PC 77-218RCSO~'JTl~!I t10. PC77-213 A RESQL!iT 101: OF TIf'c ~1!lAHE I'1 C I7Y PLfi~.tl~7l R~ Cn'~'i I5S I ~N Tf;/~T PETITIO,~ F0~ C~tlDITIO!l~,L USE PE°.'"IT t10. 17!i; BF 6't.~NTF7 w`HEREAS, thc Anahe~~+ City Planning Conmissinn did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Pernit fr~m R~Pt~~LL R, A:l~ R~SELY!!`;E A. Bil'E~IS and 1JILLIA'1 D. A!;D YOLANO~ RQEERSQ'J, 27°.5 4lest P.all P,oad, Anaheim, California 32E01~, o4rners o` certain real pronerty situntr_d in thc City of ltnahcin, County of Orange, State of California, descrihed as: PARCEL 1- That portien of '~or ; of Tract 7i, ~s ner man recorded in book 1!~, nane 22 or Niseeilancnus !•taos, rec~rds of said Orange County. PA~CEL 3- That p~rtion of Lot 5 of Tr~ct 71, as per n~p recor~fed in bool: 1~, pa~e 22 of Nisceilaneous Mans, records of Orange Co~mty, California, deserihed as br_ginning at ,~ peint in thc center line of Plncentia Avenue, ~•+hich noint is ?17 feet South of thP tlorth~~est c~rner of Sect ion 25, Ta•msh i p!~ South, P.ang~ 1~1 1•lest, S,B.B.Lrt.; tnence Soucti along [h^ c^nter line of said Placentia Avc~uc, 5~ fcet; thencr_ Fast parallcl ~•~ith Che South Uoundary line of Lot 5, Traci 71, 1>!+ feet; thence North narallel ~•~ith said ccnter line of Pl~cenYia Avenue~ 5i `eet; thence lJest parallel with t`ic South f;oundary line of said Lot 5, 1~'~ fcet to [he point of bc9inninn; and WfIF..°,E;1S, thc City Planninc Co~+mission did hold a puhlic hcarin~i at [he Ci[y Nall in thc City of Anahcir~ on Octot.r..r 1^, i"77, ~t 1:30 p.r.i., noticc o` s~id public hr.aring hoving been duly given as re~uired by I~i•r ancl in accordance r~ith the provisions of [he Anaheira P!unicipal Code, Chapter 1'.Q3, to he•~r a~d consider evidence for and against s.~id proposed conditionai us~ and t~ irn~estigate and make findings and reeonmendations in e~nnec[ion there~~rith; and 1•lHEREAS, ;aid Commission, ifter duc inspcction, investication and study made by itsn)f and in its behalf, and after due consider;ti~n of nll evi:lence and reports offered at said hcarin9, docs find and detcrmine thc folloa~inn facts: 1. That the proposed use is nroperly onr for arhich i cen~litional use ~ermit is authorized hy An:~heim 1lunicipal Code 5ecticin 1~.~1.^'^.22~ t~ ~•iit: to permit a motcl. ?.. That Che oroposed usc is hereby granted subject [o the netitioner's sLinula[inn [n s~ti~fv all City of Anahrim standnrds regardinn parlcing snaces. 3. That thc propos~d use wiil no* adversely affect the adioininn land uses and th~ rro~•!th and ~levelopment nF the area in which it is pron~sed to he loc~ted. ~i. That the sizcr anJ shapr of thc sitr, oroo~sed for thr_ use is adequate to allo~•~ the fuli dev~lopmenC ef th~ area in ti+hieh it is prnposed to be located. 5. That the granting of the Cnndi[ion~l Use Permit under the conditinns imposeJ, if any, aiill not be detrimc.~tal [o the peace, health, safety and ~ercral ~~~elfare of lhe Citizens of thc Ci[y of P.nahein. PC77-%13 ~. Yhat nn ene indicated [heir presenc~ at said nuhlic hearinq in ooposition; ~r.d [h~t no corrrs?ondence r~as rec~ivr~l in o~nc~5ition to the sut,ject peYition. E!;VI^Ot"?E;171~.1_ I'!Pl,CT Fitl^I'!~: Thit thc Anaheim Ci:y Plannino Conir~ission has rr.vie~•~ed the sul>ject ~roposal consis[ina o` ~~ motel in th~ ""L" Industrial, Li,~i[e~ Zone on ~pnror.iniicly '1.~+ ncrc, h~vinq ~`rontane ~f a~proxinatciy ?~ fect nn the east side of SLaCe i.olieyr_ Eoulevard, having a maximun dcnth of annror,int,l~~-r ^°h feei, and hGing locate~ approxim~tely 21~ `eet sout'~ of the centeriine ~'` Katelia Avenue, ard does hcret~y aoprove a'Icnative Declarat~~n fror thr. req.,;rement Lo prerarc an r.r.virannent:3) im~aCt report fnr th~ suhject pronr.rty on [h.r, hasis that there wo~~ld hr. no sieni`ic~~nt ir.dividu~l or cumulative adversr. environ~+ental impaet due [o the apprcval of this Nena[ive Decloration since tf,~ An,~h~im Senerai Fl~n design~tes the surject prooer[y f~r conr~rrciil recreational land vs~c comr~ensurate with th~ proposal; that no s~nsitive ~nvironr~en[al ele~ents arr_ invnlvted in [he propos~l; and the Initial St.~dy suFni[ted by the netiti~ner inclicates no sinnifieant indiviiual or cunul~tive adverse envirnnnr.ntal inpacts; an.i thnt thr_ !leqative Declar~tion subst,~ntiatinry the fore~oina findinqs is on fil~ in L'^~ office of *.he Planninn Dep,~rtnent at City f'all. tlOW, THE'EF~'E, 8E IT RESCL'.~[J th~[ Chc ~na~ei~ Citv Planning Comnissicn cloe, hcrchy grant ,uhjr_ct Petition for Co~ditional Usc Pcr^~it, upon t'~~ followi~ig eonditior.s ti•:hich arc herehy found to te a necess~~ry prereauiFite M Che pronosed use of the subject propcrty in order to preservc the safcky anc' qeneral a~clfirc nf the C i[ i zens uf thr. C i ty uf Anaiic im; i. Tha[ sideti~~all:s stiill be installed alonp State Collrne Esoulevard as req~.iired by the City En~lineer and in acconfance U~ith standare+ plans and speeifieations on filc in [I~e officc ~f the Clty Enqinecr. 2. That trash s[ora~e areas shall Fe provided in ~ccnrd.ince ~•~ith aoproved plans on file i•~ith thc Offiec of t6c Dircc[nr of PuFlic 41or~„ 3. That fire hydr,ant5 shall he installe~f an~' r.harn~tl, as r~ouired and de[ernined to he necessary by the Chie:f of the Fire Depor[^~en[, nri~r [~ c~r+mencement of structural framinq. 4. That suhjec[ prooerty shall bc scrved hy underg munA utilities. ,. That drainanc of suhject property shnil ~~ disoosed nf in a nanner s~t i s`aeiory C~~ the C i ty Enr, i n~cr. G. Tha[ a~prapria[e ti•~ater assessnent Fces, ,~s dcterciinec! Fy the Direetor o` Fublic Utilities, shall he paid t~ [hr_ City nf Anahein prior M thc issuance of a buildin~t Rer~lt. i. That su!-iect ~roperty s'~all !e develoned suhstantinlly in aeeordanee ~rith plans and specific~tions on filr_ ~~ith [I:e City of Anahein rnarl:ed Exhihft ~los. 1 [hrounh ~; prc~vic;eJ, ho~•~cvcr, tiua[ all parl:inn ,paees a~ill bc Jcvelorcc'. in aeeordanec with City of Anaheim s[anuards. 0. Tha[ condition ~Jos. 1, 2, ~i, 5 and 7, ~hnve rnentioned, shill hc cornplicd riith prior to finil huildin9 inJ zonin~ insp^ctior,s, -2- PC77-21~ TtiE F~~?~,nl~lr RE'S~LUTI~'~'f Octobcr, 14]7. ATTEST: i s ?~•~ncr! ~nd anproved hy ~~ th i 5 1 Cth day of ~" " ~L%~~- Ci~11 JI/.!I, AN.-'..`fE I'•. C I~Y PLr'd'! t';G r.^.'1„ I SS I Oti ~~~~ ~~~~ SECRETn.'tY, ~~lP.f!E I'1 C ITY'~PL^.~1'! I'I ; CO'1" I SS I ~'! STATF OF C~L ! F~^t~ I~1 ) C~I!1lTY OF ORA.'1S~ ) ss. C I TY CF AtJ;,N[ I't ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of thc Anahcin City Planninn Co^~ission, r:o herehy cr.rtify that tl'~e fnre9~in~~ rr_solucion ~•~~s 7155~_'d and adnpted at a meetin9 of the ~.nahcim City Planninn Cor~mission held or Octn1•er 1^, 1"77, ~t t:3.r, n,m., hy ttie folla•~inq vote o` ~he cir•iher< Lhereof: AYES: CQ'V11551~'IFRS: Di;\+ID, i(f°GST, JOH!!~Q':, Y.It,~, LI'1':, T~L'1? ilOFS: LO'1'11°SIO~![RS: I10';E F,BSEtIT: CO'1'11551~"[~.5: Ct~P,NES II! WIT!![5~ ~~IIE°,COF, I have hcreunto set ~~y h~nd this 1~*_h day ~f Ociober, 1977, ~~ ~ ~~, SEC?ETf,~Y, AI~^,HEI`t CITY PLP'!'711i~ C~!1~'IS510!J -3- PC77-21i