PC 77-210RESOLUTIOh IlO. PC7?~Z10 A RESOLUTi01J OF T4E AI•1ANEIM CITY PLANIIItIG LQMMISSION TNAT PETITI011 FOR COtIDITIOtJAL USE PERt11T N0. 17~~7 ElE GRAtlT"cD 'atIEREAS~ the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receivc a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permit from IIARRY S. RItIY.ER AIIU 41ALTER A. FR011E, JR., F. 0. Box 7250, ~le~aport Beach, C~ 926G3, owners, an~i JOtlll M, aOUNDS, 15~9~ Hultiview Drive, Perris, CA 92~7~, ~yent, of cercain real property si[uatcd in the Lity of ~naheim, County of Orange, State of Cali`ornia, describcd as: Thosc portions of Lo[s 1, G and 'J of Tract No. 925, as shown on a flap recorced in JGOI: 2°„ payes 42 to h~+ o` Miscellaneous Haps, records of said Oranye County, and that portion of the Third Class Land allot[ed [c~ R. G. de la Riva in the Final Decree of Partition of the Rancho Canon de Sarta Ana~ Lase No. 1373 of [he 17th Judicial District, recorded February 3, 1371t in bool: 2b, page 15u of DeecJs, records of Los Anyeic:s Couniy, California, described as tliat portion of Parccl 2 as shown on a Map thcrcof filed in booG: 3~~, page 8 0` Parcel Maps, records of said Orange County, lying ea~sterly bf a linc that extends Soutfi 3° 92' S5" uesc from a point in tne Uortfierly line of said Parcel 2, ~is[ant Westerly thercon 515.27 f~et from the Nortfieas[ corncr [liercof and passes through a point in thc Sou[herly linc of said Parccl 2; and WHEREAS, thc City Planning Comrnission did hold a public hcaring at the City Hall in [hc City of Anaheim on Sep[eu~ber 12, i)77, ~c 1:30 P.in., no[ice of said public hearing haviny b~en duly given as required by l~v+ and in accordance with tlie provisions of [he Anaheim Hunicioal Code, Chap[er 18.03, to hear and conslder evidence for and a~ainst said praposed conditional use and to investiga[e and make findings and recommendations in conn~ction [herewith; and Wti[REAS, said Comrriission, aftcr duc inspecti~n, ~nvcstigation and study madc by itself and in its befialf, and aft~r Jue considera[ion of all evidence and reports offereJ at said liearing, Joes find an~i ~etermine the follaving facts: 1, Tha[ the proposed use is properly one for which a condi[ional use permit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code 5ec[ion 1~'.G1.Q50.070, to wit: to permit an automobile repair shop. 2. That the proposed usc is hereby granted subject io Che petitioner's stipulation [hat all work will be done inside tlie buildiny; and that the petitloner indicated that anticlpated hours of vperation will be from 8:00 a.m, to 5:3~ P•m• 3. That [hc proposed use riill not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development of [he area in a~hich it is proposed to be located, 4. That thc size and sfiape of thc si[e proposed far the use is adaquate to allow thr, fu!1 development of the propc,sed usc in a manner not detrimental to the particu4ar area nor to thc peace, heal[h, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Artaheim. PC77-210 1 5, That the granti~g of the Cond~tional Use Permit under the conditions imposed will not b~ detrimental to tt~e peace, tiealth~ safcty and general wel`are of the Citizens af the City of Anaheim. 6. That no one indica[ed their presence at said public hearing in opposition; an~ that no corresponJence was received in opposition to the subjeet petition. Et~VIR017MENTi;L IMPAGT FII~UIIIG: That the Director of the Planning Department has determined tiiat the proposed activity falls within the definiii~n of Section 3.01, Class 1, of the City of Anaheim Guidelines to thc Requirer~ents for an Environmental Impaci P,eport and is, [herefore, categorically exempt from the requirene~c to filc an EIR. IlOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R[SOLVCD that thc Anahein City Planniny Commission does hereby grant subjec[ Petition fcr Londitional Use FerniL', upon the following conditions which are hereby found [o be a necessary prereauisite to the propo~sed use of the subject property in ordcr to preserve the safety and yeneral wclfarc of ihe Citizens of !he City of Anaheim: 1. That the owncr(s) of subjec[ property shall pay [o the City of Anahein the traffic signal assessment as required by tlie Lity Council Policy No. 214. 2. That subject property shali be developed substan[ially in accordance with plans and specificatiuns an file a~ith [he City of Anaheim mar~:ed Exhibi[ tlos. 1 and 2. 3, That Condition I~o. 1, abovc rnentioned, shall be cor~plicd with ~rior to the commencei,ient of the ac[ivity authorized under [his resolution, or prior to the tirne that [I~e building perrnit is issucd, or within a period of one year fre^~ date hereof, whiciievcr occurs first, or such furtfier [ime as the Pl~nning Commission may grant. ~;. Tha[ Condition ~Jo. 2, above men[ioned, sliall be complied ~aitii prior to final building znd zonin~ inspections. 5. That all automobile repair work will be done insidc the building. THE FGREGOI~~G P,ESOLUTIO!I is siyned anci appraved 6y me Chis 12th day of September, 1977. .~ ~-~.. N 0 RE At~AtIE1Pt LITY PLAI~IIING COMMISSIOIJ ATTEST: a 6~- d • [ ~ SLCRETAR , AI~At1Elt1 CIT-1' PLANNIt1G COt1MIS5101J STA'TE OF CALIFOAI{1~, } COUtITY OF ORAIJGE ) ss . CITY OF AIIANEIM ) _Z_ PC77-210 I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of thc A~aheim Lity Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foreyoing resolut~on was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anatieim City Pianning Commission held on Septeriber 12, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the followin9 vote of tlie members thereof: AYES: COMI115SIOI~ERS: BARNES, DAVID, NERBST, J01111SOh1, KItIG, LIWI! NOES: COH~1155IONERS: NONE ABSEI~T: COMMIS:.101lER5: TOLAR IN WITNESS NNERCOF, I have hereunto se[ my ha~d this 12th day of September~ 1977. SECR[TA~, A~EIM CITY PLANtIItIG COhiMiSS 4td -3_ ~t77-210