS, said Conmission, afier due inspeCtiun, investigation and study made by itself and in its bef~alf, and after due consideration of all evidence and rep~irCs offered at said hcaring, docs find and detennine [lic following facts: 1, That thc proposed usc is properly unc for which a condition~l usa~ permit is authorized by Anaheir~itlunicipal Cude Section 15.3t~.050.020, to wit: t~ permit a board and care facility. 2. Tha[ thc proposed use is granted for tarenty-four (24) bcarc a~d r.~~re clients and is subject to the petitioner s[ipulatiny [ha[ she is license:l by [he California State Departrnent of Social 4lelfare's dele9ated agency, [he Orange roun[y Welfarc Uepartment. 3. That Che proposeJ use will not adversely affect the adjoining lanc3 uses an~f the growtli and development of the area in whicfi it is proposed [o be loca[nd, 4. That che size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to allow the full development of thc proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, healtli, safciy, and general welfare of [he Citizens of the City of Anaheim, 5. That the granting of thc Condi[ional Use PermiC under the conditions imposed ~aill not be de[rimental to the peace, heal[h, safety and general welfarc of tlic Ci[izens of khe City of Anafieim. G, Tliat no one indica[ed their presence at said public fiearing in opposition; anJ that no correspondence was received in opposition [o the subject petition. Pt77-155 Et~VIR0t711Et~T/!L IMP/1CT FIt~DIt7G: That ttie D'erector of tl~c Planning Department ha; determined that the proposed ac[ivity falls v~ithin the definition of Section 3.01, Class i, of thc Ciiy of Anaheim G~idelines to tlie Requirements for an Environmental impact Report and is, therefore, categoricaliy exenp[ fram the requirement [o file an [IR. NOW, THEP.EEORE, EiE lT RESOLVED [hat thc Anaheim City Planning Lommissian does hereby grant s,ut,ject Petition for Conditi~nal Use. Permit, upon the f~llowin9 conditions which ere hereby found [o be a necessary prerequisite to ~he prnposed use of the subject property in order to prescrve thc safety and general wclfare of tt;e Citizens of the City of Anafieim: 1. That thc owncr(s) of subject property shall decd to thc City of An~htim a sLrip uf land 32 fee[ in width from [he centerline of the street along Sycamore Street for s[reet widcnir.g purposes, an~1 a strip of land 1~ fcet in width fran the centertine of the alley fcr allcy o-rideniny purposes. 2, 7f~at subject prorerty shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the Li[y of Anaheim m,ar4:ed Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 3, That Condition No. 1, abovc men[ioned, shall be complied with within a period of ninety (90) days from date !iereoP, or such fur[her [inc as the P,lanning Commissian may grant. 1917. TIIE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOtI is signed and approved by me this 16th day of July, . p~''-- CN I RTFAtI, At1Ali~~Y PLANI! I IIG GOHt11 SS I ON ATTEST: ~ . /`Feq.f~t..c~. SECRETAR , ANF;HEIH CITY PLA~~t~ING CON~iI5SI0N STATE OF CALIFORtfIA ) COUNTY OF OfV11lGE ) ss. CITY Of ANANEIM ) I, Edith L. liarris, Secretary of the Anahcim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the forcyoin9 resolution was passed and adop[ed at a meeiing of the Analieim City Plannin,a Commissiun Iic1J on July lo, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the following voLc of the members Lhereof: AYES: COMMISSIOtdERS; BAR!~rS~ DAVID, HERBST, JO11t~S0il, t:ING~ LINt~, TQLAP, NOES: COM111551UIIERS: iJ01~W ADS[I~T: COMMI SS I OtlERS : t10NE WITNESS WHEREOF, I have liereunto set my hand this 1Sth day of July, 1977. _ ~~ .~`~~:, SELRET,4RY, ANAIIEIM C'17Y F.IANhitlL COMMISSION _2_ PC77-155