PC 77-225r + RESO~UTIO!~ N~. PC 77-1.25 A RESOLUT I Ott OF THE ANAHE 1'~ C I TY PIAtRI I ~I ; C0.'1'1 I 55 I OIJ TNAT PETITIOt~ `0° '~ARIANCE N0. 2~72 BE DENIED k'HEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Canmission did reccive a verified Petition for Variance fron DO'lALD J. and CNARLENE STOLO, 13~ Earbara Way, Anaheim, California 92805 (Owners); and DE~~NIS NELSO'I, 12 Tahoe, Irvine, California ~2715 (Agent) of certain real proper[y situa[ed in the Lity of Anahr_im, Ccunty of Orange, Statc of California descrihed as follows: Parcel ~~, as shorrn on a parcel map filed in book 75, p~aes 1 an~i 2 of Parcel Maps, in the office of th.r. County Recorder of Orange County. WNEREAS, the City Plan~ir~c Cormission did hold a oublic hearin~ at the City Hall in the City of Anaheir~ en Oe[ober 2(, 1~77, at 1:3`1 P•n•. notice of said publie hearinn having been duly niven as required by la~:~ and in accord~nce with [he provisions of the Anaheiri Municipal Code, Chap[~r 1?.~?, to heir and consi~er evidence for and agains[ said oroposed vari~nce ~nd to invcstin~te and ,nal;e findings and retornmendations in connecLian therr_~,~i[h; and WHE'tEAS, said Co~amission, aftcr duc ins~r_ction, investi9ation and s[udy nadc by i[self and in its behaif, and after due consideration of ~11 evidence and reports off~red a[ s~iJ hraring, docs fin~ and determine thc folloo-ring fac*_s: 1. That the petitioncr propo;es a r.•aivcr of thr_ follnwinn to establish [wo (2) RS-NS-7.2,~~~(SC) (Residential, Sin~le-Family I!illside, Scenic Corridor Overlay) lots: SECTION 13,23.061.~iQ - Hinimum lot area. 22 nnn sa. fc. rcquirc~l; :~,2~~ sq. [. nro~osed) 2. That Lhc ahovc-ncntioned o-:~ivcr i5 heret:y denicd on the basis [hat the pctitioner demonstra[ed that no hardship exists in cn~t thc sizc, sh~pr, a~ci terrain of said property docs not differ from othcr n~arhy parccls which arc developed aiith sinyle-family residences, and that an undesirable precedent ~~~uld be established in [hc Hohler Drive are~ If this waiver ricre 9ranted, 3. That there are no exceptional or ex[raer~finary circur^.stances or conditions applic~ble to the property lnvolved or to the i~tended use of the property [hat do not apply generally tn [he property or cl~ss of usc in thc same vic(n'fty and zane. 4, That the requested variance is not necessary for the ~reservation and enjoyment of a substantial propcrty r?ght possesscil hy othcr property in the same vicinity and zone, and dcnicd [o thc proper[y in question. 5. That thc requested varlance o~ill bc matcrially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvemenis in such vlcinity and zone in which thc property is locatcd. G, Tha[ 4 persons indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that one letter was received in opposition to the subject petition. ENVIP,ON11EtITAL IMPACT FItIDING: That the Anafieim Ci[y Planning Commisison has reviewed the subject project consist ng uf 2 RS-115-22,~00(SC) (Residentlal, Single- Family Hillside, Scenic Corrldor Overlay) lo[s r~ith a~aiver of minimum lot area on PC-77-225 'approximatcly 0.97 acre ing a fr~ntege of approximatPl ?5 feet on the north side of Martella Lane having a maximum depth of approximately 3~32 feet, and being located approximately 860 feet east oF thc centerllne of Martin Read, and does hereby approve the tlegatlve Declaratton from the requirement to prepare an envtronmental impact report on the basis that there would be no significant irdividual or cumulative adverse environmental inpact due to the approval of this Negative Declaration since the Anahein General Plan designates the subject property for hiliside estate density residential land uses cortmensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study sulxnitted by the petitioner indicates no significant indlvidual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Declaration substantiatin~ the foregoing findi~gs is on file in thc City of Anaheim Planning Department. ~~pW, TI~EREFORE, BE ~T RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission daes hereby deny subjecf Petition for Variance on the basis of the aforemen[foned findings. THE FOREGOIIIG RESOLUTIOt7 is si9ned and approved by me thii 26th day of October, 1977• +~i~-- H 1 ti N P 0 E'1 R E ANAHE I M C I TY PLANtJ I tl!'~ COMM 1 SS I ON ATTEST: '~~~~ ~ ~~~ SECRET4P, ~ FNAHEIM CITY PLArINING LOMNISSIOtJ STATE Of CALIFORI~IA COUt~TY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANANEIH ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Comnission, do hcreby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a mem[iby [he the Anahcim City Planning Commisslon held on Octoher 26, 1Q77, ~t ~:3~ p• f~llowing vo*_e of the menbers thereof: AYES: COMNISSIONERS: BARt1ES, DlIVID. NERRST, KING, Lll~tl NOES: COM'115510NERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIOWERS: JOHNSON, TOL1R IN WITt1E55 WFI[REOf, I have hereunto set my hand this 26th day of October, 1977. ~ ~~ l~r..[1 A.ts~~ SECRETARY ~ ANAIIE I M C ITY PIANI! I NG C0~1"115510N -2- PC77-225