PC 77-223RESOLUTIU~i N0. PC77-2_", A RESOLUTION OF 7IiE A~iAHCllI CITY PLAht~lltiG CQt1HIS5101~ THAT PcTITIC:~ FOR RECU1551FICATIOt1 I~O. 77-7~-22 3E GRAl1TED WHCRE/+S, the Nn~heim Ci[y Planniny Conmission did receive a verified Petitidn for Rcclassification fron [IE:VERLY A1R~ COMPT011 AtID CHESTE~ A. P[TERSOt~, 221 North 1lapacwood, Oranyc, Cali`cr^ia ;'L6f.G, owners, and PHILLIP STI'!EP.S, 42~ South EucliJ Street, Anaii~i~n, Lalifurnia °,1~02, ayenc, of certain real property situated in the City of Anahcim, County of Oranuc, State o` California, described as: PARCEL 3. AS S11b\J,I UIJ A PARCCL MAr' FILLL' I11 l100Y. •:>t~ PAf,[S ~, G, % A:lU u OF P,IRCEL MAP'~ Ili Tiil: OFfI~E OF T;{C CO~i7TY RECO~;;;ER OF SAIU COU;~TY ; and !JiICREAS, thc Gity Plannici~~ Coiuiission Jici i~o1d a public I~cariny at the City tiall in thc City of llnahci;v en October 26, 1~77, ~t ~:3r, p.n., no[icc of said publie heariny havino bcen J~ly given as re~tuired by la~~~ and in accordance with the provisions af tFir_ Anaheim 1lunicipal Code, Chapter 1~~.;;, to hear anJ consider evidenee for and ayainst saiu pruposeJ reclassification an.i io investigate and make findings and reco~rnnenc;~tions in connection the m~.~ith; and IJtiCRtAS, saiJ Cournission, aftcr due inspection, investigation anU 5[udy made by itself and in its behalf, and after Jue consideration of all evidence and reports offercd at said hcarinq, does fin~ and Jeternine the following facts: 1. 7hat the petitioner proposes reclassification o` subjecC property from [he RS-A-1;3,fi00(S~) (RESIuEi~TIAL/l,GFICULTIiRAL-SCEt~IC COZRIUOR OIfERLAY) Z~~IE to the CL(SC} (C0111'iEi~Ll(~,L, LIHITLD-SCL'NIC CGRfiIGOC OVERLAY) ZOf~F. 2. Tha[ the Anahcim Gencral Plan desiynatcs rcubject proper[y for general eonroercial land uses within [he 5cenic Corridor. 3. That the pfGpO5rc1 reclassification is hereby granted subject to [he petitioner's stipulations to: a) relocate the proposed criveway o~ La Palma Avenue to a mininum of 110 fcet from the cur~ extension alony Imperial Hiyhway near the east property linc and b) comply ~•rith the requirements of the Streets and Sani[ation Uivision concerniny adequate on-si[c circulation for trasf, collection vehicles. 4, Tliat the proposed reclassification of subject proper[y is necessary and/or desirable for thc orJerly an~ prop~r dcvelopment of [he comiunity. 5, That the prop~sed reclassifica[io~ of subject property does properly relate to the zones and their perioitted uses locally established in clo5e proxiMity to subject property anu to thc zones ~nd thcir pcrmitled uses generally established throughout the community. 6, That the proposed reclassificaeion of subjr.ct property requires the dedication and improvemen[ of abuttin~~ s[reets in accordance with the Circulation Elerient of the General Plan, due to the anticipated increasr. in traffic ~~rhich will be generated by the in[ensification of land us~. Pc77-2z3 7. That no one indica[~d their presence at saiu public hearing in ~~ppo5ition; and that n~ correspondence vras receiveu in oppositi~n to sub.ject ~~ctition. E;IVIP,OI~t1E?ITI,L II!{'ACT FIHDING: That the Anahcim Lity Planning Commissian has reviewed the subject propcsal [o reclassify the property from the RS-A-43,Q'10(SC) (ftesidential/Agricultural-Scenic CorriJor dverlay} Zone to the CL(Si.) (Conmercial, Limited-Scenic Corridor Overlay) .one on property consisting of approximately 0.7 aerc locateu ~t Lhe nr~rtl~~acst corner of La Palma Avenue and Imperial t~IqflYlJY~ having appruxir~ate fronta~es of 19J fect on thc nnrtl~ siac of La Palma Avenuc and 150 feet on the ~•~est side of Impcrial tli~~nway, wich waivcrs of r~axir~wri structural heinht znd landscaped se[bacl:; and ~ocs lierehy approve the Ne~at~ve Declaration fron the requirerient to preparc an environi~~:ntol imnact report on thc basis that there ~•~ould be no significant individual or cur~ul~[ivc advers~ environnental ir~ipact due to the approval of this Negative Declara[ion sii~ce the Anaheiin General ~lan ciesignates the subjec[ property for ;ener~l cor.~~_rci~l land uses conmensurate wich the proposal; that no sensitive er,vironnn:ntal icipac[s are involved in thr. proposal; th~t the ~nitial StuJy sub~~~ittcd by th~ petiCi~.~n~~r inciicatcs no sir~nific.ant individual or cumulative adverse envirunmen[~1 i~~pacts; anu that tlie !legative Declaratian suLstantiatiny the fore~join~ findin~;s is ~~n fil~: in Che Lity of Anaheim Fl~nning Department. NOW, THEREFORE, DL IT RESOLVE~ chat thc 11naf-~cim Lity Plannina Conmission does hereby yrant suL-ject Peti[ion for Reclassif'cation anJ, by so doinq, tha[ Title li3-'Loninc of the Anahciri Flunicip~l Lode bc ar.vnded to excludc the abnve-describ~:d propcrty from the RS-A~4j,~t~~(SC) (Rk.51~L~~71/1L/Ar,PICULTURAL-SCE~IIC CORP,IUOR OVERL~~Yj ZOIJL anJ to ineorp0l'ACC said describeJ proper[y into [he CL(SC) (COM~!ERCIP,L, LdPilTLU- SCEt~IC CORRIDOP, OVCP,LAY) ZGIlE upun the folla.vin,~ conditions w:iich are herebEi found ce~ be a neeessary pr.r.re~uisiCe to the proposeJ use of subject property in ,or~'er to preserve the safc ty an~ r~cncral w~lfare of thr Ci[izens of the City of M ehcim; 1. Tha[ all enginceriny rey~i~ciien[s of the Ci[y ~~f Anaheim along Im~?rvf13~ Highway, including preparaticm uf inprovcmcnt plans a~d ins[allatio~ o"f ai{ impravements such as curbs and guttcrs, sidewalks, sircet g~adin9 anJ paving~ drainage facilities or utiier appurtuuant work, shall be complied with as n quired by the City Enginecr anJ in accordance ~~ith s[andard plans and specifications dn file in the Office of [hc City Enyincer; that stree[ lightiny facilities along Imperi,7'1 iiighway and La Palma l+vcnuc shall be installeJ as require~l by thc Director of Pubtir_ Utilities, and in accordance with scandard specifications on file in the Office of the Uirector of Publit U[ilities; and/or that a bond, cr_rtifica[e of depos~t, le[ter of ci-edit, or cas~~, in an ar„ount ar.u forra satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be postcd wi[h thc City [o guaran[ee [hc ins[allation of thc abovc-mentloned requi ren~ents. 2. That sidewall;s s!~all b~ ins[alled alona La Paima Avenue, as requ'sred by the City Enginecr and in accordance wi[h st~ndard pians and specifications on file i~ the Office of the City Engineer. 3, That trash storaye areas shall be provided in accoruance with approved plans on file witf~ the Uffice of tfie Director of Public Works. 4. That firc hydrants shall be installe.l and charged, as required and determined to be necessary by [lie Chief of tfie Fire Department, prior to commencement of structural framin~, -1- PC77-223 5, Tliat subject propcrC•/ st~all be scrved by underground uYilitics. ~, ThaC dra+nage of subjeci property shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to tize City Enyinecr. 7. That thc owner(s) of subjecC property shall pay approFriatc drainaye assessnent fees to thc City of s~nafieim as determined by the City Engineer prior to issuance of a building permit. E3, That appropriate water assesscient fees, as de[ermir~e~ hy thc Director of Public Utilities, shall bc paid to thc City of Anaheim prior to ttic issuan~e of a building permit. ~, that subject property shall be developed substantially +n acco~dance wtth plans and specifications on filc witn thc City of Anaheim marked Exhibit ~~os. i through 5, proviJed, however, that thc proposed drivc~aay on La Palma Avenue shall bc located a minirium of 110 fcet from tt~e curU cxtension along Im(~crial Hi~hway. 10. Prior to the introduction of an orSinance rezoning subject property, Conditi~n No. 1, above n~ntionc~l, sliall bc compic[ed. Thc provisions or rigl~ts granted by this resolution shall become null and void by action of the Planning CommissVon unJess saiJ condition is complied with within one year from thc date hereof, of such furthcr Cime as thr_ Planning Commi55ion may 9fant. il, That Condition tlos. 2, 3, 5. G an~! 9, above mentioned, shall be eomplied with prior to final buiiding and zoning inspections. l'i!E FOREG01 tIG RESOLU710!1 i s s i gned and approved hy me tfi i s 2Gth day of Oetober, 1917. . ti I RI t7 PRO Z~ ANAH[It1 CITY PLANt~II1G CON1115SIOt! ATTLST: G7 8L(.Gl' ~ f'°tQ ^ ~-*r~ SECR[TARY, At1ANEl11 CITY PLAIlNIUG C01111 1 5 5 1 0t1 STATE OF Cl1L I FURtJ I A~ COUIITY OF OR11t1f,E ; ss. CITY OF AIJAHCIf1 ~ I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of [he Anaheir~ City Planning Lommission, do hcreby certlfy that the fore9oiny resolution rras passed and adopted at a meeting of [he Anaheim City Planninq Conrnisslon hcld on October 2G, 1977, ~t 1:3~ P•m•, by the following votc of thc memk~~rs ti~creof: AYES: LOHI1i5SI0NER5: DARtIL-5, UAUID, HEP.E357, Y.ING 1~0[S : CUI1M1 SS I O~JERS : I~ONE ABS[t1T: COt1HI5SI0tlER5: J011115011, L11711, TOLAR iN WITt~ESS WHEREOF, I i~ave hereunto set ny hand this 26th day of October, 197'/. ~',~"~ ~ i~1G~ / o ~[,~cs~. SECRL"TARY, AtIAµ~111 CtT~ PLAt1S11t1G COMM155101d -3- Ft7'7x2z.3