PC 77-180RESC?LUTIGt~ N0. PC77-13U
WHEREaS, the Anaheim Ci[y Planning Commission did receive a verified
Petition for Reclassification from CARL ANU DORIS ARTIIOFER, 240j Ciiff Urive, i~ewport
Beach, Cali`ornia 926G3, owners, and FRAIJt: WOOLSEY, 16927 Bolsa Chica S[reet,
Huntington Beach, California 92G49, agent, of cer[ain real property situated in the
City of Anaheim, County of Orange, S[ate of California, described as:
Those portions of thc Northeast quartcr of the Southwest quarter
uf Section 27, Township 4 Soutfi, Ranye 10 West, in [he Ranchos San
Juan Cajon de San[a Ana and Las Bolsas, as shown on a Map recorded
in book 51, page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange
County, California, described as follows:
PARCEL 1- Beyi~nin~ at tfie intersection of the Northerly
prolongation of the East line of Tract 3267, as shown on a map
thereof, recorded in book 102, payes ~il and ~+2, Miscellaneous
Maps, records o` said Oranye County, with the centerline of
dranyewood Avenue, as shown on said map, thence EasCerly along
said centerline, 1!{G.93 feec to a line which is parallel with and
distanC 210 fee[ Uest, measured at riyht angles, from the
cen[erline of Harbor 6oulevard, as shown on said map; [hence
Southerly along said parallel line to a i~ne which is parallel
with and 340 feet Sou[li, measured at right anyles, fro:n said
centerline of Orangewood Avenue; thence West along the last
mentioneci parallel line to the East line of said Tract 3267;
ihence Northerly along said East line to th~ poin[ of beginning.
PARCEL 2- Beginning at the intersection of the East line of Tract
3267 as shown on a map thereof, recorded in book 1Q2, pages ~~1 and
42, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, with a line
which is parallel with and 3~+0 feet South, measured at right
angles from the centerline of Orangewood Avenue, as said
centerline Is shown on said map, thence Easterly along said
parallel line to the intersection of a line which is parallel with
and 20 feet Eas[, measured a[ right angles from the East line of
said Tract 3Z67; thence Southerly along [he last mentioned
parallel line 119.97 fcet [o thc FJorth line of the South 2Q0 feet
of the Northeast quartcr of the Northeast quarter of the Southviest
quarter of Section 27, Township li South, Range 10 ~lest, as shown
on a map thereof, recorded in book 51, page 10, Miscellaneous
Maps, records of said Orange County, thence West along said North
1 ine 20 fee[ to Lhe East 1 ine of said Tract 3267; tl~.>r,;e North
along said East Iine to the point of beglnning; and
WIIEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a publfc hearing at the City
Hall in the City of Anaheim on August 15, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., nottce of said pubiic
heartng having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the
provisions of the Anaheim Munic(pal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and conslder
evidence for and against said proposed reclassification and to investigate and make
findfngs and recommenda[ions in connection therewith; and
WNEREAS, said Commission, after ~ue inspection, investigation and study made
by itself and in its behalf, a~d after due consideration of all evidence and reports
offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts:
1. That the petitioner proposes reclassification of subject oroperty from
2. That the Anaheim General Plan designates subject property for generai
comnercial land uses.
3. That ehe proposeo reclassifica[ion of subject property is necessary
and/or desirable for [hc orderly and proper dcvclopmc:nt of the community.
4. Tliat the proposed reclassification of subject property does properly
relate to the zones and their perinitted uses locally established in close proximity
to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally established
throughout the community.
5. That the proposed reciassification of subject property requires the
dedication and improvement of abu[ting streets in accordance witfi the Circulation
Element of the General Plan, due to the anticipated increase in traffic which ~aill be
generated by the intensifica[ion of land use.
6. That no one indica[ed their prr_sence at said public hearing in
oppositlon; and that no correspondence was ~eceived in opposi[ion to subJect
EPIVIRONttENTAL IMPACT FINDING: That the Anaheim Gity Planning Commission has
reviewed the subject proposal to reclassifq the zoning from RS-A-43,000
(Residential/Agricultural) to LL (Comnercial, Limi[ed) on approximately 1.0 acre,
having a frontage of approximatcly 146 feet on the south side of Orangewood Avenue,
having a maximum depth of 415 fect, and being located approxirnately 205 feet west of
the centerline ef Narbor Boulevard, and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration
from the requiremEnt to preparc an environmen[al impact report o~ the basis that
there would be no siynifican[ individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact
due to the approval of [his Neyative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan
designates the subject property for general commercial land uses commensurate with
the proposal; tha[ no sensitive e~vironmental impacts are involved in tiie proposal;
tha[ the Initial Study submit[ed by the petitioner indicates no signlficant
indtvidual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that [he Negative
Declaration substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anaheim
Planning Department.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission
does hereby grant subject Petition for Reclassffication and, by so doing, tha[ Title
1!i-2oning of the Anaheim 1lunicipal Code be amended to exclude Che above-described
property from the RS-A-43,000 (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL) ZONE and to incorporate said
described property into the C!. (COMMERCIAL, L6MITED) ZONE upon the followtng
conditiens which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequi~si[e to the proposed use
of subject QroQerty in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the
Cttizens of the City of Anaheim:
-2- PC77-180
1. Thai all enginccriny requireme~ts of the Lity of Anaheim along
Orangewood Avenue, including preparation of improvenen[ plans and installation of
ali improvements such as curbs anJ yutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving,
drainage facilities or otlier appurtenant work, shall be complied with as required by
the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans anJ specifica[ions on file in
the Office of the Ci[y Engi~eer; tfiat stree[ lighting facilities along Oran9ewood
Avenue shall be installr_d as reyuired b~ the Director of Public Utilities, and in
accordance with standard specificat'acns on file in the Office ~f the Director of
Public Utili[ies; and/or that a bond, certificate of deposit, letter of credit, or
cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with
the City to yuarantee the installativn of the above-men[ioned requirements.
2. That the owner(s) of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim
[he sum of sixty cQnts (60C) per front foot along Orangewood Avenue for tree
planting purposes.
3. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved
plans on file wi[h the Office of [tie Uirector of Public Works.
4. That fire hydrar~ts shall be i~stalled and charged, as required and
deterrnined to be necessary by [he Chiaf of the Fire Departmen[, prior to commencement
of s[ruc:ural framiny.
5. That subject property shall be scrved by underground utilities.
6. That drainage of subjec[ property shall be disposed of ln a manner
satisfactory to the City Engineer.
7, Tha[ appropriatc watcr assessment fecs, as determined by the Director
of Public Utilities, shall be paid to the City of Anaheim prior to the issua~ce of a
bullding permit.
~. TF~at the owner(s) of subject property shall dced to the City of Anahelm
a five (5) foot public utility easement along the wes[ boundary of subject property.
9, That subject p~'operty shall be developed substantially in accordance
with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1
through 3.
10. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezont~g subject property,
Cond(tion t~os. 1, 2 and 3, above mentioned, shall be completed. The provisions or
rights yranted by this resolution shall become rcull and void by actlon of the
Planning Commission unless said conditions are complied with within one year from the
date liereof, or such further time as the Planning Commission may grant.
11. That Condition Nos. 3, 5, 5 and 9, above mentioned, shall be complied
witii prior to final building and zoniny inspec[ions.
THE FOREGOItIG RESOLUTIOIJ is signed and approved by me this 15th day of
August, 1917•
~~~~ ~ ~~~
-3- Pc77-180
~~~ ~ ~~v
I~ Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Pla~ning Commissio~, do
hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adop[ed at a meeting of
the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on August 15, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the
following vote of the members thercof:
IN WITNE5S WIiEREOF, I have hereunto set ny hand this 15th day of August,
SEGR~A, ,?7/U1E H~~f -JtIIN M SS N
-y- PC77-i80