PC 77-239WHEREAS, the Orange County Environmental Management Agency proposes to widen the Lakeview Avenue Bridge and the Tustin Avenue Bridge at the Santa Ana River to accommodate current and anticipated traffic volumes and to provide for pedestrian travel; and WHEREAS, the Government Code of the State of California, Section 65402, provides, in part, that a local agency such as the Environmental Management Agency shall not acquire real property nor dispose of any real property, nor construct a public building or structure in any county or city until the location, purpose and extent of such activity has been reported upon as to conformity with the adopted general plan applicable thereto; and WHEREAS, the proposed project of the Environmental Management Agency has been reviewed by the Anaheim City Planning Commission within the context of Section 65402 of the California Government Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that the proposed Lakeview Avenue Bridge and the Tustin Avenue Bridge are primary highways and that the proposed widening is in conformance with the City of Anaheim General Plan. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 26th day of October, 1977. ATTEST: E�l!v..:.. SECRETA , ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on October 26, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, DAVID, HERBST, KING, LINN NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: JOHNSON, TOLAR 1977. RESOLUTION NO. PC77 -239 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE PROPOSED LAKEVIEW AVENUE BRIDGE AND TUSTIN AVENUE BRIDGE WIDENING AT THE SANTA ANA RIVER ARE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF ANAHEIM'S ADOPTED GENERAL PLAN A ,1AN PRO ER RE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 26th day of October, to ! •�° 7V ..44 SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION PC77 -239 RESOLUTI~id NU. PC77-23`1 A RCSO~:;T I OU O F TNf A:iANE 1 M C 17Y PLANII I NG COt1M; 551(?It Fi1~UIliG AIID DETCRHItlIUG T(IlJ7 THE PRUPUSED LAKEJIE:i :tVENUE (1RIDGE AtlU TUST I N AVElIUE ER I DGE '.11 UEN I NG AT 7HE SAtITA Aliic R I V[R ARE 1:! CUI~FORNApCE UIT?# T~IL C~TY UF AIIfiHEIN'S AGOPTCD GE?eERAI PLAU WII[RLAS, the Oranye ~County E:nvironrncn~al Manayenent A9ency proposes to wiJcn the L:,kevicw Avcnue l3riugc and Che Tu,Lin Avenue Uridge a[ the SanSa Ana River to aecommodate current and anticipated [raffic volumes ond to pravir!e far pedestrian travel; and ti1HEREAS, the Government Codc uf tlic State of California, Section G5402, provide5, in part, ~hat a local agency suct? as tfie Environ~en(al Mana9emen; Ageney ,hall r~ot acquire rcal pre:ncrcy nor dispose of any real property, nor eonstruct a pubi~c buildiny or structurc in any county or ti[y un[il Che location, purposc and extent of suCh activi[y i~as becn rcported upon as Co conformity w+th Lhr_ a,{bpted general plan applicable thcrc~s~; anU 1111L'REAS, thc proposed pr~i,ject uf [he [nvironiaental 1lanagenent Ageney has been revieweJ by Che llnaheiro City ~'t~^nniny Co~tirission within U~e context of Settion G5~~02 of thc Lalifornia Govcrnricnt Cu~s,;. tlUU, TIfERCfOf;E, UC IT RESOLV~D that [lic Anaheim City Pianning Cannission does hercby find ~n~1 ~lctcrninc ch~t the prop~~sed Lakevicw Avenuc bridqc and Lhe Tustin lwcnuc BriJyc arc prir:,ary hi~~hways an~1 tfia[ Che proposc~3 wideniny is in eonfornancc wi[h [hc Gity of R:nahci~i Gencral Plan. THC FURECUING RESOL~iION is siyned and approvcd hy r.xs [his 2Gth day of Octobcr, 19J7. iA , tA'1 PRO EI N.C. ANAHL i H C I T't PLAiJ~I l t!G COH!115510!! ATTEST: SECP.ETA~RiT ANl,fIEIN GITY PLArINI~~G COn11155~otr STA7E OF CALlFOP,111l~ ) COUIITY OF QR~111i,!; ) ss. CITY OF ANAIICI!' ) I, Cdith L~ flarris, ~ecret~ry o4' t!ic Anahcin Cicy Planning Commissiorn, =10 hercby ccrtif; that thc furcyoing resulution was passed ~nd adopted rt a mcetin~ .of rhe Analicim Lity Plannin~l Cornmission hclsi on Octobcr 2(,, i)77, ~t 1:3~ ~.m., by Chc followinc3 vo[e of ti:c member5 thcreof: AYES: COHi~I5510N4f~5: [SARt~CS, UAVIU, HL"RisST, Y.It~G, LIU17 t~OCS; COMNISSI~tlEK:.: NG;IC l~135L1l1,i C011~115510!~LRS: JQHIISGI~, TOLAR III NIT~JCS~ U}iEREOF, 1 i~avc hcrcunto set my han,l [nls ?.oeh !Jay o` October, 1977. ~ ~ SECfif.TARY, At11111CiN CITY PLANt~It~G COHi115510N PC77-239