PC 77-233RESOLUTIOt; t~0. PC77-233 RESOLUTIOtJ OF TfIE ANAHEIM CITY PLAtlNING CO~u;ISSION THAT PETITIO"! FOR VARIAI~CE N0. 29E~ BE UE~IIC.D 1JNLP,EAS, [hc Anaheim Ci[y Planning Cornmission did receive a verified Pe[ition for Variancc from B[RTt1;1 Q., PIfYLLIS ELLE!J, FRAIIf: A;~D LAP.RY M. HERt~/111DEZ, 1715 East Sycamore Street, Anaheirn, California `32i,0;i, a~ners, and JACY. MULLER, 2202 iJest Downie Place, Santa Ana, California 92706, agen[, of certain real property situated in the City of Anal~cim, County of Orange, Statc of Califor~ia, described as: PARCEL 1- TNE EASTL?.LY 70 FCET OF THE SOU7HERLY 17; FEET OF THE FOLLG~II NG: E3EG I flt~ I NG AT A PC I IiT 011 TIIC SOUTtIERLY L ItIE OF LOT 3 OF Al~AHE111 EXTCFlSIOIJ, AS SURVEYEU E3Y WILLIAH HAF1[L ill 1SG8, SAID POINT DLIIIG IN THE LLNTEP, LIN[ 0~ TIIAT CERTAIN STP,ECT COM190tILY KNUWti /15 SYCAt10R[ STR[ET; SAID POINT (iE117G DISTAIIT NORTI; 7~{° 30' 30" Ensr 3n;.>; FECT fR011 7NL SOUTl1uCST COP.NER OF SAID LGT ;, SAID POIiiT OF DEGINiiill~ [3EII~G TIIL $OUTHEAST CORtIEP. OF T}{PiT CERTAII~ Pl1RCkL OF LAND DESCRIBEU UiID~R CERTIFICATE I+U, 104;4; THENCE FROM SAIU POII~T OF iiLGINNII~G, NORTH 17° 3~' 30" '.IEST, ALOtlG Ttl[ EA~TERLY LIIIE OF SAIU PARCEL OF LAt1U, 3Z0.~'1 F[ET TQ A P011lT Itl TIIE aOJNDP.RY LIIIE OF THA7 CERTAI!1 PARCEL OF LA~~D DESLP.IQED UNDER C~RTIFIf,ATE N0. 7~f05; TIIENCE !IORTH 7~i° 30' :i0" EAS7, ALOt7G SAID DDUIIDARY LIt~E, 240.J0 F[ET TO A,l A!IGLE POINT THEREI`J; 'fHENCC SOUTfI 17° 3~)' 3~" E1ST, CONTI~IUItiG AL'J;~G SAIU FiOUNUl,RY Li~~E, 32~~.00 FEET TO A PQIi7T It! Ti1L SOUTH[~LY L1;1[, 2~+J.~O FEET TO TIIE P01'JT OF BEGIHIlI~1G; ana uHEREAS, the City Planning Comnission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the Ci[y of Anaheim on October 26, 19i7, at 1:3J p.n., notice of said public hearing having been uuly ~iven as requir~d by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Ananeim ~lunicipal Code, Chap[er in.03, tc> hear and cansider evidence for anci against said proposed variance and to investiga[e and make findings and recommendationi in connection thercwith; and WtiERE<{S, said Commission, after duc irspection, investigation and study made by i[self and in its behalf, anci after duc consideration vf all evirience and repor[s offe red at said hearing, does Find and detcrmine thc folla•~ing facts: 1. That ehe petitioner proposes a waiver of the following to construct a [wo-unit arar[rnent buildiny: a, SECTION 1~,3l~.OE2.012 - ~laximum buildin heiqh[. one story permit[ed w thin 15!? fect o RS-A-+3,000 and RS-7200 xoning; cwo stories proposed) b. SECTIOt~ iC.j4.063.011 - Ninimum landsw ed setback. ~20 eet required; l~i ~eet proposed) PC77-233 2. That the above-mentioned waivcrs are hereby denied un the basis that Reclassification No. 77-]d-lE, accompanyiny subject variance and proposing reclassification Lo the P,H-12~0 (Residential, Nultiple-family) l.one, rias denied and, therefore, the waivers are not necessary. 3. T~at there are na exceptionai or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to ihe pr~perty involved or to thc intended use of the property that c;o not apply generally [o the property or class of use in the sane vicinity and zone. 4. 7hat :he requested variance is not necessary for Che preservation and enjoyn~nt of a substantial propcrty right possesseJ by other prc,erty in the same vicinity and zone, and denied [o tfie property in questiun. 5. That the requcsted variance will be matcrially detrimental to Lhe public welfare or injurious to the property or irnrrovenents in such vicinity and zone in which thc property is loeat~.d. 6. That riao persons indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and th~i[ no correspondence was receiveJ in opposition to the subject petitio~. [NVIPAtiH[IJTAL 111PACT FII~UI~~G: That the Anahcim City Planning Conmissiori has reviewed the subject proposal tu reclassify subject property from the RS-A-43,!?00 (Residential/Agricultural) to [hc P,M-1200 (Residenti.:l, Multiple-Family) Zonc to construct a two-unit apartmenL builJing wi[h waivers of maximum 6uilding height and minimum landscaped setbacl: on property consisting of approximately 0.2 acre having a frontage of approxim~tely %i) fcet on t~~~ nortti side; of Sycamore Strcet, having a maximum dep[h of approx.imatcly i%ij feei, and beiny locatcd approximately t3nn feet west of the centeriine of Statc Colleyc t3oulevird; and does hereby approve the Ne~ative Declaration from the requirer~ent to prepare an environrnentoi impact report on the basis that therc woulu be no significan[ individual cr cunulatEve adverse environmental irnpact ouc to thc approval of this Neqative Declaration sinr.,e the Anaheim General Plan designates the subject property for a junior high school site and/or r.k.dium-ucnsi[y residential land usc~ c~ramensuratc with thc proposal; that no sensitivic environmenCal impacts are involvcJ ~~y the proposal; that the Initia? Study submitted by the petitioner indi w[es no sisnificant individual or cumulative adverse environricn[al impacts; anJ that thc IlPgative ueclaracion s~bs[antiatiny thc forcyoing findings is on file in thc City of knahcim Planniny Department. NOW, THCREFORE, BE IT RLSOLVE~ that thc Anahcim City Planning Commission does hereby deny subject Petition for Variance on the basi, ef the aforernentio~ed findings. TIIE FOREGOIt;G RESOLUTIOI! is siyned ar.d approved by rrn this 2G[h day of October, 1~77• ~ i R EM ! At1AHEIN CIIY PLA!IPIIIlf, COHH15510t! -2- Pc77-233 ATTEST: SECRETARY, ANANEIt~LAI~ CON~115SIOt~ STATE OF CALIFORIlIA ) CUUNIY OF ORAtiGE ) ss. CITY OF AtlAfIEIN ) I, Edith L. Fiarris, Secretary of thc Anaficim City Planniny Commission, do hereby cer[ify that the foreyoing resolution was passed and adop[ed at a mecting of the Anahcim Ci[y Planning Commission held on Octobcr 2G, 1°77, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of tfie members khereof: AYFS: CONI115SIOI~u~RS: BFRNES, DAVID, H[RE3S7, Y.IpG, LItR7 NOFS: LOMMISS IO11CR5: FIONC AliSEIlT: COt1H15SI0N[RS: JOIINSOII, TOLAR II! WITiI[SS WfiER[OF, I fiave t~ereunto set my liand tl~is ~~~th diy of October, ~977. l~ ~ ~/Lil • SECRETARY, ANAHEIM ClTY PLAiltlltlC, COMMISSIOq -3- PC77-233