PC 77-205~ a RESCLUT10~1 N0. PC77-205 A RESOLUTION Of THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANYI~dG CON!tIS510!I THAT PETITION FOP, COt~DITIOpAL USE PER~11T N0. 1744 BE GRAtITED WHEREAS, thc Anaheim Ci[y Plan~ing Coaimission did receive a verified Petition for Conditio~al Use Permii from DELAIJO, LTD., 1~~5 tlorth `lain Street, Sui[e D, Orange, California 92567, owner, and JAMES R. BREIdSTER, iF72? Halc Avenue, Irvine, California °2714, agent, of ccrtain real propcrty situated in [hc City of Anahcim, County of Orange, State of Califcrnia, Jescribed as: Lo[ jl of Tr3ct t~o. 423p, as shoo,n on a map thereof recorded in book 2~+3, pages 43 and ~+4, Miscell~neous Maps, recnrcls of saicl Orangc County; and NHEREAS, the Lity Planning Cornmission did hold a publit hcaring at the City Hall in the City of Anahein on September 12, 1Q77, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing h~ving bee~ duly given as re~uirecl hy l~r~ and in accordance with the provisions of thc ~naheim Ilunicipal Codc, Chaptcr i?.~3, to hcar and consider evidence for and against said proposed condi[ionol use anJ to investigate and m~,~:e findin9s and recommendations in connection therewi[h; an~i WHEREAS, said Commission, aftcr duc inspection, investia~tion and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of atl evidence and reports offered at said hearing, docs find and de[ermine thc follotirinq facts: i. Tha[ thc pro~osed use is properly one for ~•~hich a conditional use permit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Section i?.33.~SC.30f1 [o wi[: to permit expansion of an existing drive-through rest~urant. 2, That [hc proposed usc is hcreby granted suhject to the petitioner's stipulation [o redesign the three (3) angled parking spaces alon9 Ltncoln Aven~~ to two (2) par~llel parking spaces; said pl~ns to he reviewed by anci approved by the Planning Comnission prior to [he issuancc of a building pcrmit. 3. Tha; the proposed use wlll no[ adversely ~ffect the adJoining land uses and thc gro~~[h and devclopnen[ of the arca in which it is proposeJ t~ bc located. 4, That thc size and shape of the site proposed for the usc is adequatc to allow the full development o` the proposed use in a manner not detrimental t~ the particul~r arca nor to the peace, health, Safcty, and general arclfare of the Cttizens of thc City of Anahcim. 5. That the granting of [he Conditional Usc Permit under the condi*_tons imposed, if any, wi11 not be dctrimentol tc the pe~ce, heal[h, safety and general welfarc of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. G. Tha[ no one indicated their presencr_ at said public hearing in opposition and that one letter was received in opposition to the subJect petition; and that one pecitio~ con[a(rting 27 signatures in favor of the subject petitton was received, P~77-205 ~~. 1 - Et~VIROtIMENTAL IHPACT FINDING: Th~t the Director of the Planning Department has ~•.termined that ihe proposed activity falls within the definition of Section 3.T1}, Class 1, o` the City of Anaheim ~uidelines to thc ReGuiremr.nts for an Ei~v.ronmental Impaci Reporr and is, therefore, cateaorically exempt from the requirenent to file an EIR. NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planrtino Comnission does hereby grant subject Petition for Conditional Jse Pcrmit, upon the following conditions which are hereby four.d to be a necessary prereGuisite to the oroposed use of the subjec[ property in order to oreservc the safety and qencral welfare of the Citizens of the City of llnaheim: 1. That subject proprr[y shall be develoFed substantially in accordance with plans and saecificat~ons on filc riith th- City of Anahcim marked Exhihit tJos. i thru 1i, provided, however, that the three (3) angled par4;ino spaces along Lincoln Avenue shall be redesigned to two (2) parallcl par~ing spaces, said redesign to be ~eviewed and approved by the Planning Commission prior to thc issuance of a buitding permit, THE FOP,EG6ING RESOLUTIOf~ is signed and approved by me this 12th day of Septembcr, 1977. ~C ~- ~~~ CfAIRNAN, ANANEIM CITY PLAN~II~~G COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ ~~lR~ SECRETAH'(, AP~AHEIM CITY PLANNI~IG COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF AfIAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planninq Commission, do hereby certify that thc foregoing resolution was ~~ssed and adopted at a meeiing of thc Anaheim City Planning Commissior, held on September 11, iQ77,at 1:30 p.m., by the fotlorring vote of ehe members thcreof: AYES: COMMISSIOilERS: Bl1RNE5, DAVID, N~RBST, JOIiN50N, KING, LIt~N, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NOt1E ABSEtJT: LOMI115510NER5: NONE I11 WITI~ESS 1,4~ERE0F, I have hcreunto set my hand ttiis 12th day of September, 1977. ~a,~ ~ ~~.~ SELRETAP,Y, ANAHEIM C;TY PLA~~NING COMMlSSION -2- ~C77-2o5