PC 77-21RESOLUTIO~! N0. PC77-?.1 A RESOLU710N OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLnr~rrl~ar, COMM~SSIOt! RECOMMEhD I NG TO TNE C ITY COUIJC I L 0~ THE C I TY OF r1`lAHE 111 ADOPTION OF AREA UEVELOPME~~T PLAN N0, 1~7. WHEREAS, the Planninn Gepartment staff has been dirr.cted by the Anaheim Lity Planning Commission and [hc CitY Engineer to prenare an area development pian to study the access and circulation in the Mohler Drive/Eucalyptus Drive area, ard more extensively to include that poi'tion of the hill and canyon area generally bounded on the northwest by Santa Ana Canyon Road and [he Riverside Frceway, on the east b•,~ [he adopted general alignment of Honte Vista Road, and on the southwest by Mof,ler Drive, approximately one-half of the 140 act•es involvc•d being in unincorporated Orangr County and [he remaining onc-half being in thc City of Anaheim, said s[udy to establish genera) alignments suitable for nuiding deve~opment of road and u[iiity easement patterns, coordinate property development, and estahlish c~uideiines for the improvement of travel arcl safety; and WHEREAS, thc City Planninn Corxnission did hoid a publlc hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on January 17, 1Q77, at 7:~~ P.m., no[ice of said public hearing haviny been duly given as required by law and in accorda~ce with the provisions of the Anaheim !lunicipal Code, Chapter 1n.~3, to h~~r' and consider evidence for and agains[ said proposed area development pla~ and to investinate and mak.e findings and recommendations in connection therewi[h; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspec[ion, investir,ation and study made by ftself and in its behalf, ~nd aftcr due considcration of all evidence and reports offered at s~id hearing, docs find and determine the follo~aing f~~cts~ 1, Tiiat it Is deemed appropriate and necessary to innrove the access and circulation in [he study area ar.d, more specifically, the tiohler Jrive/Eucalyp[us Drive area, because of [he exis[inn poten[ia, fire, traffic and draina9e factors, and because of the futvre p~::ential problems as additiona) dr_velopment occurs in the subjecf. a~ei;. 2. Tha; the Saric~ Ana Canyon Road Access Point S[udy, as adoCted by thr_ City, County and State, desiynates limited approved accrss p~~ints along Santa Ana Cany~m Road. 3. Thac a nore easterly alinnment of Monte VisC~ Road is ~leemed approprlatc; and :+ aenr_ralized dCCC55 ~ofnt for said road should be added to the Santa Ana Canyon P,oad Access Point Study, 1}, That '::~':~n Road is necessar•~ as an access polnt on Santa Ana Canyon Road and, [herefore, shauld be opened pcr'manen[ly as a 4~ foo; ri~ht- of~-r~ay; hnwever, the median openlnq on Sanr.~ Ana Canyon Road a[ Martin Road should bc closed, precl~iJing ti,e ncr_d for siqnalization anA reducing traffic and s.fe[y conflic[s; and, to acc~mplish this access, as ou[Iined, the Santa Ana Canyon Road Accrss Polnt 5[udy should be arnended. 5. Tn~i [wo segments, one being between O~,ens Drive and Eucat~yptus Drive and the other being between lJilldan Roaci and San Roman Way, shou?d be RESOLUTI~~~ N0. PC77-21 "reserved" for priva[e road easenents in the event [hat conditions such as substantially increased traffic volumes or recognitir~n of public safety needs create a demand for addition~l circulatlon hy the area property owners, ~[ which time a public hearing to consider the road se,yment openin9 shal! be required; and tfiat two (2) 3~-font radius Lurn-aro~r.d areas at the terminus of said Willdan Road and the east~west term~nus of Eucalyptus Drive will be necessary, as required for rafuse coilectlon vehicles and general turn-around. 6. That, for reasons of safety, it is deemed approprlate that the engineerin~ stantiards `or private road widths be amended for thie study arca, including [hc Mohler Drive and Peralta Hilis areas, sald widths in 4e 3=°F~~t ~-+ide road easements having 24-foot wide paved roadways; pr,~vf~e~, that existing priva[e roads ~•lith greater or lesser widths may 5e ~etained unless additional developmenc oc wrs, and any newly as[ablished priva[e roads shal', be in conformance with [hese neFi standards; and, fur[hermore, the Anaheim City Planning Commission desires the Orange County Planning Commission to consider [hese standarJs for the p~rtion of thc study area under th~~ir j~riscliction. 7. Tha[ the study area, beinn within the City of Anaheim's sphcre of influenr> and i major portion of ~vhir_h is indenendently nlan~ed and implemen ed by the County of Oran9e and may be ultima[ely annexed t:nd served by the Ci[y, has an apparen[ need to be morc closcly coordinatc~ by the [wo a,encies for uniformity o' roa~lway easements, widths, etc., and, the'~=`~.~rc, a join; aareement of plans and i;nnlemen[atlon secros appropriate betwer_n said a9encics. 8. That the properiy o~•mers in the stu~iy area have been sufficiently advised of potenti ' firr,, traffic and dr~ina~e nroblems if impruvements and thr ~h circulation are not provided. 9. Th~t the Environmental Impact Report ~~o. 191 ~•~as considered in conjunction with [his Area Develnpment Plon. 10. Th~.[ the Commission considcred [hree (3) seP,~ra:e plans or exhihits in connec[ion wi[h t`~is Area Development Plan, sald exhibits beincl known JS ~~=Xhlbl; A~~~ "Exhibit e~~~ 0~d '~E%hlbli ~~~. 11, That sixteen (15) arca propcrty owncrs, rrpresenting appraximately thirty (3~) ~re~ proper[y owners present, appcared at said public hcaring in opposition; and a petitlon siqned by apnroxima[ely one hundred and nir,efy-two (192) arca property owncrs was r~ccivcd in oppusition, NU41, THERE~ORE, BE IT RESOI!;ED thai Env'.ronmental ;mpac* Report '~o. 1Q1, havim~ been considered this date by the Anahei:~ Ci[y Plannino Comr.iss(on and evidence, both written and oral, having bet.n pre5en[ed to supplement said draf[ EIR t~o. 191, the Plannin9 Cornmission believes that said draft ~IR No. 191 does conform to the City and Sta[e Guidr_Ilnes and the Statc of Californla Environmental O.uality AcL and, hased upon such Information, c!oes hereby recommend to the Ci[y Councli af the City of Anaheim that [hey cer;:ify said EiR ~~o. 1Q1 is in compliance with said Environmental Quality Act; proviAed, hawrver, that paragraph 1 on pane 12 of said document sha~l be chan9ed from: "14inimal street li9htin~, ?s requlred" to "Street -2- RESOLUTIOtJ N0. PC77-21 lighting requirements shall be simllar to those in thc Mohler Drive arca, as set forth in City Council Policy t~o. 207A." BE IT FUP.TtiER RESOLVED that the Anahelm City Planning Commissi~~n dnPS hereby recommend to the Ci[y Council of the City of Anaheim adoption of Area Oevelopment Plan No. 117 "Exhibit B" which Indicates iimited road Impr~v~emenLs and/or reservations for the maJor circulation paCtern of the suhJect area, as follows: A, 7hat iwo segments be "rescrve.d" for private ro~d casement~~ in Che event that canditions such as suhstantialty increaseJ traffic vaiumes or recagnition of public safety needs create a dei~and for additional circula*i~ri by the area praperty oarners, at vrhich time a put?lic hearing to cansider [hz road segment rpening shall be requ~red. These [wo shori segrents will be reserved: (1) betwr_en Om:.n<. Drive and [ucalyptus Drivc and (2) between Willdan Road and San flo,nan Nay. B, That two necessary [urn-around areas (3g foot radius) a[ the terminus oT said Willdan Road and ehe east/west Ccrminus of Eucalyptus Drive 5ha11 be provided. C. Tha[ the Santa Ara Ca•ry~n Road Access Point Poin[ S[udy he am~nded as follows: t, That Martin Road at Santa Ana Canyon Road 6e opened permanently as a 40-foot wiJe vehicular ease~~ent, a~ding an acc~ss oolnt which reflects the ultimate closure of the exfstin~ nedian in Santa Ana Canyon Road. 2. Th~t aeneral and precisc alignr,en[ studics be initiated for Nonte Vis[a Road which would consider a morr r_asterlv aliqnmrnt to reduce conflict with Eucnlvrtus Drive; and that a aeneralized access poin[ for sai~J road sh~ill bc addtd t~ thr Santi Ana Canyon Road Access Point 5tudy. D. That private road widths shall be amended for che study area, and including thc !1ohler Drivr_ and Peralta liills drC85, said widths to be 32-foo[ widc road easements havir.:~ Zi+-fooC wide ~nved roadways; provlc;cd [hat existing Private roads wi:h qreatcr or lcsser widths may ~e retained unless additional development occurs, and any newly es[ahlished private roads shall be in conforrnance with Yhese new standards; ?^.~~ ~`-: the City Enqineer be and hereby is direc[ed to prep~re revised stano?rd engineeri~g drtails for private rnads in accordance herewith. E. That effor[s shall be ma:~z by and heta~~r.n thr. Ci[y of Anahelm an~i thc County of Orange [o coordinate adaption of the apDroved Area Devclopment Plar~ t7o, il7 and anplicable standards, to provide uniform Clty/County Implementation anci developnent patterns. _3_ RESOLUTIOPI N0. PC?7-21 THE FOP.~G01 NG RESOLUT I O~J i s s i gned and approved by me th i 5 17Ch dr~v ~~f January, 1977, ~~~Y~~~~' ~.~.~ LtiAIR'1A'1 RO fE~1PORE At~AHE 14 C ITY PL~`~~! I~~~ C~'~H I SS ION ATTEST: ~~~~,~ ~ ~ SECRETARY, AtJAHEIH CITY PLAPJtJING CO'1!11551~N STATE OF CALIFORNI~ ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. C ITY OF AP~AHE IN ) I, Patricia 4. Scanlan, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Co~ission, do hereby c2rtffy that the foregoing resolution was passed ,~nd adopted ~t a mer•ting of the llnaheim City P!Unn,n,J Lommission, hcid on Jar.uary 1j, iQ)7, at ~;3n p,m,~ hy the following vo[e of the members thereof: AYES: CON!115SIOIJERS: 8.4RI~ES, HERP,ST, K,ING, NOR~CY, TOL.aR NOES: COH111SSIONERS: NOt~E AOSENT: CO!1nISSIONEi~s: JOHNSOrl AE3STAIN: COMMISSIOP~ERS: Dl1VID IN 411Tt~E55 WHEREOF, I hnve hcrcunto se[ my h~nd this 17th d~v ~f January 1~77. ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ SECRETI~RY, AtJAHE IN C ITY PLA~~N 7~C, -COH1115510N -~+- R~SOLl;710N N0. PC77-21