PC 77-170RESOLUTION N0. PC?7-170 A RESOLUTIO~~ OF Tf1E AtJAfiEIM CITY PLF1NtJING L011MISSIOt; Tt1AT PEi ITION FCR CO~IDITIOtlAL USE PER!11T N0. 1734 E1E GRAt~I'ED :lHEREAS, '.he ,Anaheim City Planning Commission did reccive a verified PPtition for ~ond'ational Use Permit from EDDIE fISCIiER, 8615 ~:atella Avenue, Stanton, Cailfr~rnia 30fi40~ awncr of ccrtain real property situateJ in the City of Anaheim, Couniy of Orange~ St~te of Galifornia, described as: Ttiat porticn of the tlorthwest quarter of the Nor*.In•~est quart~r of the Southwest quarter of Section 17, Tov+nship 4 South, Raryi: 1f1 tiles[, in thc Rancho Los Coyotr_;, as sha,~n on a map rctorded in Bool: yl Page 1(i of Misccllai~~ous Maps, rccords ot said county, describ~d as beqinning at a point in tfie 1Jest line of the Nor[fn-rest quarter of the Uorthwest quartcr of [hc Southwes; quar[er of said Scction 17, distant South 0° 4Q' ~G" blest thereon 335.~'~ f~et from thc tlortln•icst corncr [hcrcof; thencc Ilorth 89a 5~~ 31" Eas[ 3~G.21 feet io [hc tlest linc of Tract No. 2786, a, shown on inap recardea in tiook 83 Payes 33 and 34 of Hiseellaneous Haps, records of said L~unty; thence South 0° 3?' ~~~~ West along said West line, 325.5G fcet [o the Nortti line of Tract No. 2537, as sfiown on map rccorded ln f3ool: 75 Paycs 3~ and 3A of Niscellaneous Naps. rccor~s of saic: county; the~ce South c~9~ 55' 51" Wcst along said ~7orth lir~c and thc Ncsterly pralongation thereof~ 3E6.6~ fcet to thc West :ine o( the tlorthwesi quarter of the t~orthwest quartcr of thc Southwest qu~rter of said Section 17; thencc t~orth 0° 40' OG" East 3~5•30 fcet to thc paint o" bcyinning; and uHEREl~S, [he Lit/ Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the ~ity ~f P.nahcim on AuguSL 1, 1977, ~t 1:3~ n.m., noticc of said p~~blie ~~eariny haviny bce~n duly yiven as requlred by law and in accordance with the provisions of the {lnaheim Municipal Cod~, Chapter 18,~3, to hear and consider F:videnc.e for 3nc~ ~gnins[ said aroposeJ condi[ional ure and to investigete and make findin9s and recor..mendaticas in connection therewi[h; and NNEREAS. sald Corunission~ aft~_r due inspection, ir.vestigation and study m~de by ttself and 3n its b+:half, and after due consid~ra[~on of all evidence and reports offered at sdid hearing, does find and Jcterminc the following facts: S. That the prop~sed usc is properly o~e for whict~ a condit(onal usc pe rtnit is authori~ed by Anaheim Mu~icipal Code Section 18.~i4.05~.O1C, to wit: to permit on-sale bc~r and wine in a restaurant. 2. That the petitioner ir~dica[es Che busincss h~urs are from 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., seven days a wcek, and the seating capacity is f~r 82 persons ~t SS tablcs. 3. Thar. che propos,ed use will not advrrsely affett [hc ad,joining land u5es and tlie growth and developmcnt Uf the area in wliich i[ is proposed to be located. PC77-170 4. That the sl'ze and shape of the site proposed~for the use is adequate to allcw the full development of the ~roposed use in a manner not detrimen[al to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of [he City of Anaheim. 5. That the qranting of the Conditional Usc Permit under the conditions inp~sed will not be detrir~ntal to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City oF Anaheim. 6. That no one indicated their pre:sence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence ~yas rr_ceived in opposition to the subject petition. EI~VIRONNEtdTAL IMPACT Fl~IDING: That che Director of the Plann:ng Department has determined that the proposed ac[ivity falls within the definition of Section 3.01, Llass :, of the City of Anaheim Guidelines to the Requirements for an Environmental Impact Report and is, [herefore, cate9orically exempt from the requirement to file an EIR. NOW, TIiEREFORE, DE IT R[SOLVED that the Anaheim City Planni~g Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditlon ~rhich is hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to prc.serve the safety and general Nelfare of the Citizens of the Ctty of Anaheim: 1. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specificatior.s on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. TtiE FOREGOIiIG RESOLUTIOtJ is siyned ancl approved by me Lhis ist day of August, 1977. CNAI At7, ANAHEIM CITY LAtJt11NG COMHISSION ATTEST: SECREiARY, ANAHEIM LITY PLANNIIJG C0~4HISSION STATC• OF CALIFORFIIA ) COUI~TY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF AIIANEIM ) I, Edith L. fiarri~, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify tha[ the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the AnaheiM City Planning Commission held on August 1, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AY[S: COMMISSIOIIERS: BARNES, DAViD, liERf3ST, JOIi11SOtJ, Y.IhIG, LINN, TOLAR NDES: COMI11S510fiER5: NONE AE3SENT: CUMMISSIGPlEP,S: NONE t977• It~ WITIIESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereur,C~ set my hand this tst day of August, SECFiEiARY, ANAHEIH C1TY PLA11N1NG OMM 5 0 -2- PC77-170