PC 77-20RESOLl;TiON N0. PC77-20 A RESOL'ITION OF THE ANAHEIH CITY PLAMNIMG COMMI55?Gr. THAT PETiTION FOR VAP,IANCE N0, 2896 BE ~RANTED. ~HEREAS, the Anahefm Cfty Pl7nning CcMmisslon dl~ receive a vPri`ied Petftlon far Varfance '~rom B, ALLE~i G ETHEL SUMNER, MEYER E, L DfiROiNY M, Y~Ti, FND FLORENCE ROYE, 61? N, 5ierra Drlve, Beverly Hllls, Californi~ qr~z4 (Owners); LEOb A.. MILLER b PAUL R. WILLIAMS, 12522 Brookhurst Stree[, ?10, Garden Grove, Crlifornia 92640 (Agents) of certsin reai ,~r~perty situated in thc Ci[y of Anahclrn, County of Orange, State of Cslifornla Aescribed as: Lot 35, Trect 2723, in the City of knaneim, as ner maG ~eccrdeC (n bcok F'v, paqes 19 to 21 Incluslve, Mlscellsneous tiaps, in che Office of .he Cnunty Recorder of sa(d Count•~, ~~~c4EAS, thr City Planning CommiSSion did hold a public hearing at [he City Hall in the CI[y of Anahefm on Jbnuary 17, 1977, ~t 1:3C a.m,, notlcr of sald publlc hearing having been duly given as requircd by !er. and in accordanc~ Nith the provlsions cf the Arsaheim Municin~l Code, Chapter 18.03, t~ hear and ronsider evidcnce for and agalnst sa1C pr~posed varla~ce and to Investigate and make ffndings and r,ecommendations In connec[lon therew(th; and WHEREAS, sald Commissl~n, after due laspectlc,n, Investlqatlon and study mt~de by itself and ln its behalf, end a¢ter due cons!deratlon of ail evldence ar,d reports offercd at sald hearing, boes 1'Ind anG detcrrnlrc the fiol;o»inq fac[s: 1. That [he petltloner proposes [hc following wafvers firom thc Anahelm Municlpal Ccde, to construct a seven-untt, cwo-story apartment complex: a. SECTION 18.34,052.012 - Mar.lmum bull~dln~_ ~he~l ~ht. ~;1 story ~ permlt[e ;~ sto-r ~T s prcpcsed) h. SECTION 1~,j4.OG3.023 - Minlmum structural setback, ~ eet requ rc ; ~ ee2 proposed) 2. That uaivcr i-a, ahcve-mentloned, Is hereby granted on the basis that the subJect property ls surrounded on all sldes by Lwo-story apartment development and, furthermore, thc subJect prop~rty I> >epareCed from the single-famlly zone by [rro-story buildings. 3. That ualver 1-b, abovc-mentloned, ls hereby gronted on the basls tha[ the affected structure ls a carport whfch allgns s+ith the cnrport on the adJacent property to the north; tha[ the petl:loner indlcated that the proposed carport is atttached to the maln structure for de~ign efflclency reasons, however, the maln structure: wlil meet the setback requlrements; and, further, that the property ormer to tha north ha~ no ob)octlon to the requcsted waivcr, 4, That there are exceptlonal or extraordlnary circumstances or cor,dltlons applicable to [he property involved or to 2he intended use of the property that do not apply generelly to the property or class of use In the ~ame vicinlty and zone. 5. That the requested variance Is necessAry for the preserva[lon and en)oyment of a substantlal property r14ht possessed by other property In the same vlcinity and zone, ar.d denled to the property ln questlon. aESOLUTION h0. PC77-20 6. That thc nequested vari~nce Nill not be matcr~ally detrlm~nt~i to :he publlc welfare or inJurious to the property or improvements In ;ur_'~ vicinity and ~~,ne •!n wh(Ch th~. properiy Is located. 7. That one (!) persors appeared at sald pubilc hearing i~i uppositlon; and th~t no c~rrespondence ras received !n oppositlon tc, Che subJecY pet~tlon. EFlVIRONMENTAL ItiPACT REPOaT FINDING: Tha[ :'~e Anaheim Clty Planning Commisslon does hereby recomrcicnd to the Clty Councf~ of thr Ciry of Anaheim that a ~egative declaratlon fror^ the raqcirerent :o preaarc an envlronmental imnact reCOrc be approved for the subJec[ proJect, purs~anc :o r.he provisfons of the Lalifornia Envlronmental Quallty Act. !lOW, TIiERE~ORE, BE IT °ESOLNED [hat [hr. Anahelm City Planniny Commission does hereby grant subJect Pe[ftlor for Variance, upon the `ollr,wlnc} condl~ions whfch are trereby found to be a nccessary prerequlsite to the proposed use o` the subject propc ~:i ordcr to preserve the satety and gencrei welfere of the Citizens oT the City ot Anahcim: That subject proper[y shall be s~rved by underoround ut111ties. 2. That the owncr or su5lect propr_rtv shall pay to the City uf Ar•ahelm the approprfate park and recrea~.lon in-lleu fees as determined to be approprlacc hy the Ctty C~,uncil, sald faes to be pald a[ the timc Che bullA(ng pern~lt Is ls~ued. 3. That subJec[ property shall be developed substantlally In accordance with plans and speclficatlons on file wlth th9 City of Anahefm marked Exhihle Nos. 1 through 3. 4, That Conditlon Nos. 1 and 3, above-mentloned, shall be complled Nith prlor to ffnal bullding and zonfng Inspectlons. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is stgned and approvod by mc thfs i7th day of JBnuarY. ~977. !/s y~~ CHAIKMAN PRO TEMP RE ANA4EIM CITY PLANNING CONMISSION ATTEST: ~ • ~ ,/ c R~ ATiY, n e n c TY'""~T~ir, connT'sio~~ -2- RESOLUTION 40. PC77-20 STATE Of CALIFORNIA ) ~OUNTY OF OI,aNGE }s.. CITY OF ANANEIM ) I, Patrlcla B. Scan~an, ~~~rct•+ry of thc Anahelm City Planning Comnisslon, do hereby certify that the fura?c„nc r~,~:i~,C(on was paased and adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm City Planning Cc.rymis~~vn, ~;eld on Januery 17, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by th*. follawing vote of thc mamrer. t~,recf~ AYES: COMMISSIOHERS: BARNES, DP,ViC, KING, MORLEY, TOIAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: HER65T ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: JOHNSON '•977. IN NITNESS WHEREOF, I havc hereu~to set my hand this 17th day of January ~ ~ ~ CRE R, NAMEIH CI LANNING COMMISSION -3- RESOLUTION N0. PC77-20