PC 77-169~f.ESOLGTiUti N6. PLT;~-7G~
A. r~,ESOLt!T"t~)N Of 1i;C 1NFJIEIN CITY WLkNt1~t~C C4t~M95510t1
7NAT P[T'd71QP9 F4R Vh,!~lAtbC[ t~D. ?_7ti!~ fiE CRA"I7[D, It7 PI~P,T
t,fHEREAS, ~fic Ana}ieim City ~'lannin~ Comm•+ssion did receivc s vcrii`ied
Petitir,~n for ~/ariancc from 5~dl7-PAC GORPaRAT10~;1~ 7029 Paramour~t Eiaulev~rd, P~ca
~tiver~, CaliTOrnia 9056~, ov+ncr, and BILL t4~C CULLOLN, ~i32Q Campus Drive, ilewport
Se~ch~ Callfarnia 926u0~ agent, ~f ccr[ain rcai property situat~d i~ the ~:.ity of
Anahei~n, CAUnty of Oranyc, Statc of t;a~lifornia, ~described as:
PARCEL 1- The East tu; fect of the Ues~t ~+`.35 feet of thc ~ast hatf
of the SouthM~est quarter of the SOULIn~rest nuarter of SecC~nr~ 12,
Township 1+ Sou[h, P,a~yc 11 :Jest, in ihc Rancho Los CoyC+[es~ as
shown on a rnap rec~rded in Book 51, page ?i of NiscclRaneous Haps,
recards of Oranye Cou~ity, California, said East haif of' the
S~uthwesr quart~rr of ihe ~ou[hv+~s[ quartcr of said Section f2
being described as comicnciny at a point in Lhe South line of said
Section, VVort'.h b4° 41' East 662.J~ fc~et from the Southwest carner
[hcreof; tt~ence North J° 13' ltesi ]323.h9 feet to a point, thence
North i9° 4S' ~0" East 6!;3.~t~+ feec to a po,int; thence SAU[h 0° 1~~'
G5" [asC 1;2u.,'l5 fcet [o a point; thencc Souih ~''?° 41' Wes[ (~62,75
fect [o the placc of beyinning. Exccpting thcrefrom thc South 40
PAP.CEL ~- 7hat pc~. tion of [he East haif c~f Lhe Southwest quarter
of the Soutlm~c~~t quartcr uf Section 12, Ta.+nship 1+ Soutti, Ran9e il
West, in [h.n. Ranchu Los Loyotes, as shoan ~n a map recorded in
Elook 51, page YI of Nisceflaneou5 11aps, record5 of Gran,e Couniy,
California, dr_scribeJ as be9innir~~ at a point of ;he South line of
saiJ Secti~on, North 8~)° Ifl' East G62.7? feet `rom the Southwest
co,rner thereof; ther.ce portii ~~ 13' East 131~~.~3 fer.~ [o a point;
ekznce tiorth u~° 4i' ~0" East ~~3•~+l~ feet t~ a point; thence Sou[h
0° "I~+' ti~' CaSt 137~.~~5 fect to a point; [he~ice South E9iD 41' 41~st
LG2,~5 fceL 'u [he plar;.c of bc~innin,. Exccpt [he Ves, h95,.'~'10
fect thcruof. ~llsa exccp[ the tlarth 72v.~0 feet thereof. Atso
exceptii~g [t~crc(rorn thc Pl~orth j0 f.~et of tiic South 155 fce: of ttie
Ea;t 2b fee.~. AYsp excep[inn zF~erefrom thc South !FO feet.
PA!?CEL y- Th~:'korth JZb.90 fcet of that pc+rtion of thc L•as.c half
of the ~ou[hwest q~~rtcr of thc Southtiest quartcr of Sectir~az 12,
Yowns,`~~p ~~ South, Range T1 West, in the Rancho Los Coyot~e5, as
she~~rn on a+rap recnrded in Bc,o3: ~1, pa,e I1 of Miscellaneous Haps,
recerds of Oran~e County, Califor~ia, describeJ as commencing ,~t a
poin: in [he Sou;.~v line of said Section, North 83° 41' East 662.75
feet from t4~e S,~uthwest corner there~of• thence North 0° 13' '~1es•t
132~3.0~ fee~[ to a point; thencc North 89a afl' 10" East G63.~i1+ feet
to a poin[; th~rnce South 0° 14' 45" EasC 132ti,05 fec; *_o a poin[;
thence Soutli 3~?~ 41' U~st GG2.75 feet Co the place of beginnin9.
Excepting 'Cherefron, the Wes[ 495 fcet.
PARCEL ~- AT undivided ]I2 interest in the Ilorth 50 feet of the
South Hy5 feet of the Eas[ 2~ fect of the Ea~t hal.f of [he
Southwest quarter of the Southwest quartc~r rsf Sec'tion f2, 4od+nship
4 5outh, Range 11 Nest, in the Ranzho Los ~oyotes, as shown on a
map recorded in book >t, page 11 of Miscellaneous Maps, in th~
of:'ice of the County Recordcr of said County, to~ether with a 13ke
in[erest in th~e water we?ls, pumpinc, plant and equipsnent situated
tFereon. Also excr_pti~y all subsurface water PlqhiS, as dediceY.ed
t.o the CftY of Nuntington E3,each on the map of said tract; and
WNEREAS, [he City Planning Cornmission did h~ld a public hcarin9 at thc Caty
Hal) in the City ~of Anaheim on August 1, 1977, at i:3a p.m,., notice of said publi::
hearing having been c:uly given as required by law and in acco~dance o-~ith t~ie
provisions of the Anaheim Municipat Lode, Chapter 18.03, to hear and c~ans.ider
evidence for and against said prAposed variance and to inves[igate and make. findings
and recornmenda[ions 'i.n ~onnection ther~w':th; and
WHEP,EAS, said Co~r.mission, aFier duc ins{~eCLion, i~vesti9ation and st~dy made
by Itself and in its behalr, and a£ter due co~sideration Af all evedence and reports
offered at said hearing, cioes finr! and deicri~inc the followin<3 fac[s:
t. Tha[ [he petitioner proposes Naivers of the followin7 [o cr~nstruct a
19o-unit apartment complex:
(a) S~CTIOt! 1L.01E.Qli3.b50 - Permitted cncroaclim.ents into requfred yards.
(b) SEC71011 18 „4.CG2.012 - Maximum buildina hei.ht.
_1_ ,s_t~o~r'. permitted wit in 150 feet of
RS-A-43,000 and RS-72Q0 Zones; 2 ar~d 3
storics proposed)
(c) SfCT101i 12.34.OL3.~12 - Minimum strucfural setbacF:.
15 cei rcqu rzd;~~9-~~eet propos~d)
(d) SCCTI01~ 13.3~i.Q68 - Re~uired block wa11.
2. That the above-mentioned waiver (a) was deleted by corrections the
petitloner made to the submltted plans; that wafver (b) is he~eby qranted an the
basis that the tao and three-story units foca[ed wlthin the proposecl exc;avate~ area
are only one story ?~ hcight as scen from the natural grade at the property li~es,
and the two-story units are loca[ed within 150 feet of an RS-7200 zoned parcel which
is lrregularly-shaped and whech is unbuildable withln said 150-foot distance; that
walver (c~ is granted for carports which are locateJ near the adjolning property to
the easC whi~h has a narro~~ widrh; and that waiver (d) was deleted by corrections the
petitioner madc to the subrnittr_d plans. •
3, Tha[ this variance is granted, in part, subject to the property being
developed ,ub<tantially In accordance with plans and specifications marked Exhiblt
Nos~ 1 and 2, as correciNd by thr_ petitioner, on file in the Planning Department.
4. That there are exceptionaJ or ex[raorJinary circumstances or conditions
applicable to the property involved or to tlie intended use, as granted~ qf the
property tha*_ do not a~ply generally to the nroperty or class of use irt. the same
vicinlty and zonc.
-2_ PC77-165
5, That the reques[eJ variance, as granted, ts necessary f~7 tMe
preservation and enjoyment of a substantial prapcrty rig~t possessed by oEher
property in t:~e same ++icinity and zone, and denied to the property in questio~.
6. Thai the requested variancc, as yranted, will not be materially
detrimen*_al to the public ~slfare or injEirious to the property or imnrover.ien[s in
such vieinity an~ zone in which the props~ty is loca[ed.
7, That no ~ne indicated thcir presence at said public hearing in
opposi[1on; and that no correspondence was received in oppesition to the subjecC
EIIVIROt~NE!iT11L IMPAC7 FIUDIt~G: 7hat ~nvironmental Impac[ Report No. 204 for
the proposed developmen[ o a 1~ -unit apartment complex or. a 9.8-acre site located
northwest of thc intersect'son of Lin a+l~~ Avcnuc and 6c1 Air Street, having been
con~idered this date by the A~!:aheim City Planning Commission anJ evidence, both
written and oral, heving b~en presenCed to supplement s~id draf~ EIP. No. 20~~, finds
that ,r,uLential projcct-yenerated individual and cumulative adverse impacts have been
reduced [o an accep[able level by conforr~~ce with City plans, poltcies and
ordl~ances, and said draft [IR t~o. 204 conforms [o thc California Environmental
Quality Act and tn City and Stacc EIR Guidclincs and, therefore, based upon such
informa[ionn the Anaheici City Planning Lom~ission does certify EIR No, 2~~~,
N041, 7!lEREFdP.E, 6E lT RESOLVLD that the Anaheim City Planning Commission
does hereby grant, )n ~arC, subject Petition for Variar~ce, upon the follov~ing
conditians which are hereby fo~nd to be a necessary prcrequisite to the proposed use
of the sub)ect property in ordcr to psescrvc thc safety and gcncral welfarc ~f the
Citlzens of the City of Anaheir,~;
1. That this Variance is oranted suhjec[ to the completion of
Reclassification tlo. 77-7c-7, na~ pendin~~.
2. That the awner(s) of subject propr,rty shali submit a lette~ requesting
terriination of Conditional Use Permi[ ~lo. tb43.
3, That subjec[ property shall be Jave~loped substantially in accordance
with plans and specific~tions on ffle with [t,e Ci;y of Anatiei~ marked Exhibit Nos. I
throu~gti 3, as correc[ed by the petitioner.
4. That Condition ~Jos. i and 2, above rcwntloned, shall bc complied with
prior tn the cammencement of the a;:Civity autf~~rized under this resolution, or prior
to the time that tfie building pcrmit is issued, or within a perioci of one year from
date hereof, whichever occurs first, or ~tuch further time as thc Ptanning Commisslon
may grant.
5. That Condition tlo. ;, above mentioned, shall bc complied with prior to
final butldtng and zaniny inspections.
TH[ FOREGOIN; RESOLUTIOtJ is signed and aoprovcd by mc thls lst day of
August, 1977.
~ ~ ~
-3- PC77-~69
COUt1TY OF OfLaNGE ) ss.
C17Y OF AItRli~IH )
I, Edith L. Harris, 5ecretary ef thc Anaheim City Plann~ng Coc~mission, do
hereby certify that the foregoin9 resolution was passed and a~op[ed ~,t a meeting of
the Anaheim CiLr !'lanning Commission held on August 1, 1977, at 1:30 P•~•~ ~Y ihe
following voie of ¢he mer+bers thereof:
lt~ `WITtJESS Wli[RE~3F, I have he~eunto sct my hand this lst day of AuguSt,
_y_ PC77-16;~