PC 77-237RESOLU?IOti 1;0. PC7~--37 A RE50!.UTIOtI UF 7!3E A!aA'r3E1M CITY PLAt11lIfIG C011MISS10I1 THAT PETIT1011 FOR VARIAIIC~ t~0. 2973 E3~ GR6~t7T[U 611iER[AS, tlte AnaiiEim City Planning Comniissdon uid reccivc a veriFied Petition for Variance frori SAVE-MOST UEVcIONiMC?JT, 6tiC., ~S~ f~ewport Center !Jrive, liewpor~ Ucacfi, Cal:fo:rnia 92~G~, ~+ner, and HET? CQRFURATIOtI, 250 6riygs Street, Gosta Hesa, Lalifornia 92E2~. ~y~nt, of certair r~al property situatr~d in thc ~iiy of Anaheim, County of Orange, Statc o` California, described as; Parcel A, as sha+n on a ~nap f~led in Baok y~E, Pagc 1~ of Parcel Maps, in che offic~ of tfie Coun[y Fecorder of said County; and WII[REAS, [iie City Planning Commission did hold a publi~ hearing a[ the Lity Ha11 in the City of Anaheim an October 2fi, 1977, at 1:30 P.m•, notice of said ~ubYic hearin~ having been duly given as requirec~ b~ laa+ and in accordance wi~t.li the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter T~•.~3, to hcar and C6n5od~~ evidence for anr! agains[ said proposed variance an~; to inves[i~ate and mad:e finc~ings and recommendations in connection there+•iith; and WiiER[/:5, said Commission, after due inspection, i»vesc+gation ancS study ma~de uy itself and in its behalf, and af[er Jue consideratior~ o` a7E evid.encc and r~nor~s offere~ at said hearing, does find and detcrmine the folla~a.+ng facts: ~, Tha[ thc peti[ioner proposes a r~aiver of the fella,ying to ~cb~struct a frec°standing siyn: SECTIt~N 13.Q5.693•~2l+~ ' 1~aximum slr~n hei~:ht. At~D ~ECTIOtI 1i.0•5.09iS Z3~eet pern+itcd wi~tm l~cated 3' 0 r.et fro^~ one-fani ly res ide~ces.; 4~ fee[ propoSeJ) Z, That the above-mentioned waiver is hcreby gran[ed on ihe basis that tfic ~petitioner~ demons[rated that a hardship sxists in tha[ sub.ject property is locat~ed in close proximi[y to Lhe Santa Anri Free+~ay, and an approx+mately s+x (6} foet higli blotk wall on top of a landscaped berrr, blocks visil~ility [A [hc closest residences; Chat CN~e southbound frce+aay on-ra~n~p is elev~te.d and restricts visibili,y to the subject ,property u^~~ss ttie permitted signiny (s modifieJ; and subjec't [~ the petitioner's stipul~tion that subjec:C sign display area will be located perpendicular [o the freeway and any sign lightirig will be directcd away from thc residences located eo the northeast across th~e frecway. j, That there are exceptional or extraorJin~ary circumstances or tonditions applieable to the propcrty involved or ko the in[ended usc nf the property that do nnt apply r~cneraliy to thc property or clt~ss uf use in the samc vicinity and zone. 4, That the requestcd variance is necessary for the preservacion and enjoyment of a substantial property riyh: possessed by other propcrty in thc same vicinity and zone. an+J denicd to tfie property in question. PC 77-2'3~7 5, ghat t~e requested variance will not be mat~rially detrimen~al fo the public r~elfare or injurio~s to [he property or irmprovemen'ts in such vicinity and z4ne in which the prbperty is 1ocatwd. 6., 3hat no ore 6ndacaCed the+r presence at said public hea,ring in oppo5iti~n; and :hat no corre~spondence was received in oppositi~n to the subject pet~:ian. ENVIRONMEqTF~L lMPACT 'FI1~DltIG: That th~e 9irector mf the F'lanning Dep~rtm~nt has ~ietermined Lhat the ~roposed activi[y ;alis within [h+~ d~~in6tion of Section 3.41s Glass ll, of thc 'City of Anaheim Guid~linws to the Requirenerts for an ~nvironmeniai impact r~eFc~rt and is, tt~ere;ore, ca2e~orically exempt from the requirtment to file an EIR. NO~d, THE'~t'[FOR~, U[ 'IT RESOLVEU tha'c the Anah~in rity P7annin, Comnissi~sn dots faere.by grant s~bjec[ #'etition for Variance, upon thc fcailrnving condition which is hereny founJ to be a neccssary prerequ~site tn ttie propos~ed use qf the sub,ject property in orde,r to preserve Che safety and ger~erai welfare Qf [he Citizens o'f tMe C.ity a,` Analieim: 1. That subjcct prop+~rty shall be develope~ subs[anc+ally in accordance with plans and specifications on file wiih the City c~f An,:ieirn m~r~ed Exhibit Nos, a a%i 2 . TIiIE FOREGOItIf, ft[SOLUT10t1 is signcd and ap~.r vcd by me this 2Gth day oE Octobcr, 1'977. NA .1 N ,0 f R~ AtlfUlE i N C I TY ~'LAtltl l NG COHMI SS I Oti AT?fST: ~~. ,~° xt~,~.,~. SECRETARY, Al1AHElt1 Cl71' PLAt~f~l!:G COHMISSION STATE OF Gl1LtFOR;ll/1 ) COUItTY OF ORAt~GE ) ss. CITY OF A;J/111EIM ) I, Edith L. Harr6s, Secretary of thc l,naheim City Planniny Garnm6ssio~, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolut~on was passed and aclopCed at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planniny Commis5ion tteiJ on OcLOber 7G, 1`377, st 1:30 p.m., by the follawing vote o'f the mer,bers [herenf: AYC5: COHI115510tdER5; DARtlES, DG14~1D, HEP.B57, KI1JG, Lltat~ i:QES: COMMISSIOt1[RS: tlOtiE AaSEt1T: COI1M1'.SSIOtfERS: JOHt~s^1J, TOLA('. 1977- ;i; ~ITNESS 1lHEREO~', I have hercunto set my hand this 2iith day of QcYOber, SECRET~RY, A~E N CI~ LA!7NIt~G COh11SI5S10J~ -2- PG~7-~37