PC 77-162RESOLUTION f~(i. PC77-16'~ A RCSOLUTION OF TIiE AI1AIiEIM CITY PLI~"~N{IJG COMMISSIOt! TNAT PETITIO'~ FOR VARIAIICE IJG. 295~ QE GP'At~TED, 117 PAP,T 'dtiEP,[AS, ti~e Analieim City Planniny Commission did receive a verified Pe;ition for Variance fron SHEL~Ot! hNU COtJSTA!lLE GOLISOtI, 5:;55 East ~~aples Avenue, Long dcach, California ~10c03, rnancrs, ~~d HAROL~ G. MOOREHEAD, 43r~t Eiirch Strce[, Suite 211, ttewport Beach, Lalifornia 92uG0, ayen[, of certain real property ~situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orangc, Sta[c of Lalifornia, described as: PARCEL 1- TIIE P~CRTH 257.OQ FEET OF TNE EAST 3~6.5n FEE7 OF THE t~ORTIIEAST QU~RTER OF THE SGUTN[AST QUARTEP, OF SECTIO!: 13, TOWIISNIP 4 SOUTN, RANGG 11 WEST, IN THL RANCHG LOS COYOT[5, AS SIi0W,1 0!~ !. MAP THEHCCF RECORDED IN 600F; ~1, PAGE 11, MISCELLA}aEQ~15 MAPS, RECORUS OF SAID OR;+IiG~ COUtlT.Y, EXCEPTINf, TIIERCFROH THE SOUTH 13~.00 FEET fJF T11E I~ORTi1 1o0.0U fEET OF THE 41E5T 15!1.~0 FEET OF THE EP~ST 2~3.~~ FLET OF THE NORTH[l~ST QUARTEP. OF THE SOUTHCAST QUARTE~; OF SFC"~ I!tt7 1;, T~WNSIiIP ~~ 50UT!1, RANGE S I uEST, 111 7HE RAi1Cf!9 LOS CUYOTES, AS PCR MAP RECORD[p i~! f300K 51 PnGE 11 OF MISCELLR:~COU; NAPS, III TtIE aFFICE OF TIIE CODUTY RC::~FiU[R OF SAID COUIiTY . PAP,CEL 2- A f~01~-CXCLUSiVE TRIA!lUULi~R EASfNENT FOR DRIVEWAY PURPOSES OYEF TiiNT POr2T1011 OF TI1F: tIOR?li[AS i QUARTEP. dF TtIE SOUTIIEFST QUARTCfi OF SECTIO'J 1j, TO'd1i51iIP ~~ SOUTIi, RA.ti~E 11 tilES7, Itl THE RANLIIO LOS COYOTES, AS PER MAP RECORUED It~ iSG01; 51 PArE 11 OF NI SCELLf,t~E0U5 MAP~, I i~ THE OFf i Ci: OF THE COUtlTY R~CORCER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIDED AS aEGIiINIHG AT T{i[ SOUTHEAST COR!IEC Til[~ZEOf, 71!Et~CC uCSTERLY 5'~.~» FEET ALO~;G TfiE SOUTHERLY LINE TIiLRCOF; THE;~CE ~lOR7fi[n5T li~ A DIP.ECT LIitE TO ~` POINT Otl TNE ;::~STERLY LI~tE TIIEEtEOF NoR7fIERLY to.^~ FEET FRrM 5A1~ SOUTHEl1ST CORIILR; TilEtlLL SOUTiIEttLY ~.,:.~0 fEET ALO~IG SAIJ £AST[RLY LINE TU TIIE P01'IT OF [3EGII:NIt7G; !iAIJ EASEPIEI~T i5 SIIUWtI ON A MAP FILED It! (300K ~3 Pnr,E it4 OF PqRLCL MA('S, Itl THE OFFICC OF THC COU'lTY R[CORuER OF SAID COiJNTY OF URA!lGE; and Wi1EREPS, tiie Lity Pl:.nnimg La.x~iission did schedulc a public hearing at the Li[y Nall in the C~[y of Ana;v~~m an July 18, 1377, ~t 1:30 p•m•, notice of said public f,earing having bcen ~~:y given as reauired by law and in accordance with the provisions of tne Anaheim 'lunicipal Code, Lhap[er 1L.)3, to hcar and considcr evidence for a~.~S against said propose~ variance and to investigate and make findings and recommen;ation~ in connection therewi[h; saicf public hearing having been continued to lhc Planning Commission mcctiny of Au9us[ l, 1977; anJ WIIEREAS, said Commission, aft+:•r due inspection, invcstiyation and study made by itsclf and in its behalf, and a;t~.:;x due considerat~on of all evidence and reports offered at said iieariny, does find ~nd deterraine tlic following facts: 1, That the petitianer proposes wa(vers of the followi~g to construct two cor*n,ercial bui Idings: Pc77-t62 (a) SECTIJt~ 1fi.06.QG~ - 1linimum numher of arkin s aces. 1 spaces required; ;7 spacr_s proposed) (b) SECTIO!~ 1b.4~~,06?.011 - Maximu7 buildinq heiqht. 5 eet pernitted; 12 cet proposed) lc; SECTIOtJ 1E,1;li,053.010 - Minimum buildin setback. 2. That the above-me~tioned v~aiver (a} is here;,y denied on [he basis that [he petitioner scipulated to reduci~c; the gross floor areas of the comr~ercial bulldin~s, thereby eliminaiiny [he need for this waiver. 3. 7ha[ the above-mentioned waiver (b) is hereby yrantcd on the basi, that thc petitioner dermnstrated tfiat a hardship exists in [hat a portion of [he L-shaped parcel is narroM~ anJ difficule to develop witiiout a waiver; and tha[ [he waiver is granted subject to the petitioner's stipula[ions to proviue an cight (3) `oot hi9h block wall on thc so~[h anu west propcr[y lines, to install a[en (10) foot wide landscaped buffer abuttiny [he west and soutf~ pruperty lines and consisting of trees plan[ed ~n twenty (20) foot centers or Iess, accordin9 to the type of tree planted, to effectively screen the comr~ercial buildings from the line-of-sight of [he adjacent residential area; [hat [hc pctitioncr will provide aJcquate maintenance of the ten (10) foot landscaped buffr_r areas; tliat a mansard-type roof will be constructed on the rear portion ~~f the building adjacent to the south property line maiching the roof desi9n on the front of the building; and that sce-through-[ypc gates will be prov(ded at the east anJ west ends of said building to thc cigh: (8) foot block v~all to prevent unauthori.ed entrancc to thc :cn (10) foot buffer arca. 4. That the abovc-men[ioned waiver (c) was dcleted 5y revised plans submitted by the petitionr_r, 5. That [here are excc~ptic~nal or er,traordinary circums[ances or condition:~ applicable to the property involved or to Lhe intended usc, as granted, of the property that do not apply gencrally to [I~e property or class of use in Che sane viein(ty and zone. 6. That the requested variance, as gran[ed, is necessary for the preservat(on and enjoyraen[ nf a subs[antial property right possessed by other property (n thc sanc vicinity and zone, and dcnicJ to the property in question. 7. Ttiat the requcs:ed varlance, as granted, wili no[ bc matcrially detrimental to the public wclfarc or injurious to tlie property or improvemcn[s in such vicinity and zone in whicfi Cfie property is loca[ed. 5. That ttiree (3) persons indicaLed thcir presence at said public hearing in opposit(on; and that a letter con[aining ten (10) signatures and a petition contatning fifty-five (5y) siynatur~s were received in opposition to the subject petition. ENVIR01111ENTAL It1PACT FINDIIJG: That [hc Anahelm Ctty Planning Commission has revieweJ ; e su ~ect project, consisLin~ of two cormr~;rcial buildings with waiv~rs of minimum numbcr of par~ing spaces, maximu~ building height arrd minimum building setback, on approxim~tely q,~; acre loca[ed south and west of the southwesC corner of Orangc Avunuc and Magnolia Avenuc, and haviny approximatc frontages of 114 feet on -2- PC77-lti2 the south side of Orange Avenuc and 77 feet on the west sid~ of Magnolia Rvenue, and does `~areby approve a Negative Declaration from thc requirement to prepare an environmental impact report for the subject proper[y on the basis that there would be no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this flegative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan d~signates tiie subject properr.y for general cor.ime.rcial l~nd uses commensurate with the proposal; that this p~rcel has been zor.ed f~r commercial use for several years; that no sensitive en~•ironmen*_al eiements are involved in the proposal, and the Initial Study submitCeu by the petitioner i~dicates no significan[ individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Declarati~n substantia[ing the foregoina findings is on file in the City of Anafieim Plannin~ De~artment. NOIJ, 7HEREFORE, fiE iT RESOLVEU th;~t the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant, in part, subject Pe[itio~~ for Variance, upon the following cenditi:~ns which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve thc sare[y and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of P,naheim: 1. That all engineering reyuirements of the City of Anaheim along Magnolia Avenue and Oranye Avenue, including preparation of improvemenY plans and ir~stailation of all improvements such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainagc facilities or other appur[enant work, shall be complied w~th as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in tlie Office of the City Engineer; that street lighting facilitics alorg Magnolia Avenue and Oranye Avenue shall be installed as required by the Director of r'ublic Utilities, and in ac~ordance witti standard specifications on file in thc Otfice of the Director of Public Utilities; and/or [hat a bond, certifica[e ~f ~_posit, letter of credit, or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to tlie City uf Anaheim sliall be posted with the City to guarartee the install~tton of the above-mentio~ed requirements. 2, That thc oam er(s) of subject property sfiall pay to the City o' Anaheim the swn of sixty (6Q) cents per front Toot along Hagnolia Ave~ue and Orange Avenue for tree planting purposes. 3. That trasfi storaye areas shall be provided in accorda~ce with approved plans on file wi[h the Office of the Director of Public Works. 4. That fire hydrants shall be installed arj charged, as required and deterrnined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department, prior to commencement of structural framing. 5, That subject property shall be served by undergrcund utilities. ~, That drainage of subjc•cc property sliall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the City En~ineer. 7, That appropriate vratcr assessment fees, as determined by the Director of Public litilities, shall be paid to the City of Anaheim prior to the issuan~e of a building permit. 8. 7hat subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City o` Anaheim marked Revision hJa, i -3- P'~77-t62 of Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2; provided, however, that (a) the minimum number of parking spaces for corrvn~rcial uses stiall be provided as required by Code, (b) that an eight (8) foot high block wall sliall be constructed on the south and west property lines, (c) that a ten (70) foot wide landscaped buffer shall abut the wes[ und south property iines and be planted with trees on ~~enty (2~) foot centers, according to the type of tree planted, to effectively screen the commercial buildings from the adjacent residential areas, (d) that a mansard-type roof shall be constructed on the rear portion of the building adjacent to the south property line to match the roof desi~n on the front of the building, and (e) tliat see-through-type gates shall be provided at the eas[ and wes[ ends of the building adjacent to the south to the eight (8) foot block wali. 9. That Londition t~os. 1 and 2, above mentioned, shall 6e complied with prior to the commencement ef the activity authorized under this re~olution, or prior to the time that the building perr~it is issued, or within a period of one year from date hereof, whicliever occurs first, or such furtt~er tirne as the Ptanning ~ommission may grant. 10. That Condi[ior. Nos. 3, ~, 6 and 8, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final buildinq and zoning inspections. TN[ FOR[GOING RESOLUTI01! is siqned and approved by me this lst day of Au9ust, 1377. v' CF{ Rµ/~~~~ A;IAtIEiH CITY P ANMIf~G COMMISSION ATTEST: SECRETAR ~ AIJP,HEIH CITY PLA!INItIG G011111SSIOtJ STAT[ OF CALIfORNtA ) COUIlTY OF OP,A~IGE ) ss. CITY OF I~I~AtiEIM ) I, Edith L. tlarris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certiiy that thc foregoing resolution was pas~ed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission tie1J on August 1, 1~77, at 1:30 p.m., by the folla~ring vote of the mert~bcrs ttiereof: AYES: COF1111551D!~ERS: BARIIES, DAVIO, HERBST, JONIi50tt, KING, LINtJ, TOLAR fi0E5: COI~MISSIONERS: NOf1E ABSENT: C01•1MISSt9~lER5: WONL 1977. IN 'diTPIESS Wl1EREDF, I have hereunto set my hand this 1sC day of August, SECRETARY, ANAIIEIN CITY PLAtaNlrlr, COHMISSION -4- Pc77-~62