PC 77-238R£SOLUT101! N0. PC 77-23R F. RLS^.Lf!T1~11 OF THE A'U,HrIM CITY PVI~~NI!!~ CO'1'i15510'I 7HA7 PETITIQiJ FOR V~.CIA~7CE tl~. 1°75 !iE G?.4tlTE~ '~1HfR.EAS, the Anaheim City Pianning CAruniss~ton did receive a verificd Petition for Variancc fron JOH!1 H. AN~ 9EVEP,LY J. AE3COTT, 2??9 Coronet Avenue, Anahcins, CaliFArnia !i2c~~1 (Owncrs) of certain rcal oroper[y si~;uated in the City of Anaheim, Coun[y of Crange, St3te ef California described as folloa:s: Lat 2 o'f Tract ??.a7, as per Map ~~cordr_d in E~ook 1~~, P„ges 23-3~ inclusive of ~;iscellai~r_ous tlaps, in the c±ffice of the County Recorder of said Urange Lounty. 1•!}+f.aEF;S~ thc City Plannino Cor,u-~issioro did ha1d a puhlic hcaring at 2he City Hail in the ~it~~ af Anahcim on October 2E, 1Q77, at 1:30 v•~n,, no[Ice of said public hea~ing 9~aving t~een duly given as required by li+•~ anri in accordance with the provi~ior~:, of the Anah~im Municipal Code, Chaocer 1;,03, te hr_ar and consider evidence for and ag~ins[ said ~roposed vari~nce and to investi~~ate and m~kc findings and reco^~nendations in connection therewi[h; and ~lHEREAS, said Cunvnission, af[er due insnec[ion, (nvestiq~tion and study m~de by itself and in its behalf, and af[er d~e consiJ~ration of all evidence and rep4r[s offcred at saiif hearbng, does find and dc2crnine thc followiny facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes a wai~t:r of [he f411o4linr, to construc[ a 3-room addition to an exi,Cinc~ sinylc-family residc~cc: (a) SECT~OYJ 12.2~.r~2.021 -`I~ximum rc.7r yard coveranc. 3~` pcrmi[ted, S~$ pr~nosed,) (b) SECTIO~'1 1`1.2G.^63.03^ -'linim~u,~ rear ard sctbac{:, ~'~ t. required~ S ~p~oposr_d.) 2. Tha[ [he abovc-mentioned tiaiver ts hereFy nranted on thc basis th~t the pctit+oner demonstra[ed that a I~3rdship ~exists in that subject property abuts the Riverside (91) Freeway and that the existing traffic noises and dirt effectively restricC the usc Uf the rca~ yard t`or outdoor recrca[i~nal-lcisure purposes and that usea;,ir_ ~outdoor recreational space is available elseaincre un the property. 3, q7~a[ thcre are excep[ional or ex[raordinary circumstances or cond~ttons applicable tu t~e Rropcrty involved or to [hc intended usc of Lhc p~operty thrit da no[ apply gener~ily to the prnperty or elass of usc in the samc vir_(nity and zone. 1~ Tt~at the reques[ed variance is necessary for thr_ preservation and enJoyment of ,3 subsiantial property righ[ possE:ssed by othcr property in the same vicinir,y ~nd zone, and ~enied to [he oroper~e~y in question. 5. That tl7e requestcd variance wt11 not be materially detrlraen*_al to th~ putlic ~•ielfare or injurSous t~ the prope~ty or improvemcnts tn such vicinity and zon~ i~ which the propr_rty is located. G, That no one (ndicaied [heir presence ~~t siid public hea~ing in opposition; and chat no corr~:sponJencr was receivec7 fn oDP~sition to the subjec[ pe[ition. ENVIa0Nt1EhTAL IMPAC7 FIt~DING; Th2 Director of ihe Planning Department has determined tfiat the proposeu actt~ity ~al?s wiihin *_~:~ drflnition of S^_ction 3.t~1, Ll~ss 1, of the C(ty of Anahein Guicfe~ines [o the Requirements for an Environmental PC77-238 ImpacY Repcrt and is, therefore, cakeaor{c,11{y exenpt from ;fie reouiremen[ [o file an :I!?. t~04~., TNEREF~RE, BE IT ~~5!'LVf."~ ttwt Yhe pnahein Cify Plannino ~~m^ission does hereby ,.ran2 subject Petitiorc Foe `.':riance~ u~,on the fctlowing cundJ[ton which is hereby foursd co be a necessary prerequis~[e to ie proposed use of the subject propert~~ in onder Lo preserve t':~ sufiety ~nd general welfare af tha Cftizens of the City of Anahedn: t. 7~at suLje~e propr.rty shall he developec: substantially in accordance with plar;s and specdfitativns on file e•rith the L1ty of An~heim markecf Exhibit tlos, 1 and 2. T~tE Fn~tEG0i1~G RGSOLUTION is signed anJ approved by me this ~Fth day of October, 1~77. . J~ ~ CFil11R!~ ~N P't0 ~t AN!1HE1~~ CIiY PL~alll~l!1; Cf'~".~ISSIO!! ATTEST: ~ ~/l.a..c... SECRETnRY~ A;~AHE!r" C:TY PU:rrNit~r, Cn*~r~ISSIOr; 5T/1TE OF CALIFOP."~IA ) COUNTY OF ORA,JGE ) ss. C ITY OF APl/`,HE IM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anahcin Lity Planni~g C~rtxnission, do hcrcby certify that the foreg4ing rr_5olution a+as p~ssed ~~d ado~ted at a meeting of thc Anahelm City flar.ning Cor~missian hcld on Oc[ober 2E, 1~77, at 1:3'1 p•m.,by the follo~ring vo,c of [tte menbers chereof: AYES: L'r,wM;S510~lERS: 9ARt~ES, DAVID, HE495T, KING, LI"~f, NoES; COMt1IS510t1Er5: 4~o!IE .~BSEtJi': CO'1N15510"iEP,S: .10L'NSON, TOLAR ~977. W~Tf7C5S NHEP,EOF, I havc hr_rcunto set ny hand tfiis 2F.th day of October~ ~~-~____~° ~~..~~ _ SECR.ETARY, A!IANEIM CITY =°! AN~:IFI, ~OM,'115SION -2- PC77-23g