PC 77-158RESOLUTI011 t~0. PC7J-153 A RESOLUTI O~d OF TH[ At~AHE 111 C ITY PLAtIN I IlG LOMMI SS I Ot~ TNAT PETITION FOR COtIDlTi011AL USE PER111T t10. 1732 BE GRAt7TED, IM PART WIiEREAS, tlie An~hcim City Planning Cornmission did receive a verificd Petition for Conditional Use Permit frorn CNRL At~U DORIS ARTiiOFEP., 2405 Ciiff Drive, ;Jewport Beach, Cali(ornia ~2ci63, a•+ners, and FRAi~'t. 4100LSCY, 1G^27 [3olsa Chica Street, Huntinyton Beach, Califurnia 92o~t9, agent, of certain real property situateJ in the :ity of Anaheir~, Co~nty of Orange, Statc of Galifornia, described as: Those portions of the Wortheast quarter of the Southwest guarter of SecCion ?7, Townstiip ~t South, Range 10 West, in the Ranchos San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana and Las Bolsas, as shovrn on a Map rccorded in book >1, pagc 10 of 1•Iiscellaneo~~s Ha~s, records of Orange Caunty, California, described as folicnvs: PARCLL 1- Deyinning at the inCersection of the Northcrly prolongation of the East line of Tract 3ZG7, as shao~n on a map thereof, recorded in boo4: tOZ, pages 41 and 42, Miscellaneous Ftaps, records of said Oranye County, arith the centertine of Orangewood Avenue, as shcnm o~ said map, thencc Easterly along said centerline, 1h6.9& Feet [o a line which is parallel with and distan* 210 feet 41est, mcasurecl at riglit angies, fron the centerline of Harbor I3oulerard, as shown on said map; thence 5outherly along said parallel line to a line which is para~lcl with and 340 fcet Soulh, measured at riglit ang',~s, from said centerlinc of Oranyeo-rood Avenue; thence West along the last mentioned parallel line to the East linc of said Tract 3267; tlicnce tJortherly along said East line to thc point of beginning. PAP,CEL 2- Beyinniny at the i~tersection of the East line of Tract 32b7 as shown on a map thereof, recorded in book 102, pages 41 and lt2, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, with a line which is parallel wi:h and 3~i0 feeC South, measurcd at right angles fror thc centcrlinc of Orangewood Avenue, as said cen[erline is shaan on said n~ap, thence Easterly alonc~ said parallel line to the intersection of a line which is parallel with and 2G feet East, measured at right anyles from the Easi line of said Tract 3267; thence Southerly along the last mentioned paralle! line 1~~.97 feet to ttie florth line of the S~uth 2d~ feet of the I~ortlieast quartcr of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 27, Township A`.ioutl,, ftange 10 4Jest, as sfio~an on a m~p [hereof, recorded in book 51, pa9e l~, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Oranye Co~nty; thence West along said Norc.~ line 2Q fee[ tu the. Eest line of said Tract 32E7; the~ce PJorth along said East line to the point of beginniny; ancJ NHC•REAS, [he City Planning Commissic„~ did holu a public hearing at the City Hai) in the City af Anaheim on July 16, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing haviny been duly given as required h; law and in accordance with the provisions oT the Anal~eirn 11unicipal Code, Chapter 1G.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed r.ondi[ional us~: and tc in.~est~3ate and make findings, and recommendstions in connection therewitf;; and PC77-15~ WtiEREAS, said Commission, after due inspe~tion, investigation anti study made by itseif and in its belialf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at sai~ heariny, does find and deterninc tlie following facts: 1. Tha: the proposed use is properly one for which a conditional use permit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Cade Sections and 1~.44.050.~b0, to wit: To construct a 50-unit mo[el, with the foilowing waivers: (a) SECTIOt~ 1L.'L1.Oc2 Ail'u - Maximwn structural hei ht. SEi,TION 15.~ .062.O11 3 eet permitY.ed; 20 eet p~oposed) (b) SECTIOtI 1£3.21.o63.O1D - Minimwn front setback. (c) SECTIGW iG.21.063.020 AIJU - htinimum side ard set6ack. SECTIOtI its.~~.OG3•0 0 ~Q feet reyuired; feetproposed) (d) SEL710N 10.21.oG3•o3~ - rtinimwa rear yard se[back. 2. Tlia[ subject conditional use permit is granted subject to the completion of a reclassificaCion of subjcc[ property from the RS-A-43,000 (Residential/Agriculturat) Zone to tl~c CL (Commcrcial, Linited) Zonc. 3. Tha[ waiver (a), maxirnum structural height, and waiver (c), minimum side yard setback, are granted on thc basis that tne adjaccnt RS-A-1~3,~00 roned property is designated for general commercial land uses by the Anaheim General Plan, and at such [ime as the appropriatc rezoning occurs, said waivers would be unnece::sary. 4. That waiver (b), ininirnu~7i front setback, and waiver (d), minimum rear yard setback, are d~nied on the Uasis [ha[ completion of the above-mentio~ed reclassifica[ion would delete said waivers. 5. That the proposed use, as granted, wlll not adversely affect the adjoininy land uses ancl th~ grovrth and Jeveloprnen[ of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 6. That the size and shape of the site propose~ for the use, as granted, is adeauate to allow thc full developinent of the proposed usc in a manner not de[rimental to the particular area nor to the peacz, healtfi, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Ananeim. 7. That the Conditio~al Use Permit, as yr'anteJ, and under [he conditions inpose~l, o-~ill not be detrimenCal to [fie peace, heal[h, safcCy and general wel`are of the Citizens of thc Cit;~ of Anaheim. d. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposirion; and tha[ nn correspondence was received in opposition to the subject petition. EI~VIROt~MEtiTAL IMPACT FII~DING: That [he Anaheim City Planning Commissicn has reviewed the subjec[ proposal consisting of -~ve~~~,~tary, 50-uni[ motel complex on 1.0 acre l~cated on the south side of Oranyetnurpe Avenue and being approximately 2C~5 fect west of the centerline of Harl~ar Boulevar,.::; and does grant approval uf a :4egative Declaration from the req~: !'ement to ~r:.r.are an environmental impact report for the subj2ct property un the ba~t''; thaL tliere would be no significant individual -2- PC77-t5~ or cu~ulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this Negative Declaratinn sinue the Anaheim General Plan designates the subject property for general conmerc6al land uses commensurate with tt~e proposal; that no sensitive environmental elements arc invoived in ttie proposat, and the Initial Study submitted by the petitioner inJicates no siynificant in~ividual or cumutative advers~ environmentaa impacts; and that the Gegative Declaration substantiating the foregoing findings is on `ile in the City of Anaheim Planning Department. NOW, TIIEP,EFOP.E, t3E IT RESOLVEU that the Anaheim City Pfanning Corranission does hereby yra~t, in part, subjer_t Petition `or Conditional Use Permit, upon the followiny con~itions ~•~iiicti are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject properiy in order to preserve the safety o,;d general welfare of the Citizens of the Gi[y of Anaheim: 1, That all enginceriny requirements of the City of Anaheim along Orangewood Rvenue, includiny preparation af i,provement plans and installation of all irnproven~ents sucii as curbs and yuCters, side~ral4:s, street ~rading and paving, drainage facilities or other appurtenant wor!c, sf~all be complird witfi as required by the City Enyineer and in accordance wi[h standard plans and specifications on ~ile in the Office of the CiLy Engincer; that strzc[ liyhting facili[ies alon9 Qrangewood Avenue shall be installeJ as requirud by the Uirec[or ~f P~iblic Utili[ies, and in accordance wilh standard specifications on file in the 0€f~~<. of the Director of Public Utilities; and/or that a bond, certificate of ~-.~s:•., le[ter of credit, or cash, in an amount and forn satisfactory tu :he Ci[y of f'u; . ;;;ali be posted wi[h [he City to guarantee the installation of tnn_ above-mervti - `~c~ui'emen2s. 2, That thc awner(s) of subject property sha?~ f*ay :o [hr. Ci[y of Anaheim the sum of sixty cents (6~)G) per front foot along Orangewuv~ Avenue for tree plantin9 purposes. 3. That [rash storage areas shall be provideJ in accardance with approved plans on file with [he Office of the Uirector of Public Uor'r.s. 4. 7hat firc hydrants sf~all be installed and charged, as required and determincd to be necessary by [he Chief uf the Fire Uepartment, prior to comrnencement of scructural framing. 5, That subject property stiall bc served by unJerground utilities. G. That drainagc of subject property sf~all be disposed of in a r~anner satisfactory to tfie City Engineer. 7, That appropriate water assessment fees, as Jetermined by the Director of Public Utilities, shall be paid to the City of Anaheim prior to tfie issuance of a uuilding permit. 8, In the even[ thot subject propertY is to be divided for the purpose of sale, lease or financing, a parcel map, ta recorJ the approved division of ~ubject property, shall be submitted to anJ approved by [he City of Anaheim and then be recorded in the Office of the Oranye County Recorder. 9, That subject property shall be developed substan[ially in accordance wi[h plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked [xhibit Nos. 1 ihrough 4, and that kitchen efficieney units witl~ a maximum of six cubie foot refrigerators, two-burner stoves excludin~ oven and baking facilities, and single- compartment sinks may be installed; except that the manager's unit will be allowed to have full kitchen facilities. -3- PC77-t58 10. That this conditional use permit is granted subject to the cor.ipletion of reclassification proceedinys to the CL (Comrnercial, Limited) Zone. 11. That Condition tlos. ~, 2 and &, above men[ioned, shall bc conplied with prior to the comi~ncem~nt of tiie activity authorized under [his resolution, or prior to the tine that the building pcrmit is issueJ, or within a pcriod of one year from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as [he Planning Cortmission may grant. 12. That Londition tJos. 3, ~, G and 9, above mentioned, sliall be complied witfi prior [o final buildina and zoning inspections. 1977. Tii[ FOREGOIt~G RLSOLUTIOtJ is signed and approved by me tliis lEth day of July, ,~/~~~~~~~ CNAfRHAt~, At1AHEIM CITY PLANNIIIG CONMISSIQN ATTcST: (!~~ ~ %~ SECRET~RY, AtlNIEIM C17Y PLAIlIIItJG C011111SSION STAT[ 0 F CAL I FORi~ I A) COUI~TY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF AI~AlfElti ) I, Edith L. Narris, Secre[ary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutio~ was passed and adopted at a meetin9 of tiie Anaheim City Planniny Comrnission held on July 18, 1977, at 1:3~ P•m., by the following vote of the membcrs thcreof: AYES: COMM15516t~ER5: BARt~ES, UAVIp, HERtiST, JOHNSQt~, KING, LIUIJ, TOLAR NOES: C011MISSIOt~ERS: NONL AEiSEtJT: C011t11SS10tIERS: ~~OI~E III NITNESS WIIEREOF, I have liereunto sct my I~and tliis 18th day of July, 1977. `~ac,~.e~ o,'';~.~.~, SECR[TARY, At1AHEIM CITY PLAtlt7ltlG COMMISSI01~ _y_ PC77-t58