PC 77-229P,ESOl~~1pF; !~0. PC]?=129
A k'S~'`_UTIGil eF T~~~ AI~AHEIN c:ll~ ~~?!?~??:d~: tOMHISSION
THAT PF.tY7•10'1 FQP, C4ND1T101lAL i;SE PfR~~IT N0. 17~~ DE Gf:AtITED
11H[REAS, thc Onah~:ir~ Li[y Plan'r r.i^ Co~ission did reccive a verified
Petition fur ConJitional Use Permic frov, I:C'.';F~' URLE AI~D LUUIE [i, CLAUSO!~, 279$ b/est
Lincoln Avenue, Suiie F, Anaheim, Laliforn~~ 92~01, owncrs, and CLAUUIN[ K. LEVI!IS.
18321+ Alexander, Cerritos, Calif<~,'t,ia `.'i070i~ agen[, of cer[ain real property situated
in the City of Anaheim, Ca>>n[y o` Or:,ncte, State af California, described as:
PARGEL 1- Thc South 150.:1~ Eeca cf [he tJorth 21G.Zh fcr.[ of the
Llest half of thc tlor[hwesC quurtcr c` thc I~orthcast quartcr of thc
t~orthwest yuarter uf SCCtiu~. lI, Township 4 South, Ranye 1~ 1Jest,
in the Ranci~o Los Go~~~tes, as shown on a map [tiereof recorded in
E3ook 51, page 11, Hisceilan~ous Maps, records of saiJ County;
EXC[Pi thc East 1fi.00 fc~t thcrcof; AL50 EXC[PT thc Wes[ 120.00
feet thereof.
PA~L[L 2- Lot 1 of Trac[ No, 2299, as shown r,n a map [hereof
recorded in Book 70, Paycs ~~ri to 4~ inclusive, Miscellaneous Maps,
records of said Lounty.
PARCEL a- The Nor[tierly rectanyular 20 fee[ of Lo[ 2 of Trac[ ~~o.
229y, as shcrim on a:nap thereof recor~ed in Boo4; 7~, Pages 44 to
49 inclusive, Miscellaneous 11aps, records of said Orange County;
WtIERCAS, [he City Plannin~~ Lommission did hold a public hcaring at the City
Hall in thc Lity of Anahcim on Octube: ,^.G, 1977, at 1:3~ p.m.. naticc of said public
hearing having been duly gi~~en a, required by law and in accordance with the
proviSions of the Anaheim 1lunicipal Coar, Chapter 1~,03, to hear and consider
evide~ce for and ayainst sa(d propo~ed ~onditior~al usr_ and to investigate and make
findings anJ recommendations in connec[ion thereaiith; and
~71fEREAS, said Corrmission, aftcr duc inspection, inves[igation and study made
by itself and in its beiialf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports
offered at said hearing, does find anJ determine the following facts:
1. That the {>roposed use is properly one for wfiich a conditiunal use
permit is authorizeJ by Anaheiro Mui~icipal Code Section 1H.44,~5'1.01~~, to wit: to
permit mas°age in an existin9 figure salon.
2. That thc proposed use is `zereby granted on thc basis that thc
petitioner stated ;h-.: rnassage will be provided only ta ladics in addition to thc
exercise and weight reciucing activitics in tl~e existiny fi~ure salon, and that said
massage will be performed by a licensed rnassa~~e teclinician,
3. 7hat thc proposcd usc is hereby ,ranted subject to the petitioner's
indi ;;•;?~ion that rnassage wi l i be a supplementary par[ of the +vomen's exercise and
wei;;:; red~cing salon and to provide a more complete health and reducing program; and
subject to the peti[ioner's stipulation that only one licensed massaye technician
will be enploycd; and ti~at [he hours of o~eration will be from mornin9 until 10:00
4. That thc proposed usc aill not adverse~y affect th~, ~djoining land uses
and the growth an.1 developrnent of the area in which i[ is prono~e:] to be located.
5, That the sizc anti shape af thc site proposed for thc use is adcquate to
allow ihe full development of thc pruposed usc ~~ ;~~`'~cneralrywelfare'ofnthc Ci~izens
particular area nor [o the peace, health, safety, 9
of thc City of Anaheim.
u. That the granting of thc Conditional Use Permit under the conditions
imposed will not be detrimental to the peacc, health, safcty and gener~l v:elfare of
the Citizens of [hc Ci[y of Anahein.
7, Tt~at no one indicated their presence aC saicl public hearing in
opposition; and itiat no correspondence was received in opposition to the subjeci
ENVIROt711EIJTAL 111PACT FINDIIlG: That the Director of thc Planning Department
has deterroined that the proposed activity falls withir~ ttie ~efinition ~f Section
j,01, C1ass 1, of [he Gi[y of Anaheirn Guiclelinea to th~. P.equirements for an
Environmental Impact Report and is, thcreforc, catc~orically exenPt from the
requirernent to file an EIF.
N01l, THEP,EF's?E, EiG IT P,ESOLVEU Chat thc Anahcin C'.ty Pl,:nniny Cor~mis5ion
does hereby yrant subject Petition for Condi[ion.:l Use Perr.iit, u,•c~~ the following
eondi:ion whieh is hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite [o [he prop~sed use of
thP subject property in order to preserve thc safety and gencral welfare of the
Citizens of the City vf An~hcim:
1, Thot su5ject property sha11 be develc~ped substantially 6n ar.cordance
with plans and speeifieations on file wi[h the City of Anaheira marked ExhibiY, t~os. 1
and 2.
TNE fOREG01~l~ RESOLUTIO!! is si9ncd anJ approvcd by me this 2bth day ~f
October, t~)77•
~...~ .
~p r , '
Atx/+F1F.{M CITY PL ~INI'IG i.OMHl551~'!
ECRE R, h;! HEli1 .' Ll~t1NI,~C CO~M11~S iJ
i, Edith L. Narri:, Secretary of th,r. Anahcira City Planninc,~ Cor.imission, do
hereby ccrtify that tl~e foregoing resolution was passed and adopt;d at O mmeL~by tlie
the Anaheim City Planning Conmission field or ~ctooer 26, 1977, t 3 P•
following vote of thc rr~ernbers thcreof:
-2- Pt77-?29
II! UITt7ES5 WIiEREOF, I fiave hereunto set my hand this 2G[h day of October,
~ ~~
-3- Pc77-zz9