PC 77-173RESOLUTlO!! t~0. PC77-17j A RESOLUTI0;1 OF THE AtJA{IEIt1 CITY PLA!~NIIIG COH~11557011 THAT PETITION FOR RELL~15SIFILATION t10, 77-73-1 DE GRA"IT[D WNGREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Conmission did reccive a verified Petition for Reclassification from TEXl1C0-AtIAliEltt Ii1LLS, IIIC., 3$0 Anah~in Hills Road, Anaheim, California 92u07, ow~i~^r of ccrtain real property situ~~[ed in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State o~ f.alifornia, described as: .~ por[ion of land alloted to Juan Pai~lo Pcralta, Maria Jesus Pcralt~ De Copas, anJ ttaria Peralta Oe Alvarez in the Decree of Partition of the Rancho San[iago De Santa Ana rendereJ in Casc tlo. 11~2 and en[ered September 12, 196C in Dook "Ii" Page 410 of Judgments of the 17th Judicial Distric[ Court of California, included within a parcel of land bounded anei described as be9inning at [hc intcrseciion of the Nes[crly linc of Parcel 1 of Parcei Hap recorded in Eiook 98 Pages i( anJ 17 of Parcel 11aps in the office of [he County Recorder of Orange Co~nty with [he centerline of Nohl Ranch Road as sa(d cen[ertine is shown on Record of Survey recorded in [3oak 92 Page 33 of Records of Surveys. recorus of said County; [hcncc gencrally Southwestcriy along thc IJestcrly boundary of said Parccl Map [hr. follow'fng courscs: 1. South 2° 32' 17" Eas[ 127.7~ fect [o the beginning of a non- tanyent curve cnncave Southerly having a radius of 227,00 fect, a raJial linc of said curve bears South 25° 3$' ~5" West 2, along saiJ curvc through a central anglc of 71° 59' 05" an arc Jistance of 2~'S.20 feet ko [he beginninn of a revcrsc curve concave Nor[herly havin9 a radius of iis,q~ feet, a radial linc of said revcrse curve be~rs ttorth ~~6° 21' ~0" West 3, along said reversc curve [hrough a central angle of G9° 41' 04" an arc distance of 21.09 feet 4, South 23° 20' Crl~" 'dest 89.36 fcet y, South t?.° 29' 05" East $0.14 fect 6, South 0° 1G' 17" Wesc 51.;0 feet 7, Soutf, to° 42' 13" 13~{.33 f~et 8. South 21° 33' 36" East 73.00 feet 9. South 33~ q9~ 33Y~ East 37,~5 feet 1~. Soutli 3° 31' 1t~" l~est 110.00 fcet ' 11. South 20° 28' S9" East ~~Q6.0~ feet 12. South 6;° 55' J+1" Nest 18~,00 fee[ 13, South 14° 27' S3" llest 4~,00 fcet 14, North 79° 30' 4u" West 15G,00 feet t~ the heginning of a non- tangen[ curve concave 4lesterly I~aving a radius uf 273.00 feet a radial line of said curvc bears t~orth 7~° 3~' 43" Wes~t 15, Southerly alony said curve [hrou~h a central angle of ~~~ 29' 53" an arc dist3~cc of 21.~+4 fcet 1G. I~ort}i 7~ 25' 33" West ~ZG.OG fcet l7, South bt~° 53' S~" Wes2 11G.00 fcet PC77-173 l~. South 3~ 4a' S1" .Jest ~lt~.00 feet~ thence leaviny said Parcel Nap Boundary South ~+5° 05' t;'1" 11es[ 1~1~;,~0 fect; thence Souch o3° ii' 00" ~/es[ 291.0~ feet; Lhence So~~Lh 7° 50' QO" Wesi 11~.00 fect; thence Ilorth 7~O 33' 00" ~'est 1i1,00 feet; thence South 57° 3k` 3'+" W'°.s*_ 7-21•~~ fcet; [hen,-e Nar2h 71° SG' 21" IJesY 17h.0~ fec[; thencc ilor[h !E~° 51~' S.'-" ~~est 11~$,DO feet to the beginning of a Lanyent curve concave Southerly hoving a radius of 1b.b~ feet, a radial linre of said wrve b~ars ;outh 49° OS' 0~" Wes[; Liiencc 1lest~~rly along said curvc throu9h a central an~le of 90° 00' QO" an arc distance of 2~,27 feet; thencr. South 49° Oi' D3" Ides[ 13'a•00 feet; thencc North 4n~ 5~+~ y2" West 1::y.4J+ feet; thence Somtt~ G1° 08' 47" West ~2G.~0 feet; thence Ilorth 5`~n 00' 49" :~~:SL 111.57 feet to the Southerly prolongation of the uesterly line of s~iJ Record of Survey; thence Nor?h 0° 3~~' 23" East alony said prolongation and said 1Jcstcrl~ linc of s~id Record of Survey j2>.77 feec to the centeriine o~ t~ohl Rancli Road; thence 9enerally tlor[heasterly along s~id ccn[r,Pline of 17oh1 Ranch Roa~;i as shrown on said Reeord of Survcy thc following courses: 1, Ilorth 56° 45' i+G" Las[ G09.27 fect Co the beqinning of a t~ingenC curve concave t~ortln~ester~y havin, a r,~.dius of G0~.00 f~~et 2. !durtheasterly along said eurve throu9h a central angle of 22° 34' ~5" ~n arc distancc of 23$.6~ fce[ 3. [anycnt io said ~urvc Ilor[n 34 15' 41" East 25~.3~ fcet to the beginninq ~of a tangent curve concave Southe~sterly having a radius oF G00,0~ fce[ 4. 11or[hcasCcri,w alon, said curec throuyh a central angic of ~~Q° 4~~ 21" an arc distCancc of ~t25,92 fect ~, tangen: to sai~i curvc Narth 74° 56' 02" East 243.3; fee[ to the bcyinning ot' a t~ngen[ curve concave t~orth~-res[erly having a raJ i us of fiQ~1.t~~ fce[ E, dorthcasterly along said curve through a central anyle of 25° 07' 0~" an arc distance of 271.75 fcet 7, tanyent [o s~id curve tlortli !~3° 59' 00" East GFS5.15 fcet [o the beginni~ng of a tangen[ curve concave $or.~therly having a radius of 6~D~.00 fce2 8, ~along said curve through ~ cen[ral anglc of 4L° 53' 07" an arc distance of j12.8C feet 9. tangent Lo saiG curve South 37° 02' S3" East 2G2.G0 feet to thr. beginnin~ of a tangent curve concave tlortherly having a radius of 600.Oq feer 10. along said curve through a central angle of 10° 23' 24" an arc distance of 109.~i feet to the point of beginniny. tontaininy 79.36 acres; and 1lIiEREAS, the City Planning C~mmission did schedule a public hearing at the City Hall in the Ci[y of Anaheim on July 1L, 1977, at 1:3n p.m., notice of said public Izearing having been duly given as requireJ by law and in accordance ~aith the provisions of tfie Anaheirn Municipal Code, Lhapter 1t3.03, to hear and consider evlcience for and a~ainst said proposed r.^,classifica[%on ancJ to inves[igate anci make f~ndinqs and recommendations in connec[ion [here~-tith; said public hearing having been continuect to the Plan~i~g Camn~issio~ meer.ing of August 15, 1977; and -z- Pc77-~73 IJHEREAS, said Commission, after du~ inspeciion, invesCiga[ion and study made by itself and in its behalf. and aftcr duc Lo~sidcra[ion of all evidence and reports offcred at said hearing, does f'ind and determine the follaaing facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes reclassification of subject proper[y from the RS-A-~~3,~~0(SC) (RESID[.~TIA VAGRICULTURAL-SCE~JIC LORRIDOP. OVERLnY) ZONF. to the RS-IIS-1(?,000(SC) (R[SIDEtJ7iAl., SII;GLE-FAMiLY IIILLSIDE-SCENIG CORRIDOP. OVERLAY) ZO~~E. ., That [he Anaheim Gencral Plan, as amended, designa[es subjec[ property for hillside, la,~•density residential land uses. 3. Tha`, the proposed reciassification of suhjeci property is necessary and desirable for the orderly ancf proper development of t1;e comnunity. G. That ttie pruposed reclassification of subjec[ property does nroperly relate to the zones and their permit[ed uses locally es[ablished in close proximity l'o subject proper:y and to the zones and thcir ncrmiLted uscs gcncrally establiaEied [hroughout ~he cor.~.:~nity. 5. Thai ~~~e ~roposed reclassification of subject property requires Lhe dedication and iroprovement of abutting streets in accorc:ance with the Circulation Elernent of the General Plan, due [o ttie anticipated increase in [raffic which will be ycneraCed by the intensification of land usc. 6. That no one indicated [heir presence at said public hearirg in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition Co subject petition. EIJVIRONNENTAL IMPACT FIt1UING. Tha[ thc Anahcim Ci[y Planning C~mmission finds that EIR No. 203 or praposed develo~ment ~f TcnCative Tract ilos. 3116, 8117, ?L02 and 93(;h, consisting of a total of 171 P,S-HS-iQ,000(SC) (Residential, Single- Family Hillside-Scenic Lorridor Overlay) zoned lors anJ two open space lots, having bcen considered this date by the Anahcim City Planning Commission anJ evidence, both writien and oral, having been presen[ed [o supplenc~t said EIR No. 203, finds that potential project-generated individual and cum~~lative adverse impacts have been reduced to an acceptable level by conforrnance with City plans, policies and ordinances; anJ draft EIR t~o. 203 confo n~s to the California Environmertal Quality Act and S[atc and Ci[y EIR Guidc]incs anJ, therefore, based upon such informa[ion, thc Anahr_im City Planning Commis~sicn docs ccrtify EI? tlo. 203. NOW, THEREFORE, i3E IT RESC7LVED Chat the Anaheim City Planning Comr~ission does hereby grant subject Peti[ion for Reclassification and, by so doiny, th~t Title 13-2oning of tlie Anaheim Hunicipol Code be amended to exclude the above-described property from thc RS-A-43,000(SC) (RESIDEIITIAL/AGRICULTURAL-SCEIIIC CORRIDOR OVERLAY) ZO!IE and to incorporate said described property into the RS-HS-10,000(SC) (R[51DEIITINL, SINGLE-FA111LY HILLSIDE-SCEIJIC CORRIDOR OV:RLAY) ZOt~E upon the following condltions whicli are hereby found [o be a necessary prereyuisite to the proposed use of subject property in order [o preserve the safety and general welfare of thc Citizens of thc C~iy of Anaheim: 1. In tfie event tfiaC subject property is to be divided for the purpose of sale, lease or financing, a parcel map, to record the approved division of subject property, shall be submltteJ to and approved by the City of Anafieim and then bc recorded in the Office of [he Orangr_ County Recor~er. -3- PC77-t73 2. That the ~er(s) of subject property shol ay Lo the Ci[y of Anahelm Ctie appropriate park and recreation in~-lieu fees as detcrmined to be appropria;c by the City Councll, said fces to bc paid at ttie [ime the building permit is issued, 3. That ail lots within this tract shall be served by undergrnund utiliLies. if, Thai a final tract map of subject property sliall be submi[ted to and approved by the City Council and then be recorded in the Office of the Orang~ Couniy Recorder. 5. That an ordinancc re=o~ing the suGject property shall in no event become effectbve except upon or following the recordation of the final tract maps wvthin [he time specified in Governmen[ Code Section 664Fi3.5 or such further time as the advisory agency or City Council may grant. 6, Tha[ ordinances reclassifying the property shall be adopted as each parce) is ready to comply with conditions pertairing to such parcel; provlded, hawever, tiiat the word "parcel" shall mean presently existing parcels of record and any parecl or parcr_ls aporoved by [hr_ City Louncil for a lot split. i. Prior [o the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subjeci property, Condition Nos. 1 ancl h, abovc mentioneJ, shall be completcd. The provisions or r(~hts granted by this resolutior shall become null and void by action of Che Plann(ng Cornmission unless said conditions are ccxnplied witli within one yea~ from the date hereof, or such furtfier time as [he Planning Commission may grant. 8. That Condition ~lo. 3, abovc mentioned, shali bc complied with prior to finai building and zoning inspections. Tt1E FOREGOIt~G RESQLUTIOIi is signed and approved by mc this 15th day of Au9us[, 1977. ~v~ CIIAIRMIIN~ AI~AHEIM CITY f'LAtII~ING COMMIS510~~ 2TTEST: S[CRE?^~=;,~M CITY pLANNI~ ISSI01~ STATE OF CF~~IfOR111A ) COUtIIY OF ORAI7GE ) ss. CITY OF ANAf1EiM ) I, Edith L. liarris, Se~retar~i of thc Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that thc foregoing resolution was passcd and adopted at a mceting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on August 15, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereo~: ~ AYES: COM}1iSSI0NER5: EiARIlES~ DAVfD, HLRf35T, JOHNS01~, KItJG, LINt~, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE l1DSENT: COMMISSIOtJERS: NOt~E I1~ NITt1E5S Ut1ERE0f, I have hereunto set my hand this 15th day of August, ~977. ~~, ~.°~Ja,~. SECRETAitY, ANANE111 CiTY PLAt~NI;IG COMNISSION -~+- rc77-~73