PC 77-194RESOLUTIOt; N0. PC~7-ty1+ A RESOLUTIOtJ OF TtiE AIJAHE111 CITY ?LAtdNING C011MISSIatI TNAT PEiiTlOrl FOR RECLASSIfIC/tT101! t!(1. 76-77-5~+ a[ GRIINTEU 4JHEREi~S, the Anaheim City Pianning Comrnission did receive a verified Petition for Reclassirication from WILLIAH H. F~i1D (3ET7Y JO CLOW, 2 Rua Valbonne, Newport E3eatln, Lalifornia 92~b7, oo-m ers oF certain real property situated in the City of Anaheir.i, G~aunty of Qrange, State of Lalifarnia, described as: Parcel I- The South 311+•7~+ feet, me-asured from the ceriterline of the stree[, of Lot 9 of "Orange~rood Tract" as shavn on a map recorded in book 7, page 42 of Hisceilaneous Maps, recor:ls of Orarge County, California. Except~r~y therefrom the 41est 282 feet, measured from the centerline of the sxreet. Parcel II - The South 220 feet, i»easureJ From the centerline of the stree[, of LoC lb of "Orangc~rood Trac[" as shrn+n on a mop recorded i~ book 7, pa9e 42 of Hlscellanrous Maps, records of Oranye Coun[y, California. Exceptin~ therefron, thc Easterly l+95 feet; and NHEP,EA5, the City Planniny Commission did schedule a pu5lic hearirig at the City Hall in the City of Anahcin: on Nay 2~, 1~77, a[ 1:30 {~.m.~ no[z~e of said public heariny having been duly given ]5 required by laa+ and i~ accordance with the provlsions of the An,~heim Nunicipal Lode, Lhapter 1i3.03, '[o hear and consider evidence for an~i ayainst saiJ proposed reciassifica[ion anJ tn investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewi[h; said ~ublic hr.aring having been continued to th~ Planninr; Co~~rnission meeting o~ September 12, 19~~~ and ~liIEREAS, said Commission, aft~r duc in5pcction, inuestigat'fon and study r~adc by itself and in its behalf, anJ after due cons'idera[ion of all evidence and reports offered at said heariny, cioes finJ and dctcrmine the following facts: 1, ?hat [he petitioner proposes reclassific~tion o~f subject property from Che RS-A-4j,0~0 (RESIDEN7IAL/A~P.IruLTURAL) ZQlIE to the RM-l200 (RESIDEI~TIAL~ MULT I PL[-FAt•f I LY j ZO~~E. 2, That the Anaheirn General Plan desiynaUes subjec[ ~,roperty for medium- density residential land uses. 3, That the proposed reclassific~~tion of subjec[ property is 9ranted fram the RS-A-4j,000 (P.LSIDEtITIAI./AGRICULTUP,AL) 20NE Co Che RM-~000 (RESIGEId71AL, MULTtPLE-FAl11LY) Z61iE subject [o the conJi[ion that prior to ir~troduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property, anel followi;~y public notification of nearby property owners, as oriyinally made, final specifiG plans shall be submitted to and approved by Che Planning Commission, sai~ plans ininimizing [he impact of the propo5ed develupment on the existiny single-family residences to the south acro~s Simmons Avenue, and showing tfic proposal is for multiple-family residential uses. 1,, That the proposed reclassification of subjcct property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and pro~cr develnpment of the community. PC77-194 __ ~ y. That the proposed reclassification of subject property does properly relate to the zones and tfieir pernitt~d uses locally esta~lished in cl~sc proximity to subject property and to the zoncs and their permitted uses generally es[ablished throuyhout the community. 6. That the proposed reclassification of subject property requires Che dedication and irnprovement of abuttin~ streets in accordance with thc Circulation Element of [he General Plan, due [o the anticiFa[ed increa,e in traffic which will be y°ncrat~~ ~y thc intensification of tand use. 7. That 53 persons indicated their presence at said public hearing on Septeriber 12, 19J7; 10 on Jun~ ~0, 1977, an~ 55 on May 23, 1~77, in opposition; that 17 let[ers were received i~ oppositio~ and copies of petitions containing approximately tu2 signatures and Zy; signatures were submitted in op~iosition to subject request. E1~VIR0!~YEI~TAL IMPAGT FII7D111G: That [hc Anah~im City Planning has reviewed thc subject proposa to rcclassify [hc zo~±siig from RS-A-43,000 (Resideiitial/AgriculCur~l) to RH-4000 (P,esideneial, Multipi~-Family) on approximately 3.3 acres, liaving a fronta~e of approximately 5h3 feet on the north side of Sirtxno~s Avenue, having a maximwn Jep'th of approximately 295 fcet, anJ being located appror.~:atcly 2L'2 fec:[ cast of thc centcrline of Haster S[rect; and does hereby approve a I~egative Ueclaration fror~ the rcyuiremen[ to preparc an environmental impact repor[ on [he basis that r~~ere would be no significant individual or cumulative aJverse environmental impact due to [he approval of [his Negative Declaration since th~ Anaheioi Ceneral Plan designates the subject property for mediur,rdensity resiciential land uses comr,~c:nsura2e rri[h the p~oposal; tha[ no sensitive environmcntat impacts arc involved in [he proposat; that the Initial Study submitted by thc petitioncr indi w tes no siynifiw nt individual or cumulative adverse environnental impacts; and Ciiat the tleuative Declaration substantiatinc~ the foregoing findings is on file in th~ Ci[y of Anatieim Planning Depar[ment. t~U41, THEREFORC, 3E IT RESOLVEU that thc Anahe'irn City Planning Commi~sion does hereby grant subject Pe[ition for Reclassification and~ by so doing, that Title 13-Zonin9 of thc Anaheim Municipal ~ode be amended to exclude the above-described property from [h~ RS-A-~i3,000 (RESIDEhlTIAL/AGRICUL7UFAL) ZOI~L and to inco~rporate said described property into thc P.~i-k000 (RESIDEIITIAL, MUITIPLE-FANILY) ZGNE upon the followiny conditions wtzich are hereby found to be a necr,ssary prer~equistte to the proposed use of subject property in order to ,,rescrve th~ safety and gencral welfare of the Lit(zens of the City of Anaiieirn: 1. That the owner(s) of subject property shall deed Lo thc City of Anaheim a strip of land thirty (30) fcet in widtli from the centcrlinc of the street along Sirmons Avenue for street widening purposes, and shall conditionally dedicate the easterly seventr.e.n (17~ fec[ of sub~cct property (Mountain Vievr Avenue), including a fifteen (15) foot radius property lin~ return at Simmc~ns Avenue, conditioned upon the remainder of the strect bciny deJicated. 2. Th:~t all ennineering requiremen[s of the Cc*yo uf Anaheirn along Simmons /~venue and 1lountain Vicw Avenuc, includinq preparation oF ir~~rovement plans and instaliation of all improvements such ~s curbs and gut[ers, siJe~yal{:s, street grading and paving, drainage facilities or other appurtenant work, :hall be complied oiith as require~ by the City Engineer ano in accordance with standard plans and specific~tions on file i~i the Office of the City Engineer; that street lighting facilities alony Simr.pns Hvenue anJ Mountain View Avenue shall br, inc±~lled as -2- PC77-194 required by the Director of Pubiic Uti9ities, and in accordance with standard specifications on file in the Oftice of the Director of Public Utili[ies; and/or that a bond, certificate of Jeposi[, Ictter ~f credit, or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted witli the City to yuarantee the installation of thc above-mentioned requirements. 3. That Che a•iner(s) of subject propcrty shall pay to the City of Anaheim tfic swn of sixty cenes (6GC) per front foot a1on9 Simmons Avenue and Mountain View Avenue for tree plantiny purposes. 4. That trash storage are~s shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file o~ith tlie Jffice of tlie Uirector of Public Works. 5. That fire tiydranLs shall bc installed and charged, as required and determined to bc necessary Gy tlie CF~ief of the Fire Departinent, prior to cammencement of structural framiny. o. That subject property shall be served by underyround utilities. 7. Th3t drainage of subject property sl~all bc disposed of in a manner satlsfactory to the City Engineer. 3. That thu c~wner(s) c+f subject property shall pay to the Lity of Anaheim the appropriate park and recreation in-lieu fees as determine~i to be appropriate by the City Council, saiJ fees to be paid a[ tlie tir.ic thc buil~iing permi[ is issued. 9. That appropriatc a~ater assessment fees as deternined by the Dircctor of Public Utili[ies sliall be ;~aid [o [iie City of AnaheiM prior [o tlie issuance of a build€ng permit. 10. That owner(s) uf subject propcrty shall desd to the City of Anaheim a public utility easeme~nC as determin~d by tne Director of Publie Utili[ies. il. That final speci'ric plons shall be submitted to the Planning Commfsslon for approval, following public noti~ication of ncarUy property ovrncrs, as originally made, 12. Prior to the in[ruduction of a~ ordinance rezoning subject property, Londition ~los. i, 2, 3, 10 and 11, abovc ~~2n[ioned, shall bc completed, The provisions or rights granted by tliis resolu[ion sliall become null and void by action of the planniny Commission unless said conditions are complied with within one year from the da[c hereof, or such further timr_ as the Planning Cortxnission may grant. 13. That Condition l~os. ~~, G ana 7, aUove rx~ntioned, shall be compli=d with prior to final builJing and zonin9 insnectiuns. THL FOREGOIIIG RESOLliTION is si9ned and approved by me this 12Lh day of September, 1977. !!' l.~~~----- CHA RMAII, AtIAHEIN CITY LAt1NIWC COHM1551,011 ATTE5T: /il AGL[~(, ~ l~[Qittit.ti SECRETARY, NNAtiElli CITY PLAI~NING COMMISSIOi~ -3- Pc77-t94 STA7E- OF CAL I FORt71 A) COUNTY OF ORAt:GE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, 5.ecretary of 'he Anahein Ci[y Planning Commission, do hereby ce~tefy that the foreyoir:9 resol~tion we~ passed and aJopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Septemher 12, 1977, at 1:30 P•m•, by the: following vote of the members thercof: AYES: COf11115510NEftS: UAVIU, HER35T, JOHN501~, KItIG, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIOilERS: BARtlES ABSLtlT: COt11~115S10tJER5: I~U?lE ADSTAUi: LOPIMISSIO~IERS: LINU IN W17NES5 WNEREOF, 1 i~ave hercunto set nry liand tiiis 12th day of September, 1977• `~~ ~-~-4- SECRETARY, ANAli[IH CITY PLANNtI~G :ONMISSi011 -4- Pt77-t94