PC 77-236RESOL':T 10~' tt0. F~77_23f
WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planninn Comr,.ission did receive a verified
Petition for f~eclassification fron DOIJALD F,. ANd ELl2ABE7H C. R~ILSTOt:, ELI~ABETti ANti
RALSTOi~, AIJD MQRRIS J. CARROLL, 138 South Gilber[ Street, Ar.aheim, Califor;'~ia 92804,
owners, an~ DIVERSIFI~ED ItIVEST!1ENT ~ofPncer[~1~nOrealiPr~Pe~~ytsituated in~the Cityoof
Beach, California ~2E60, a9ent,
Anaheim~ Co~anty of Orange, State of C,alifor~~ia, descrihed as:
That portion of thc Nor[h~•rest ~~~rter of th~e Ilorthh~stRanchoerLas
Section 13, Tawnship ~~ South, Range 10 ~.est, i~
Coyotes, as sho~•m on a Hap recorded in Bool~: 51, f~9~ 10 of
Miscellaneous Maps, records af Orange County, California, shown as
that ~eofaRecord~of Surveysrin1the offacenof the CourtylnRe~corder
pa9e 3.
of said Oranae County.
Be~inning a[ ~the 'North~•~est ~f~~~n~feet along tthetNori•h l~ineCeof
thence Plorth 98 58 00 East
said '~ortheast quarter to the Northeast corner of tfiP !~or[hceiti
quarter of the Northti•rest quarter of the Northeast quarter o`
Section 13; thence South DD° O8' 35" East GGF•~i'3 feet to the
Southeast corner of said t~or[hwest quarter af the Nortfiwest
quartcr of the Nor[heas[ quar[cr; thence Sou[h 8.°.° 5S' ~7" ~est
44.00 feet; thence North (?° lE' 0~" Wes[ 152•~~ feet; thence Soutn
370 5~~ pp" West 171.^0 feet; thence South 61° 3~' ~~" West ?1+0.~0
feet; thence South 71° 2~' 00" West 75.~~ feet; thence South ~~~%~
!t8' 00" West 162.~5 oeet~ ~~~~ west 551tL1ifr_e~ftoa[heNpointaof
quarter; thcnce North ~0 08 ~5
Excepting thercfroT that portion thereof lyiny Souttieriy of the
following described iine: Be9inniny at a point i~ the Westeriy
line of said her~inabove described land being distant North 00°
OB' ~~5" West °9.00 feet, thereon, from the Sou[hr~est corner
thereof; thence North R8° 58' ~~'~ East along a line parallel with
the Northcrly line of said hcreinabove descrihed land to the
South~_~~y ~undary of said hereinabove described land; and
h'HEREAS, the City Plannina Cocimission did hold a public hearing at the City
Hall in the City of Anah;eim on October 2~, 1971', ~t ~~3^ P~m.. notice of sa1J publ(c
`~earir,~ having been dul•~ given as required hy law and in accordance with the
provisions of the Anaheim Municip~l Code, Chapter 13.~;, to fiear and consider
evidence for and ayainst said proposed reclassificatlon and to investlgate arvd make
findings and reconunendations in connection tlierewith; and
WHER[A5, said Commission, after due inspect!on, inves[Ega[ion and study madc
bS i[self and in lts behalt, and after due consideration of all evidence ancl reports
offereci at saiJ hearing, does find and determine the fol{owing facts:
1, That the petitioner proposes reclassificatlon of subject property from
2 That the Anaheim General Plan des3gnates subJect property for generai
commerciai~uses. ~,~~~_Z~5
3, That th~ ~posed reclassification is fu :7y granted subject to :he
following stipula[ions mauc by the pet~i[ioner at the ~ublic hearing:
A, That if the pet+!ioner ti•+ar.ts traffic s+gnalization at the intersec[Jo~~
oY L'fncoln ~venue and Belinda Circle to control traffic en[ering
subjec'C ~roperty, the cost of said inscallation will be borne wholly by
the petit+oner;
~. That the project r+i1T he develnoad precisr_ly in accordance ovith plans
and exi~iUtts on '~ile r~ith thP City of Anaheim, marGed Exhihit ~Zos. 1, 2
and 3;
~, Tha[ t'hsre o-rill be no truc~ del ivcries hett•~een i'l:^~? p.n. and 7:~0 a.m.
and the r+ainte~ance and cl^aairig of subject properky ti•;ill not be in a
manner nor cenducted at such hours so as to disturb the nearby
residr_nti~1 neighborhood;
[!„ That in accordance ~y+th the Suoplemental Koise Assessmen*_ :'.eaort No.
30o-75(s9, on file 4~ith [hc city of Anaheir^ (dated October 2~~, 1~77,
and prepared by J. J. Van Houten 6 A~sociates), [he following sou~d
attenuation measures sfi~ll 6c ta~.en: 1) an ci9!it (8) fooc high block
v~all shall be canstructed aton9 the south oroperty 'line; 2) a t~n
(1C} foot high block vall shall be constructed aleng the southcrly and
westerly sides of the truc4: loading ramps, said ~rali ca he measured
from the nomin~al arade of the site; and 3) mechanical eduioment n~ises
s!iall bc mitigatrd by a% a suitable noise barri~r at the southern
portion of tt~e structur~e to re.:uce raof equipment noise, b) all inlet
and exhaust air duc[ sys~ens containino fibrous lining shali be locaYed
behind said noise har~rl'er, and c) axterior WAI~S of thc equipment
room(s) sha11 be desi9ncd r.~ hav~e a Sound Transmission Class (STC) of
at least 5S•
~i, That [hc pronosed r~.'la5gifiCakvon of suhjeEC propertY is necessary
and/or desirable for [he ordcrly and Nroper ccvel~nr~ent of [he community.
5, That the proposed rr_classification of subject propPrty does properly
rela[e to the zones and their permitxed uses 4ocally established in close proxinity
to subJect prop~rty and to the zones and their oermitted uses gencrally established
Chrougho~t Yhe community.
(, 'That the prop~sed reclassification af subject property requires t.he
dedicatlon and improvement, o` abutting streets in accordante iaith the Circulation
Element of the General .Plan, due to the anticipated incraase in traPfic which will be
generated by the intensificaCion of land use.
7, That 3 interested persons indicated Lheir Qresence at sald pubiic
heariny and that no correspo~dence was recei.red in oppos3tfon to subject petTtion.
ENVIROHMENTAL IMPACT FYNDING: That the nnaheim City Plann1ng Commisslon has
reviehed the subject proposal to reclassify proper[y from the RS-A-43,000
(Residential/Agricultural) Zone to the CL (Corimercial, Limiied) Zone on property
co~sisting of approximately 7.1 acres locaGed at the southe.ast corner of Lincoln
Avenue and Gilt~crt 5[rcet, having approximate frontages of G3~ feei on the south side
of Lincolrt Av•.nue and 482 FeeE on the east side o` Gilhert 5tre~t, and does hereby
approve thc N°gative Declara[ion from [he requirement [o prepare an environmental
Impact report oi~ thc basi~ that there arould bc no signifiw nt ar individ;ial or
cumulativ~ advers~e envlronmental impact due to the approval of this Ne:gative
Declaration si~ce the Ana~h~im General Plan designatcc the subjact property for
g~eneral comnercial land uses cn~~xnensurate with the proposa~l; that no sensitive
environmental impacts are involved in t4~e Prohosal; that thr 4nftial S Wdy submit[ed
_p_ PC77-?.36
by the petitioner ini ~tes no significant individi ~r cunulaLiv~> adverse
~nvironmental impacts; and thac the Negative DeclaraLior, Subst]7t1~t~n4 the foregofng
findings is on file in the City nf ~nahai~ Planning Dep~art~~e~nT.
tiQW, THEREF~ORE, BE fT RESOINED Char the k,naheiia City Planning C~xnmissiore
does here:hy grant subject Petition for Rec!assi.ficaeion and, by so doing, that Title
;~-Zvr,in9 ~P the Anahein "lunicipal CodN bc amendcd to exclude the above-described
pu'operty fr~~ the RS-A-43,OD~~ (:~ESIUE~~TIAVAGP,ILIILTL'RAL) ZOt~[ and to incor~orate satd
describr_d property in[o the CL (COMMERCIi+L, LlNITFG) 20NE upon tne foll4wing
condition= rinich are hereby fbund to be a necessary prerequisite to the propo~ed use
of s~bject property in order to preserve the safety and ge~cral ~•relfare of thc
Citizens UT the City of Anaheim:
1. Tfiat the owner(s~ of sul~ject property sh~ll Gerci tr~ the ~ity of Anaheln
a"strip of land 32 feet in r:idth fro~ the centerline ~` the street alono f,ilbert
Street for street widening purposes.
2. i"hat all en9incering rcquiremcnts of the Lity of Anohcin ~lonn lincoln
Avenuz, l~cluding preoaration of -~provenent plans ~nd instatla[ion of all
imprr,vemcnts such as curhs ~nd gutter~, sidet,alks, sL'reet ~radtng and paving,.
dra(nage 'facilities or• other ~ppurtenant ~-brv, shall 'he cornpiied with as reauired by
tfie City Emgineer and in accorrianc< <•rith standard plans and specifications on fiic In
the Gf`ic~ of [hc City Engineer; Lhat si~reek lightinn f~cilitirs along lincoln Avenue
and Gilber[ Stree.t shall be installed as re~uire~i by the ~irector of Public
U[ilities, an~7 in accordance with standard spetlfica[ions on fi1e (n the Otfice of
ttne Dirsc[or oP Public ~tilicies; ~nd/or that a bond, cer[ificate of deposit, le[ter
of credit, or cash, in an ar~iounc and form satisfactnry to the City of Anahetm shall
be posted with tlie City to ~guarante° the inst~~latlon of the above-:nentioned
reau i rernenks.
3, lfhat sidewalF~s shall he ans'talied along ~ilbert Strect, as required by
the Ci[y Engineer and ir. occordance w(th stancard plans and speci`ications on file in
the Office oE thc City Engineer.
li. That trash scorage areas shall be provided In accordance with approved
plans on ffle ~•aith the Office of the Director of Public 4orks.
$. Thai fire hydrants shall hc inscalled and char9ed, as required and
determined tn 5e necessao•y by Che Chief of the Fire De~~rtment, prior [o conmenc~~nent
of structural framing.
G. That subject p~operty sha11 .be served by underground uYilitles.
7„ That drai~age of subJect propcrty shall oe dispesed of Jn a man~er
sat'isr`actory~ to the City Enginccr.
is. In the event [hat subjec[ pronerty is to be divid~ed for the pur{~ose of
sale, leas~ or financing, a parcel map, to record the approvecl divlsion of subJect
property, ~hall be submitted to and approved by thc City of Anaheim and Lhe~ be
recorded in the Office of the Orange Covnty Recorder.
~j. That the developer shall bear the full costs of constructing tt'affic
siynallz-~tfon at the in[ersection of Lincoln Avenue and 9elinda Circle and of any
modificatlon to the existing rned.ian in Lincoln Avrnue including patterned concrete,
landscaping and irrigaticn ~acilities.
10. That subject property shail be developed precisely in ~ccordance with
plans and specifications on file rrith the City af Anaheim marked Extiibit Nos. i
thraugh 3, provideci, hoa~ever, that an 8-foot high hlocH wall shall be construcsed
aionc, ihe south pronerty line and that a 10-fo~t high block wall shall he constructed
-3- PC77-236
' alang the southerly ar' eastr_~ly sides ~f th•~e truck 9u '`ng ramps, siid wall to be
rt+e~~su;-ed fro~ the nomi~a ~rade of cFc si2e. ~
11, Prior to th~ int~oductio~n o~ an ordimance rezo~dng subject property,
Conditior, I~os. 1 aa~1 2, a6ove mentioned, shala t~~ ~;o~~sleted. 7he provisions ar
riyhts gra~ted by this resulutinn sha11 hecarr,e nuil and vo1d by action of thE
Planning Commission unles5 said conditions are com~pl6ed ~:ith within Qne year ~~om the
~Jatw hereof, or such furthcr time as tt,r_ Planning Cr,mmis~lon ma•y grant.
12. That Condition Plos. 3, 4, ~, 7, ?~nd 10, ahave mentioned, shall be
compiied ~•~~th grior to final building and zoni~g in~.pections.
TN'r. FC~~tES61tJG RESOL'JTION is si9ned ord approvr.d by me this 26ch day of
Octo6er, 1~77.
Flq . Au ^ t1 0?.E
APIAHf 1`1 C I TY PLA!;iJ ! t~~ CCu."+. I SS I Otd
f~+`,~ `,~.",~~ s( - i~1?iL.+u-~,~
SECRET:1"Y~ AP+AF{EIM CITY Pl.nti~llNr, C0~1~115510~~
COU~~TY OF 01?Atl;'c } ss.
I, Edlth i.. Harris~ Secre:ary of [he Anahr.lm f,itY Plann~~rsg Cormission, do
hereby certify that tl:e foregoing resolution r:as passed and adopLed at a meeting of
the Anaheim Lity Planning Commission held on OcUO6er 2F, 1Q77, at 1:30 p.m.,by the
fo~lowing votc of the memb~rs thereof:
AYES: COt1.!tISSfOWERS; BA~FIES, DAVID, HER65'f, h;t!t!;
tJOES: C(1tf~~I1S510NERS: Lit~~l
iit WITtIESS WHEREQF, I tiavc hereunto set my han*f thSs 2Fth day of Oc[cs~er,
ic a~. s( '~dCit~......~
-4- PC77-23b