PC 77-157P,ESOL~TIO~~ tl0. PC77-157 A RESOLUTIO~I OF THE AI~AH[If1 C17Y PLAIIt~L'~G CONNISSIO~d THAT P~TITIOI! FUR CO~~DI710NAL USii P[RF11T N0. 17;1 BE GRANT[D Wf{EREAS, [hc Anaheim City Planning Cornmission did reccivc a verified Peti[ion for Conditional Use Perinit from JAI1E5 5. AND AtJt~A L. 110RR15, 27771 Callc Ncurada, Mission Vicjo, California ~2G25, owners, and WILLIAM D. OALTOtI, 330~ Sandune Lane, Corona Del Mar, California ~2G25, a9ent, of cer[ain rcal property situated in the City of Anaheim, Cuunty of Oranye, Statc of California, dcscribed as: Thc Westerly 210.00 fcet of ttac Southerly 2~.0~ fect of thc Northerly 1~~.44 fce[ of the Soutiicrly 250.~+•'+ fee[ of Lot 4 in Uloc~, tt ar Tract tlo. 13, as stiovrn on a Map recorJed in doo4: ~, page l.'. of Hiseellaneous Maps, records of Oran~e County, California; anJ WHERE:~S, [he City Planniny Cormissic~n Jid hold a public heariny at the City Nall in ihc City of Anaheim on July l~, lyJ7, at 1:30 p.m., noticc of said public hearing havin9 been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheir.i Pluiiicipal Code, Lhapter 1;;.C3, to hear and consider evi~i~nce for and against said proposed conJitional use and to investigate and make findinys and recomu~:ndatiuns in connection therewith; and UIIEREAS, said Comrnissiun, ~ftcr due inspection, invcsti9acion and study made by itself anJ in its behalf, and afCer duc consideration of ~11 evidence and reports offeri:J at saiJ hcariny, docs find anu detcrminc [hc followiny fac[s: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a conditional use pernit is aut`iorized by Anaheici Nunicipal CoJe Section 11~.~~4,0~0.010, to wit: Lo perrait on-sale beer an~1 wine in an exisciny restauranc. 2. That thc propos~d use will no[ adversely affect thc adjoining land uscs anJ the grnwth anJ developmtnt of the area in which i[ is proposed to be located. ;. Tfiat tfic size anJ sliape of thu si[c pronosed fo~• the usc is adequa[e to allow thc full devclopmc:nt of the proposcd usc in a nanner not de[rimental to thc particular area nor to thc peacc, hcal[h, safcty, and yencral wclfarc of the Citizens of thc City of Anahcim. 4. That the ~rantin9 of the Condlti~nal Use Permit under the conditions imposed will not be detri+nental to [he peacc, heal[h, safety and yencral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That no one indicated ttieir presence at sald public liearing in opposition; and that nc correspondence was received in opposiCion to the subject petition. EUVIROUM[NTAL IMPALT FINDING: That the Direc[or of [he Pianning Department has determined t at the proposed aciivity falls within the deflnition of Section 3.01, Class l, of [he City of Anaheim Guide{ines to tfic Requiremenis for an Environmental Impact Rcport and is, tlierefore, cateyorically exempt from the requireroent to file an EIR. PC77-t57 NOa, THCRE~OR[, BE !T RESOLV~D [hat [he Anaheim City Planning Commission does hcreby yrant subject Petition for Londitional Usc Permit, upon the followi~g conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to tfie proposed use of the subject property in ordcr to preservc the safety and 9eneral welfare of thc Litizens of thc City of Anaheim: 1. That the owner(s) of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of two dollars (S2.00) pcr front foot along 6rookhurst Strect for stree[ liyhiing purposes. 2. Tha[ the rnm er(s) of subject property sh~ll pay to the City of Anahein the sum of sixty c~n[s (60C) per front foot along Hrookhurst Street for [ree planting purposes. 3. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the Lity of Ar~~heim marked Exliibit Nos. 1 through ;. 4. That Condition Nos. 1 and ', abovc mentioncd, shall be complied with prlor to thc timc that thc buildiny pcrmit is iss~ed, or within a pcriod of onc ycar fron date hercof, whichever occurs first, or sucli further time as the Plannl~g Commission may grant. TfIE FORCC011lG RESOLUTIOI~ is signcd and approved by me this 1Sth day o~ July, 1977. ~~,.~ v,~~~. LHAIRPAI, ANAHEIN CI Y PLANNII~G COt'INI;SION ATTEST: `~~C ~ `~~, ~ ~, S[CRETAR ~ At~A!IL I H C ITY PLAtlII I f;G LOHIiI SS I OtI STA7E 0 F CAL I FORt~ I A) COUtITY OF ORAtJGC ) ss. CITY OF ANAIiEIH ) I, [ditl~ L. Harris, Secretary of thc Anatieim City Planniny Cornmission, do hercby certify that thc foregoiny resolution was passed anJ adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commis•ion hcld on July lE, 1977, at 1:j0 p.m „ by the follawiny vote of the mertbers ihercof; AY[5: COHNISSIONERS: ISAR11E5, DAVIU, HERBST, JOfRJ50!1~ Y.II~G~ LINN, TOLAft ~~OES: COMHISSIOl1ER5: NONE Af35EIJT: COM1115510NERS: NO~JE It~ WITN[55 WNEREOF, I have hereun[o set my hand this lif[h day af July, 1~77. (O du[.G ~ ~VdliLit~o~ SECRETARY, AtlAl{Eltl CITY PLANt~IHG COIIMISSIOt1 -z- PC77-157