PC 77-227RESOLU710N IiO. PC77-227 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIfs ClTY PLAHtJI1dG COMMISSIOtI THAT PETITIOII FOR CONUITIONAL USE PEP.111T N0. 1757 BE GRANT[D WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Correnission did receive a vcrified Petition for Conditional Use Permit from T[iCACO-FlI~AHEIFt NIl.LS, It~C., 380 Anahein ilills Road, Anaheim, California 92007, oym er, and AIIANEiM HILLS, II~C., 36p Anaheim Hilis Road, .4naheim, California 92t30J, agent, of certain real property situated in Lhe City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as: That portion of Parcei 1 of Lfie land described in dced recorded in Qook 944G, page 937 ~f Official Records in the Office of tfie County Recorder of said County, being v+ithin the Rancfio Santiago de Santa Ana as pcr map of partition recorded September 12, 136u, page 1i10 in Boo4: "B" of Judgmen[s of the 17th Judicial Court, Los Angeles County, California, described as beyinning at a point in the Southerly line of the 27.66G acre parcel stiown on map filed in E3ook 9~~, page 15 nf Record of Survey in the Office of [he County Recorder of said County, sald poinC beiny distant IJorth 7G° 15' 00" 1Jest 5~F.3b feet `rom the Southeasterly terminus of [he course sfiown thereon as "!lorth 7G° 15' 00" 4lest 273.50 feet," and being also a point in [he cent::rline of Ilotil Ranch Road; thence Sou[h13° G5' 0~" 1lcst 3fi.00 feet to a poi~t in a non-tanyent curve concave Westcrly with a radius of 20.00 feet, a radial to said point bcars IJorth 13° 45' 00" East; tnence Southerly alon9 said curve 43.9& fee[ througli a central an~le of 90° 00' 00"; thence tan9ent to said curve South 13° 4y' 00" West 63.64 fee[ to a tangent curve concave Easterly with a radius of 3~~7.00 feet; thence Southerly along said curve 2G1F.32 feet through a central angle of 43° 38' 3~'; thence [anyent to said curve South 29~ 53' 35" East 90.f39 feet to a tangent curve concave Souiliwes[crly ~•~itti a radius of 593.00 feet; thence Sou[heasterly along said curve 127.32 feet through a central anyle of 12° 18' 05"; thence tan9ent to said curve South 17° 35' 30" East 100.51 feet to a tangent curve concave t~ortheasterly with a radius of 2'~31.13 feet; thence Sou~heasterly along said curve 12G.3G feet throu9h a central angie of 25° 51' 15" to a[angent reverse curve concave Westerly wi[h a radius of 223.00 feet; [hence Southerl~ alonc~ said curve 200.01 feet throuyh a central angle of 53 26' 36"; thence tangent to said curvc South 9° 59' S1" West 23.65 feet to a tangent curve concave Northwesterly with a radius of 1~3.00 feet; thence Southwesterly along said curve 2£i.27 feet through a central angle of 90° 00' 00"; tfience radially to said curve South 9° 59' S1" West 48.00 fce[; thence Horth GO° 00' 09" West G6,Q~ feet to a [an,ent curve concave: Northeacterly with a radius of 271.Q0 feet; thence Worthwesterly along said curve 25?.62 feet through a central angfe of y3° 24' 3£3"; thente tangent to said curve North 2G° 35' 31" uest 35.28 feet to a tangent curve concave Southerly with a radius of 229.00 feet; thence Nesterly along said curve 376.63 feet through a central angle of 3~+° ~3' S5"; to a compound curve concave Easterly with a radius of 18.~0 feet; thence Souti~erly along said curve 30,4G feet tfirougli a central anyle of PC77-227 96° 57' 33"; thence radially to said curve South 52° 13' 01" '~est 5G.00 feet; thence Plorth 37° 46' S9" Wes[ ~t0.55 feet to a curve concave Northeasterly with a rad~fect Chrough a central tangle Ilartl-~wcsterly alony saiJ curve 55•9`~ West of 9° 4fi' 3~"~ thence tange~t to said curve Ilorth 27° 58' ~3" 9g,y2 feet to a tangent curve concave Souttiwesterly with a radius of 223.00 feet; tf~ence Nortlioe4ierjZ~~aloth~':nced tangen[0zto6 said tlirough a central~ angie of~77West 129./7 feet to a tangent curve curve Soutl~ 7~ Z~ ~5 thence concave Southeasterly with a raJius of 1II.00 feet; Southa+esterly alony said curve 2$.~~8 feet through a centr~l~~an4,e of 90° 39~ 1{0"; thenc~ radially Co s~aid~curve1~esttlII8?33 fee~ to a West 27•00 feet; thence tdorth 1G 19 15 tangent curve concave Soutl~westerly with a radius of 25~.U~ feet; thence Northwesterly along said curve 50.3c feet through a central angle of 11° 32' 49"; thence tangent to said curve North 2?~ 52' p1{~~ West 112.06 fcet [a a point in che Southerly line of said 27.G6G acre parcel and the centerline of Nohl Ranch Road, being also a point in a non-tangent curve concave t~ortherly with a radius of 6Q0.00 fect, a radial to said point bears South 27° 52' py" East; thence along said Southerly line and alor~y said centerline the folla•iing courses:o Eas[er~y ~~ooth ~L~d~5ur00"`iEast feet through a central angle of 3 52 5~ , 424,50 feet, Easterly alon~ a curve concave Soutfierly with a radius of GC0.00 feet a distance of A76.47 feet throu9fi a central angle of 4~° 3~' ~~" and South 7G° 15' 00" East 219.14 feet Lo tfle point of beyinniny; containing an area of i'].41~9 acres, more or less; and WtIEREAS, the Lity Plannin9 Commission did hold a P~b~~~~icerof9saidtt~public Hall in the City of Anaheim on October 26, 1977, at 1:30 P.m., hearing haviny been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim hlunicipal Code, Chapter lII.Q3, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposecf conditional use and eo investigate and make findings and recommendatiuns in connection therewith; and 1dHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investi9ation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and aftcr due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and detcrmine thc following facts: ~, That the proposed use is properly permit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Sec[ion permit a 75-unit planned residenLial development, with one for which a conditional use ~3.n3.o3o.oto, co wit: to waivers of the follrn~ing: (a) Sf:CTIOtJ 13.01.130. - Re uiremenfUtosedawith trontageaonuprivaterstreets 35 tots p P only) (b) SECTIOt~ 1~.31•~~2•~~Z - Maximum buildinq height. one stor permitted within 150 feet of one~tamily residential zoniny; two s~1e5 Proposed) (c) SECTION 16.31•063.0~3 - Minimum side va~~1• ro osed) 5 feeL required; 0 feet p P -2- PC77-227 2. That the proposed condi[ional use perrtii[ is hereby granted subject to Lhe petitioner's stipulation to provide adequate access for trash pick°up service to all units, as rcquireu by the S[reets and Sani[atian Division. 3, That the proposed waiver (a) is hereby 9ranted on the basis that c lot which does not abut a oublic street is provided with adequate access by eil- private strects or shor[, private drivetiaays; that the proposed waiver (b) is her~by granted due to tlic hilly terrain and the grade differences between the praposed building pads and the future sinyle-`amily residences on adjacent preperties, said differential ranying bet~acen 8 to '15 fect and [hercby minimizing [tie visual impact of and visibility from the Nroposed b•+o-siory ciwellings; and that the proposed waiver (c) is granted on tlie basis that tfie attached units sliarin9 a common wall tiave a"0" side yard on one side, but tha[ a s~de yard of 10 feet or greater is provided for each unit on the other side. 4. That the proposed use will not advcrsely affect ttic adjoining land uses and the growtl~ and developmen[ of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 5. That tlic size and sl~;ape of tfie site proposed for the use is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed usc in a roanner not detrimen[al to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and 9eneral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. G. That the grantiny o` `.he Condiiional Use Permit under the condi[Ions inposed will not be detrimental to tlie peacc, health, safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of ~naheim. 7. That no one indic~ted th,^.ir presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no corresponJence. was received in opposition to the subject petition, ENVIR01~1'I[IJTAL 111PACT F117DI~lG; Environmcntal impacC Report Ilo. 709 for Tentat(ve Tract tlo. 101~~7, consisting of appr,oximately J5 attacheJ and detached residential conJominium units on approxima[ely 17.5 acres located on the sou[h side of Ilohl Ranch Road, approximately inidway between Imperial Highway and Anaheim Hills Road, having been considered Lhis datc by the Anaheim Ci[y Pianning Commission and eviclence, both written and oral, hsving been presented to supplement said EIR No. 209, finds that potential project-yenera[ed individual and cunulative adverse impacts have been reduced to an acceptable level by conformance witti Lity plans, pollcies and ordinances, and Draft EIR tlo. 20~ conforms to the California Environmental Quality Act and State and City EIR Guidlines; therefore, based upon such information, the Anaheirn City Plannin~ Commission does cer[ify E1R tJo. 209. IlplJ, THEREFUitE, ElE IT RESOLV[D that the Anahelm City Planning Commission does herrby grant subject Peti[ion for Co~ditional Use Permit, upon the following conditions which are hereby found [o be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and yeneral welfare of the C i t i zens of the C i ty of Analie i in: 1, That subject property shail 6e developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with tlie City of Anaheim marked Exhtbi[ Nos. 1 tlirou9h 6. _3_ ec77-z~7 2. ThaL adequaCe access to trash pick-up areas serving [he four units taking access from the private drivcway shall be provided, as required by the S[reets and Sanitation Division. THE FOREGOItIG RESOLUTION is siyned and approved by me this 26th day of October, 1977. 0 ~{{p R tl PR 7- P RE At~AfIE1M CITY PLArlt~ltlG COMMISS1017 ATTEST: ~~. ~ 1.~.~,~- SECR[TARY, ANNiEIM CITY PLAPItII~IG C011HISS101! STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) CODUTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF AIJAIIE•IM ) I, Edith L. fiarris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify tha[ the foreyoiny resolution was passed and adopted a[ a meetiny of the Anaheim City Planniny Commission held on October 2G, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by [he following vote of the members thereof: AYES: C011t115510tlERS: BARi~[5, DAVID, HERUST, KIi1G, L1111J td0[S : C011111 SS I OtIERS : I~ONE ABSEtIT: COt1NISS10t1ER5: JOtiNS01J, TOLAR IN NITNESS uIiEREOf, I havc hereun[o se[ rm/ hand this 26th day of October, 1977• -~~,~ .r° 1~~,..~- SECRET/1RY, AtIAHE1M CITY PLAtItlING C011MISSION -~- PC77-227