PC 77-228RESOLUT1011 N0. PC77-22& A RESOLUTIOt! OF TItE AIINiEIM CITY PLANIlII~G COMHISSIOt! TIIAT PETITIOIJ FOR CONUITIOtIAL USE PER111T tJO. 17G0 EiE GP,At~7ED uIIEREAS, [tie Anaheim City Planning Commission did re~eive s vcrified PeLitlon for Gonditional Usc Perrnit from TEXACO-At1AHEIH tIILLS, IIIC., 380 Anaheim tiills Road, Anaheim, California 92807, owner, and ANAIi[111 HILLS, IIJC., 38~ Anaheim lii]ls Road, Anaheim, Lalifornia 92307, agent, of certain real property situated in [he City of Anaheirn, County of Orangc, State of California, described as: That portion of Parcel 1 of tlie land descrit~ed in deed recorded in eool: 944~, paye 937 of Ofricial Records in tfie Office of the County Recorder of said County, being wi[hin the Rancho Santiago de Sanea Ana as per map of partition recordeJ September 12, 18G~, page ~t10 in Dook "lt" of Judgments of [he 17th Judicial Court, Los Angeles County, California, described as beginniny at a point in the l:asterly boundary of Tract ~~o. 3533 es P~r map filed in E3ook 373, Pages 47, 48 and 4~ of Miscellaneous Maps of said Orangc County, said point being in the curve concave tilesterly haviny a radius of 1200.00 fce[, a radial to said point bears South ~'8° 20' 3A" East; thence radially to said curve Soutl~ B3° 20' 34" East 1a0.5~ feet; thence South 4a° 3E' ~7'~ East 150.00 fee[; [hence tlorth 41° 23' 53" East 42.3G feet to a tan9ent curve concave Soutlicasterly with a radius of 277.00 fcet; tlience t~orthcasterly alony said curve 47.03 feet through a central angle: of ~° 43~ ~+3" Co a tangent revcrse curve concave ues[criy with a radius of 18.00 feet; thencc Ilortherly along said curve 25.79 fcet throu9h a ce~tral an91e of 32° 0~' 05"; thence radially to said curve l~orth 590 02' 31" Eas[ 54.00 feet to a point in a non-tangent curvc concave I~ortheas[erly witli a radius of 223.00 Fee:, a radial to said point bears South 59° 02' 31" Uest; [hence Southcasterly alony said curve 155.50 feet throuyh a central angle of 39° 57' 09"; thence tangent to said curve South 70° 5~+~ 3~" East 3~~Z.E6 feet; thence tJorth 19° OS' 22" East 33.4ti fee~t; ,th;GceEasoulh6s9~ 56~ 12" [ast 17G.t+5 fect; ttience Sou[h 53 3 fec[; thence t~orth 30° 45' 4~' Eas[ 227.07 fce[ to a point in a non-tanyent curve concave Northerly with a radius of 270.00 feet, a radial to said point bears South 30° 45' 4~' 4les[; thence Northwesterly alon9 said curve 9.~~7 feet through aocentral~~aWest of 2° 00' 3~"; thence iangent to said curve Horth 57 13 37 221,83 feet to a tangent curve concave Northeasterly with a radius of 45.00 feet; thence ~lorth~~esterly along saicl curve 20.ltS feet tnrough a central angle of 2G° OA' 24"; thence radially to said curve South 53° 5~' ~+7" E~est fiG.3~i feet to a point in a non- tangent curve concave Southwesterly with a radius of 45.00 feet, a radtal to said point bcars North 5E° 50' 47" East; thence ~~orthwesterly along said curve 39•99 feet throu9h a central angle of 5~° 55' z~"; thence uorth 0° 57' k7" East 4E.64 feet; thence tJorth 41° 33' 00" Nest 60.21 feet; thence Nortti 24° 06' 05" West 83.2G feet; thence Florth 23° 00' 3a" East 104.27 feet to a point in a non-tangent curve concave t~ortherly with a radius of 394.00 feet, a radial to said point bears South 6~ 57' 23" uest; thence PC77-228 Easterly alang said curve 73.1G feet through a central angle of10° 33' 13"; th~nce tangent to said curve tlorth 8G~ ~9' 05" East 1a9.30 feet to a tangent Gurve concave Southerly o~ith a radius of 229.00 feet; thence Lasterly along said curve 15.G~ feet through a central angie of 3° ;5' 36"; thence ta~9en[ to said curve South 89° 45' 19" East 146.35 feet to a tangent curve concave Ilortherly with a radius of 271.00 feet; thence Easterly along said curve 35.38 feet through a centr~l angle of 7° 36' 27" to a tangent revcrse curve concave Soutfri+esterly with a radius of 18.00 fect; [hence Southeasterly alony said curve 2y.~+6 feet through a central angle of 81° 02' 31"; tiience tangen[ to said curve South 16° 19' 15" Eas[ 10.0~~ feet; [hence North 73° ~~0' 45" East ~7.00 feet; [hence North 16~ 19' 15" 41est 1i5,~.33 feec to a tangent curve coticave Souttnaesterly with a radius of 250.00 feet; thence t~orthwesterly alon~,~ said w rve '>d.3~ feet through a central angle of 11~ 32' 49"; thencc tanyent to said curve Uortfi 27° 5~' 04" West 112.OG tc a point in the Southerly line of the 27.G66 acre parcei stiown on map filed in E3oo4; 94, page 15 of Records of Survey in the Office of the Loun[y Recorder of said Orangc County; beiny also a point in tl~e centerline of I~olil Ranch Road and in a non-tangent curve concave Northerly ~•rith a radius of G00.00 feet, a radial to said poin[ bcars Sou[ii 27° 52' 04" East; thence alon~ said Southerly line and saiJ centerline the following courses: 1Jesterly along said curve ~+;5.t32 fect tlirough a cen[ral angle of ~fl° 37' 04", Ilorth 7G~ 1;' 00" West 10~.50 feet, Westerly along a curve having a radius of G00.~0 feet [firouyh a cen[ral angle of 23° 3~' 00" a distance of 30~.92 fcet and South 7~+~ 15' Q~" 41est 4~5.71+ fcet to [he Soutfiwest corner of saiJ parcel a~J to t~~e t~orttieast corner of said Tract r~o. b533; thence along the Easterly line of said tract South 0~ 4G'34" East 477.1~ fec[ and Sou[hcrly along said 1200.Q0 foot radius curvc 50.9G fect tiirouyh a central angic of 2° 26' 00" to the point of beyinning; containiny an area of 19.4~1 acres, ~~orc or less; and NfiERE~S, ttie City Planning Cort~ission did hold a public hearing at ttie City Hall in the City of Anaheim o~ October 26, 1977, at 1:30 p•n•, notice of said public hearing havin~~ been duly yiven as required by law anJ in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Nunicipal Code, Chapter 1'~',.03, [o hear and consfder evidence for and against said proposed conditional use and to investigate and make findings and recoinrnendations in connection [herewith; 3nd 'dNGREAS, said Comnission, after due inspection, invcstiyation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and aftcr duc wnsidcration of all evidence and reports offcred at said hcariny, docs find and de[crmine the follaaing fac[s: 1, That the proposed use is properly one for which a conditional use permit is authorized by Anaheim 11unicipal C~de Section i&.03.030.010, to wit: to permit a two-lot, GG-unit planneJ residential devclopment, v~ith rraivers of the follaaing: Sf:LTInIJ 1~;,31.062.017. - htaximurn strucCural hci hi. One stor perriitted w~thin 150 fect 0 one- amily residential zoning; two storics proposed) -2- PC77-228 2, That the proposed conditional use pernit is hereby 9ranted subjcct to tfie petitioner's stipulation to providing aJequate access for trash pick-up service Co all units, as required by the Strce[s and Sanitation Division. 3, That [iie proposed waiver is hcreby granted duc to tiie hilly terrain and [he grade differences between the proposed condaninium dwellings anJ the future single-farnily residences on adjacent properties, saiu differen[ial rany~n9 fronr~the over 30 feet and [lierei,y mi~iiniziny the visual ir..pact of and visibilitY proposed two-s[ory cir+el i ii~gs. ~y, That Che proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the yrowth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 5, That tfie sizc anJ shape nf the site pro~osed for the use is a~fequa[e to allow the full devclopment of tl~e proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the ~articular area nor to the peace, health, safe[y, and general welfare of the Citizens ~~f ttie City of Anahein. G. That the granting of thc Conditional Use Pcrnit under the conditlons imposed will no[ be detrimental to thc peace, health, safety and gencral welfare of thc Citizens of the Ci[y of Anaheim. 7, Tliat no one indicat~~ their presence at said public iiearing in opposi:ion; and Cnat no correspondence was receiveJ in opposition to the subject peti [io::. EiIVIR01~11i.IITAL 111PACT FII~DItIG: Environmental Impact Report tJo. 20li for Tentative Tract No. 1010 , consistireg of t~•+o lots havin9 approximately 6G residential condominium units on a site of aps~roxinately 1~).~ acres locaied southeasterly of the intersection of Irnperial Hi~~hway and tlohl Ranch Road, having bcen considered this date by the Anahein City Plannin~~ Conmission and evidence, both writtcn and oral, havlny been presented to supplencnt said EIR ~Jo. 203, finds tha[ potential projecc- generated individual and cuwulative adverse ir~pacts have been reduced to an acceptable level by conformance aiitl~ City plans, policies and ordinances, and Draft [IR No. 20i3 confo n,~s [o the GaliFornia Lnvirornnental Quality Act and State and City EIR Guiclelines; therefore, based upon sucl~ informa[ion, ttie Anaheim City Planning Commission does cer[ify EIR tlo. 20u. I~OW, THLREFURL, fSE IT RE50LVED that the Anaheim City Planninc~ Commission docs hcreby yrant subjcct Pe:i[ion for Condi[ior~al Use Perroit, upon Lhe following tonditions which are hereby found to be a necess~ry prerequisite [o the proposed use of the s~bject property in ordcr to preservc the safety and gencral welfare of [he C i t i zens of the C i[y ef /1na'rie i m: ~, That subject property sfiall be developed substantially in accordance with plans anel specifications on file wicf~ the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 3. 2. That adequate access to trash picE: up areas serving ttie eight units takiny access from ttie two private drive~•+ays sliall be provided, as required by tlie Strcets and Sanitation Uivision. -3- Pc77-228 TtiE FOREGOIIIG RESOLUTIOtI is signed and approved by me this 2fth day of Octobcr, 1977. ~ iA At! PRO RE At~AHEI~f CITY PLAINIt~G COMNISSIO!1 ATTEST: `~~,~- ~ -~~..~ SECRETRRY, /;ilAiiEiH C17Y PLANNING C011111 5 5 1 0N STATE OF CALIFORdiA ) COUI~TY OF ORAI~GE ) ss. LITY OF AI~AI1E11•1 ) 1, [dith L. tlarris, Secretary of thc Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby ccrtiry that the foregoing resolu[ion was passed and adopted at a mceting of thc Anahcim City Planning Cortmission hcld on Octcbcr 2G, 197i, at ~:3n p.m., by the folla,rinq vote of thc meribers thereof: AYES: C011h115SI011ERS: tiAR17E5, U/1VIU, HERElST, KItJG, Lilltl NOES: C011HISSIOUERS: UONE AEtSEI~T: GOIit11SSI0NERS: JOfitaSOll, TULAR 1977. IN NITt~LSS WfIEP.EOF, I have ticreunto set i~ry hanJ tliis 2Gtti day of October, ~~ ~ ~ SCCRFTARV, AtJAHE I11 C I TY PLAtltl l NG C0~1M I SS I 0~I -q- PC77-220