PC 77-214RC50LiiTlL~1~ Ntl. PC77-21~; A RESOLUT1011 QF THE At~lU1EIM CITY PR.AI~11{17G GQMMISSION TIIAT PE71FiU1: FOR RECLASSIF9GATIOtd H0. ~7-70-20 E3E GRANTEU W;1La[AS, the Anaheim City Planr~ing Lommission did recei~~e a verified Petition for Reclassif~cation fror.i CALIFORNiA 70uEL b LiP,'Ei~ SU?r~LY CONP/~HY and GEOr~GE AI~U L. Y.LtL'~ETII iiEUL[R, E7 AL. 9d6 Pianeer Urive, Mahcim, '~aiifa~rnia ,2~05, owners, and UAVID N. FREAR, a~~ Nor2h ,Idain Street, Orange, Ca~ifnrn~~a 92G67, agent, of certain rcal prnpcrty siCuated in the City af Anahcim, County of Or:.+n9e, Statc of California, described as: That portior~ of the South one-half and thc Sou[h 27 fcet of the tiortn onc-lialf of Lot 2 cf a part of Sec[ion 4, Townshia 1~ South, Ranye 10 ~les t as per Map f i l ed i:i Iiool: 1, Page 55 of Record of Surveys in the office of ;,he Gounty Re~cord4r of Qra~ge Lounty; exceptiny therefrom the 61es[ 416.~~ feet, and 11HER[ltS, [he Ci[y Plan~ir.y Commissi~on did hold a pub7ic hearing a[ the City Hall in the Lity of Flnahcin Un OcCnl>er 10, 1:i77, a[ 1:30 p.m., no2icc of said public hearing having becn July ~~iven as re~c.~uired by law and in accordance with the provisions of thc Anahcim Municipal Code, Chapter i8.03, to 'hcar and considcr evidc~ce for and against saisi propuscJ ;cclassifi w tion and [o invescigate end makc findings ancl recommendations in connection [herewi[h; and L/HEREAS, said Comsnission, after Juc inspection, in~icstiyatfon and sLudy made by iXSCIf and in its behalf, anJ after Jue curisideratiun of all evidence and reporis offered at said hcari~g, Jocs finJ and de[erminc the following ~af.CS: t. Tha[ [iie petitiuner f,roposes reclassification of sut,jict p~operty from thc RS-A-43,000 f,RESIUENTI/1L/AGRIGULTL'RAl) ZOIIE to thc RH-4i)00 (RLSIDEIl71Al/MULTIPLE- FAMILY) Z01lE. 2, That thc Anaheim Cencral Plan designates su~~ject propcrty for general conrnercial and/or r~edium-density residen[ial lar~d uses. 3. That the pro~~sed reclassification uf subjec[ property is nec.essary and/~r desirable for the ordcrl~ and propcr development of [i~c communi[y. 4, That the ~roposed reclassification of subject property does properly reiate to the zones and thcir pcrmitted uscs focaily established in closc proximity to 5ubject property and to tiie zones and tncir permittcd uses gencrally established throu,yhout the community. ~. Tha[ the proposed reciassification of subject property requires Lhe dedica[ion and improvei^ent of abuttiny streets in accordancr. with [}ie Circula'tion Elernent of [he General Plan, duc: to the anticipated increase in traffic which will be generatcd by Lhe intcnsific~tinn of land use. G. Tha[ 13 persons i~dicated tl~eir presence at sald public t~caring in opposiLion: and that no correspundence was received in a~pposition to subject pLtition. PC77-21G L•11VIRU1l11ENTAL iMPAGT fltJGii1G: That the Jlnaheim City Fla~ning 'Cornmission has• reviewed ~ the subject proposal Ga reclassiPy the zoning from the RS-~~-~3,,000 (Residen~ial/Agriculturai) [o the Rii°4000 (Residen[ial, f~lultiple-~amily) Zonc to establish a one-lot, 53-unit, RM-~+OQQ condominiurn .~bc~vi5ior. with waiver of rriinJmum bui lding si te erea {~er dwel l ing uni t on approxir~u,tety 5. 1~~ acres, havinci a frontage of approximatcly '+23 fcet ~on Lhe nor[h sic',e af La Paima Avenu~e, havi~g a max'rmun depth of approximatcly $2J fc~et, beiny located approximate'ly 419 fc~t east of ttee centerline oi Euclid StreeC; and decs hereby a~zprflve the t~eg<itive Declaration irom the reyuirement to nrepare an envira~imental ampact repori on the basis that ,there would be no significant individual ar cum~slativc advcrse env'ironmental iMpact Jue to the approval of this ttegative Declaration sin~e. the An:~heim General Plan des'ic_~nates the subject property for general cor„mercial anc; mediur~-density residential land uses com~nensurate with the proposa?; [hat sio sensii~ve environnental impacts are involved i~ti the proposal; thas the Ini[ial Study submitted by ihe petitioner indicates no significant individual ar curaulative adverse environnental irnpacts; and thai the I~egative Ueclaration substantiating [he foEegoiny findireqs is on fi.le in zhe City of ~1nafieim Planniny Departmen[. NOW, TiiEREFORE, B[ IT RESOLV£D [hat the Anahein City Planniny Commission doe~ hereby 9ran[ subjr_cY Petition for Reclassification and, hy so doinq, th~t Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Hunicipal Lode be anended to exclude the above-described property from t6ae RS-A-~+3,~~0 (RESIUENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL) Z011E and to incorporate said described proper[y in[o [hc RM-~+000 (P.CSIUENTIA~, MULTIPLE-FAMILY) ZOi7E upon [he foll~nainy cAnd'itions which are hcreby founJ [o be a neccssary prerequisite [o the ~roposeJ use of subject propcrty in ordcr [o preserve [he safety and ycnera) welfare of the Citizens of Che City of Anahcim: 1. That trasti storaye oreas shall be provided in accordance ~~rith approved pians on filc w,+[h ihc Office of thc Uircctor of Public Worl:s. 2, 3hat firc nyu+ran[s shal) bc installcci and chargeJ,, as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of [he Fire Uepartmcnt, prior to commencement of structural frar~ririg. 3, That subject pro~erty shall be ticrved k~y undcryround vtilitics. ~a, Y-iat draina,e of su6ject arc+,~erty :,hall be disposeJ of in a man~er satisfaetury to tl:c Lity ~ra9in~er. 5, That [hc owncr(s) of subject property shill pay to thr: Ci[y of Anaheim tFe appropriate ~~arl; and recrea[ion in-licu fecs as dcCcrmined to ~~e appropriate by ~Fec City Council, said fecs [o be paiu at thc [imc the building pcrmit is issucd. u. That a{inal c~ac[ map of subjecl prApcrty shali ba submiticd to and approved by ttie City Council and tlien bc ~ecorded in ttie office of tne Orange CounCy Recordcr. 7, In tlie event that subjett prc~perty is to be divided ror the purpose of sale, ie~se or fin~r.cing, a parcel map, to record thc approved division of subject property, shall bc submitted to and ,approv~cd by the City of Anaheim anci then 6e recorded in [he Off3ce of the Oranyc County Re wrdcr. F3, That a,ppropriate water as5essment fecs, as determined by [he Director nf Public U[iiitacs, shall bc ~aid Lo the Ci[y of Anahcim pri~or to thc issuance nf a building permit. _Z_ Pc77-214 ;? That a six (6) foot masonry wall shail be c~nstructed al~rtg the east property lxrec. 10. That Londi[xon Nos. 1. 3, ~+ and 9, abovc nenticned~ sitiall be complied with priar to fina~ buildireg anu z~nlny inspeeYions. TiIE FOREGQING R'c50~UT10't~ is signed and approved by ma this 10[h day ~of October, 1977. /~..~'~//. ~.-~~ E;P1A'IRHAi~, ~~WHEIM Cl~n PLf1!ltlitl~ C011HlS510N AT~[ST: (n J fi ~ ~ /`4'~G! Y•r~ ~ SECRETARY~ AHr^,11EIM GIT,Y PLAt+NIIlG LOMf115S1Utl S7ATE OF CY;LIFORIIl~~ ) COUt~TY' (SF OP,AtIGE ) ss. CITY qF f1RlAHEI1+ ) I, Edi'th L. HarKis, Secr~:t<~ry of the Ar~ahe~m City Planning f.orr,nission, do hereby ~:crtify rhaC [he "FbTCCOing resalukion was passcd ,and adopted at a me+et+ng of Che .An~heim City k'larnr~,9~ng Commissiora hcid ~rr OcCober {0, 1~77, ai 1:30 P.m., by thc rol7orriny voGe o~ i't2e r+enb~ers ttar.rcof: AYCS: C~MMi5S90~1E'r~5: DAVYw, FIERf357, JQ'r~tJ501l, Mlli~, Litltl, TOLAR t~OfS: COd4N~IS510f1~F15: ~AqbIE ,ABSENT: CONMISS80'NF~RS: ElA~ftNCS t477 iti 41litJk5~ i~lII~RE~JF, 1 have hereunto set my hand [his 10th day of OctaberF ~:~ ~Z.' ~.~..~ SECRE7ARY, A!INi[IM CITY P~Af1fa~IdG COl1MISSION _~- P~77~2t4